Monday, December 14, 2009

A ch of the Little Book

the little book
mankinds rebellion, Politics. Once again, mankinds clear and poor attempt, to exalt themselves, above GOD Laws and make themselves, like the most high. Always manifesting the characteristics of their father, satan, both in behaviour and the more they conform to the will of their father, the more they take on his physical image. Two things never stop growing on the human body, Ears and nose. GOD made man in His image. I will be like the most high. I realize my repetition, but it must be needed. Look up the word earmarked in the Webster dictionary. Designated for a particular purpose. Displaying distinguishing characteristics of ones own family or identity. To be indentified. Many of satans’ children, such as Bush, bare the likeness of satans image. He does not look like most people think. I guess that I sort of expect light and truth to just be flowing, from His Bride, and it is, but major lies should be exposed or if not exposed at least not reinforced like when you made it seem like Bin Laddin junior, was the main person behind the world trade center. I know GOD, would not be reinforcing the wrong stigma about anything. He would put the blame right were it belongs, and does not a lot of the blame belong, with the very political system, we have created and founded, through satan. People do not seem to understand the truth, so show them in the language they know so well, show them the lies, and they will be able to see the lies, for they are used to the language of the world, and then showing them the lies, which they will understand, because that is all they know, it may give them pause to consider the truth. It is like using the very tools of devil, against himself, which is GODS specialty, He is the only one that can do this. He can turn darkness into light, He can use evil to create good, to reinforce good, and even to nurture His very own Character. Anyways that is enough of my suggestions and observations. I am learning and developing with the rest of the remnant, and I would rather have spoken to much, than said to little. It just seemed that when Mr. Flurry said, that about Osama bin laddin, that he believed the same thing the world believes, that the trade center was bombed by laddin, the terrorist, but we know the whole world is deceived so even that is a lie. I thought to myself, surly the Bride has been revealed the truth, about 9/11 and if she was not and is professing the same basic story, that the world is professing, which is what concerned me about your comment, it was a typical worldly statement, that everybody believes. .Well right there, you know something, is a miss. If you agree with the rest of the world, that bin laddin is a terrorist and his fascist regime is hiding in Afganastan which it definitely sounded as though you were going write along with those awefull, lies. The Bride is supposed to manifest the truth in every area, especially, the area of government, since GODS Church follows, His government, then the very works and existence of your government or GODS government, should expose the false Government, Israel has created, and all of the hidden lies and deceit with-in the American government, should be brought to the light and exposed by the true government, thus showing, that Israel has gone astray and the very core of her rebellion, the Law, which is manifested by politics. Then the Bride is not only teaching and living and showing, a new way, but She is also exposing satans’ government, for what it is, this might, allow people to first come to the conclusion that our government is corrupt, and it only does the works of its’ father, which is to kill, steal, lie, and devise all sorts of evil, for the gain of a few, who know nothing, but their own appetites. Start exposing satan and His government for what it is and bring understanding where there are lies, and light where there is darkness. Many people will not even open their mind, to what you are presenting, because they do not believe there is anything wrong with democracy, in fact, most think that the reason we are in this mess, is because of the lack, of democracy. Show them what democracy is, and expose it, with all its’ wicked plots and lies, by proving with crucial pieces of truth, that GOD will give you, so you can factually stun, America, blowing them out of the water, with revealing insights and facts, that force a person to see satans’ government for what it is. Then, once thousands and thousands of people see our government stripped naked and bare, leaving no veil to project false images, it would just stand their naked, frail, sickly, weak, with no pride. Then, when they look even closer, they will realize, that its’ not a government built on freedom, with individual rights, it is a governments that is in bongage, thrashing and imprisoning all who live under it. Then, after they come to the realization that this two faced government, is a living breathing, giant monster that depends on its followers for food and sustinence. We empower it by sacrificing our very souls to this great dragon, so that it may not starve and wither away. Then, hopefully people will be  taught correctly using the Holy Spirit with salt and seasoning, in due season, with GODS consent, the people actually have a epiphany, and they realize that not only is their whole structural belief for society wrong, but the real kicker, is the very fact, that one cannot deny they supported, strengthened, and nourished with the blood of their own children and sacrificed there own freedom, just so they might have the opportunity to help this monster, our governments need to feed on the blood of so many that, they themselves are found to have blood on their lips.. Then, with the systematic breakdown and factual proof, that our president, congress, and the senate, are all murders, liars, and thiefs’, serving a corrupt and counterfit government, which creates a new perception, along with the individuals awareness, that he helped create and sustain this monster. The very realization that our whole government is a lie, is tramatizing enough, but if you compound that with personal guilt, and responsibility, for supporting, sustaining and even feasting, with this monster, it shakes the very core of a man, to such an extent, giving him an array of motivated fury, for they become angry at the monster and then the guilt sets in, and this ever so key emotion, which is only feeding the anger which in turn reinforces the guilt causes the individual to feel as though they need to work just as hard to expose, destroy, and rob the monster of what it needs to survive, the people, for with out the people, the monster, has nothing to eat and would grow weak, thus robbing it, of its stature and strength as a monster. Then, it would become just a weak notion of a concept, that used to exist in the minds of men, but now that it has lost its illusion, the very concept is also lost and people just stand around realizing, they are way out of their leque, and perhaps they better listening, to this man, Gerald Flurry, and try it, GODS way. People are not nearly as ready to accept a new way, unless you can first show to them and prove to them, that their present government, only knows how to kill, cheat, lie, steal, covet, and destroy. This is not a hard task, and GOD would give you all you need to strip our democracy down to what it really is: Satan. Then once a person, is introduced to evidence that cannot be refuted or denied, even by a carnal mind. Then their present belief system, pertaining to their very own creation, along with the fact that they helped and supported this government, or at least they were willing participants, or a loyal friend of this monster, then, they virtually have no choice, but to acknowledge the truth. Even, if you must start this process, with worldly truth, which is my main point, this is what they knows and understands, and by acknowledging the worldly truth, as opposed to the lie. This seemingly insignifigant victory, is actually quite the contrary. It is the first critical step, that the individual takes, in choosing truth, over deception, and in order, to accomplish that objective, often one must speak in a worldly language of truth, thus preparing them, for a whole new perspective of a spiritual truth. Jesus used this method quite frequently, He often used worldly examples, in His parables or when rebuking someone. Jesus knew this all to well, I believe that if a person can discern between the truth and a lie, in the world, a person must first speak to a worldly audience in a worldly way, then once they see the lies and their loyalty for their corrupt system diminshes, then you begin to introduce a whole new type of system and thinking, GODS way. How would you reach them any other way, unless be it by divine intervention? If the person chooses the truth, then it often is the beginning, of a foundation of truth, if this knew behavior becomes a habit or a pattern and usually the feelings left over, after such an acknowledgement, are guilt and anger which hopefully dominate, their consciousness, with a persuasive and influential authority hopefully dominating, their cognitive thought process, resulting in a energetic, passioniate, determined, and genuine witness, who could be used by the Lord and even developed into His very likeness. Which reminds me of Paul, who spent his pre converted days, slaying all who confessed the name of Jesus. However, when The GOD of Israel was done with him or rather had just started, he became, a mighty cluster of fruit, ever so dependant upon that vine for nourishment and survival in fact, if it had not been for that Strong, Thick, Healthy Vine, which cannot wither. Paul, would have never even bared fruit. Now, that precious, Vine, so Strong, and full of life, was anchored to the Ground, where in lies, His strength and His perfect combination, of minerals, acid, alkallies’, sunlight, water, in due season, and the perfect balance of vitamins and consistency of soil. Without, the Ground, I am afraid there would be no seed, plant, or fruit, which was passing on everything, that made Him strong and able to flourish, as a mighty Vine, He performed, exactly what had been done to Him, not by greedily holding on to all the strength, food, and nourishment, that He freely and generously received, but rather, He gave it unto the fruit, precisely as it was given to Him. The perfect Teacher, the Ground, being the FATHER and the perfect student, the Vine and our High Priest after the order of Mechelsidic. Now, the Seed, is the Holy Spirit,  it gives birth, to the sprouting Vine, or Jesus, it became strong and was then able, to act as, a conduit, to the ground, by giving to the fruit, precisely as He had been given, by His superior. The Ground, sustaines everything, for in it, the plant feeds, grows, matures, and is totally dependant for nutrients and life. The very interesting and extremely tantalizing, piece of meat, is the Dew from Heaven. For out of the icy womb, came forth the dew from Heaven, for who hath gendered it? The Father decided the gender, of the angels, when He would send them forth, this is why He says to Job, who hath genderd it? That is very close to the scripture, it is GOD, talking to Job, who happened to be dew, from heaven , a Holy prophet, or Holy apostle. This was the medium, GOD used, to communicate with humanity, prior to Jesus coming, remember, mans’ mind, or human spirit, is at enmity, with GOD. GOD, in His awesome brilliance and creativity, beyond anything, I dare even trying to comprehend, was again manifested, by His descision to utilize the angels or rather the prophets who are arch angels and Apostles are Powers, the third order, of celestial beings. He used His holy angles or holy prophets, whom never die, to establish and prepare the way, for the coming of the Messiah, while objectively, enstilling, His character, in both men and angels. One, as the teacher or having authority by having more power imparted to the intellect, via their angelic spirit. The Dew, is the only substance of physical matter that is not directly attached to the plant, yet it cleaves to the plant and offers it a certain measure of protection and nourishment, but it is clearly, not part of the plant, but it works in harmony, with the plant, and it is definitely not against the plant. This allows the scripture, for Jesus did not come to give aid to the angels but to the seed of Abraham. The Dew is not directly attatched to the plant, therefore it is not dependant on the vine for survival, but in another respect it is, and do not confuse this point. All angels cannot be compared to that of the King of Kings, and we serve Him. For without Him, we would not be fulfilling roles and being shaped and molded by the FATHER and being found faithful in all of our houses or families, whether it be Archs or Powers or Principalities etc. Hebrew clears all that right up. Who hath gendered it? Many of the arch angels, did not have a gender, until they came and dwelt in earthly tabernacles, of whom the world was not worthy. And if they would have been mindful of that country or of earth from which they came, they might have opportunity to return. Micheal, Gabrial, Rapheal, they long to serve the FATHER more than they desire their own comfort, for it is by their service, that they gain their comfort and piece of mind. In the Bible almost everytime, it says he was a “just man” it is referring to an angel. Men are deceitfully wicked, so how could there be  “just men” that all demonstrate unwaivering faith, superior intellects, and fill great offices. Like Joseph, who was a “just man” and one of GODS holy angels. Do you really think He would turn over His bestest friend, to a human spirit that was at enmity or against, GOD. Of course not, this is why when he told Joseph to leave for Egypt, there was no hesitation just like Abraham, Elijah, Noah etc. In fact, here is one single scripture which proves conclusively, that man and prophet cannot be the same thing, other then the external shell, but even that manifest its differences. The scripture is: Mathew ch 10:41 He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophets reward and he who receives a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous mans reward. You see, they cannot be the same, GOD is not a respector of persons. However, He is, of families or of orgins. A righteous man, will of course receive the greater reward, which is why it says, that even the angels will not be put in subjection of which we speak. The prophets have an advantage, that is why Jesus did not take on the nature of an angel, such as the prophets and apostles, He took on Him, a human spirit, the seed of Abraham, making it much more difficult to overcome the flesh because the mind is naturally against GOD, which is not the case with His holy prophets or Apostles. The reason it talks about Noah, Job, and Daniel, in Ezekial, which we know is an end time book. Job, Daniel, Noah, are angels,prophets,strangers or they are also called the Dew from heaven. Do you really think GOD, would allow or have Daniel see this unbelievable and misunderstood vision, and not allow Daniel to understand it, and watch it happen, personally from his own flesh. Read the end of Daniel, at the very end of the book you must compare several version, but it says to me go your way until you rest and then you will rise again, in the ladder days, to not only understand your dream, but as a witness, while you are simultaneously coming to grips, with who you are. The GOD of Israel, is a GOD of the Living, and He is also a GOD of understanding, it would almost be cruel, to have Daniel, see that vision and never get to figure out, what it meant, that is not how GOD works. There is even more proof regarding the fact that Job, will be here, in the last days. Plus, it says right there in Hebrews: Therefore since you are surrounded by such a great cloud of witness. Anyways, here is absolute proof that Job is amongst us. Look an Job ch 19:25 -27 And as for me I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last, he will take His stand on the earth. Even after my skin is destroyed. Yet from my flesh, I shall see GOD. Whom I myself shall behold and whom my eyes shall see and not another. Well how about that!!!. Job, Noah, and Daniel are amongst us, are you as a babe Mr. Flurry? Can you tell if this is the voice of GOD? Do you hear anyone else with this message? Is what I am led to talk about, smooth things, Mr. Flurry? It is the greatest challenge your faith has ever known, I pray to GOD the FATHER that you will humble thyself and receive this blessing, even though, your human spirit fights it, with all of it’s might. My name alone, and the meaning of my surname, should have already spawned immediate contact, on your part, to pursue the truth, unless you have become very accustomed to doing things, your way, which is mainly just addressing prophecy, with out any real new deep truths, since Elijah was here. Take heed my brother for I do serve the GOD of Israel, but I believe according to the scriptures you will reject this truth, and learn shortly there after, that it was His voice. Please do not reject this truth, for it is a gift from the GOD of Israel.
