Monday, December 14, 2009

A chapter of The Little Book

that they have been deviating, from the will of GOD, and they are in jeapordy, of loosing, their very souls, who they are, the very character created and fashioned by GOD and made manifest, in the details and complexities of their human spirit which defines, who and what they are. These various drugs, that satan has literally, made for this very purpose, to strengthen all his mignons and while doing so, giving the deceitful illusion that things are improving. ALL nations, have truly come under the spell of pharmakia whether it is Viagra, prozac, Tylenol, meth-amphetimines, herion, paxil, antibiotics, flew shots, and perhaps even vitamins, which were not meant to be ingested in such large and pure doses, often rendering the human body, with more ailments then nutrition and health. Many people, might be questioning, why I continue to talk about prevelant methods, used by fallen angels, who inhabit about 90 out of 100 people and many victims, have more than one, inside them. Perhaps you are wondering, if I am glorifying them, by giving them time and attention. Believe you me, this is a very narrow line and one that I have crossed many times, without knowing it. However, this is what I believe, to be the bottom line, one family, represent lies, deceit, and all that is contrary to the truth. Demonic possession is far more rampant then anyone suspects. People go in and out of possession all day long, without any knowledge, of what they did, or the few ruthless words, they uttered, to their child who will be scared for life. The other family, of which I belong, thanks to GOD and no thanks, what so ever to myself, represents the Truth. The truth, shines light, on all that is in the dark and in the latter days, all sins will come to the light. As long, as truth, and exposing the demons, and their methods, is your primary objective, which may help people to understand more about, who has been either, destroying or attempting to destroy them for their, entire life which would or could possibly, enable a person to understand, who their enemy is and how it works, thus giving them a huge advantage and destroying the demons greatest advantage, anonymity. The Truth is the Word and the Word is GOD and it is the only weapon needed in conquering their advesary, through Christ, because unfortunately, in this present time, we are not only ignorant of his devices, we foster them, nuture them, and instill them, in our very own children. My objective, is to bring clarity, where there is confusion, and by GODS Spirit, light where there is darkness. For the human spirit, this is a dangerous subject because it leads to a fascination which in turn becomes glorification, leading unto death. One must know, that the very core of their spirit is only seeking Truth and longing to show and call these demons and their horrific ways, what they truly are, this can only be accomplished by explaining, how and why, these highly intelligent, malicious fallen angels, enslave men and women, by revealing the very specifics of their techniques and methods which, if done from a pure mind, being governed by His Perfect Power, His Spirit, not coming from the carnal vanity side, but from the sincere and brave attempt to rob them of the tricks, they depend so heavily, upon. If their tricks are made known, then it can reduce a demons productivity, by sometimes up to half. However, let me make one thing very, very, very, clear!!! A person can acquire all of this truth and be at the demons mercy. It is not the knowledge of the truth that saves you, it is when you live by your knowledge of the truth, that you are protected and flourish under GODS WINGS. If you are submissive and yield yourself to GOD, this is what renders the demons inafective, then if you can adequately teach someone about something they are familiar with, just never having known it, until it was brought to them by way of GODS revealing manner, then by your obedience and the pursuit to expose the works, of the darkness, by living in the light and being led, to have it flow from thy mouth, like living waters, then you may lead many to rightiousness. The latest edition of THE LITTLE BOOK that will finish the mystery of GOD

The deepest Truth yet concerning Daniel and Noah, the book of revelations , the book of Daniel, the seventh angel who has one leg on the sea and one leg on the land who gives Daniel the little book which gives him understanding, sweat to thy mouth, bitter to thy stomach. The identity of the angel is made plain in the book of Daniel although in the book of revelations the angel is referred to as the seventh angel. That same angel also gives the book to John. The angel has a rainbow over his head which clearly reveals his identity. We know who GOD made the convenant with regarding the rainbow, Noah has always announced things to the world, the announcing angel. I believe JOB may have been John. It plainly states in Revelations that John ate the book and it was sweet but bitter to his stomach because it reveals right after that scripture that John will have to prophecy again as one of the two witnesses this is why the little book which GOD is leading me to complete will reveal to him that he must die and lie in the streets for three days. The other witness will be Daniel and Noah also known as nourisher will be with the Bride preparing her for the flood that will come forth out of the beasts mouth. Noah will be nourishing her. The women, who had 12 stars on her head who gave birth to the man child, Jesus Christ. We know that stars represent angels for the bible defines this when revealing how many angels the devil took with him. The women came with Jesus Christ and the twelve apostles, who are also known as Bond Servants. Why do you think Jesus addressed the masses in parables yet revealed the deep thinks onto the Apostles.  All one really needs to do is truly examine the scriptures that were written by these 12  angels to understand that these were not ordinary men. It was as if they were direct conduits for the Holy Spirit. Why do we not see men like that today? If they were just average men with a human spirit then everyone who is in the Bride or the Ark should be able to write and demonstrate similar intellects. Yet, in all honesty, we know these men were not just ordinary men for if they had been then Jesus would have spoken to them in parables. The stark reality is this: Mr. Flurry I heard you say one thing that surprised me the most. It went something like this: GOD first plan with the angels failed. Are you calling GOD a failure? My heart begins to beat and I feel a righteous burning in the center of my soul. Then my FATHER says to me he desires mercy and I am reminded that you are doing a good job, fighting for lives, if you can turn one man to Christ in your entire lifetime you have pariticipated in a Holy service that will ultimately bring glory unto GOD but only because Jesus Christ did it first. Without Him you are nothing. One of the devils oldest tricks, a trick that has caught me several times. When a man continues to win his battles which can only be done performed through your steadfast obedience thus resulting in GOD as your protector who will fight your battles for you and after enough battles are won and demonstrated in front of others, often so many victories will subtly and very carefully stroke the ego. This is done in a very delicate fashion and it takes time, a position of power, and the other key ingredient is the people around you will often be used in a very crafty way, unbenounced to the person, they may look up to you more then they realize rather then looking to Christ. With all three of these variables after enough time, it is easy to forget what it feels like to lose a battle and to become that earger student who is just so eager to learn and fearful of offending GOD. Then before we know it things are coming out of our mouths that when looked back upon in proper perspective and pondered intensely we realize how patient the Devil can be and how we have forgotten the power of the tongue, full of deadly poison, set on hell fire itself. Words are prescious and in your position they can be fatal. Meaning there are lives at stake. To even imply that GOD has ever miscalculated in even the smallest way is blasphemy and can destroy a beginners faith leading him to death. Do not forget your position. I would be fearful if I was in our position. Every week representing the Living GOD. Please do not forget or underestimate the power of words, for by the word we were given life. I pray and hope you are learning a valuable lesson, unless your vanity has become more pronounced then I can perceive. One of the lesson is that GOD never fails. What happened was you failed and demonstrated a weekness in your faith which came from a lack of understanding which lead to underestimating the Living GOD, which resulted in you no longer carrying the attitude that there may be things you do not know. This inevitably leads to outward manifestations such as judging GOD and whether he succeeds or fails. Then to share such an influencial statement with thousands and not even noticing it. Now you are coming to realize that GOD never fails and He figured out in His Supreme Godly ways how to mold both angels and men into the image of His Son. He has been multiltaneously molding and shaping more then just angels and men but all the Host of Heaven whom are watching a learning on their own level. Remember you have been given a fearful position, I beg of you and I pray to The GOD of Israel that you heed that fear. The devil took a 3rd of the stars from heaven: stars are angels and angels are apostles , and prophets. The twelve stars who came down with the woman who had the man child, Jesus Christ. The twelve stars are obviously the twelve disciples, angels wrapped in human flesh, men amongst us whom are greater in power might displaying what Spirit leadeth it..Bond servants are Apostles,,who are the 3rd  rank of angels, prophets are Arch angels the second order of angels and saints are the brethren or spirits o human men made perfect, by Christ.  I have a huge seven tatood on my right arm that I was compelled to get when I was younger and totally, unaware, but yet even though I did not believe, there was something very profound about it.

