Tuesday, January 19, 2010

 Major Subjects of New Revelation


Solomon was Lucifer.  The temple Solomon built was when only Solomon was aloud inside the inner courts of the temple. All of the other priest were not aloud to walk amongst the fiery stones in the inner court with GOD. This is when Solomon or Lucifer actually walked with GOD, up and down amongst the fiery stones.  A third of the assembly or hosts of heaven divided and continued under their new King, Solomon or Satan. This is when the rebellion occurred. Solomon was GODS first chosen Son and he was promised the kingdom, but if he were to rebel and chose not to walk in the commandments of his FATHER, then the only way he can be dethroned, is if his kingdom comes to an end. Now, because  Jesus Christ already lived up to all the decrees and laws that Solomon introduced shortly after he was given the throne of Israel, we now have the luxury of being chosen by Him and by working simultaneously with Him, which is accomplished by the very choices we make, we have the ability to become Sons of GOD. Solomon made such strict laws, with no room for mercy or compassion.  The irony lies in the fact that he will ultimately reap his very own stringent, unforgiving, decrees in which if a man is not perfect, than he is to die. It is all there in the Chronicals one and two, of the angels or kings. Then, if he was to rebel and Solomon did rebel and turn away from the Lord, not to the extent that his son has, but none the less he did and has. GOD stated if Solomon were to rebel then his throne would become a byword and utter desolation. That is why David’s throne was turned over to Solomon/Lucifer because of David’s/Adam’s idolatry.   The throne that so many people believe is the throne of David, is really Lucifer’s throne.


The True Dispensation.  The Heavenly hierarchy.  Nine orders of angels.  Apostles are 3rd order known as  Powers in heaven and Bond Servants or Apostles on earth. Prophets are the 2nd order known as  Archangels in heaven or servants and prophets on earth. Then you have the seed of Abraham, also known as the human spirit. Three levels of the dispensation which is symbolized by the three levels in Noah’s Ark or the three shelves in the innermost sanctuary.  Three commissions for all angels.  The truth about that certain holy day is that it provides a day of reprieve and most importantly Satan cannot even see you because you are underneath the shadow of the Almighty’s Wings.  He cannot interfere with prayers, intercessions, or healings.  It also allows God to shield Himself from the remaining sins that we have not yet completely purged.  This is why it is paramount, we be as Holy as He is holy, especially on that certain day, the Holy Sabbath, set apart for the benefit of man, not GOD.


Truth about the identity of the last three angels who are yet to sound.  The same three men who are mentioned in Daniel with the lion’s pit and reinforced by Ezekiel in 14:14-20.  The only disciple that was not killed was John.  This is one strong inclination that John will be one, of the Two Witnesses.  John is possibly Job.  Moses will be the other witness, who is also known as Michael or Mahalaleh.  If the so-called extra terrestrials do arrive and go public,  they are a trick.  They are not from another galaxy, nor are they from another planet.  They are the third of the kingdom that was cast out of heaven, the fourth kind, the devils angels or the fallen ones. All of the angels who were also men who decided to follow Solomon, their king who is now known as the prince of the air.



Bathsheba lied to David about Solomon even being his son.  Bathsheba was a Hittite and Uzziah, her husband before David had him killed was an Ammorite.  Uzziah was Bathsheba’s first husband.  Solomon admits he is an Amorite and Hittite.  Solomon was not even half Israelite.  Bathsheba lied about everything.  Then, she persuaded David to promise her using a vow to the Lord God of Israel.  What a catch-22; she was crafty.  As soon as Solomon/Lucifer took the throne, he sentenced mankind to death.  He was crowned king of Israel by his mother.  Read Song of Solomon.  Lucifer said “I will be like the most high.”  This means Lucifer will not spare one detail n matter how minor it may be or appear to be.  God has His Son, Our High Priest, Jesus Christ.