Oh yes, one more thing. I found another compelling scripture with gives credence and structural support to the truth about satan being bound or restricted on the Sabbath day. Mathew ch12:29 Or how can anyone enter a strongmans house and carry off his property, unless he first binds the strong man? And then he will plunder his house. That entire chapter was Jesus talking about the Sabbath. Please read Mathew ch. 12 the entire chapter if you will and I believe you will, find out Jesus, is talking about the Sabbath, this only proves, yet again, that I have a message from the GOD of Israel, not by my own power or intelligence, but rather by His revealing, all these things, unto me, so I may put the remainder of the puzzle together and make it complete, allowing the Bible to be fully understood as never before, with no slight discrepancies, no hidden questions, just pain old solid, TRUTH. I give all glory to the Holy One of Israel, ELOHIM by which we all live and breath and smell, the yellow roses, even when running through tall yellow mustard grass and seeing the yellow pollen, lightly spread across your childs’ eye lashes. Thank you GOD, for allowing and creating and making my dreams come true. Well, until later, Good bye friends, love noah dibble.  
I would greatly rejoice in prayer and supplication if the Ark of His covenant, that unblemished Bride, who is being tried by the fire, would with all understanding and power of His might or which is made manifest to His children of the seed of Abraham, with a human spirit by way of their intellect and ability to understand the deep things of GOD, that they may understand this scripture as it was intended to be understood, for we know that no scripture is of private interpretation. The scriptures in first peter chapter 1 :10-12 dilligently, without  reservation proves, what I have been telling you, about the prophets being arch angels/apostles are powers, and preaching a gospel that does not apply to them, in the same way it applies to men, of the seed of Abraham, or with a human spirit. The holy prophets can never die, they are angels in which salvation is not being offered, because it is not needed, they already have their bodies of spirit, which also means, they long to have the opportunity to come down, in the flesh, as a prophet or Apostle, and help serve their Master, by aiding Him in His plan of redemption and perfection of the human spirit and these are the things, that angels desire to look into, and why the prophets also inquire to know, because they are one in the same, and prophets are not being offered salvation, so they are serving you, not themselves, these scriptures completely, totally, and without reservation, testify to this truth, the truth by which I speak of: Of which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that would come to you made careful search and inquiry. Because it is not grace pertaining to them emphaisis mine searching what, or what manner the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it did testify beforehand of the sufferings of Christ, and the glory which should follow. Now, this next scripture proves what I have been saying, read it carefully emphasis mine, To whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but to unto us, speaking of the seed of Abraham, they did minister these things, which are reported unto them, that preached the Gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost, sent down from heaven, which things the angels desire to look into. It just told you two scriptures back that the prophets like to inquire into these things, and then it defines who the prophets are, by telling you, that the angels, like to inquire, which is how the bible defines things, by itself. Then it also said, that the prophets preached a gospel not for themselves but for you, the seed of Abraham, the spirits of righteous or human men made perfect, not for themselves whom havd the nature of angels, they already have their bodies of Spirit. who will not receive the glory that a vessel with a human spirit will receive. However, depending on how many times during their multiple lives, they turned people to rightiousness, which can add cubits, unto the angels stature. Well, the Sabbath is over. Giving all glory and credit and ability to understand to the Great GOD of Israel, may He ever guide your thoughts until next week Good bye friends. Noah dibble. Keep up the strength in Christ Jesus, Gerald for I am in dismay about your obedience, and your works, for please continue, to bring GOD His Glory. Thankyou my wonderful FATHER JEHOVAH THE ALMIGHTY!!  Oh, one more quick scripture that reveals the Holy prophets and aliens or Holy Apostles are angels, whom are already chosen, not called, and there is a distinct difference between the two. This is precisely why Peter wrote two books, as well as many other Apostles, one addressing the choosen, the angels and the other book addresses, the Church and the called, who may be choosen, the spirits of human men, being made perfect, by His Holy Spirit.  It is evidently clear that Peter first epistle is addressing those who are choosen and his second epistle is addressing those who are called. One book is for the angels and one book is for the spirits of human men, being made, perfect. Peter first epistle chapter two verse ten “for you were once not a people, but now you are the people of GOD, you had not received mercy, but now, you have received mercy. If they were not a people then who were they? They are the strangers/aliens or pilgrims of whom the world is not worthy, who are not being called, but are already chosen and if you examine the book of Hebrews it defines who strangers are in the book of Hebrews chapter thirteen verse two: “Entertain strangers for by doing so many have entertained angels without knowing it”Well, that pretty much clears up why they are chosen and not called as well as, why the Holy Prophets and Apostles never die and it also explains how Moses, Elijah and many others have been seen in Spirit, it also clarifies with total precision, how GOD was able to commune and work with various men, whom were often referred to as “just men” before the Holy Spirit, descended. These men were just because their minds were not at enmity with GODS, this instantly clarifies how GOD was able to make certain exceptions and how certain men of old, displayed such righteous characteristics and lead as an example of Faith, now, we know why Hebrews says: “ of whom the world was not worthy” However, do not forget all angels, strangers, alien, Apostles, Pilgrims, arch angels, Powers or Principalities, are all under the authority of, the King of Kings, who was made lower than the angels and took on him the full essence of a human spirit, the seed of Abraham. This is our faithful and High Priest Who sits at the right hand of His Majesty on High, Jesus Christ be glory forever and ever Amen!!!