        There is one thing I wish to make clear first. It seems as though the Ark or Bride think azzazzel and satan are the same entity. Well, first of all if satan is truly going to be like the most high and very few people, if any, really ponder that statement. Understand this, if he were to overlook the smallest detail then it would make him look foolish and it would damage his pride and believe me if it is in his control which it is because he still sits on the throne of this earth then you can rest assured he won’t miss a single detail except for the truth. We know that in the beginning was the Word and God, two who perform together in unison, one is the Master and the other is the servant, although they fulfill both of those offices. One is the leader, the Supreme Ultimate Majestic Eternal and His loyal Son or skokesman or the flawless representative with out spot nor blemish, Jesus Christ. When satan said he would be like the most High please understand that he meant it, and he would not even be close to imitating the The ETERNAL unless he also had his loyal sumbmissive partner whom he had known from the beginning, someone who would represent as much power to satan as Christ has to GOD, perhaps azzazels satans son. We know there are three of them for this is positively confirmed in Revelations ch 9: 20. Satan, the false prophet and the beast or the whore of Babylon satans bride and his corrupt version of Jerusalem.Is Azzazzel the false prophet? What is even more revealing about the false prophet and that scripture is that the bad Prophet has to be made of Spirit if it is going to be cast into the lake of fire and this only secures my foundational truths regarding the fact that prophets are angels. Perhaps Azzazzel was the serpent whom begiuled Eve to consider sleeping with Lucifer. Of this I am unsure but what I have been thinking about lately is the Song Of Solomon and as I read it over and over I am starting to wonder if it is not a lliteral description Satan seducing Eve or the sexual union between satan and his whore, the harlot, who was originally Eve, the very first harlot. I will continue to seek and when I receive truth about this issue so shall I give.
        Now back to the seventh angel, I have known ever since it was revealed to me that I am Noah and that the spirit in me is angelic rather then human or of the seed of Abraham but what I have terried or doubted even though it has always been there in fact, I was convinced for a while and then I was no longer 100% sure but now I am more sure, then I have ever been. My angelic name is also the name of a man who can fly, God reveals who Moses is in several subtle ways, one is Michael is the over seerer of Israel, Moses led them to Israel and then they became Israel. Michael the Arch is also know for his military strategy and leadership qualities as the leader of heavenly army, and the name Moses in Hbr or GRK means military then of course the most revealing scripture is when Michael is disputing with the devil about the body of Moses. The only reference in the whole bible where in angel take a personal interest in a dead body enough to challenge a powerful advesary, so it obviously meant a lot to Michael I presume he was sentimental and wanted the body to be handled properly so as to give GOD His Glory or maybe he really felt like it was part of him especially after spending 120 years in it. One thing I have learned is many of the false churches especially some of the larger ones often have some deep truth for the devil uses these profound truths to lure people into church and when the victim realizes how much sence and clarity the deep truth brings them and then they see that know other churchs says this then they are usually hooked like large a mouth bass, An example would be the Mormons they believe Noah is Gabriel the announcing angel and they are correct, Noah has always fulfilled the office of announcing both in the flesh and in the Spirit along with one more office that GOD uses him for and that is strengthening or nourishing or explaining which is what I have been doing for the last 67,000 words. Now in Ezekial ch 14:14-20 it talks about three angels or prophets who will be here Noah, Daniel, and Job who could also be named John just as noah is noe.I am unsure about that specific, I will patiently wait. However I am fairly convinced that Daniel and Job will be the two witnesses and Noah is the seventh angel you completes the little book and just as it says in the book of Revelation the seventh angel has one foot on the water and one on land which is symbolic for Noah or Gabriel because Noah lived through the flood which is the foot on the water and the fire which is the foot on the land. It also states that the seventh angel has a rainbow on his head and we are not ignorant of who GOD made that covenant with. It also reveals the angel as a man who flies in the book of Daniel. Then just as it says in Revelations the seventh angel will be the voice that finishes the mystery of GOD which is what I have been stating this entire Little Book. That I am putting the icing on Elijahs’ cake, revealing the deeper threads and snapping the last few pieces of the puzzle together. Then when the seventh angel gives his little book to  Daniel and Job who very well may be John, which will be soon and they probably will come in contact with it through the Bride although it maybe another way. Now one can understand why the book was sweat to taste but bitter in their stomachs because the two witness have to be killed and lie in the street for 3 days. The identity of the seventh angel is confirmed in the book of Daniel when Gabriel is the man described in Daniel but we also know is the angel who explains to Daniel and also strengthens him with his touch and explain things to him which would be symbolic of the seventh angel giving the little book to two witnesses as reinforced by revelations right when the seventh angel also finishes the mysteries of GOD. If you look up my name the way it is spelled in the N.T. Noe or Noea. If you look in a lexicon and the GRK and HBR dictionaries it means to complete to finish the puzzle is one definition and that was a direct quote of Elijahs’ “The Bible is like a puzzle and you have to get all the pieces in the write ortder” Then according to revelations the wings of a giant eagle will take the remnant to a place of safety where I will be with you nourishing you and comforting you and preparing the Ark for the flood that is coming even though it will be swallowed up by the earth. It says in Revelations that at that time the remnant will be nourished one of the definitions of my name is nourisher which also reinforces Gabriell announcing new truths and strengthening as he often does and Noah is why Gabriel is referred to as a man in Danilel which rienforces the fact that Noah will be preparing the Ark for a flood, the flood that will come out of the Beasts mouth when it comes to make war with the remnant. Wow I am being revealed new things as I write. GOD is the most awesome unbelievable heart warming, loving FATHER any one could ever even imagine. In fact He is far beyond even that. There are no words that describe His love. Words are Futile in comparison to what He really is. Words just do not do Him justice. He is beyond words. He has been so Good to me and I love Him so very very much. More than anything in this universe, nothing can even be compared, for He truly stands alone. ALL PRAISE AND GLORY TO ELOHIM PRAISE ELOHIM!!! PRAISE ELOHIM!!!