How could Lucifer be like the Most High without a son?  Nebuchadnezzar was Lucifer and his punishment was having seven periods of time, 7,000 years with the heart of a beast, eating grass.  Lucifer’s son is Satan.  Satan is being loyal to his dad Lucifer, desperately attempting to be like the Most High and please his father.  After the 7,000 years when Lucifer realizes God establishes whom He chooses.  However, Nebuchadnezzar’s son, Azzazzel/or Jerobium, who laid bones before the alter has not humbled himself and he faces death without the possibility of salvation because his father Lucifer taught him the ways of death rather then feeding him with manna from heaven, so he might turn from his ways and choose life and live forever. Just as GOD has chosen to teach His Son, Jesus Christ, whom ultimately will teach us all. Imagine the grief that will set in to Lucifer’s heart after he realizes his own son will die because of his influence and because of the fact that Lucifer will be a stump in the ground with band of iron around him means that he will witness the destruction of his own son and the rebuilding of the kingdom by Jesus Christ who will ultimately be fulfilling the very responsibility and role that Lucifer was given first. It is this type of severe action that is needed to impact and change an entity whom is of the eigth order of the celestial hierarchy. Extreme measures for extreme power.


The Sabbath is what allows for an individual’s sins to be covered by God’s shadow.  If you will remember how to keep God’s Sabbath properly, then He will not remember your sins.  The devil is restrained and restricted on GOD’S Holy day.


It is possible that Solomon slept with David’s wife Bathsheba, his biological mother.  She gave birth to Azzazel or the king to whom it is not conferred.  Jerobium who has been far more wicked than his father or any king that preceded him or came after him.


Solomon was an Amorite and a Hittite.  Not one drop of Israelite blood.  People constantly overlook and underestimate the profound and revealing curse that was place don Ham, Ishmael or all his descendants, for all time.

Truth about the large Pentecostal tongues speaking denominations that has recently surged like a tidal wave of deception through the false Christianity.


The reason these false churches, which is every church but one, and even the one left has recently turned away from the Supreme Creator. Anyways, because the times are so evil, lawlessness abounds, immorality, coveting, envy, and all manners of contentions.  Unfortunately, because of these latter days, with Satan still sitting on the throne of David, formally know as Satan’s throne, often the more evil something is, the more the people support it.  There are only two powers and only one True Power.  Everybody serves one or the other.  The more evil one of Satan’s mistresses becomes, ie Satans churches, which definitely include all the different denominations of Christianity. Satan has many mistresses and he sleeps with everyone.  This is made evident in the Song of Solomon.  When she explains that her lover was gone, attending the flocks.  The Pentecostal movement has been growing because of several key components; however, rest assured, it is evil. 


The precise reason Paul goes into so much details about the tongues is because God knew the result.  Let me explain.  Tongues is the least of all the gifts, and if the specific instructions are not adhered to in the church then it can even be harmful, turning someone away from the truth and becoming deteramental.  Now, because it is the least of all gifts, it is also the easiest to counterfeit or replicate.  Then, what Satan is doing is he is getting the demon inside most men and women to praise the devil in angelic language.  The entities usually reward its host by releasing endorphins and adrenaline; however, the person usually becomes convinced that when they are periodically possessed during their tongues display that they believe it is the Holy Spirit.


Satan always likes to make humanity look really dumb. If he can wave the truth right in front of our faces and we do not notice it, nor do we acknowledge his blatantly obvious deception then he takes much pleasure in this for he feel that it only captures the true ignorance and stupidity of GOD’S creations. Of course in many ways one would have to agree with that statement except here is the paramount difference. Those whom GOD has predestined from the foundation of the world, HIS chosen ones, the children to whom it has been given the blessing of becoming the firstfruits, it is those exact people to whom those blatant deceptions and even the subtle tricky ones are not hidden. If Satan can get people to progress in their stages of demonic possession, while they praise him, and turn people away because the rules about tongues are rarely enforced.  Satan has deceived all these people into such a mighty and destructive force, and the powerful but deadly irony lies in the fact that the deceived think they are serving Christ.  This is exactly why the Pentecostal movement has done so well, and it also shows the true power of the first horseman of the Apocalypse.  The only horseman that is here,  “religious deception.”  The devil has the ability to prioritize, and you can believe he designates and rations his time out, accordingly.  The two places a person is most likely to encounter Satan is when someone is behind a pulpit, teaching from the Holy Bible or in a typical college or university classroom.