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like Carl Sagan, he enjoys making it obvious, because he thinks it reflects mankinds stupidity and in many ways, it does. The roman catholic church, is his main whore, but he has many mistresses, but none of them are as loyal as his main whore. The catholic church goes out of its way to break, all of the 10 cammandments, right in front of your face and then they all gather together, on satans’ Sabbath and say, we break them all, because we love you GOD. It is so evil and so incredibly fearless. For they, know not what they affirm nor Whom they offend. The roman catholic church is laden with iniquity, the walls are dripping with graven images, they even usually, have a shops located outside the church selling the graven images, the profit from these abominations are only used to create more abominations and lead many down the wide road, that leadeth to destruction. For there is a way which seemeth right to a man, but the ends thereof are the ways of death. Then, there is the crucifix, the one moment in all time, that the Lord said, He despiseth, when He was put to open shame, on the cross. The one thing they hold up and the pope caries his giant crucifix metal that is implying it represents or is at least associated with the Living GOD and nothing could be farther from the truth. His suffering is over, must we be reminded of it , I am just glad its over. Many people say well, I where this cross because it symbolizes what I believe in. I dare to say GOD, would say your beliefs should be symbolized by the fruit you bare, not by a trincket you where around you neck. Other people claim, it reminds them of GOD. Do they really believe that the great majestic GOD would be associated with some little metal trincket. It would be an insult to even attempt to classify Him, it is as though they are trying to put The Great GOD, into a box. It will never happen!! Then of course, the devil figured out a long time ago, that if you appealed to people by way of their natural love for their mothers, perhaps they would start to direct that affinity toward Jesus’ mother, who was a chosen women, but she was only a vessel. She played no other role than to bring Him into this world which I am not downplaying, nor am I assassinating her character, but the devil is feircly, using the mother Mary, as an idol, to pull people away from Jesus. In fact, the devil is making a lot of personal appearances, all throughout south America, Russia, Germany and other places and guess what form he is taking. The mother mary, he is utilizing it, to strengthen his whore, before she starts to drinks the cup of her fornication and the her blood stained lips from all of the prophets she has slain. Did you know it is written in catholic doctrine, that one minute before Jesus died, he yelled over to His mother, I give you all power and authority over heaven. Can you believe that one. This is why, at all catholic services/baptisms etc, you must pledge allegiance to mother Mary queen of Heaven, before you give you allegiance to Jesus. There is a doctrine called the “Doctrine of Infallibility”. It is the 9 points of infallibility about the pope 1. he is blameless and flawless in all his ways 2. he is the vicar of Christ which is latin for Christ again. He claims to be GOD. Also the catholic church was responsible for actually altering GODS LAW, that’s what allows satan, to believe, it is his law, that is his major mark, the attempt to alter GODS LAW, by changing the Sabbath from Saterday to Sunday, the worship of the sun god, I would say its’ name but I believe a person, is not even to mention the names of such false or other gods. Now, I know, being the Bride of Christ that you are well aware of everything I just mentioned. GOD, has His only symbol, the six pointed star of David, so satan has his symbol, the five pointed star, the pentagram or pentagon, no pun intended. The five pointed star is by far the most used symbol in the world by 20 to 1. The five pointed inverted star is the medal of honor, if you kill enough people, in the military, you will be honored by the devil and this world, but often far from the True GOD. The five pointed star is now on almost every soda can, all packaging items, handkerchiefs that are sown by women and used to hunt for the souls of men.  I believe that the four demons that are bound at the Euphraties, I think many people believe they are under the Euphraties tied up, or something. However, after studying it for a while I am not sure so I will introduce it as a theory, but I believe the 4 demons boundary, is the Euphraties river they cannot go on the west side, they can only excercise their dominion, east of the Euphrates, this is why you can still die for having a bible in China, and anyone that has been there says, there is just something in the air a notable oppressive force. I figured I would just let some milk pour out for a little while. I believe in the bible when they are referring to spiritual curcumsicion, that means, if a person has been spiritually circumcised, then they are already in the full understanding that you must obey the 10 commandment and 7 holy days, but also knowing that by your obedience, it is not you that does it, but Christ within you , thus rendering all glory where it is due, Jesus Christ. A person who is not circumcised and very few, are truly curcumsized, however this is the first thing a mature teacher will find out when attempting to teach a new student. This is ever so crucial when teaching because as one can well surmise, the teacher must use a completely different method depending on whether the student is curcumsized. This, is why the apostles, always wanted to know if they were circumcised, as I would as well. Both require, that you start your teaching, from totally different foundations. In these end times the light will be unknown and forienge to the majority and what is evil will be accepted and what is good will be feared and slaughtered. This is the greatest time to ever be alive, as I know the Ark, is well aware of, the fact, that history repeats itself and GOD does not change. If GOD used a certain method for a particular situation, he will do it again, including using the same people, just as He exemplified, with Jesus Christ and Elijah and Noah and Job and Daniel and many, many more.
One of the books that satan, has used for years, to help reinforce his mistresses’, the false Christianity, his gospel about Christ rather than, the gospel of Christ. The first horseman of the apocalypse is made quite evident in the very fact that there are so many denominations, once again it appears as satan has been up to his old tricks again by just re-arranging a few letters ie: demoninations as apposed to denominations. All of these mistresses of his, some containing more truth than others, this is often, how he lures you into these false churches. He will mix or season, the lies with certain evident truths, this is what he relies upon, to hook many unto worshipping the doctrine about Christ, rather than the doctrine, of Jesus Christ. Every Church thinks they have the cornerstone of truth. Out of the thousands and thousands of different denominations, each one of them, is adamant in their belief, that they have rightly divided the word of truth and they are in fact the true Church. One of the books in the New Testament that has become one the books the devil absolutely depends one to create his doctrine about Christ, is the book of Galations. Few people understand the history behind who the Galations were and with out that essential knowledge, the book of Galations, can appear to be reinforcing the fact, that Jesus did away with the ten commandments. They love to use the scripture, the law is a curse to those that are under it. They fail to realize that the Galations, were Jews, who still today, for the most part understand the law, being the Ten Commandments, on a physical level, but not on a spiritual level. The Galations, of today are still going strong, believing that through their own obedience to the 10 commandments or the Torah, that they will indeed receive eternal salvation. They believe this salvation will be acquired by means of their own diligence and there own human spirit. They deny that the Christ has come and they believe through, their own fundamental obedience to the Law or Torah, that the kingdom will soon be theirs. Which allows one to quickly conclude, that they will be going to heaven, based upon the works of their own spirit, thus giving each Jew or Galation, their own credit, equal to that of the Son of God. This is preposterous and virtually insane when considered and compared to sound doctrine. It is rather odd, the people that keep the ten commandments do not acknowledge the Son of GOD, Jesus Christ, and the people that acknowledge the Son of GOD, do not keep the ten commandments or the seven Holy days or submit to the order in which GOD runs His Church, and soon the world, by His Government. Do they not see, it is obviously a combination of both, lest you grow arrogant and believe salvation comes by way of your own works. There are hundreds and hundreds of false preachers out there, who literally depend on the book of Galations to refute the need to keep the law. The truth is, if you do not know who the Galations were and what there mind set was, then the book can almost seem to give credence to their twisted beliefs. However, once a person realizes exactly who the Galations were and what they represented, then the very book they use to destroy what was put on the inside of the ARK of the Covenant and protected, unlike the book of Mosses which was in a shelf on the outside of the Ark and abolished with all its ordinances and perpetual sacrifices, sprinkling of blood, burning of insense, and hand washing rituals, that were to burdensome for mankind to practice, day after day. Not to mention the fact that it would not bring anyone to perfection, by which they may become members of the very family of GOD. The very book of Galations, that is used by so many deceived mistresses, when understood in the correct context, it actually reinforces what they use it to try and abolish. I am so tired of hearing how much GOD loves me. This is so grossly abused. It is more than evident, that GOD loves us. After all, He gave us the gift of life, we did not earn it or have that gift coming. It was simply just, given to us, out of the Great Kindness of His Nature. I believe the question that we should be asking is: Our we loving Him? This is my concern, His love has already been proved by the sole fact that He gave us life and created us, without Him and His generous ways we would cease to exist, not to mention the myriad of other direct proofs that His love for us, is greater then the human mind can grasp, and what about the sacrifice of His precious and loyal companion, the Word, who is now known as the Son, King of Kings, Jesus Christ, The Prince of Peace. I believe it is more then evident, that He loves us. I believe, the proper and more relevant question, the question you never hear asked and ironically it happens to be the purpose of our life and mankinds sole duty to perform. There is nothing that means more to GOD then obedience, it is by our obedience to the Ten Commandments and the seven Holy Days that we express our outward affection and Love for our Great Majestic Creator. Many people love to praise Him with their mouth but when it comes to the Law of Love, GODS character, then the soul and spirit are quickly divided and the vessel stands before you naked as a new born baby. It is by a person obedience, that will enable them to bear fruit and bring forth bountiful grain for His storage, thus stacking up for ourselves, treasures that are are stored in our own personal mansion, each already assembled and awaiting the Glorious Time, which draweth nigh, as we speek. If God gives you the gift of understanding His commandments then you will have the enormous pleasure of knowing who GOD is and what He is like. If a person chooses to obey the Ten Commandments then a person will actually sup and commune with GOD which far supercedes only knowing who He is and what He is like. When you obey GODS Law of Liberty then you become intimately aware of His Divine nature and He shares with you the full sum of Love as you learn to reciprocate His love by obeying the Ten Commandments. The more obedient a person is to the Ten Comandments, the more His Holy Spirit will come into to you and abide, any deviations in the individuals obedience is directly proportianiate to the absence or departing of His Holy Spirit. The more you submit your body and thoughts to the Law of GOD, the more of Him you will receive. The indwelling of His Holy Spirit is directly proportianiate to a person obedience to the Ten Commandments and the seven Holy days. This is why obedience is greater then sacrifice. It was not Jesus Christ sacrifice that saved mankind, it was His obedience that led to His sacrifice, not visa versa for the one is greater then the other. This is also why Psalms 119 is by far the longest Psalm in the Bible, in fact nothing even comes close to being even remotely similar in length, this is because it deals with the most important topic and precisely defines the strategy and method needed to please GOD, live forever and with abundant happiness and joy, providing the person is aware of the New Testament which describes in that GOD sacrificed His very best Friend, they had been together from the very beginning, and He sacrificed His perfect, unblemished Lamb, to account for mankinds terrible sins of disobedience and transgressions. We quickly come to the conclusion that, only because Jesus Christ, did it first, are we now able, to depend on Him as our mediator, closing the life threatening gap of death, that we brought upon ourselves. So, as we are made into the glorious image of Jesus Christ, it is absolutely imperative, that one never forgets, Who carved the way and Who is enabling us to be molded into His image. This is why we give all glory unto the FATHER JEHOVAH Who sacrificed His Loyal Companion and Son, Who now lives and reings, sitting at the right hand of GOD the FATHER, Jesus Christ, our High Priest forever, after the order of Mechelsedic. Now, perhaps the reader has a better understanding of why I believe, the question we should be asking is: Do we love Him and are we showing Him our love? The way He understands it and the only real way a person can demonstrate their love, towards Him? A person must first be called and then if they, are so blessed, to have been chosen, they obviously believed with all their might in His redeeming Son Jesus Christ and then allowed Him to dwell within their very soul, by conforming to His character, keeping the Ten commandments and seven Holy days, thus manifesting the very nature of Jesus Christ, through all of their actions. The question is, that so many people seem to lack the answer to: What is the nature of Jesus Christ. Well, when He came to this earth he lived and breathed the Ten commandments and seven Holy days, in fact He was, the Ten Commandments and the seven Holy days and GODS government, wrapped in human flesh, or rather, divine flesh. To thoroughly, understand the Ten Commandments, is to know and understand, the very nature of Jesus Christ. There is no difference. If you know the son then you know the FATHER, for they are one in understanding, convictions, beliefs, and character. I am now ready and longing to return back, to some stronger meat. For I have been pouring milk, from the Spirit, for some time now, and I am being prompted to return back to some deeper threads of the most awesome, fully self contained, living, breathing, Word of GOD