        Now, back to the scripture, I will be like the most high. Every single aspect of GODS kingdom and methods in which He chooses to express Himself, ranging from His First born Son who has been His companion forever to the numbers He uses, the architecture in which He designs, the intracit methods chosen to lay His foundations and all aspects and detailed methods in which The Great GOD of Israel and His loyal Son express themselves by way of the power that sustains them, their Holy Spirit will be copied exactly, leaving no detail small or great, left un attended. Why does the devil want to copy GOD because he knows there is nothing better. For GOD is the Supreme Flawless Creator of all and satan knows it. So, just as GOD has His close companion who was begotten by the FATHER and became the Son, and GOD also has the Bride that will be without spot for His Son.  Satan will also have his close companion, this is without a doubt the false prophet, who very well may be azzazzel, his son and his bride, who was Eve and is now spiritually referred to as the whore of Babylon, the beast and satans counterfit for GODS Holy City Jerusalem. There is definitely three of them for this is confirmed at the end of revelations when it reveals that the false prophet, the dragon, who is satan and the beast, who is that great city and the original harlot Eve, satans city and bride, the whore of Babylon who has committed fornication with all kings of the earth. GOD has three, HIMSELF, the Son, and the Holy Bride which is also known as His new Jerusalem in which the Bridegroom, Jesus will marry and the Bride will give birth to the new born Sons of GOD. Satan has his three, himself, the false prophet azzazel and perhaps his son, and his bride, the whore of Babylon who has drank the blood of the Saints, Apostles, Prophets, and the brethren which are the spirits of human men made perfect by the Blood of the Lamb. What is truly fascinating and extremely revealing in the utter most detailed fashion describing from the very beginning when Eve was seduced by satan and the cunning words of flattery he used to create the infatuation of her lusts for satan and how she felt about him then showing with utter precision how Eve fornicated with him and how she matured into a whore worthy of being selected as his bride and how they so enjoyed their sweet cups of wine and pomagranite juice being the blood of GODS choosen and it descriptevly describes both points of view. Both of the bride, who started out as Eve and then matures into the whore of Babylon a bride worthy for azzazel who is the bridegroom, satan son or close companion. It even describes his teath as those of sheeps symbolic of all the sheeps eaten by bridegreoom. He is described as black for he is darkness and he has the eyes of a dove, black eyes. The Bride who has matured into a worthy whore is describe by satan or azzazel in the exact manner almost verbatim to the description of the great city who has fallen, Babylon or Tyre, satan counterfit for Jerusalem talked about in Revelations. It even talkes about when the whore searched for her wounded lover but she could not find him, for he was underground and the naziz have been, but when the beast emerges from the bottomless pit then she finds him and she, the whore of Babylon who was originally Eve the first harlot, takes him into her mother house into the womb she was conceived in and lies underneath his shadow and eats of his fruit, this is when the abominations of desolations will be set up and oh how they enjoy the sweet taste of the blood of the matrys, saints, and prophets but then they notice something coming out of the wilderness that smells of mryye and frankisence which is the Holy remant, the Bride of Christ then they go to make war with it. The book of The Song of Solomon describes in chronological order with total precision starting from the very beginning in the garden with Eve and it entails with pin point accuracy both points of view of how the one feals about the other and the methods used to seduce Eve and how she evolved into a worthy whore who prepared herself for her true love which in the end of the Song of Solomon, love is described as envious and a power that will utterly destroy any mans house which adds mortar to my testimony revealed earlier in this little book, how satans’ greatest tool is love, for he uses it draw you away from the only True Love there is, ELOHIM. This is why a mans’ enemies are those of his own household. The devil will use the people you love the most to create an idol for his victims that will destroy them. The Song of Solomon is a descriptive account of the relationship including both physical, temporal, and spiritual analogies, and metaphors about the lust filled relationship and its evolution of their lovemaking and indulgences in the blood of all of GODS chosen, between satan and the false prophet and his bride who was Eve and is now the whore of Babylon. Thankyou GOD, for the Truth. The Sabbath is ending, until next time, Goodbye Friends and my loyal friends who are the Bride of Christ and the Ark of His covenant. Giving all Glory to ELOHIM! Love, noah dibble Thankyou FATHER JEHOVAH and glory to the One Whom Sits at the right of GOD, Jesus Christ. Praise dominion, principalities, powers , virtues thrones, cherbum, and Seraphins all the host of Heaven, giving praises to the GOD who creates all!!        
I have used this little book to express frustration at times, please forgive me if I seem to harsh or judgmental. If we can not learn to make accurate judgments, one of the very main reason the Holy Bible was given to man, then we are only blind men in a sandstorm with dirty rags about our eyes and head. The little book is not finished for I want to discuss the abomination of desolation, and the  inhabitants of the sea, whom are not just animals. However, I believe there is enough content here for the Bride to sink Her teeth into. There is a difference between the gift of prophesy, given by the Holy Spirit and that of A Holy Apostle or Holy Prophet. Read Peters first epistles it is to the aliens or strangers, the angels whom never die this is why the first epistle of Peter calls them chosen as apposed to Peters’ second epistle that refers to those who are being called, the brethren, the Church, the saints, the spirits of human men being made perfect. It is harder to unlearn one false truth then it is to learn a thousand new ones. Why are you balking?? My FATHER reminds me that there is a critical time line involved, patients He wispers, immediately I realize He is the Most High and flawless is His nature…
  I have been led to the conclusion, that after this little book  I will write an autobiography and it shall be titled: THE LIFE AND STORY OF AN ANCIENT PROPHET FASHIONED AND FORMED BEFORE THE DAYS OF OLD AND NOW LIVING IN THIS MODERN WORLD, BEING MADE STRONG BY HIS WEAKNESS, TESTIFYING AS A WITNESS OF WHAT HAS BEEN, WHAT IS, AND WHAT WILL BE, UNTO THE GLORY OF JEHOVAH, MADE POSSIBLE UNTO ALL MEN, IN DUE TIME, BY THE REDEEMING SACRAFICE OF HIS FIRSTBORN SON WITH A HUMAN SPIRIT, JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR, KEEP THIS IN YOUR REMEMBERANCE, ONE MUST CLEAVE UNTO HIM, LIKE NO OTHER, LEST HIS SALVATION COME, NOT UNTO YOU, FOR MANY LOVE TO HONOR HIM WITH THEIR LIPS, BUT THEIR HEARTS ARE FAR FROM HIM. EVIL MEN WHO HAVE CREPT IN ATTEMPTING, TO PERVERT THE VERY GOSPEL AND TURNING HIS GRACE, INTO A LISCENCE TO DISOBEY, OPENLY PUTTING THE SON OF GOD TO  SHAME, CRUCIFYING HIM A FRESH, YET AGAIN, WITH THEIR TWISTING WAYS, WHO ARE RESERVED FOR, FIRE DEATH. THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY SAY, NOR HOW THEY AFFIRM IT, YET THEY CONTINUE DELIGHTING, WHEN A PERSON CHOOSES TO FOLLOW THEIR EVIL DEEDS. THEY ARE DARK CLOUDS, FILLED WITH UTTER BLACKNESS, THEY ARE STORMS WITHOUT WATER, A TEMPEST, VOID OF ALL LIGHT AND MATTER, OF WHOM ARE ALREADY DEAD, YET THEY STILL BREATH, BEING FILLED WITH DEADLY INFECTIOUS PUSS, THEY FEED OFF OF CANCER, FIND NUTRIENTS AND SUSTENANCE IN FATAL PHYSICAL INFIRMITIES. THEY HUNGER FOR DEATH AND WILL SOON RECEIVE IT, THOUGH THEY BE TWICE DEAD ALLREADY. I WOULD RATHER BE JUDAS THEN SOME OF THESE MEN. I WILL TITLE THIS BOOK: THE LITTLE BOOK  My hopes and dreams by making this little book is that if GOD permits, I will start the book and complete the little book by Spirit and only by means of HIS HOLY SPIRIT. Sometime ahead, if the Lord permits I shall consider writing an autobiography, by describing in chronological order, as detailed as my Spirit permits and also utilizing the memories of those who were there with me, so as to produce the most objective and unbiased account, of my life and the experiences and various trial and tribulations that I believe will absolutely amaze people, in fact, they will seek proof, by wanting my mom and dad, to affirm it. Truth, can not even be compared to fiction, for it is, a million times more captivating and strange, with coincidence being completely ruled out, simply by means of the severity and consistency of my