There is only one thing that Satan devotes more time to, and that is politics.  It strikes at the very core of mankind’s rebellion.  The desire to exalt ourselves above over GOD’S government, the 10 Commandments, and the 7 Holy Days and to create our own social structure, our own rules for governing.  We have different names for it:  Communism; Socialist, Democracy, Republican; Zao, etc.  Politics is the Devil’s forte. Humanities undying need to exalt themselves above the simplicity of GODS government and create their own rules for order and governing the people seems to be a thirst that will never be quenched until we learn the hard way. With GOD’S loving correction.

Scripture Steel & Iron Proving Lucifer will Learn and Live

Daniel 4:25 “That you be driven away from mankind, and your dwelling place will be with the beast of the field and you be given grass to eat like cattle and be drenched with the dew from heaven.  And seven periods of time will pass over you until you recognize that he Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind, and bestows it upon whomever He wishes.  And it was commanded to leave the stump with the roots of the tree, your kingdom bill be assured to you after you recognize it is heaven that rules.”  The Holy Scriptures clearly define what grass is metaphorically, symbolically, and allegorically.  In many different locations, I shall use only one example to define grass. 


Revelation 9:4 “And they were told that they were not to hurt the grass of the earth, or any green thing, nor any tree, but only the men who do not have the seal of God in their forehead.”  We know that trees are defined as angels, in human form.  This is made clear by the tree of good and evil which were Solomon or Lucifer and all the other trees in the garden.  Also, Nebuchadnezzar or Satan as the uprooted tree, and before his rebellion he is described as a Mighty Oak in which the lords of heaven dwelt under the branches.  Then, there are the scriptures “You will become trees of righteousness.”  This scripture is talking to the grass, which represents the spirits of human men being made perfect by the blood of the Lamb.  Revelations concludes this statement with “or any green thing.”  This covers the third possible family or house, also known as the third level of the celestial hierarchy.


The MYSTERY OF THE INCARNATION, as the true dispensation, the government in heaven, which has been duplicated by His chosen ones on earth.  However, only the first three levels are manifested on earth – grass, which are human spirits being made perfect by Christ and trees which are also called prophets, holy ones, nature of angels, just men are the second order of the angelic hierarchy or the dispensation also called archangels.  Then there are principalities, also called apostles or valiant men, or bondservants.  Principalities are the third rank of celestial might and power.  With each level your might and your power which are defined by the Holy Scriptures as intellect and abilities increase expedient ally enabling your frontal lobe to be supercharges with wisdom and God’s understanding.


The reason God says or any green thing is because the only one that would be considered and apostle would be Job or John who wrote Revelations and will be one of the two witnesses.  But, the rest such as Moses who is Michael the Archangel as well others will be hopefully be granted apostleship by the everlasting mercies of the One Who Lives Forever.  The Lord God Almighty is His name.  By God addressing it as or any green thing, He is able to open up the possibility of green things that are in the middle of becoming trees or prophets who are about to become apostles, such as John and Moses who will both be martyred when they are overcome and slain by the best, lying in the streets for 3 ½ days without being buried.  Ascending the level of apostle as it is called on earth and principality as it is called in Heaven.  The angelic celestial dispensation or hierarchy, God’s true and all encompassing government which includes all nine orders of the celestial hierarchy as opposed to this earthly dwelling which allows one to advance to the third level of God’s divine society.


It appears that being martyred is always an essential piece of criteria in order for a prophet to graduate to the third order of the celestial hierarchy known as Powers. Here on earth we refer to them as apostles.  In fact, the only disciple that was not killed violently for his convictions, for his love was John, who wrote the book of Revelations.  And, this is also another one of the reinforcing facts that give credence to John testifying as one of the Two Witnesses.  So, the trees are the angels or reapers and the grass in the spirits of human men also called the seed of Abraham and Nebuchadnezzar or Satan was given an beast heart, meaning God actually created and formed his ravenous appetite for destruction, falsehood and death, turning him completely over to his heart and desires by giving Satan or Nebuchadnezzar the heart or mind as the Holy Scriptures define, heart of a beast.