We shall discuss the book of Job, the oldest book in the Bible and Daniel and I shall give scriptural support reinforcing and stabilizing the scripture in Ezekial 14:14-20. My hopes and the Spirits desires, is to bring understanding, to these marvelous scriptures as never has been before, this will not only add re-bar, mortar, and steel, to the Brides foundation, but will also, lead Her to other drops of dew, such as, Daniel and Job, whom have their own gifts, from The ALL WISE AND LOVING CREATOR, that has given us everything, we have ever known. The sun is now setting and it has been a glorious Sabbath. I thank ELOHIM, with all my might, for His Works are Wonderous. Not by power, nor by might, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord. Selah. Until next week, goodbye friends.. Love your friend and fellow worker in Christ, noah dibble. P.S. I have added small and large sections throughout. Please read from beginning to the number seven 7        Is it possible that the king of the south when it pushes at the king of the north it will do so by detonating a nuclear bomb in England, thus allowing it to become a attraction to the whole world and serving as a catalyst to Germany and the Vatican, launching all the countries into a quick and speedy development of the Un holy roman empire. Then, after receiving permission from the U.S.A to strike back, which would involve the U.S.A turning over its nuclear weapons to Germany and perhaps the man possessed by satan, will emerge at this chaotic point, ensuring not to draw undo attention. Then with skillful accuracy, the king of the north comes against the king of the south. However, in doing this severe act of retaliation, the ever so crafty Germans, are careful not do destroy the main sources of oil, this would put all of the major oil reserves in the world, in two peoples hands, Russia and Germany. Perhaps, they have already agreed to stop all oil destined for the U.S.A, this would literally, put our entire military at a stand still, unable to function, without petroleum they will call for everyone to go to war, but none will go. Lets back up a few steps, just after the E.U or Germany gains control of the middle East and the rest of the crude oil, we being America, extend our hand to congratulate our lovers and it is then, that without reservation, the E.U. launches many of our nukes and some more of their own from south America, or perhaps the Balkans and we being totally caught off guard, do not have enough gas for our own military because Russia stopped most of its oil destined for U.S.A, after the caucuses or perhaps once Britain is bomb. My point being, they will have methodically forced us to use up all, or most of all, our oil reserves, by carefully, not to draw, undo attention, slowly cutting off, all of our access to oil. This is completely and totally speculative, and there are many reasons why, I question this theory. There is no doubt that, Americas economic Holocaust will be a crucial catalyst, for Germany and their comprised nations, to form with quickness the dreadful beast. One major hole in this theory, is that the Bible clearly indicates, that it will be the Assyrians or the king of the north, also referred to as, the rod of His anger. German means, man of war and Bible calls them, the fist of the wicked. The king of the norths’ primary role, has always been to inflict, the punishment on GODS, nations of Israel, which would be contrary to the theory I expressed earlier. However, the only difficulty I am having with a certain topic that I have not studied personally but I remember hearing it from Gerald Flurry. I may be wrong but I thought Mr. Flurry said, that Britain would become a tourist attraction and everyone would wonder and stand in awe, over how GOD, could let this happen, obviously meaning a nuclear disaster. Now, the problem with that is how could it become an attraction, if the whole world knew Germany had done the bombing. Perhaps, my memory is inaccurate and Mr. Flurry, never said those things, pertaining to the throne and England. In this particular instant my memory is not for certain, for I could have heard it, while was falling a sleep because I listen to them before bed and througout the day. So, if Britain is not going to become a tourist attraction, then forgive me, for my fuzzy memory, which would put all the pieces back, without confusion, unless it is true, then one must entertain my original question. Well, that is enough theories for now, let us get back to GODS Bible and the truth, lest I be dragged away by my own theories, which may or may not, be associated with the truth. Time will tell us. Oh yes, one more quick thing. If you have ever driven a Porchea, I am speaking of the new 911 Turbo, made in Germany, this car is only using a flat six cylinder engine and it is blowing away Lamborginis, with V-12 and V-8 Ferrarris’. The older turbo cars, used to have only top end power, until Germany created hydrollic lifters, that are located on the slates or fan blades, that blow wind into the turbo, these slates or blades, automatically adjust, to the variable engine R.P.M, enabling the engine, to develop and maintain torque and power, throughout the entire power band, allowing the car to excelerate, from 0-60 mph, in 3.6 seconds. This type, of superior craftsmanship, is what makes those five satellites that Germany launched, from Russia, so very, very, underestimated. Who really knows, what those satellites are capable of performing, especially, when taking into account, the Germans ability, for craftsmanship. Craftsmanship, is the ability to meld the engineering aspects with the technological components to create harmony or superior craftsmanship, this will unfortunately be used by Germany, to do everything, but create harmony. What if these satellites, can emit an electronic signal, that scrambles all frequencies of communication. All air bound signals, that utilize the the spirit, of the air, be it radio waves or digital waves or any wave, that is dependant on traveling through the air. This type of technology, would not be far fetched when one sits in the seat and drives a new Porchea 911 Turbo. It would also add mortar to the scripture: They will call for all to go to war and none will go. Ok, that is enough theories, for now.  Ok, so now, back to the Bible, the only thing in this world that we can count on for the truth, in a world laden with iniquity, a seed of evil doers and concerning Israel who may be the worst of all. Israel, is a stiff necked generation, of immoral, fornicating, sensual, perverse, and full of idolatry, and yet with all of this so evident, we refuse to hearken to the Word of our GOD. We have forsaken Him and desecrated his new moons and His Sabbath and His Spirit grows weary, of our new moons and our appointed times, of which He hateth. Oh, why will we not hearken to our Creator and turn from our evil, violent, and covetous ways, choose life? Obey, the Living Word and Hallow His Sabbaths and honor His commandments and keep His Holy days, for this is how one Loves, GOD. Those, who love Me, will obey Me. Many of the false mistresses, depend on the scripture, when Jesus summed up the whole law, with the two greatest commandments. That you love your GOD with all your heart, strength, mind, and soul and that you love your neighbor as yourself. However, they fail to realize, that if they were to look a deutronomy chapter six, they would find the definition for how you love thy GOD with all your heart, strength, mind, and soul and your neighbor as yourself. It says, and it starts with, the first commandment and goes through all Ten commandments. Then at the end of the Ten Commandments, it summarizes all Ten commandments, by saying if you do all of these things, then and only then, will you be loving the Lord your GOD, with all your heart, strength, mind, and soul and your neighbor as yourself. No single scripture explains, any subject matter, completely. One scripture will clarify another scripture, which will bring light, unto a third scripture, then when all these pieces are brought together and by His Spirit, then it will clarify, the full meaning or instructions on a particular subject or meaning. The Bible, truly is, a jig saw puzzle, all the pieces can only be put together in one way, this is not left to private interpretation, but to the indwelling of GODS Holy Spirit, this enables an individual to correctly put the pieces together, so they perfectly fit, each one fortifying the next and giving structural support to the entire puzzle, once completed, and once laminated, like all other jig saw puzzles, then the entire structure supports itself, each piece being the next pieces support, thus creating a detailed internal dependent structure, that creates a large external independent structure, thus reinforcing its’ entire structural integrity, as a whole, rather then parts of a whole.   This is in regards to something Mr. Flurry said on the Key of David show, since I have watched, so many of the trumpet shows on archive, and this is the only t.v. I watch, I am bound to feel moved, when a fellow believer and worker, whom I love in Christ, although we have never met, I feel as though I know you and believe that, for the most part, I do know you. You do not need to, personally meet a man, to learn about who he is, all you need to do, is watch him. For the person will always manifest the truth, through their behaviours, body language, verbally, or emotionally. If one is using the Spirit, it makes clear all things and will leaves no question unanswered. The Spirit will bring all darkness to the light and all the lies, will show you the truth. I heard you say, give Bin Laddin some nukes, and see what he will do with them, then you said, look what he did to the world trade center. He is a strong leader you said, as though he was responsible for what happened on 9/11 as though he was the main one to blame. Have you asked GOD to reveal to you what happened on 9-11, the detailed truth. Mr. Flurry, perhaps you have and you may even know, but then why put all the blame on Osama. I asked GOD for insight, He flooded me with the truth, about the real facts. In fact, shortly after it had started to trouble me because I knew there were things that did not match up. My biggest source of factual truth, that I witnesses with my own eyes, if you can find this C.D. It mysteriously, just arrived in my apartment, one day. I do not have guests, rarely. I am celebate, I have witnessed many miracles in my life. Since, my first true encounter of truth, regarding 9/11, I have regarded the finding of a cd, in which I do not no how it got there, but I knew what it was and that was the important thing. I knew and know it was a gift from the Great Teacher, who always brings clarity, to my confusion. It was a cd, that I recommend to you Mr. Flurry, that you try and get a copy of it. It was written and produced by the smartest man, out of all the men, who have been on 60 minutes. He is no longer on 60 minutes, I do not believe he has been on the air for years, in fact ever since he came out with this cd, he kind of just disappeared, maybe you could pick up on the fresh track of this story, after he made the cd, I have never saw him again. It is called the Conspiracy Theory and believe me after you see his thorough proof proving documentary, he is meek, to use the word theory. He obviously did not think it was a theory or else he would have never called  The Bushs’, and his family and elite members in the pentagon, all the major political figures, that owned large shares in oil companies, and voted yes for the war. If they met those two pieces of criteria, then most likely, they were involved, at some level. This man was smart and was clearly being used by GOD, to tell the truth, and he was thorough. He had the courage, to call Bushs’ and the elite, sociopathic, mass murders’, driven by their greed. Does that sound like a man who believes in a theory, perhaps, he feared for his life, so he introduced it, as a theory. Which is why, I would like you to find out what happened to him. There is evidence, that cannot be refuted. There is this one taping, showing Bush, asking how he could get the American people to support him, in going into Iraq. One of his associates said, the only way you could get the American people to support you, is if you created another pearl harbor and you can see his wheels turning. Did you know that laddin senior was the first major arab oil man, to invest into Bushs’ seniors, oil company, in