trials, some being completely, not of this world, and I would definitely be considered insane according to the DSM4, which humanity follows with vigilance and of course, it was molded and created, by the spirit of the air, the lord of the flies which I believe, is his most fitting and revealing title. Call it, what it is, we know what flies feed on. So, my hope is, that the autobiography, if GOD decides to empower it. It will gain public attention, primarily because GOD will use His Spirit in such a way as to captivate people in an entertaining way, while sumultainiously, sprinkling each reader, with seeds of truth. I am hoping that GOD will enable me to write my story, in a strange and different way, and perhaps, use it right at the perfect moment, when people are starting, to finally wake up. One thing I do know for sure, I shant waste any time and the most important element is to allow His Spirit to guide me, so His thoughts become my thoughts, this is, after all, any mans’, ultimate objective and dream, whether they will admit it or even whether they are aware of it. This goal of allowing His Spirit to govern what words, eventually are layed down into this little book can only be achieved by conforming to Christ, Jesus, the mans’ very nature, GODS, very character. This is achieved by an individual obedience. What does a person need to obey? The Ten commandments and seven Holy Days. If one desires to go even further and fill the office of Repairer of the Breach. If you want to reach that level, you must, crucify the flesh and follow the instructions in Issaih, chapter fifty eight pertaining, to the Sabbath day and become a Repairer of the Breach or the only other way, which is slightly different, but very close and can get you to that place, even faster, is long fasts. I am assuming, that everyone knows, that a proper fast, includes no water, no food, nothing for the flesh. This is another physical demonstration, of ones faith, and this greatly pleases, THE HOLY ONE, OF ISRAEL. Please understand, that I do not mean that one is able to comprehend like GOD and to fall into the trap, that JOB fell into. I simply, mean to say that an individuals obedience, to the Ten commandments and seven Holy days brings you to a place where your about fifty one percent or fifty five percent governed, by His Holy Spirit, and that, is just a rough average because He can change it, to one hundred percent, in the flash, of a nano second, if He so desires too, like when he tells you, if your about to speak with a judge, prepare not what you will say. With that said, a person has the option of quickening himself, to GODS Spirit, either by my making a descision, with your own free will, to crucify the flesh, by not adhering to any of its request and the pleasures that it desires, but rather choosing to strengthen the Holy Spirit and becoming an open conduit by removing all sin. Even, the desires of your body, which we know is contrary, to the Spirit. The other option is different and takes longer, but I believe the results can be even better, if a person is consistent and follows the instructions precisely and labors, intensively by reading scripture to others and labors with the Spirit, by following the Sabbath instruction in Issiah, chapter fifty eight. A individuals obedience, is directly proportioniate, to the indwelling of His Holy Spirit. A person must really ponder such a statement, for nothing pleases GOD, like obedience, and the icing one the cake, is faith. Being fully aware, that the thickness, at which the icing is spread over the cake, is in your control, this will, without a doubt, turn many to rightiousness. Now, I will either sprinkle the deep truths, completing the puzzle that, Elijah, essentially put together, by GODS Spirit. I am only snapping the final few outer pieces together, to reveal all that is hidden, in the book of mysteries, the Holy Bible, which will soon be the book of widely known and accepted as blatent Truth, leaving no questions unanswered and no mystery, to be had.s If GOD helps me to write it in a way where an evil world will be tricked into reading it. If I just start off, by talking about the Ten commandments, I do not think I would have much of an audience. I do not think Stephen new book, that is revealing the truth and we know the truth, is not to be soldI do not think there is a single subject, that hits more of a soar spot, especially among the twelve tribes of Israel, then GODS Law. I have been discussing the Ten commandments at a restaurant in the past and the people sitting next to us, got up angry and marched out. Anyways, my hopes are to somehow entertain the masses  and then once the reader has lived through my life and feels as though he or she knows me, then at the end I will introduce all the things that GOD has taught me about His Bible, some of which I believe the world has never encountered, or at least not for a long time. This is why I have decided to write an auto-biography. I believe GOD, intends to use it as a lure, to captivate, and earn the readers trust, and then inundate them with, His uniquely stirring Truth, based upon His discerning power
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I understand the very fact that the Bible makes it very clear that everything that was done in the past will occur again. With remarkably similar circumstances and the very pattern that has always manifested itself, will also follow suit, with what has happened before and I sometimes feel, as though people, do not fully understand, how similar it will be. Remember, GOD is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, meaning the severity of the punishment or pattern, of circumstances, caused by GODS, very precise prophecy, will increase and the rod of His anger, may be greater, but that is only because our sins have increased and His corrective loving, vengeful, wrath, is directly proportianiate to our disobedience and our transgressions. For example, just as Sodom and Gomorah were an example, of what was to come, to the entire world, so will Britain or the Middle East, be for the entire world, emphasis mine. Meaning GOD, will without a doubt, warn us again, with a small manifestation of what will eventually, be a global demonstration, if we do not turn from our evil ways and choose life. Turn ye, turn from your evil ways and choose life, for I have no delight and take no pleasure in the death of the wicked. I am beginning to wonder if Britain will be used as GODS microapocolypse, for a witness to all, just as He used Sodom and Gomorah, to warn the people of old. GOD never changes in His techniques, unless of course, it is in our best interest and is part of His plan for saving humanity, by improving a covenant, such as He accomplished, with the New covenant. However, there are other certain measures, that GOD, uses for corrective punishment and certain patterns, He follows, that have always been the same, with the small exception of the intensity in which He corrects us, which is always determined by our rebellion and the gross magnitude of our stiffnecked rebellious nations and our utter disregard and disdain for His Laws and His Sabbaths and His Holy days. Why must man always feel the need to exalt themselves above GOD, in their own mind, by attempting to fashion a better way of running humanity, whether it be democracy, socialism, communism, republicans, or quite often just the twisted version of one mans wrath and utter hatred for himself, this always, manifest itself, in their relations and action, towards one, another. Anything, made in GODS image, just enrages the devil and all his fallen angels because when you get right down to it, they are jellious and covet our potential. A potential once offered to almost all, but now exempt, to many. If GOD, used a certain method for warning the world, as well as a certain individual, He will almost always, use the same method and same individuals again. GOD does not change again, people just do not seem to really swallow this concept, GOD does not change!!! He does not change. If someone saw a vision for the end time and did not understand the vision, GOD does not promote confusion, therefore, He would very likely, allow that individual, to witness the vision he saw from his flesh, in the future, both honoring the person gift of the vision, by allowing them, to see it occur and also giving the person the luxury or blessing, of deciphering, its’ meaning, such as Daniel. If GOD used Noah, as a method, the first time, why would GOD change, He is the same always and history is prophesiesed, to repeat itself, far more accurately then anyone suspects. “ As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be when the Son of Man returns.” When pertaining to the replication of GODS’ habitual, flawless, patterns and successful methods for punishing Israel, write down to, using the same men or angels, to fill the same offices. I fear, people do not really know, that when GOD says, it will be as it was in the days of Noah, He means exactly, like the days of Noah, apart from the increase of our own wickedness, which then, directly affects, the severity of His wrath. Please bare with my repetition, I am only trying with all my might, to be led by His Spirit and not dragged away by my vainly fleshly mind, which would consider itself GOD if it was not for the indwelling of His Holy Spirit. Will Britain be the future Sodom and Gomorah?  