Now, we know the human hear or mind is deceitfully wicked, who can know it, but the mind of a wild beast truly encapsulates Satan.  God gave him this mind as a form of love, taking drastic but effective measures to repair an extremely fractured vessel.  A powerful free-willed entity that has drifted way off course. but, in the end, God will have perfected everyone, expect for maybe Satan’s son, Azzazel or Jeroboam, however God does say that He wishes none to perish, not one.  I’m beginning to believe that what the Living Great God wants is more than likely going to occur.  In fact, I cannot give you one example so far where he has not always performed His will.  And we know He is perfect, so He performs perfection with hard work for His pleasure, which is ultimately our pleasure.  For, a perfect father delights in happy children.


Lucifer or Satan will be Redeemed

This beast who will be driven away from mankind is Satan who is no longer Solomon or Nebuchadnezzar, but now he is the prince of the air, the god of this world.  Satan is a cherubim which is the eighth and second to the last order of angels.  The ninth order is Seraphim.  They literally cover the throne of God as well as God Himself.  Satan was given the mind of a beast and he was put with all of the other beasts that he was responsible for inciting and influencing, although ultimately everyone is responsible for their own choices.  Solomon spent seven years building the Lord’s temple so God has deemed his sentence to seven periods of time. This of course translates as the 7,000 years of mankind’s existence, not the physical body of man but the human spirit of man.


The human body was first created to accommodate angels long before God made the spirit or man, or a human spirit.  In fact, it is possible that Lucifer’s rebellion resulted in God realizing that in order to create a free-willed family of morally free entities, one must start molding that spirit from infancy, allowing them to learn, grow, suffer, love, and earn their abilities and their intellect from you and inexperienced spirit with very little power and might or intellect and ability, allowing them to know what it is like to be without God’s gifts and how they must earn their positions by learning to love and obey of wonderful Father of Lights.  Then the scripture says, “Shall cut the great tree down, leaving the stump in the ground with bands of iron around it.”  This is obviously describing the Millennial Sabbath, God’s Holy Sabbath.  Remember, “one day is as 1,00 years to the Lords, and 1,000 years is as one day.” 


God will cease to work physically making sure Satan is always eating out of His hand because Satan will be restrained or put into solitary confinement for a period of time.  The bands of iron indicate that Satan will be like a human spirit or an angel with no glory, or even worse one that had glory but was stripped of it and he will be stuck in the ground like a stump, restrained by the Holy Sabbath or Millennium, or bands or iron.  Yet, he will still be in the ground so he will watch his old kingdom be rebuilt and administered properly with justice, by Jesus Christ who achieved what Satan was originally offered.  Perhaps Satan will be witnessing all of this while he is also grieving the death of this son, this I do not know.  Nebuchadnezzar’s son called Belshazzar, according to the source of all truth.  Belshazzar has not humbled himself.


The final verse describing Nebuchadnezzar in the book of Daniel is “Until his hair has grown as eagle feathers and is nails like bird claws.”  This appears to be a metaphor of the dragon who took a third of the stars and swept them from the sky, meaning Nebuchadnezzar or Lucifer caused a third of the angels under this rule to follow him and he also tainted a third of the waters, meaning destroying people’s belief in Noah’s Ark which is paramount to salvation.  One cannot disbelieve the first time God saved us and choose to believe in the second time God saved humanity, which was by blood and spirit, instead of water.  This is why when they pierced Jesus’ side; blood and water were discharged from the puncture wound of the spear.  The blood, water, and spirit all agree as one.  This is because they all played an intricate part in the salvation of mankind.