Texas. Thus, catapaulting the Bushs’ into wealth and soon to be, political influence, for the two, go hand in hand. Bush junior, was born to do what he is doing, he has been an oil man, from the beginning. Just using logic, one can see, that part of the deal, was that if laden jr, took care of the dirty work, then he would get to serve his religion and profit financially, the very fact that the u.s.a. no longer, even actively pursues him, and never really did, ever. The Bushs’ and laddins’, go way back, there is no way bush, is going to kill laddin seniors son, after what laddin senior did for his father, which basically brought them to where they are today, this is why, they were indebted and also driven by their own greed. Bush knew all he needed was Americas support, to get his hand on that oil. Somewhere, in their deceived minds, they probably believe they were sacrificing a few, for the great many. These, are the types of sins, that are enraging GOD. The one most obvious and most revealing pieces of truth, that the whole world witnessed, it just seemed to fly by everyone, is the very fact, that we were originally after bin laden jr. and then we made a different turn, Bush constantly, tried to associate Laddin jr, with iraq, but just to show you how long it takes the u.s military, to find some one, if they really want to, such as Saddam hussien hiding in a cave with a picture of noahs’ ark. Now, back to the obvious fact, as soon as the u.s.a gained control of the oil in Iraq, the price of gas went from $1.49 to $4.00 in a matter of weeks. Now that is extremely revealing, in fact it reveal so much, when one really ponders it. It shows motive and then, if the motive is question, you have to question everything that was created to encourage America into getting to that oil. The reason it is so revealing, is because plain old logical Truth, will tell you that before America gained control of the oil in Iraq, we were buying it from Iraq and the people who were selling it to us, were making a profit at a 1.49 a gallon, so then how come as soon as we gained control of what was left, logic would tell you that now since we are not buying and we own it, then the arabs who were making a profit were taken out of the equation so the price should have dropped but it did not, in fact, they were not even gradual about it, pertaining to the rate in which the gas went up in value, is directly proportioniate with their greed and guilt. They did not even need to be gradual, no one, even noticed America GODS Israel are blind men, in a sand storm, with dirty rags wrapped around and around their heads. Did you know that just by coincidence or was it just coincidence, that there were four assimilated hi-jack missions, going on simultanousy, at the exact same time, the airplanes were hi- jacked, each one of the four missions, required two F-15 aircrafts. Their were eight, F-15 aircrafts, in the air, performing fake hi-jack training missions, at the exact same time. All four missions were being conducted on the west coast, and this was the first training mission of its kind, ironically attempting, to deal with the exact scenario, that was actually taking place, When the four fake senerios, were being preformed, which I also believe, is very revealing, to those who have understanding. They were already manifesting, their own guilt, before the incident even took place, by preparing for it. Bush, wanted to make sure the F-15, that we have on hand, were busy, and even if they had found out, they would not have been able to get there, in time. Even though, the four fake missions, were done on the west, since it was such a large operation and the first of its’ kind, thus being a multiple hi-jack training scenario, all air traffic control towers were told to be tuned into that frequency, to listen and learn. It had, the actual recordings, from the air controllers, in New York, who thought they were all, on a training exercise. It is the most ridiculous thing you have ever heard, by the time they hade convinced the controllers that this was real, well then, all of the fake hi-jack missions started to call in their distresses and emergencies, it was utter, chaos. The only reason the pentagon was damaged, was so the people would not put the pieces together and to help Bush reinforce that this was a matter of national security. I really hope you take the time to find this cd, titled The Conspiracy Theory, done by the smartest man they had for years on 60 minutes and what happened to him. I believe that men, that stand for the truth in such away, where as to even endanger their career, and even their life, should be acknowledged by the Bride, after all, that is one of Her main roles. To bring sins to the light. It says in the last days all sins will be brought to the light. That is what GOD does, He brings truth where there are lies and light into the darkness. He exposes the works of darkness by the brightness of His majesty, should His Sons Wife, not do the same. Are we not learning to be more like Him.  It is just that I cannot help but to wonder if the bride should not take a more active role in exposing satans’ government. Deomcracy at the pentagram, satans pentagon, the five pointed star, satan counterfit for GODS star of David. I will be like the Most High. If Gods Church is representing GODS Government which is a theocracy, why not address the very core of the problem, by exposing our government for what it is: satan government, designed to kill,steal lie and confuse. Maybe some of your time on air should be exposing our government, for what it is and in doing so you will be reinforcing GODS government, by showing how fraudulent and corrupt, all who attempt to exalt themselves, above and beyond GODs Laws, really are, which really do, define the very essence, of politics. It truly is, the devil fortey. I used to say and still do, that sure the devil is in the prisons and crack houses, but where he spends most of his time is behind the pulpit, with a bible in his hand preaching the Gospel about Christ. He is in all the great universities, that inundate the mind with so many lies that the human mind becomes overwhelmed with knowledge, which in turns caresses the ego and separates you from the weaker religious types and uneducated peasants, pulling a person farther and father, from the simplicity that is in Christ. However, only after they evolve, through this evil metamorphis, are they ready for the true essence of
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the little book
Eve ate of the fruit of satans’ loins, thus committing adultery against Adam and becoming the first and original harlot. This is why, Jesus says, you are children of your father, the devil. Eve might have fornicated and eaten of the fruit of his loins, before she even had intercourse with Adam. I would imagine that satan, then used one of his oldest tricks, he will use the love you have for a family member of wife to get you to compromise your relationship with the FATHER. Then, Eve returned to Adam and he could see the difference in her behaviour and countenance and he knew she had eaten from the tree, but the subtle and crafty satan inside her, seduced him, just like satan seduced Eve, only Adam was not deceived such as Eve was, thus proving women are the weaker vessels, being easier to deceive. Adam could see the pronounced change in her disposition and knew he was going to sin, but at that point, he thought he loved Eve, and with her now being greater in power and might, she was quite good at seduction, so Adam, slept with her after she had become defiled and was full of satans loins, this is why she gave birth to cain first, and this caused Adam eat of Eves fruit or in essence, satans fruit. For Eve was no longer herself, it was satan, inside her because she was full of his spirit, after fornicating with satan, and giving him entry into her soul, from what she ate, thus Adam partook in the fruit as well. If Adam, would have said no to Eve. GOD would have probably giving him a new Eve, but he could not stand the thought of losing her and he desired her so very much or at least he thought he did. This is precisely, why GOD, takes marriage, so seriously and fornication, because it was a large part of satans’ strategy and tempting scenario, to have his own family. A family that would be in his image, and loyal to his character, and a family that would portray his character, another conclusive piece of evidence that satan, is trying extremely hard to be “like the Most High”  Another scripture, solidifying the truth of this history, is that Eve gave birth to Cain first, and the Bible says: That Cain, was of that wicked one. Cain was the offspring of the devil and he went east into the land of nod, this would have been muslim territory, and started the Koran, with the family of Korah. Cain was, the devils’ child, so he was smart enough to know, he had to create a religion that acknowledged Jesus, but as a prophet instead of His true position. When john talks about he who sins is of his father the devil, that is the spiritual definition, after Jesus came in the flesh and the Holy Spirit descended. However, we know that what ever is spiritual now must have been physical or temporal then. This truth opens up many more doors of understanding, because after all, the other fallen angels or demons, saw their leader mate first, with a human, then they quickly followed in satans’ footsteps and started mating with the daughters of men, whom they found fair and created the Nephilum, violent, giant men, such as Goliath who were half human and half demon. This was the devil grand scheme to try and thwart GODS, plan for human redemption, by tainting the human spirit with a demonic seed or strain. This is where the Nephilum came from, half man half demons. Men of great size and strength. This is precisely what Goliath was and there were many more of them that emerged and they multiplied quickly until GOD saw that they had gotten to everyone, except Noah and remember, what I told you about the advantages of being a Holy prophet, one is, that the spirit of an angel imparts enough power to the intellect so the mind is not at enmity with GOD and another one of the distinct advantages, is there can be no demon that gets inside your tabernacle, no co-habitation if you will, because it would be like oil and water. What fellowship hath light with darkness? So, this extreme advantage, allowed GOD to use Noahs’ Holy angelic nature to create Shem who was white, Ham who was black and Japeth who was oriental and God knew, there would be no demon in Noah because of his nature. This is why it uses the phrase “a just man” because their mind is not at enmity with GODS. This is also, why it says Jesus, came not to give aid to the nature of angel but to the seed of Abraham. Now, this allows an individual to logically understand what physically took place in the garden and we know the bible defines itself, so look for the definition of eating ones fruit or eating fruit period, this is without a doubt conclusively defined in the Song of Solomon, plus Eves’ revealing statement which is defined as: to lay with a women, but even more compelling than that, is how GOD, defines touch, in the chapters ahead. Do not touch her, lest you will surly die He says, He even uses the word surly, which is a massive hint because I can not think of to many examples, in the entire Holy Bible of that word. This physical explanation, only fortifies and falls right in line, with why GOD, is looking for the perfect Bride, for His Son. In the beginning, satan got the imperfect bride of Adam and Jesus is referred to as the second Adam and Christ is going to have His wife, the Church give birth to the new born spiritual Sons of GOD. This only gives more credence to the fact, that when, it was temporal, satan must have taken Adams’ imperfect bride and Adam settled for satan, as his wife, where Jesus, the second Adam, will have nothing but a loyal perfect Bride, this is why, if you sup with other churches, you are committing adultery against Christ. No wonder GOD, takes sexual sins so seriously, it is a method or gateway, that demons use to enter peoples soul, as well as being the very sin, that caused humanity to fall. I also believe, this is why GOD, warns against sodomy, because He knows it gives the demons a window into the soul, that is why homosexuals, all seem to have that same spirit, as if they all got together and practiced or rehearsed, but the truth is, they all acquired the demon, in the same way, via the rectum, one of many gateways to the human soul or body. This is why molestation is so prevalent, now a days, because if the devil can infect them with a demon, when they are young, then that demon will mature, eventually gaining access to that person free will and will do what it was taught, exactly what was done to them. The demons see it as a form of their pro-death, rather than pro-creation. This is why, seven out ten people who are molested, will molest someone else. You would think that it would be just the opposite, unless there is another entity on the inside of them, slowly gaining control of their free will, every time the individual conforms to its desires, the demons gains another small section of the individuals free will. The demon, once inside the tabernacle, has the ability to affect the thoughts, feelings, emotions, and physical sensations, such as arousal. To be affective, they often, affect all three at the same time and the innocent victim, just assumes that they are his own thoughts and feelings. When demons are inside people, their biggest advantage is anonymity.  