If so, how could it be a witness, to the world, if the Germans’, did the destroying? Is it possible, that part of the king of the souths’ push, at the king of the north, will be the destruction of Ephraim, thus allowing it to become a spectacle, and giving Germany, another super catalyste, apart from the u.s.a economic holocost to unite and form the terrible beast on which the whore shall sit with her blood stained lips, from all of the Prophets, Apostles, and even the Very JESUS CHRIST. I shall continue to seek clarity from my council, unless of course, He has already given it to me and I am lacking faith, in the insight, that he has already provided. I shall continue my pursuit for the truth in all things, whether they be of this world or of His kingdom. I give all credit and glory to the one and only Teacher, Who teaches without lies and deceit and with loving kindness even when demonstrating, His loving, vengeful, wrath. Praise ELOHIM!! Here are some scriptures that will illustrate my message, in regards to everything that has been done before, will be done again. Apart from variances in severity, this includes, His various methods and what most people do not really understand is, if the Lord used a certain person to fulfill an office or be a vessel for one of His specific purposes, in the days of old, He will surly, use the same method and the same messenger, literally. Just as He used Elijah, three times because Elijah, was only following the pattern of our example, Christ, Jesus, whom by faith, in His redemption, may be considered worthy, for everything, is in subjection to, Christ, Jesus whom we all worship in the truth of the Spirit, manifested by our obedience and made abundantly clear, by the very fruit, we bare, for He is truly worthy as our mediator and perfect example of devotion, loyalty, and love, without spot or blemish and when and if the called shall receive their new bodies of glory, giving all honor and glory and power by Christ unto His FATHER, JEHOVAH, The Almighty, and The GOD of Israel, be dominion and power and all that is, and all that was, and all that is to be and yet already is and to him who has understanding, let him understand, the mystery. You see, GOD is not a respector, of persons, He shows no partiality, surly, what His only First born Son, in whom He was well pleased, demonstrated by returning three times to earth, until perfection and His kingdom are ushered in, then we know, that He is our example, to follow, GOD does not change, if GOD has done it with Jesus, you can rest assured, He is doing the same set of threes, with different lives and also with His Holy Apostles and His Holy prophets, the very fact, that GOD, chooses to mention and make it clear, to clarify, that John the Baptist, was Elijah and Herbert was Elijah, not an Elijah type, please do not rob Elijah, of His identity, Elijah is a real Holy Apostle, being as real and diversely complex, yet manifesting the simplicity in Christ, Jesus, the very composition of his Spirit is so very complex, and well learned, truly an example of GODS’ supreme ability, to create that, which is amazing. Anyways, God made that clear about Elijah, for a reason, and now you understand, when it says: “no prophecy was ever done by the act of the human will, but by Holy Apostles and prophets when moved to speak by the Holy Spirit.” This is also, why He says: He revealeth His secrets unto His Holy prophets whom never die. How could GOD, before the Holy Spirit descended, communicate with, and get unbelievable examples, of obedience, with men who have human spirits, knowing that a man with a human spirit, is at enmity with GOD. Do you believe what your Bible says? Humans are naturally against, GOD, yet when He asked Joseph, to flea, he did not question GOD this behaviour is directly contrary to a mind that is supposed to be a enmity with GOD. Abraham, never even hesitated, and when they saw the baby face of Mosses, they knew, he was no ordinary child. Does that sound, like a mind or minds, that are at enmity, with GOD or against HIM. No, they were, for Him, this is sufficient evidence alone, to know that the Apostles and Prophets are not men with human spirits. Whom, also never die, now, the only way you can not die, is if you have a body of spirit, immortal, not the human spirit which is mortal. There are so many pieces of conclusive evidence, in fact, if you are still skeptical, then your fear of letting go of a false truth, or perhaps it is just accepting the new truths that shakes your entire foundation, these things that I am being led to write in this little book, they are hardly, smooth things. In fact, it is about a rough as it gets, for the human spirit, truly testing the humility as well as a persons faith, for these things of which I speak, are often interpreted, by the human spirit as “just way to much, just to out there, I mean, come on, you have to draw the line somewhere, and this is just a little overboard”. I am speaking as a man with a human spirit, to give an example, of the type, of combative thoughts, only substantiating that the spirit within man is at enmity with GOD. Jesus, will come three times to earth, so you can rest assured, man will also go through a three step process, just as Elijah, and the Apostles and the Prophets. For those who are not the chosen remnant, they will die once, be raised in the Great white throne judgment, which is number two, then at the end of the millennium, they will then die again, and receive their bodies of Spirit, being number three. For the angels or prophets/apostles, they will return three times to earth, each time fulfilling their normal offices, as GODS’ patterns and methods, along with those He chooses, to participate in His repetitive, flawless ways of perfection, which will, without a doubt, be orchestrated, in the same manner. GOD, will often use the same angel/prophet to fulfill the same office, as was filled in the days of old, just like Jesus, has and will do, and Elijah, following after his Master ways, so shall the men, whom are not the remnant and even the remnant, must kill the flesh, for a third time, this has to do with accepting the very deepest mysteries, that only until now, at this very end time, when the Bride is so full of revelation, and now comes new truth, the very deepest threads of the Holy Bible. The Little Book, testing them in every way possible, challenging the human spirit to display faith, it may not fully understand, and possibly even more importantly, the tests will even force the Bride to admit, Mystery of the Ages, is flawed. Do you not see? GOD, had those small errors, regarding angels, put into Mystery of the Ages, on purpose, this is one of the many reasons, I keep saying, this test will be more challenging for Mr . Flurry, which corresponds, with GODS ways, to whom, much is given, much is expected, He wants to see if you really understand, the scripture: cursed is the man, that trusteth in man, what better way to test your faith, than with a man, whom taught you, so very much, in which you have an emotional investment, then there is also, the pride of being the humble student, once again, instead of the teacher, for we know there is only one Teacher and He is a Great and Awesome Teacher, full of Living Waters. Here is the scripture: Peter 2 ch3:4 and saying “where is the promise of His coming. For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation. That scripture accurately and concisely explains, exactly what I have be led to give you, in regards to everything repeats itself, exactly, with the same people and the same environment at different stages of GODS, master plan for salvation. The only reason, I am unsure, as to whether Britain, will be Sodom, is because I really think I remember Mr. Flurry saying, that is would be a tourist attraction, and the whole world, will wonder, how GOD, could let this happen. However, if I am mistaken, then I would assume that the middle east, will become the Sodom and Gommorah, after the E.U or Germany layes them to waste, then at that point, they give Russia the Sign, to stop all oil, destined for the states. Meanwhile Europe is busy using the middle east to render the U.S.A  innoprable, by claiming the oil fields are damaged, or by simply stating, that Europe has need for the crucial resource, for all their military vehicles, and so forth. I will continue to seek and resolve my inquiry, when my faithful council sees fit to reveal it to me, until then, I will praise His name and after that I will praise His name, again, and again!!!       