Theory or Truth About the Four Demons Bound at the Euphrates

I always like to say when my beliefs are solid, undeniable truth, which I can prove with my eyes and His Righteous Book.  Even when I am 97% sure, such as I am about the four demons theory.  I believe the four demons are not bound underneath the Euphrates or chained up.  The plain truth is I believe it si that the demons are allowed to exercise their authority on the east side of the Euphrates, China, the Orient, and India.  This is why there are so many idols, and even to this day it is dangerous to have a Holy Bible in China.  I also believe this would account for the massive birthrate, due to the plain truth that the demons are mating with humans as in the days of Noah.  One of the blessings and advantages God imparted to Israel was that He always kept these four powerful demons on the east side of the Euphrates.  The river Euphrates in the boundary line, they cannot cross that boundary.


Theory or truth regarding Paul and the thorn in his side?  I have to introduce this as a theory also, however I do personally believe this.  Satan has two main weapons he uses to destroy people.  One is women and this was made evident with Adam.  The other vise I believe to be even more destructive in almost every possible way.  Addiction is a cancer that has ripped through humanity like a tornado.  It not only allows for progression to occur, and it can damage your body, but it’s most cherished purpose is how it affects a man’s character.  This is the very heart and core of being self-consumed.  This is exactly where the Latin root and word “narcissus” comes from.  Narcissus is defined in the Bible dictionary as narcotic.


Nine out of ten times a person becomes totally self-oriented and self-consumed if they become addicted.  Selfishness is the opposite of everything God’s law commands.  When a stranger is born, an angel, either a prophet or an apostle, the devil is right there from the beginning and he has done it enough times to know what the most successful methods are for attempting to limit or corrupt a holy one.  I will refer to them as the chosen.  Satan has certain restrictions when it comes to the chosen.  Just as God told Satan he could do everything he wanted to Job, but he was not allowed to touch him.  Eve added the comment about touch because it was revealing her sexual desire for Solomon and the devil is usually not allowed to rape or molest the chosen. 


Remember, when Lot gave his daughters to protect the angels.  The reason angels are not allowed to be raped is, number one because they are holy, and number two is sexual intercourse, especially sodomy.  These are all gateways that the demons depend on heavily.  Anyways, Paul had a thorn in his flesh.  We know he had it for a while, and as you read his books you can witness him at different stages of his addiction or alcoholism.  In Romans, Paul goes on to say, “Oh Lord, the things that I want to do, those are the things I cannot do and what I don’t want to do, those are the things I do.  Oh Lord, who will save me from this wretched body.  Thank God I have Jesus Christ.”


Now due to the fact that Satan is somewhat limited in how he can attack the chose, due to the fact that Satan cannot molest or rape them, which leaves him with only woman and addictions.  I have lived long enough to know that women are no match for addiction; eventually the desire for the drug and once the narcissm reaches a climax.  With this simple strategy one can come to the conclusion that when a stranger is born the devil is going to be ever so diligent in making sure his permeable route of attack is successful.  It is almost as though he has put all his chips in one basket for a prophet.  This is why people are so deceived about the very likelihood and possibility that a man of God could be battling addiction.


I have hard many alcoholics and addicts describe their addiction as a thorn on their side.  “The thing I don’t want to do, those things are the things I do.”  Paul is definitely struggling with pretty strong desires and we know that Paul did not take a woman, so what else could it have been?  Paul also had a best friend, that is how it is described and his best friend was Narcissus.  The Bible defines Narcissus as narcotic.  Imagine how much hope these addicts would have, if they knew a man of God have battled with the very same things.


Most people are just shocked, if they consider Paul struggling with opiates.  Don’t you see the very reason it has so many negative connotations and character assassination potentials is precisely why Satan is depending upon mankind’s premature judgment about addiction or alcoholism.  There is one more important reason why the human angels can be prone to addiction.  Due to the fact that they are indwelled with a spirit that is greater in power and might, it allows a stranger to manage more control over their desires.  Also most people immediately progressing in their possessions as soon as they alter their mind, their defenses come down and in comes an entity or demon.  Then, every time they indulge in this pleasure or emotional stimulation, the entity eats up more of their free will and the person gives up a little more of themselves, until eventually, it is not your body anymore.  I refer to it as, the demonic lease to own plan and the human body is the going commoditee.  Right now, the victim is being leased, however later they will be owned.


