Monday, December 14, 2009

The little book a portion of the little book

Mysteries Revealing a Whole new time line "The New Thing"
    Let us imagine for a brief moment In time, a entirely new timeline regarding the story to the Holy Scripturese and a new approach to understanding the chronological events that seperated the epochs and ultimately discerned the first from the last and the last from the first. For centuries and even milleniums man and woman have labored to understand the correct historical order of chronological events that describe and outline one of the only sources of truth this world has ever known , The Holy Bible. Scholars,prophets, and apostles have all endeavored to rightly divide the Worde of Truth and thanks be to the revealer of mysteries Whom dwelleth in the innermost sanctuary, the ONE Whom Lives Forever and Ever we have come very far in unraveling the greatest mystery to ever touch this world. However, let us entertain the concept that one of these large foundational truths that in which it is so massive and so obvious that it eludes humanity,not just because it seems so rational to think that after all this time the general timeline of the Holy Bible and the manner in which the story is told would be one of the first things one would put under their Holy Spirit filled microscope and question or at least rearrange. Surprisingly to my utter grattitude the old proverb left behind by the end time Elijah (Herbert W Armstrong) would prove to cast peircing amounts of light into the dark future that that quickly brought the Philadelphia era to it"s end and introduced the Ladicean era, the seventh era. Each era was guided by one of the sons of Judah, each manifesting their own strengths and weaknesses, just as the physical churches that were located along a famous old Roman highway in which the apostles would expedite their letters written to the seven churches. The very temporal and physical elements that each church manifested are now being made abundantly clear in a spiritual context and on a spiritual unseen symbolic plain rather than a physical plain of substance and temporal matter. Let me give you an example, just as the seventh physical church  of Ladacia had some people whom were rightly dividing the Word of Truth and living righteously there were also half of the congragation that was unwilling to properly obey or rightly judge the word of truth. Therfore the church became lukewarm meaning that as a whole body or physical congragation they were not all willing to properly honour the FATHER by their obedience which will often lead to the sacrafice of ones own physical life. Now, in all of GODS SUPREME GLORY HE has chosen to manifest each physical temporal church by an era of time. Each seperate and distinct era would ultimately display the same spiritual characteristics   That each seperate and distinct church displayed on a physical level. Now, each church had it strengths and it weaknesses, and they were not proportionatly manifested equally. Some had more weaknesses than others while others such as the Philadelphia era had more strengths than others. Well it appears as though GOD has decided to manifest in His seventh era which is GODS number for completion a culmination of all era"s together, resulting in a spiritual leader who is manifesting all of the spiritual attributes and defects durings his era of leadership that each one of the physical churches manifested during their physical time of leadership. Imagine these seven churches that were on this heavily traveled highway of commerce. If one of the apostels like Paul were to write a letter to to the churches the letter would travel on this highway eventually reaching the church for which it was intented. However we can well assume that if one church recieved a letter adresses to them the other churches were eager to learn from the kernals of truth, even if it was not specifically pertaining to their particualr church. Now,imagine the benefit of the last church on the route as well as the disadvantes. One would assume that the advantages would out way the disadvantages. None the less, the seventh church of Laodicea had the advantage of learning what all the other churches had already acquired whether it be of the truth or that which had been incorrectly rienforced from the very fist church which brings us to are proverb written by the end time Elijah. "It is harder to unlearn one false truth than it is to learn a thousand new truths" Just as the seventh physical church seemed to have the distinct advantage of gaining the insight of the churches that came before them , they also had the burden of discovering erronious truths that slipped on by way of mans intervention and self exaltation, otherwise known as vanity!!! Now, consider the seventh church era with it"s leader just as the physical churches had thier leader who was ultimately under the High Priest Jesus, who follows the GOD of gods, THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY!! Now, we have a spiritual leader who will be physically manifesting all of the spiritual conditions that the seventh church being the last church on the heavily traveled road. It is a metaphor. Think of the road as time and the seventh church leader will have the advantage of learning all the things that the other churches have already learned, however just like their are so many rewritten translations and variations of editions and versions creating many types of Holy Bibles. There is the advantage of having all the information that all the other churches or era"s had accumulated, however on the other hand this seventh leader or seventh church had to sort through the lies depending on the HOLY SPIRIT to discern between the light and the dark. We also must take into consideration the fact that it is an individuals obedience to GODS ROYAL LAW that defines how much of the HOLY SPIRIT will dwell within them. This is where I have fallen short and therefore I have made bad judgements and passed up many of blessings because I was blinded by my harlotry. I  am so sorry FATHER please hear my cry and render your protective righteous judgement. This seventh leader has the responsibility of seperating the lies from the truth. Granted he has the distinct advantage of learning from the six churches that were before him but that is assuming that all they learned was true and that it was not just more time for the truth to be watered down and the devil to accert his influence. Have you ever played the game telephone, if so I believe my point will become evident. If not the last church of Laodicea had the benefit of gathering lessons that other churches had already learned,processed and matured in the knowledge of the Truth but it also had to Wade through all of the interventions of vanity as well as plain old lies that had been given time to perfect and thoroughrly rienforce such as the genral timeline of events and the order in which the books are generally interpretated. I remember when GOD gave me one of HIS thoughts. I have never forgot it " All great lies are built on pillars of Truth" Another factor that drastically affected the church of "Laodicea was that they often had to wait so long for thier spiritual manna that during their idle time of dispair they fell into the works of the flesh while waiting for the letters from the SPIRIT. In some cases by the time they did recieved the letters of the SPIRIT they were unwilling to believe because the letters had tarried for so long and many had already indulged into much sin allowing the heart to become hardened by the decietfulness of sin. Now. To describe it on yet another level, a level of epochs and large spaces of time and generalites, accurate generalities or a percise summerized perspective. The first man David/Adam fell into sin and turned from GOD but realized by the Hand of GOD and repented, thus he will bring glory to GOD and he came before the perfect one and David will not recieved the glory that Christ will but just as Christ came from the loines of David yet David walked the earth before Christ and will rule with Christ,even though David /Adam turned by idolatry he was still led by GOD to repent. GODS first chosen Son Lucifer/Solomon/Cain was given great power and beacame proud so God decided to more than equal the balances by allowing Jesus to come to earth as His second Son with very little power and he displayed uparalled obedience demonstrating total humility. Jesus was given the lowest rank and totally dishonered for a short amount of time yet extremely severe and He went from having all power in heaven to having none. Now, Solomon/Cain/Lucifer went from having all power on earth for a long time to having no power for the milennium a long time again yet much less extreme measures. GOD is perfecting everybody each on their own manner for HIS glory depending on the million upon million variables that each complex and diverse entity requires .  We have Adam who sinned and had an kingly life but suffers much as well. Then we have Noah who excersised faith in GOD and lived so everone else could live and he became the father of humanity and then just like Adam/David and Solomon/Cain/Lucifer and Jesus Christ were all first they will also be manifested in Noah who was the first to make acovenant with GOD and live for the people and become their father but ended up idolizing Strong drink but not that of wine but because of GODS enduring mercy he will be saved just like David/Adam number one it is almost as though David was Adam 1 ans Solomon was Adam 2 and Noah was Adam 3 and Jesus was the perfect Adam 4 bit since the last will be first Jesus is really number one.the seventh angel who is the lukewarm angel is manifesting all of the traits and characteristics of those who came before him as well as those who came after him if you can follow the SPIRIT for I know this is strong meat. The very reason the seventh angel is Luke warm is because he is manifesting 4 parts humanity and three part divinity.Noah Dibble

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