If you do not know, who you are fighting or where, your enemy is, then you are a blind man in a sand storm. Of course, the fact, that history repeats itself, is so evident, if one cannot see this evident and obvious truth, then may the GOD of Israel open their eyes: He will have mercy on whom He will have mercy. He is my Master, His name is JEHOVAH or the ALMIGHTY and giving all glory to whom, all things on heaven and on earth are under His Power, sitting at the right hand of the FATHER, Jesus Christ. ALL credit and honor belong to ELOHIM, for I am simply the messenger. Showing you what He has shown me. It is a gift for all of us, whom believe. If history repeats itself, than other paramount piece of the puzzle, adding mortar and re-bar to the temporal truth about what occurred in the garden. The first major sin, after the ark landed and the family began to dwelt among the land, was when Noah drank from his newly planted vineyard and became quite annebriated and Ham the Black man, saw his father nakedness and we know what the bible defines as seeing the nakedness, this is sexual intercourse, or some indication of a serious sexual violation. The very fact, that Noah, is the announcing, arch angel, a prophet, usually the beauty, of the angelic disposition manifests itself, in physical features. After all, the Spirit does govern the physical, does it not? So, this means Noah, would have been a beautiful man, just like when the two men or angels whom went into, was it Sodom, they were such handsome men, that the whole town showed up to have sex with them, but His servant Lot, bless his sacrifice, gave up his daughter instead. Anyways, my point is, Ham had known what it was like before the flood and the demon seed was probably brought through him, that is not to say anything bad about black people, it is simply what the scriptures say. I just believe the Bible and I am not ashamed to say what it means. Hams’ sin was the first major act of defiance and demonic possession, it was also homosexuality, probably, one the the very worst aspects of satans’, thwarted, mutilated, pitiful, twisted character. Not all sins are abominations, A abomination is a sin that leads to death. Homosexuality, falls into the abomination category. I almost forgot my original point, what happened after the ark landed and the first major sin was mimicking, what happened in the garden, they were both sexual deviations. History re=peating itself, is something I know, the Bride or Ark, is well informed about, especially given to the fact, that we are presently watching it elapse in front of our eyes, with the earnest expectation that Jesus is coming soon!!!!. Look at sex, it has to be the most destructive element on this earth, for out of it springs the passing of demons into your soul and once they find a body which happens to be the comoditee they are interested in, especially, since a body is what they are lacking. This is why demonic possession is so dominant today, because the demons are not just doing what their told, however, they do serve their master with fear, they serve him out of fear, where as we serve our FATHER, out of Love and Reverance. The Demons covet possession so much, because they get to actually have and control what they do not have and what they want the most, a body..Do you know, the supposedly, extra terrestrial are hiding with their spaceships, that I believe, harness the polar and southern magnetic poles as their form of propulsion. Their crafts are under the sea, this is why it says to the inhabitants of the land and of the sea. They will soon emerge publicly and claim they made us. They are really a third of the angels that were cast out. Have you heard aprox 400,000 witnesses during the Pheonix, lights phenomenon, it was the night Haleys’ commit was suppose to manifest itself, so everybody in Arizona was outside and this giant craft that made not one sound, electric magnetic propulsion using the norther and southern polarities and harnessing that power flew over head, it flew right down the main airspace, they were making a statement. The craft was so big it blocked out the stars for approximately forty five, minutes. Do you know who and what they really are? The two always come together, if you understand deep things of GOD, then you will also understand the deep things of evil. For knowing and understanding the truth exposes the dark but knowing and understanding the dark does not expose the Truth. As a matter of fact, just the contrary, it will bring you farther away from understanding it. Regarding the so called E.T. I have found that there is truth that pertains to the rightiousness of GOD and then there is Truth that exposes the devil. One appeals more to your carnal vanity rather than trying to focus on the FATHER and guess what one that is. The devil is very subtle, with how he attacks the intellectual aspect of ones vanity, at times he will even expose or reveal some of his schemes, just so the person, will run around and tell people about them and each time, as people are amazed, the devil, is there, to stroke their ego. In fact, I am in close danger of actually manifesting, my very own point. On to another subject. More about the devils angels and how they have made suits out of bio-organic material, plant life, because they can not possess inanimate objects, the suits must be alive, so they have created living suits out of plant life, thus enabling them to possess the suits and give the appearance of a three dimensional being, such as a Extra Terrestrial. They are responsible for giving the U.S military, all of it advanced weaponery. Now, they have sided with the beast of the North and they will claim, they made us, and give Germany, the technology needed to dominate. They will convince the world that they are from another realm or galaxy and that their intelligence is far superior to ours and then they will make a human being right before our eyes and they will give life unto it, and all will worship them, who receive the mark, for people will believe they made us. Their real identity is that of the fallen angels who have created ships that live under the ocean. I do not know if this is 100% true for I did not receive it from the Bible. Please understand that I am not claiming this, to be truth, such as I am concerning, the other subjects of this little book. It is just something that I seem to understand and I am not sure, if it is Prophecy or the devils Trickery, so I shall lay it down on paper and call it a theory and time, shall tell. More about the so called Extra Terrestrials later.  All nations will come under the spell of sorcery. The GREEK definition for sorcery is: pharmakia, pharmacia, and pharmacy. The bowl, with the stone grinder, sticking out of the bowl, that symbolizes a pharmacy, is for mixing the alchemy or somehow attaching the spiritual to the physical substance, similar to how they put Spirits into the Alcohol, which is not what occurs, it just affects the body is a way that make a person more vulnerable and more suceptable to being possess, rather then oppressed. Now, sorcery, which is really pharmakia, is only one word, of many, that is a fine example, of how satan, has gotten to the word of GOD and twisted it. It was translated from Hebrew, to Greek, to English and he definitely took full advantage of the translations. However, now a days, he is really concentrating his energy on all of the revised editions of the Bible. Soon, there will be, H.S.V., the homosexual standard Version. All nations will come under the spell of parmacies, whether it is Viagra, prozac, tylonol, heroin, cocaine, antibiotics, cough medicine, thorozine, or anti physcotics, with transgender hormones. What ever it may be, truly, the scripture is profoundly true when understood using the correct word. This is one example, of so many, that shows a person what the power of a good Hebrew and Greek dictionary can do with regards to bringing light and clarity into the darkness. The world really has come under the spell of pharmakia, in fact, I believe addiction, may be more usefull to satan, now than even women. I believe GOD and the Word, is infallible and flawless, in its original text. However, since the translations, from one language to the next, so many revised editions, it is imperative, that one has certain tools, when searching for the truth. However, before an individual should even start to utilize grk/hbr/lexs’dicts etc.. They need to read the Holy Bible, cover to cover, at least seven times, in order to increase your receptiveness to putting the pieces where they go, instead of, or where it, seems like, they might go. This is not accomplished through an individuals choice, for only those the FATHER draws whom He chooses unto the Son, Jesus Christ. A person can not chose GOD, He choses YOU!!  Satans, twisting and all his hard work trying to change the scriptures, was just GOD, using santa, as his personal security system, ensuring that His pearls would never be cast in front of swine. Some of the key versus, that seem to be more of a priority to satan, for he seems to be more concerned with some, more then others, especially if it has to do with specifics, pertaining to the latter days, which is now at hand. For the lion is stalking and she is preparing to pounce, seeking whom she may devour. Anyways, such scriptures that exemplify, my very point, which only proves again and again that I represent the Most High, such a scripture, is really, milk, but I will try to sprinkle both, throughout this small book, giving it the correct seasoning in due time and all for the glory, of ELOHIM as the Holy Spirit leadeth me. Such a scripture, is the scripture that explains, the giving, as the mark of the beast or the seal of GOD, which many of todays’ modern version are claiming, that the mark will be either a stamped image on the hand or on the forehead. The original King James versions say, the seal of GOD will be, in the forehead and in the hand, this is drastically different and far more revealing, as GODS Word, is intended to be. I believe the mark, is metaphoric and science, has recently claimed, that they have found out where the conciousness of man is stored, and they believe it is firmly anchored in the frontal lobe, which just so happens to be directly behind a mans’ forehead. Well, what do you know about that? This is where you either have the Holy Spirit, which is causing areas of your frontal lobe to spring to life. For this is where a man either rejects or accepts the law of GOD. This area, is also referred to as, a mans’ heart. The very heart of where the Spirit imparts power to the core of your identity and characteristics. The highest functioning office of where Spirit meats intellect and the essence of all a mans’ cognitive thoughts, convictions, and everything, that makes a man, who he is. From how, GOD designed their intrackit and unique personalities, to whether or not, they will be called or even chosen. . The seal of GOD, that is in the right hand, is describing the test commandment , the only commandment that allows a man to demonstrate his faith by his works and without faith, it is impossible to please GOD. With this critical evidence, I believe we can be pretty sure, the seal of GOD, will be in how you think and what you do. If you acknowledge the Law of Love, the government and you live in submission to His ordinances, being slaves to obedience and if you keep your hand from doing any physical labor, not to be confused with spiritual labor, on His Holy day, then you will have the seal inside your forehead and in your hand. Of course, with satans’ deceptive system, it will be using three different variables, some will have the mark, others will be worshipping his image and then there is his number. Satans’ main whore, whom he modeled after the heavens, in his satanic way, old ST. NIC what do you know about that, he really is santa claus or satans claws,
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. Surly, my repetition is anchoring the truth to your frontal lobes and the parallels, similarities, and proof from GODS word is soaking into the marrow of your bones. Look at Hebrews ch 4: 3-4 it says, For we who have believed, enter that rest, just as He has said, “AS I SWORE IN MY WRATH , THEY SHALL NOT ENTER MY REST”, although His works were finished from the foundation of the world. For He has thus said somewhere concerning the seventh day “AND GOD RESTED ON THE SEVENTH DAY FROM ALL OF HIS WORKS” Notice from the foundation of the world His works were finished meaning the work of physically creating but not all of His work was finished, because then it makes a direct distinction, between His physical work of creating, then He also acknowledges the different type of work that He has been involved in since the foundation of the world. Which is the work of using His holy angels or prophets whom never die to establish and prepare the way for the coming of His Firstborn member of the human family Jesus, while also perfecting and teaching and molding His angels. Now, GOD does not have a need for His Holy prophets like He did before Jesus when they were the only mediators between GOD and man. However, He has decided, in His infinite wisdom, that the ones that are amongst us today, will be doing primarily the same things  they have always done. Except for preparing the way for a physical Jesus they will be preparing, nourishing, or fortifying Eve the mother of us all, GODS Church, by preparing the way for a spiritual Jesus. Not to mention, the work of always making sure satan is eating right out of His hand. However, take notice of the distinctions or in the three different types of work, or for GOD, it may only be two. I am not sure, if GOD will completely rest for the 1,000 years and turn over all work to His new born Sons, or if He with just no longer labor with the physical or temporal, thus all of His work, will be with the Spirit, precisely as ours should be on the Sabbath Day. Anyways, the crucial distinction is the last sentence, it says all of His work where in the previous statement it said although his works were finished from the foundations of the world, not all of His works because it makes a direct distinction between the two. Please I pray that you can see that. I believe it is GOD, accurately and profoundly, with all brilliance and gentleness, describing the three types of labor while reinforcing the sanctification of the Sabbath and showing us the difference between mans’ time and GODS time. Yet, at the same time, He is also conveying, even though the proportions of time are different, the same Holy principals, blessing, expectations, restrictions