One of the distinct advantages of a stranger or a pilgrim is they cannot be possessed.  “What fellowship hath light with darkness.”  It is like oil and water; the two cannot abide in the same tabernacle or body.  There is another reason addiction is a plausible vice for an angel wrapped in human skin.  They are not progressing, and turning into someone else.  They still remain who they are, then in an altered state, unlike anybody else.   The advantages of an angelic nature are many.  The spirit is what governs the physical and the spirit manifests itself in everything from physical coordination, to facial features, tone of voice, mannerism, the ability to separate your emotions from your logic, the cognitive thought process, and arrive at objective unbiased conclusions.  It overpowers the carnal mind, creating a hunger for the truth rather than being naturally against it, or at enmity with it.  Satan utilized Eve to entice Adam, but that was only because he did not have all the time to cultivate, nor did Satan have the experience with humanity that he now has.

Holy Scriptures proving that Angels can be Human


Angels or Wind are defined by the Greek dictionary #4151 as mental disposition, super human.  “The Law was ordained by Angels.”  The word ordained means spoken through.  We know who spoke the law; it was Moses and Aaron.  “Behold when they saw the baby face of Moses, they knew he was no ordinary child.”  In Hebrew, ordained means spoken through the disposition of angels, or as the book of Hebrews calls it, the nature of angels.  The Bible uses the phrase “men of old.”  According to the Greek dictionary, men of old is translated as “members of the celestial council.”  This is why the bible calls prophets holy.  “He revealeth His secrets unto His Holy prophets whom never die.”


The reason the Bible says they never die is because they are angels.   Hebrews 13:2 – “Entertain strangers, for by doing so some have entertained angels without knowing it.”  A stranger will be a human.  Here is scripture from Job describing the birth and origin of angels and also the fact that God must decide the gender of the angel.  “For out of the hoary frost of heaven, out of her icy womb came forth the dew from heaven.  Who hath gendered it?”  Lamentations 3:39 “Why should any living mortal, or any man offer complaint in view of his sins?”  The Bible clearly and obviously defines stars as angels.


The devil took a third of the kingdom of stars with him.  The woman with the man-child and the 12 stars or 12 disciples.  Jesus has the seven stars in his right hand.  The seven angels of the churches or church eras.  “Wandering stars twice dead” – these are the false prophets who somehow slipped in after the flood.  In the book of Daniel in 6:3, Daniel is referred to as having an extraordinary spirit.  This scripture coincides with Moses not being an ordinary child.  When Paul discusses “they mystery of the incarnation,” he is describing the dispensation of celestial hierarchy of the government in heaven which is manifested on earth.  However, there are different words used for the identifying of positions or ranks held by the angels, also called prophets and apostles which are the second or third order of angels, Archangels and Powers.


The Lexical aids call it Oikonomia. “ Administration of the house of property ones own or another’s spiritual dispensation, management, or economy, a hierarchy.  The dispensation of God means the administration of divine grace.  The administration or activity of the owner or the steward.  The ultimate administration or ordering of the house, the proper arrangement or positions of authority in the administration or hierarchy.  The spiritual dispensation and or the proper management and knowledge of the celestial hierarchy,” Otherwise known as GOD’S government within the heavens which is similar to that of the earths,  only there are more levels and more room for improvement, graduation and growth in heaven.


The angel, Michael is seen here as heavenly prince of Israel, as he is in Daniel 12:1.  Persia also had its own prince, as did Greece.  These princes engaged in heavenly combat and the implication that was happening to these nations on earth was affected by this struggle.  During the intertestimental period the Jews greatly expanded the Old Testament teaching on angels into a full-blown hierarchy of both good and evil angels.  In the New Testament, Paul uses different terminology, taught that a Christian’s real struggle is with these beings.  They battle against spiritual beings rather than with physical ones.  This was a commentary taken from one of the best Bibles to ever touch this earth, the Key Word Study Bible/American Standard Version.  What I am here to tell you is that the spiritual beings are also physical beings.  Apostles, prophets, an in their designated order, at their appointed times.