I do not want to spend to much time addressing this present subject, by reason of futility and for GODLY fear, lest I fall into the vain concepts of my mind and ever so subtly become more concern with my identity and fine myself revealing to much about myself when the purpose of this composition is to reveal the deeper threads of the Bible, where as Elijah, revealed the main threads and essentially, he revealed and restored all things, necessary for salvation, this is clearly the very foundation and the house built on bedrock and a structural sound piece of architexture and it is all there, everything you need, to live life a happy, safe, secure, and everything that is needed to know GOD. My role in this project or small book, in which I have been honored to have been given secrets, by the same GOD that gave Elijah his wealth, of glory and abundant gifts. For the Lord, giveth and the Lord, taketh away. He allows the rain to fall on the just and the wicked. Metaphorically, speaking in regards, to an analogy, of my position compared to that of Elijahs’, using the same methaphor is: Think of me as a new construction apprentice who has learned some new ways to actually make small improvements, not by taking anything away, understand me this, but by strengthening the structure, adding double pain windows, for better insulation, installing solar powered panels on the roof, to utilize the sun energy. I am hear to put a few final pieces, that were not invented when Elijahs was here, because our beloved FATHER of Israel, knew His Sons Bride, was not ready for those advancements and He was well aware that She would choke on these larger pieces and deeper truths as She is prophesied to still reject this truth, until right before the flood cometh. More Truth, is being revealed now or at least, the depth of the truth, fights the very core of the weakest part of the human spirit. It is one of the things that sadden, Jesus, the most: The lack of faith. Just as Elijah said, whom is watching me, this very moment. GOD works, in two stages, well, Elijah baked the cake, by his submissive nature he was taught the correct mixture of ingredients and the temperature at which to bake it , how long, what type of instruments, the correct order and many other variables the ALMIGHTY patiently taught Elijah. Now, I have simply been sent forth, with great desire, that I might be of service to our Majesty on High. Now, the cake was a cake, good for eating, with enough critical components to be called a cake, thus, restoring all things. However, we know that the icing, although by itself, can be more harmful then good, it is, and can also be, one of the most rewarding aspects of the cake, which is proportioniate to the very faith and humility that it requires from the human spirit, in order to fully reap all of the satisfaction that the sweet concluding finality, as the final pieces of that puzzle, that we have been working on, for about, two thousand years, and now the final pieces will be snapped into place by His Holy Spirit, thus reinforcing and establishing the structural integrity of the entire puzzle, making all the little pieces, one Large and complete story, with no mysteries, and no unanswered question. The title for this composition shall be: Completing that mysterious puzzle and decorating Elijahs’ cake with sweet icing from heaven. This cake has been prepared by and for the King of Kings, through the redemption of Jesus Christ and giving all glory to the FATHER; JEHOVAH.. Now, as I was mentioning earlier, I feel somewhat torn, between, addressing only that of which I have been so kindly taught, yet I also feel compelled, to tell you a brief and short account of my history, emotional, phychological, trama, sufferings, personal trials and tribulations, What exposures I have had and most importantly, give an accurate, yet brief synopsis, of who I am, and how the Lord made me strong by my weaknesses and utilized suffering, to create aspects of His character, that are by far my most cherish possessions. So, oddly enough, it has been the suffering, that I cherish the most, for by it comes patience, and patience brigeth forth perserverence and perserverance brigeth self control, and from self control comes discipline and with discipline comes obedience and with obedience comes Love and from love comes faith for the two are always together, always!!!. Emphasis mine. I believe, it is only fair, to familiarize the reader, with the author, who is really GOD, that is why I am torn, when it comes to dedicating anytime,e to my personal history. However, something assures me that it is only fair to show and reveal, things about your past,  what makes you, who you are, which essentially, I feel in many respects, this is manifested by every word in this small book. I will follow, after Elijahs examples, although not quite in his order, but I shall briefly give the reader a rough and brief history of my life, knowing that all things work for the glory of those who love GOD. My name is noah dibble born 02- 01-1973 at ST. Lukes Hospital in SAN FRANCisco, California. The umbilical cord got tide in a knot during the last couple of months of pregnancy, the Doctor said they did not understand, how I was so healthy, when I was clearly, not receiving much nutrition, if any at all. I believe, the devil, was already after me, in the womb, and that was just the beginning of many strange encounters, as a child, encounters that just do not occur to most boys, at least not the amount of bizarre unexplainable attempts, on my life. There are so many, such as, when I was seven and eating at a restaurant with my mom and two friends of mine, when a crazed women kicks the giant front glass window of the restaurant smashing it with her foot, she jumps through the broken window then she stops, everybody is silent, she pans the room, as if looking for someone, I knew it was me, she said there you are, grabbed a knife off of the table, ran over and got me into a head lock, the knife to my throat, applying more pressure, with the knife, then with her head lock. She rambled a few words, such as, I know who you are and now you will die, I was not frightened, believe me I tell you the truth, at seven GOD, had put a confidence and a calmness in me, however, my mother was begging and crying asking her, to please stop, then with the quickness of GODS Spirit, she dropped the knife, as if forced to, against her own will and fled out of the restaurant. I have been in 17 automobile accidents, two  of which were quite severe, I was 8 years old and a car, ran a stop sign, I flew through the window out on to the hood, after coming to a stop, I climbed back in through the window, to be with my mom, whos’ head had hit the rear view mirror and it was an old bug, with no rubber around the mirror, it openened, her scalp about an inch below her hair line and fillet her scalp back, like a can opener. When I WAS 9 MONTHS old, my mom put me in a basket on top of the car and put the groceries in the car and drove three and a half blocks, with me on top of the car, before realizing where she had left me. GOD held me in place, despite the fact, that she made two left turns. When I was five this crazy boy came down to my house, we had never played before, he became enraged for no apparent reason and threw a hammer at me, the claw stuck in my head, finally after about30-45 seconds, the weight of the handle, finally pulled the claw out, and it dropped to the ground. I have lived in 31 places in California , 4 places in Arizona ,in seattle,been to extapa, puerta verarta, ensanada, alcapulco, Hawaii 4 times I have lived in Spain, where I attended high school, with no rules, total liberty, and for the first time I was experiencing material wealth, I lived in Portugal, Italy, France, Holland, and Morroco. As a child, although I do not remember, when I was three and four my mom said all I did was ask her questions about GOD and the devil, although I was never told of GOD or the devil, by either of my parents, they never even mentioned the word once. As I went through my teen years, the concept never even entered my sphere of thought. I had so many things happen to me, that I assumed it was just life, but my parents had no rational explanation and ended up pushing them out of there mind, by way of fear and confusion. My mom once told me I was special and I said thanks mom and she looked at me and said listen to me, I mean you are special, and the second time she said it, their was power behind her words, that I never forgot, although she has no recolection of this comment or incident. I was envied by my own parents, before I was even a teenager. My aptitude, governed by the Spirit, and the third variable, which was that they knew I was not really their own child, that they were only vessels, very evil vessel, and out of the union of two ungodly people came forth the dew. Allthough, I did not know or understand this, at the time, it was clear they hated me, but tried to love me with their hate in such a cruel way, if it were not for GOD, always healing me and using the pain to create meekness and strip my teenage years of that punky rebellion, in which