and limits still apply for man as they will for GOD during His Sabbath. O.k. I believe GOD is desiring me to move on. There may be other mysteries revealed that you find much more rewarding and entertaining to your over all understanding of the bible. However Obedience is greater then sacrifice. There are very few things on this earth, in fact nothing, except for maybe mercy, that is greater than showing your faith towards The GOD of the living, ELOHIM. The next time you read Hebrews try to take the whole meaning, of what the book is trying to convey. The book was written to the angels or prophets by an angel or a prophet or a apostle or ambassador, all of them being some type of nine orders of Holy angels and the book was also written about the angels and that Jesus is superior to them because he was made lower than the prophets or angels meaning less power and might. He took on Him a human spirit, the seed of Abraham instead of the nature of an angel. This is why it says Moses was faithful in all his house but the builder of house gets more glory because Jesus is the creator or the Spokes Person for Mosses, and all the angels. Then, once Hebrews has made it clear, that Jesus is greater than all the angels, then it goes into detail about many of the angels, of whom the world was not worthy. Then, very close to the end it reveals something spectacular. Everyone wants to know what happened to these prophets or angels. It says although, they received a good record for their faith they did not receive the promise of sitting at the right hand of GOD and ruling with Jesus. Emphisis mine. Here is another example, of a chapter split, write where it is absolutely crucial, if one is to swallow this piece of meat, they need the statements to flow one after the other. They did not receive what was promised because Hebrews ch 11:39 to ch 12:1 their should be no chapter break!!!!! Did not receive what was promised because GOD had provided something better for us, so that only together with us should these strangers or prophets be made perfect. Mr. Flurry, are you in the process of being made perfect? Yes I believe you are and so am I. You see, GOD had decided something even grander and more excellent, that we would both be made perfect, together with one strenghthening the other, as a witness or as wind does to fire. Listen to the next statement, this will blow you away. Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every sin that ensnares us. The word Also, is a key word in this scripture because it directly implies these witnesses will also be laying aside every sin obviously at the same time or it would not say also. Mr. Flurry, do you believe your Bible? Do you believe that this small book is a direct piece of proof that you are surrounded by one of those witnesses and we are both being made perfect together, not apart from one another, but together, one as a witness and the other one whom the promise has been granted or will be. Then at the end of Hebrews after all the prophets clearly described themselves as strangers to this world, it says, just so you do not miss the entire purpose of the book. Entertain strangers, for by doing so some have entertained angels without knowing it. Then, only one chapter away the bible defines, who these strangers are in Hebrews 13:2. They claimed to be strangers and exiles to this world of whom the world was not worthy. Look up the word exiles in your Hebrew dictionary and it is defined as: belonging to GOD The book of Hebrews is clearly written to the angels about the angels for the angels and to allow for a tremendous amount of light to break through the darkness by clarifying who the Holy prophets were, this answers many questions and clears up many scriptures, whether you admit it to yourself, or simply pushed it to the back of your mind. There were and are many discrepancies in the bible if you do not know that the Holy prophets, already had bodies of spirit and were angels not governed by a human spirit, but rather by the nature of an angel which imparts enough power to the mind to or intellect, thus rendering the mind to be in harmony with GOD or at least not at enmity with GOD such as the human spirit that is governed by the fleshly mind. Rather than, the Spirit governing the fleshly mind as is the case with the nature of angels being greater in power and might It reveals who the prophets were and how come they never die. Do you know what the greek definition is, for the men of old? The definition is: Members of the celestial council. The book of Hebrews reveals how Jesus was able to work with these men, before the Holy Spirit descended. He makes His angel as wind. One of the Hebrew definitions for wind is, mental disposition, superhuman. It explains why there are men in history whom clearly, were men of greatness. Superior in their mental facilities, vocally, and their innate ability to understand who GOD is, unless GOD withheld things about Himself and used their superior intellect for a specific purpose. Yes, GOD would often use these men with angelic natures to perform essential tasks, without revealing everything about Himself. Everything in GODS order, and in His time. It also, explains many of the great men that have live since Jesus came and many of those men had their same original names Abraham Lincoln, Noah Webster and many more who are all a great cloud of witnesses. God truly did arrange something better for us. Once you see Hebrews for what it is, you wonder how you could have ever missed it. What about all those unanswered question that you have about certain discrepancies, that you are so afraid to analyze because of the innate fear of believing, if you tackle all of those, but what about this, and what about that, your greatest fear is that you may not find an answer. This is what the human spirit is famous for. Instead of challenging your questions and searching for an answer the human spirit pushes it to the back of your mind a pretends it is not there, even though it is always staring you in the face and eventually it leads to a lack of Bible knowledge which becomes a symptom of a greater problem, A Lack of Faith and belief in your Creator and His Infinite Mysterious Ways. It is very similar to how people handle the trinity. They don’t really get it because, it is either false, such as the trinity or in is not all there or there are certain discrepancies, contradiction, or just plain old inconsistency. For example, how did you deal with the phrase, that He reveleath His secrets unto His Holy prophets whom never die. What would have been your explanation, before you truly came to understand Hebrews. How would you answer the question of Moses and Elijah and Abraham all be seen in spirit several times even with Jesus. The student would ask but I thought it says right here that no man has ascended to the father, except for the Son of man. Please the student would ask, How did Elijah and Moses get their bodies of spirit if the scripture says, that the only human spirit or human to get there new body, has been Jesus. Now you have a problem do you not. You are now facing what appears to be a direct contradiction. These are all differnet types of questions you must have been running from. How was  GOD allowed to work with some men, before the comforter came, when GOD and sin cannot mix. There is no compromise there. Mans mind, which is governed by the human spirit is at enmity with GOD and until the Comforter came there is no getting around that one. He could not work, instruct and teach vessels to obey him, and do great things, when they are naturally and totally against Him. This is one of the main reason, Jesus died and now lives. Yet, knowing this simple fact. How would you have answered a question such as How come GOD was able to work with some men before the Comforter came? When it clearly states in many scriptures, that it would have been impossible for GOD, He cannot commune with sin. Now, thanks to ELOHIM, you will know how to answer such a question. You will say, well, Jesus is the only man with a human spirit to have ever reached perfection and been glorified with His body of Spirit. This is why it says Mosses was faithful in all his House which means family, the family of the arch angels or patriarchs. The Holy prophets were men whom did not have a human spirit, they had the disposition of an angel or the nature of an angel, this is why they never die. This is precisely why it says, Jesus did not come to give aid to the nature of angels. These strangers, prophets, or arch angels are also referred to as the dew from heaven. Read JOB ch 38:28-29. the angels had do be gendered. For who hath gendered them? Zechariah 8:12 and the remnant will possess all these things. Now what function does dew provide? It nourishes and feeds the fruit. Yet it is separate from the plant.  Oh, now I am starting to see. Since these prophets of old did not have a human spirit which imparts power to the intellect but a spirit that was greater in power and might, then that explains why their minds were not at enmity with GOD. This explains how GOD was able to work with them and commune with them, because they were not naturally and carnally against GOD. There angelic nature dominates over there carnal mind, thus making it in harmony with GOD, well actually that takes time and lots of love and patients from GOD, but at least the mind of a holy prophet is never against or opposed to His maker, not naturally anyways such as the human spirit, because the deeper intellect and intelligence really applies to the spiritual. It is not an intelligence of this world, so GOD is clearly evident to a prophet based completely on his logic alone, the ability to separate your deductive logic and reasoning from your emotions, the carnal fleshly ones, is much easier for a prophet. The Spirit really does manifest itself physically, ranging from coordination to the ability to heal, physically, dealing with viruses, and the capacity for over all increased awareness, which comes from the ability to concentrate and stack knowledge on top of knowledge, thus affecting a prophets previous conclusions. It is just natural for a human, with the nature of an angel ,to manifest the things of their natural power and might, just as the human spirit always manifests its natural abilities like being at enmity with GOD, consistently and naturally. This is why it says and at 120 years right before Moses died his eye was not dim and his natural force or power and might had not abated. It says his natural power meaning he was born that way. We know this, for behold when they saw the baby face of Moses they knew he was no ordinary child. The spirit of Micheal the arch angel with in him and it was evident, even as a baby!!  You can imagine my life. How does one discuss this topic without seeming arrogant. You simply do not!! However, my concern is serving GOD, not man. It is so obvious and once you become like a babe, and accept that the holy prophets are arch angels, that is where the word patriarch comes from, the second order of angels, called arch angels where as Elijah may have been a power, the third order of angels because he is an apostle and an ambassadors. The prophets who reach perfection will not received the glory that a human spirit will receive, but on the other hand many of the prophets continued to come back to earth, even after Jesus came to offer services to GOD that would utilize there power and might to strengthen His Church and help to lead the brethren or saints to the author an finisher of their fate, Jesus Christ. Now maybe, you will fully understand, that before Jesus the Lords will, was carried out by those who were greater in power and might, His angels, but now, the only way a human spirit or a man will find salvation is by His Holy Spirit, which descended on the day of Pentacost. My intention is not to imply that the Prophets and Apostles are not governed by the Holy Spirit, for they most certainly are, however they were born with the nature of an angel, thus having the Holy Spirit reside inside their souls is natural, this is why they are referred to as “Holy Prophets or Holy Apostles. Now, for the first time, you may understand the scripture, Not by power, nor by might, but by my Spirit saith the Lord. I will finish this topic with one of the most obvious and revealing scriptures that reinforce what I am being led to tell you, is the Truth. Hebrews ch 2:2-4 pretty much puts it all in a box, with a nice little wrapper on it. For if the word spoken through angels proved un alterable and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompence, how shall we escape, if we neglect so great a salvation. Etc. That clears it write up, you probabley wondering how you could have ever overlooked it. Who spoke the Word before salvation came. We know it was His prophets, and who are His prophets? The previous scripture just plainly told you. Now when you stack that truth with what you already know and you take the rest of Hebrews into account, such as the fact that,: once it makes clear that Jesus is greater then the angels, then is goes into detail about the angels even naming them and explaining things about them from milk to meat. For example after Jesus came, GOD did not have to use His prophets anymore He could have relied totally on the comforter, but He had provided something better for everyone and in doing so GOD, is able to add characteristics, reinforce attributes and shape their angelic characters while strengthening His servants the flames of fire. Very similar to how wind affects fire!!! He figured out a way to simultaneously mold man and angels into the image of His Son, while the ones who have distinct advantages only fortify the works of the comforter, thus making His angels as wind and His servants as flames of fire. You are the fire and this little book is the wind. I have been thinking, and as much as I long for the fellowship, I would rather remain anonymous when it comes to all of this newly revealed truth, that will complete the puzzle, that was mostly put together by Elijah. I want to officially become a member, but the reason I do not think all or any of the members need to know that I was the messenger led by the FATHER in which I give all glory and praise and credit. Who has bought conclusions to many of the deeper mysteries