The evil or fallen angels are no exception to this rule as they are always seeking a body that they may control and call their own.  Read this scripture carefully and slowly and may God’s will always be done.  Hebrews 2:14 “Since then the children share in flesh and blood, He Himself likewise, also partook of the same, that through death He might render powerless him who had the power over death, that is Solomon or the devil and might deliver those who through fear of death were subject to slavery all of their lives.  For assuredly He does not give help to angels but He gives help to the descendents of Abraham.”  This scripture begins with since the children of God share in flesh and blood.  The scripture following this statement actually clarifies the two different types of children that share in flesh and blood.


One of the types of children, Jesus came to set free from the fear of death and the other type of children, the angels or the chosen or valient men, or great men or mighty men or holy men or just men or blameless men or strangers or pilgrims of whom Jesus did not come to give aid to the angels because they already have bodies of spirit.  For assuredly, He did not come to help angels but He gives help to the descendents of Abraham, His children with a human spirit.


Here is a scripture from Revelation 9:4 describing metaphorically not to hurt any of the grass which would be the spirits of Abraham’s descendents, with a human spirit.  And, of course, the trees, ever since the garden of Eden have been used to identify angels or prophets, or foxes, or strangers.  Then the scripture concludes by saying, or any green thing.  This covers and accounts for any other entity or human on any level of the celestial hierarchy.  “From theVessels of  cups to the vessels of flagons.”  Rev. 9:4 “And they were told that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, or any green thing, nor any tree, but only the men who do not have the seal of God on their forehead.”  Read pg. 1774, 7223.  The word Rishawn or rishon.  Pages are from the Hebrew/Greek Study Bible American Standard Version, pages 1781, 1779, 7585, 7673.



The First Shall be Last and the Last Shall be First

Holy Scriptures are written in a way that hardly can be defined by the words of language.  It is so unique and brilliantly independent that the Holy Bible is actually going to finish at the beginning.  This includes using the same people, each representing the appointed epoch or the identical person pertaining to the specific generation-except this time it is from the last to the first. Or as one might better understand the generations are going backwards, from the last to the first, believe it or not, even the physical story of the Holy Bible is reading backwards from the end, only to accurately finish at the beginning.  The Holy scriptures begin by describing the chronological events on a physical level, perfectly accurate and without error.  Now, since the last will be first, the Holy Bible is accurately describing the future and all of its chronological events by reading the story backwards and using the physical past to accurately describe and predict the future on a spiritual level, instead of a physical, incarnate, temporal level. 

Remember, the three levels of the Arc.  The beginning of the Holy Bible explains the first part of the story on a physical level.  Then, the fist story of the Holy Bible is also the last story of the Holy Bible, explaining the end of the story at the beginning except the story has been quickened to describe the spiritual view or God’s view as opposed to they physical, inanimate and often carnal. 





The Little Book -The Beginning of the Little Book

Summary, Main Contents and Purpose


The Little Book described in Revelation Chapter Ten is now before you.  The contents and objective of this Little Book were made possible by the redeeming sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the ever-present majesty of His Father, the Lord God Almighty.  This Little Book will serve as a desperate warning to God’s Church, the Philadelphia Church of God, as well as a warning to the world about the floods of God’s fire that is to come.  Unless you are inside the Ark, you will not be safe from the fire that is to come.  Enter the Ark of His covenant and you will not perish.  The Ark is not that of physical substance but rather these things of spiritual substance.


This Little Book, written in the true and persistent attempt to understand God’s word, guided by the Holy Spirit.  But, do not mistaken the indwelling of God’s Holy Spirit is directly proportionate to a man’s or woman’s obedience to the 10 commandments and seven holy days.  My obedience has been shameful and lukewarm; therefore, judgment doth never proceedeth.  However, more importantly it is not just a man’s obedience to the 10 commandments and the seven holy days, but rather the type of obedience and diligence and seriousness at which one pursues his obedience to each commandment.


Is there any commandement that we could be obeying better?  Perhaps we do not understand one of the most important commandments.  Even God’s Church, the Philadelphia Church of God understands elements about the Holy Sabbath that have been kept from the majority of the world.  Yet, even God’s church has failed to understand the real secrets and power behind the reason for the Sabbath Day.  Just as God has sworn in His wrath, He has kept the Sabbath Day a secret, even to His own church because their hearts have been hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. 