He used many variables, one of them was physical pain which especially, for me as a young had a powerful influence on my character. My family, aunts, uncles, all wanted me away. In fact, when I was taken to my uncle p.j s’ wedding and as a child, I was like a beeming with light, no habitual sins had yet to grab a hold of me, so I was an attraction, and whether I wanted to be or not, in fact, I was not even aware of it, until later, when my mother explained to me, why you can never go see pj and your cousins, apparently p.j. wife who is full blooded German, despised me and even made the statement that I at four years of age and I ruined the best day of her life, when my mom brought me to p.j. and her wedding. P.j. loved me, and he played with me as he always like to do and Patty said I stole her husband on her wedding day and ruined the best day of her life, at four years old I was just a smilling ball of light, yet I managed to create, that type of contempt, because of she knew, who my real FATHER was and she was not of him, nor did she want to be. I would often make friends with someone, then they would meet my parents and then out of the blue, almost as though the devil payed them a visit in their dreams, they would never talk to me again, not giving any explanation, and keeping far away from me, as if I endangered their reputation. Many of my bad experiences as a child seem to happen on full moons, as if somehow, the increase in gravitational pull, gives the prince of the air more control over the minds he already owns. Some minds are owned outright by him and the person free will has been completely stripped away giving the entity or fallen angel full control of what they do not have themselves, a body. Other peoples minds, are on the lease to own plan, meaning satan has entered the soul or body and has control of a part of the mind, however, not enough of the mind to have breached the free will, giving the individual the illusion of control, when actually it is not an illusion, at the present time the person really does decide when to allow the entity to govern, thus experiencing a miryiad of pleasureful rewards, false confidence, power, fear and respect from wordly people, all kinds of advantages, in the wordly, physical, and sensual dimension. It is quite clear who is the boss, for in the beginning and the method by which the entity gains more and more control over your mind, then your body, this includes increased senses, intensified forms of physical pleasure, they can increase the persons I.Q. and his vocabulary, if the person is not assertive enough, then the entity will flood his emotions, causing him to react in a more assertive manner, thus, gaining respect from his peers and conquering a life long behavioural defect. Ussually, the entities, whom are very old and vary in their power and might, depending on what family or what house, as the Bible calls it, they are from. I forgot to tell you of the nine orders of angels, there are sub categories with-in each rank for example: those angels of the house of principalities can be different types and kinds of principalities like Thunders and lightnings are both different types of a certain family or house. So depending on many different variables when the entity gains access to a body, this is done by entertaining the demons and the best time to enter a soul, is when it is ripe for the taking, when they are children who will never be believed if they do confess, and if the child happens to reveal to others, what is happening, the adults, will surly discredit their childs’ testimony, about his imaginary friends or the monster under the bed, no one will believe a child, so first the demon must make friends with the child and it does this by analyzing what the child is lacking in his family structure, or by paying close attention to what the boy or girl really likes, for example, if the child is infatuated with Pokeman, then the entity will often take the form of, Pokeman thus, gaining a great advantage and possibly gaining entrance, to the child body. The most common way the demons enter, the children today, in this present evil time, we referring to the Bible call it, the latter days. The demons are usually all ready in the parents and it just depends how far along in the demonic process they are. Then the demon waits until the parent is at least into the second stage of demonic possession, there are three stages in total, then with the help of some pharmakia or alcohol, it will gain full access for a short time, when this altered state of conciousness occurs the person has no memory of the altered state it could be compared to a blackout, except with a blackout you are usually aware that time has elapsed, but when possessed, there is no such awareness that any time has passed. This helps to confuse both the host and reinforce the entitys’ anonymity. Then, the parent molest the young child, often never aware and by breaking GODS law which was made for all are well being, and the laws are our protection and when we break the laws, it gives the demons authority, to enter. I am sure you are fully aware by now, just how crucial, and how old sexual deviation is, for it was the primary method, the devil has used to destroy man, starting with the, descent of man, in the garden, after the flood, and it continues to be with rampant homosexuality. This is why GOD warns, against sodomy, because He knows, it is how demons pass from one person to another, this is why all gay people, seem like they have all rehearsed together, in their body language and their mannerisms. They have not all rehearsed, in some secret giant wherehouse, but they have, all shared in obtaining the demonic spirit in like manners, ie: sodomy and a litany, of various other acts, that give the demons authority, to enter because you are blatentley, defying The GOD of Israel, and this, gives them power and rights to claim your body, as their own. GOD will not force you to be His child, or a member of His family, and unfortunately, whether you believe it or not, there are only two types of families. One real FATHER, and the imposter father, whom seeks to destroy, and the real FATHER seeks to create, He is the Great Giver, and Teacher, The Perfect FATHER. I have separated the demonic evolution or progression, pertaining to, demonic possession of ones own body, until there is no longer a person left, which I call, the third stage, and very few people are actually, at the third stage. This is when the person has conformed to the desires of the entity, for so long, that it has breached into the free will, and eventually completely removing the individuals free will, and replacing it, with its’ own will. Try to imagine, when the entity, first enters a young boy or girl. When the boy thinks to himself, how that other boy is cute and then in conjunction with the thought, the demon sends blood flowing to the boy penis, thus resulting in a moment of pleasure, all why looking at a boy. Once the child realizes what has just occurred, the child is naturally ashamed and a person would never even consider the possibility of their own thoughts and feelings, not actually being their own. This is one great advantage the demons have, people rarely even come to the conclusion during their entire lifetime, that their thoughts and ideas and feelings, may not be their own. Then, when the boys is feeling ashamed, the next thought the demon sends is “do not deny who you really are it is ok to love men love is pure be who you are and stand proud.” Now, the brave child, is even amongst the majority, so it appeals to the pride of the child, making him feel somewhat, like a brave martrye, the next thing you know, the whole world is supporting, this demon progression, by encouraging the child through media, adds, other friends, family, that it takes a true man to admit, who he is, and not to be ashamed. The next thing you know, the demon has convinced another child, that he is a homosexual, then, the child starts to live the lie and teach the lie to all he comes in contact with and the world congradgulates, the courageous boy, for his triumphant pursuit of DEATH. It is almost as though, the very conciousness of man, melds with the demons’ identity. Eventually the persons character and free will have been completely saturated, by the entity, thus allowing a new creation to immerge, the old creation which is the actual identity and character of a real person, is gone and replaced, by that of the malicious demon. This is made apparent in transvestites, who are fully controlled and owned by the demon, their thoughts are no longer their own, although they may be convinced their thoughts and  feelings are their own, which is what makes, the demonic process, so very illusive and deceiving. They really believe they are female, this shows you that they are not in control of there own thoughts, emotions, even their gender. One of the first things demons love to manifest once they have gained enough of their victims free will is gender swapping because they know