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scripture if he tends to the birds and to the lilies of the fields then how much more, that is an extremely rough and not even close to what the real scripture says but I believe I have conveyed my meaning, regarding the identity, of the scripture, this being, my primary concern, being understood, and to clarify and to articulate ones meaning. This is what the majority of life boils down to, once a person achieves there obedience a large portion of a persons life boils down to how well they learn to communicate with others, after all, the main goal, is to lead people to rightiousness and to teach them, this is accomplished by your actions but, it is the Word that instills the action and brings signifigance and truth to all we know. Therefore, the ability to convey what one is attempting to convey or communicate becomes incredibly important. In many ways at times I feel as though I am not only processing the knowledge I have gained in this life but the Spirit leads me to gather information from collective generations of compiled knowledge and the ability to shuffle this knowledge accurately which is constantly being updated and re=shuffled, and to arrive at new conclusions, which spark new ideas, that give birth to a fire of knowledge and understanding, thus allowing, a man to form and shape His habbits, personal convictions, integrity and if so offered, the very character, of GOD. The truly difficult and challenging aspect, is not the suffleling, organization, and proper order of learned material. It is the ability to hand the pieces of shuffled knowledge back to someone else, in an order that is suitable for them, and where they are in their learning process. In many cases, your shuffled knowledge, is based on where you are personally, in your own learning curve, or process and it may be completely foreign, to someone else, and often is. Then the teacher must quickly discern this, and attempt to re-shuffle his learned knowledge, but not to such an extant, that compromises the truth, but rather makes it palatable, for your hungery student, or students, which classifies everyone. This is all made possible by yielding to the Holy Spirit, this is challenging and it can be, a difficult element. Now, regarding the knowledge being shuffled, so it is palatable, for the learner, the truth must often be shuffled into a way that is by and large foriengn to you, the teacher, while simultainiously, still acquiring and stacking more knowledge for yourself, re-shuffling it, and always gaining, in truth, and understanding, while you may very well be teaching in a way that directly contradicts your process of growth and what you may need to gain more revealed insight and knowledge. This is where the fine line between intellectual vanity and revealed Truth are drawn. The true servant of GOD is more than willing to compromise or sacrifice their own pursuit of truth in order that they might lead someone else to rightiousness. Even if it means milk continues teaching of milk. The way of give, rather than get. Then, for the final and true test of a skilled teacher, whom is not skilled by their own power but by that Power, which comes from GOD; The Holy Spirit, is when you are teaching to more than one individual and each person is at their own unique place, in their understanding of the divine, as well as their understanding of the physical knowledge of the world. Then, if a teacher can yield, allowing the Spirit to govern, he will be able to shuffle the cards and each student will receive them in the proper order meant for that particular vessel while the teacher is also learning from his own manifestation of the Spirit and any manifestation of the Spirit that may pop up in any one of his students. This is exactly, what GOD does with billions every second. NO wait, I am sorry FATHER for my hastyness and lack of patients. I take that statement back. It is not exactly what GOD does, it fact it is not even closed and I am sorry for such a statement. Please accept my apologies to the readers as well but most importantly I am sorry to GOD for my Hastiness.  What I should have said, is it points out a small fraction of the total magnitude of GODS’ Supreme Ways. Here are two quotes from Noah Webster. No government or society shall ever flourish with peace, happiness, prosperity and love, without law. A law and government based on the order and teaching of the Christian doctrine; the bible, which allows for a flawless theocracy in which GOD is the master, His Son is our example. He also said That education was completely useless without the Bible, and that if we remove or reject the Christian doctrine from the class room, we will have turned our back on GOD, and the source of all Truth. Even though the true gospel was still hidden from Noah Webster, because everything is done in GODS time and His way Mr. Webster still expressed some pretty riveting truths, whether or not He fully understood them or not, He was a man that would appear to be greater in power and might, which is usually measured by ones impact or influence on the world in which I dare to say Noah Webster, Webster the word is defined by means to weave, this is what he was commissioned to do, weave the lexical roots using latin and Hebrew, into words which would be sowed and later announced as the physical American language, to a physical world, the second time Noah was here, following in His Master Footsteps, Jesus Christ by way of JEHOVAH as Elijah has already completed, however, I must fulfill my third commission which would be to prepare the spiritual Ark of His convenant for the coming of a spiritual and physical flood which will ultimately be fire instead of water but it will begin with war, and the Beast will spew water out of it’s mouth at the remnant. Even Genesis, is prophecy for today, and Noah will give them rest. Abraham came either his second or third time as Abraham Lincoln, which also was the fulfilling of GODS promise to Abraham, I will make thee a father of many nations. Abraham was coincidently or is it just coincidence, called the father of nations and even though the true gospel was still hidden to the world and obviously certain truths were not revealed to Abraham because GOD had deemed Elijah for that commission and a later time, he was still a man that had a profound affect on shaping and influencing the world. Clearly manifesting superior power and might, which were made evident by his fruits and all of the men that I have mentioned demonstrated the seven laws of success. The very people that elected Abraham were for slavery, yet he abolished it, which I believe show you his position did not come from the people, nor was it governed by the people. Honest Abe, they called him. Here is something close to what he once said, after declaring the national day of prayer and fasting. Have we become so arrogant and so mis-lead that we actually believe all of our blessings, natural resources, plentiful soil, bounty of land, fair weather and our supreme wealth as a nation has all been acquired because of the devising, planning and the pre-meditated act of creating the blessings ourselves with our ingenious farming techniques and our superb technology which we, by means of our own intelligence have created and made. Have we forgotten that all are wealth, prosperity, and strength comes from The GOD of Isaac, Jacob, and Job. Many people believe because of Abrahams concern, for the people just as he was the first time he came as a patriach, or arch angel, that his day of prayer and fasting has lead to many more to becoming firstfruits. GOD, honored his plea, other wise it is very possible the world tomorrow might already be here. What is exciting is, what if that was Abrahams second commission then he may be amongst us, representing the dew from heaven. Perhaps, it will only be the three mentioned in Ezekial ch. 14:14-20 Anyways, Just like Elijah was proclaiming the coming of the physical Messiah in the physical wilderness the second time he was here and Noah Webster the second time brought light and understanding to millions and still does today by announcing the American language. GOD does not show partiality whether to men or angels. Elijah, having already completed his third commission, which not only reinforces the set of threes, for prophets in order for GOD to fully develop, certain key aspects of their nature, or to perfect His convenats. I believe He uses each life a prophet has lived form many, many, reason, but one of the reasons is each life teaches that angel, either new things that he may have never known or they work to reinforce what they already knew and are: servants of the most High. I believe the obvious pattern of men, whom already have bodies of spirit, whom cannot die and whom seem to be following our example: the author and finisher of our fate, Jesus Christ by conforming to His pattern of threes, is worth mentioning and definitely deserves our attention. Then when, Noah entered the Ark the flood came, could be one of the most revealing prophecies!!! If you analyze history, in an attempt to identify the prophets of old, by their fruits, and by their names, I am quite confident they would become apparent.  Now, for the garden, what really happened? Well the sun has set. I give all glory to where it belongs to the Great life Giver, the Creator, the Giver of everything and the Teacher who is so patient and merciful and His teachings are endless. One last interesting kernel of truth. Did you know that they have found traces of plutonium in almost all granite, yet not a single trace of uranium. Once again, science is stumped, by their own vanity. Science knows the only way you can get plutonium, is from uranium, but there is no traces of uranium in the granite. How can that be? GOD has made it be, that is how. Now we begin, to fully understand the scripture, even the rocks will melt. The uranium or plutonium from the nuclear bombs will trigger the traces of plutonium found throughout granite and cause the rocks to melt. Without the Bible we truly are blind men in a sand storm with dirty rags rapped around our eyes. All praise and glory to ELOHIM. He never ever ever ever ever ever ceases to amaze me. Until next week, goodbye friends..   Love, noah dibble  P.S. I just did a quick search on the words rested and Fixes which both appear in the book of Hebrews. I realize that it appears as though I am being repetitive and in some cases I am and for good reason for repetition might break down the lack of faith, but I found something new that I had missed. We know in Greek fixes is to bound or to limit, to appoint,decree, specify-declare, determine, limit, ordain, a boundary line and in Hebrew it means to cover as covered in. Now for the lexical aids says boundary. To bound, put limits to. That one word reinforces abiding under the shadow with to cover and that is satan is boundary,  the shadow he can not go under the Wings, this is why he is limited, in fact he might as well be in outer darkness. Now for the word rested lexical aids first To make cease, to restrain then it also says to use as a dwelling. He who dwelleth in the secret place of the lord shall abide under the shadow of His Wings. More conformation. Then, it tells me to go to 3973 in the lexicon which says more things like to cause to cease, to give rest, and once again it says a dwelling. Well how about that!! Then it gives one more 2596 which says a lot but the last sentence says To render inoperative. And to them of those who formally had the goodnews preached to them they failed to enter into His rest because of disobedience. That scripture does not just mean, they refused to obey, it defines much earlier, that if you keep turning from GOD, your heart will start to harden and because of your disobedience, a mans heart will harden to the point of and evil heart of unbelief, a heart that is in capable of faith because of the sin that the individual continued to commit, resulting in a hardening of the heart to such an extant that it eventually causes, dis-belief and evil. Now for the Hebrew definition for rested 2664 to conceal oneself, to disguise or to hide. This is just another element of proof that fortifies, my testimony to conceal, means it is a secret and it mean you are hidden under the shadow of His Wings, and it also supports that satan might as well be in outer darkness, for the people who are truly entering that rest. Now, if you are hidden from the enemy for twenty four hours one day a week would that not be the day you would attempt to find others and send messages and heal and proclaim your prophecy and your warning messages. You nor your messages or anything you do on the Sabbath can be seen by the enemy. If he can not even see you then he does not know who is getting your messages so he can not bombard their thoughts, interrupt or distract them. He can not trip someone up who is about to turn on the Key of David show. Normally, if it is Sunday, or any other day he would cause a distraction and that person would get side tracked, long enough to miss the program. On the Sabbath he is clueless. The Sabbath was truly made for man sake. It is time we start to utilize this awesome gift the way Jesus did. Besides, it is about time that His Bride starts to manifest the sign that identifies who their Master is. It should be manifested in all that you do. Another unique aspect which sets the Sabbath in a class of its own. No commandment claims to be a sign, of course you know what the sign is to GOD. It is the sign of true FAITH!! In fact, in the English version the definition for Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the sign that those things unseen are true. Remember the Sabbath is a sign between GOD and His people so that they will know Who makes them Holy.                                                                  Gabriel/ n

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