Instead of supporting this Little Book, God’s church is suppressing the Little Book.  If this Little Book is read in its entirety, it will demonstrate by guidance from His Holy Spirit and the Holy Bible as its main sole source of reference.  The Little Book shall prove beyond any doubt to be a warning to God’s church that they are rejecting God’s revelation as well as a warning to all the inhabitants of the whole world that if a person chooses to enter the Ark which is accomplished by spiritually discerning the truth from the lies by believing that this is the genuine Little Book and all you refuse to believe and implement the instructions found within will not be safe from the flood of fire, destruction, famine, and desolations that are in our immediate future.


Please, oh House of Israel, why will you die?  Choose life and turn from your traditions taught by men and choose life by heeding the words found in this Little Book.  This Little Book will also prove beyond any and all doubt to the be conclusion to the book called, Mystery of the Ages, written by the end time apostle, Elijah.  His early name was Herbert W. Armstrong.  And as the Holy scriptures stipulate, this Little Book will begin to conclude that the mysteries of God will soon be finished and all who do not read this Little Book, or all who refuse to be believe God’s revelation and most importantly, all who refuse to implement and physically demonstrate and manifest their beliefs in this Little book by following its instructions and removing the slackness from the law of the feebleness and futility at which one pursue their obedience to God’s Royal Law will ultimately be thrown head first into he greatest time of suffering this world has ever known.


To all the members of the Philadelphia Church of God, I have been attempting to get this Little Book into the hands of the congregation rather than into the hands of its leader or leaders since before February of 2006.  Although the Little Book has grown and been strengthened by God’s Holy Spirit since 2006, nonetheless I have been relentless in my postage copies sent to the church and my countless e-mails, some e-mails containing more of God’s precious truth than others.  I still believe to this day that the genuine Little Book has not been witnessed or shared with the congregation.  Please read this entire Little Book and I assure you by the power of God and the strength of His Chris you will not be able to refute the fact outlines in this Little Book. 


Most importantly, the Holy Scriptures used to reinforce and prove with absolute surety and rock solid biblical support that this is without a doubt the genuine Little Book that will serve as the measuring line for determining whom of God’s church will believe this Little Book and obey its contents, allowing an individual to become a Child of God and enter into the inner courts of the Lord’s Temple.  There is a level of intense intimacy with the powerful creator of the universe who one does what is expected of them and finds themselves dwelling in the innermost sanctuary of God’s chambers. This is where the fiery coals are as well as the Ark of the Covenant.

                                                                                                                        Two Central Messages of the Little Book


Number One:  Warning to God’s Church and to the world that everyone is in grave danger.  There are desolations and sufferings determined in our immediate future, maybe 2012 or 2013, perhaps during the next elections, at most seven years from now.  But, I fear it will be more like four years from 2013, and it will occur rapidly.  If you heed this Little Book and believe and turn from your ways and obey the Sabbath properly by humbling yourself a day of affliction, a Holy Day when you do nothing of your own pleasure, absolutely no works of the flesh.  This includes eating and drinking but rather, giving all your attention and gratification to God’s Holy Spirit, by crucifying the flesh on the Holy Sabbath and by recognizing this Little Book is God’s revelation, if you do these things found in this Little Book, then you will enter the Ark, which was created by Jesus Christ and prepared by Noah. “As it was in the days of Noah so shall it be when the SON of Man returns” My name is Noah and this is the Ark.  All who believe and obey will enter a spiritual Ark this spiritual manna will protect you from the flood of the fire to come.


Number Two:  Finish what Elijah started, by finishing the mysteries of God.  Herbert W. Armstrong wrote a book called Mystery of the Ages, and this Little Book’s second commission is to finish they mysteries of God by picking up where Elijah, or Herbert W. Armstrong left off by concluding with the mysteries that have been hidden since the beginning of the world.  The Little Book is mystery of the ages, part two.