man was made in GODS image and if they can cause the man to give up his sacred image for a weaker and more vulnerable vessel it is an outright insult to the GOD of Israel who created them as they are and the demon think they are proving something to GOD by saying look what you have created we have taken and we have created what we wanted instead of what you intended. It is an unruly evil, whith very few words even capable of completely conveying just how immoral and dangerously bold and sinful this transformation of the individual free will into that of a twisted perverted, abomination know as the fallen ones who are under their master ruled by fear and intimidation they are imprisoned on this earth and there are far more of them then there is of us. The demons greatest advantage is anonymity which is very easy when one considers their methods. I will show you the three stages which I hope gives you a clearer understanding of how the world works. How do I know so much about these demon well to put it frankly I have something in commin with them I shair their same nature perhaps not of the same family but they all perceive things through the spirit rather then the carnal senses. What I see in a day and the thoughts that go through my mind are naturally on a spiritual level which for me is natural but for all the human spirits it is just the contrary, so I am constantly translating my true thoughts and perceptions into a worldly perspective, so I can actually communicate with men, otherwise I would be speaking a forieng language to them and this is not easy, especially when you find yourself in a situation, where the person has asked a question and is expecting an answer and the most important thing is not to compromise the truth, but still deliver the message in a worldly way seasoned ever so lightly with spiritual reinforcement, thus allowing the person to have received a satisfactory answer, that he can understand, yet at the same time, GOD helps you not, compromise the truth, and most importantly, introduce the spiritual by digging a few hole in the person, that can be later filled with a seed, then watered, according to His desires, and abundant mercies, speaking of the Family, ELOHIM. Then you have answered his question in a worldly way, so he can understand it, but at the same time you have dropped seeds of the Spirit, often unbenounced to the receiver, until the seed actually takes root and is watered, then he may recollect and understand, what you were really saying in the Spirit, although the worldly answer to his question, cannot contradict the spiritual truths, it must, reinforce them. Jesus, had this mastered but there were limit even for Jesus in terms of what and to whom and how to teach. This is why he addressed the masses in parables giving them worldly examples while speaking also in the spirit but only to the level in which is common for that of the human spirit. Then He would converse with His twelve disciples in a whole other manner although He still frequently had to resort back to worldly explanations because they did not understand. It could be compared to how an individual would go about teaching a student. Now if the student was circumsized meaning they already have had their frontel lobes of their brain, the layer of skin or the veil as it is often referred to in the book of Truth cut away from their mind resulting in the full understanding of the need to obey the law by allowing Christ who did it first and because of that we now have the possibility of letting Him fulfill Himself in us by our conforming to His likeness in character and in nature. This is accomplished by living as GOD lives which is in submission to his law which is only a manifestation of His very character. If we follow the 10 commandments just as Jesus did and we keep the 7 Holy days then God will come and sup with you. I have always said if GOD gives you the blessing of understanding the 10 commandment and 7 Holy days then you will know who GOD is. However if you choose to obey the 10 commandments and the 7 Holy days then He will sup and commune with you. He will be your GOD and you will be His cherished Son. A mans obedience is directly proportianiate to the indwelling of GODS Holy Spirit. The 10 commandments and 7 Holy days are the very exact nature of Jesus Christ and if you know the Son then you know the FATHER. O.k. back to identifying some of the major methods used by the fallen angels to advance in progression and simplistic explanation of how this process occurs, by what means, why, and the very fundamental aspect of demonic progression, of the possessed host. This will include, different tools that are supported and encouraged by the wicked world we live in. Including the introduction of physical substances, to further this process or even start it, ranging from pychtrophics which were carefully and thoroughly designed by the devil himself. He uses anti psychotics, antidepressant, and a host of other drugs that are widely accepted and even pushed on all people by both state, federal, medical, law enforcers and our wonderful ego driven doctors, whom cannot even start their ministry, until they pledge allegiance to satan in the oath that all doctors must take, which is pledging yourself to false GODS ie : satan. The oath of hipocrattus. Antidepressants are far more wicked, then just giving the illusion that things are getting better. Please pay close attention because we are going to go deep, for a minute. Everytime you conform, to what the demon wants, whether it is perverted sex, homosexuality, giving into rage and feeding off of it, controlling others, who liked to be controlled, they will also reward you, for your diligence, in conforming to the demon, because all the demons in other people respond, with praise when a person chooses to conform to its’ desires. The more the person conforms to the desires of the entity, the more control it gets, of your mind and body. However, as the demon gets stronger and you as a person are starting to fade away, once you have entered the second stage, then the very desires or acts, that you must conform to, increase, in their sinful nature, until a person reaches the stage, where if they continue to conform to its desires, the severity of the acts, will without a doubt, land them in prison, dead, or a phych ward, thus rendering the host useless, in the modern world or at least not nearly as affective, as he or she would be, in the free world. The devil worked and worked on a physical substances, that would affect the brain in such a way, as to where the individual is still progressing in the demonic process but, without manifesting, the outward behaviours of such severity, in order to dissolve the victims free will, with out the person having to conform to the actions, on a physical level. While simultaneously giving everyone else the illusion that the patient is improving. Somehow, the drugs deaden the patients awareness or their ability to react to the destruction, of their free will. This in turn, gives the appearance that things are improving because once the person starts taking the medication, then their extreme actions of conformity cease, giving the illusion of improvement, when in reality, the medication has only enabled the demon to continue eating up its’ victims free will without the victim displaying the horrific acts of conformity, necessary for whatever level of demonic possession the victim or perhaps, I should say, willing participant. Then, when the demon has control, of enough of the persons mind, body and free will, then it easily convinces the person, to stop taking the meds since, it is now in control, once the medications ware off, you have a body, that is completely governed by the demon, this means, there is no need to conform, showing acts that could endanger the demons host, from being free with the liberty of serving his master on a far more productive level. A level, of extreme intelligent and calculated abominatons, being enriched with more and more, power and might, these ancient abomination, lead sheep to the slaughter. When an individual is still in the first or even the second stage, there are extreme feelngs, of pleasure, experienced by the host, which far surpass, that of normal fleshly pleasure, but just as your conciousness is melding with the entitys’ and you are becoming more of it and less of you as you, reaping the pleasure, be very aware, you also will start, to feel the feelings of the fallen one. This is defined in today’s world, as severe depression, my dad describes it, as the worst feeling of hopelessness, with nothing to even look forward to, but the promise of your own death, this is precisely and exactly what the demons feel. The host or human vessel, starts to feel, what the demon feels, utter hopelessness and despair, beyond words, they are literally feeling death, within themselves. One would imagine, this would be recognized by the world, as a sign or a warning, to the individualNoah Dibble

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