Tuesday, January 19, 2010

 Major Subjects of New Revelation


Solomon was Lucifer.  The temple Solomon built was when only Solomon was aloud inside the inner courts of the temple. All of the other priest were not aloud to walk amongst the fiery stones in the inner court with GOD. This is when Solomon or Lucifer actually walked with GOD, up and down amongst the fiery stones.  A third of the assembly or hosts of heaven divided and continued under their new King, Solomon or Satan. This is when the rebellion occurred. Solomon was GODS first chosen Son and he was promised the kingdom, but if he were to rebel and chose not to walk in the commandments of his FATHER, then the only way he can be dethroned, is if his kingdom comes to an end. Now, because  Jesus Christ already lived up to all the decrees and laws that Solomon introduced shortly after he was given the throne of Israel, we now have the luxury of being chosen by Him and by working simultaneously with Him, which is accomplished by the very choices we make, we have the ability to become Sons of GOD. Solomon made such strict laws, with no room for mercy or compassion.  The irony lies in the fact that he will ultimately reap his very own stringent, unforgiving, decrees in which if a man is not perfect, than he is to die. It is all there in the Chronicals one and two, of the angels or kings. Then, if he was to rebel and Solomon did rebel and turn away from the Lord, not to the extent that his son has, but none the less he did and has. GOD stated if Solomon were to rebel then his throne would become a byword and utter desolation. That is why David’s throne was turned over to Solomon/Lucifer because of David’s/Adam’s idolatry.   The throne that so many people believe is the throne of David, is really Lucifer’s throne.


The True Dispensation.  The Heavenly hierarchy.  Nine orders of angels.  Apostles are 3rd order known as  Powers in heaven and Bond Servants or Apostles on earth. Prophets are the 2nd order known as  Archangels in heaven or servants and prophets on earth. Then you have the seed of Abraham, also known as the human spirit. Three levels of the dispensation which is symbolized by the three levels in Noah’s Ark or the three shelves in the innermost sanctuary.  Three commissions for all angels.  The truth about that certain holy day is that it provides a day of reprieve and most importantly Satan cannot even see you because you are underneath the shadow of the Almighty’s Wings.  He cannot interfere with prayers, intercessions, or healings.  It also allows God to shield Himself from the remaining sins that we have not yet completely purged.  This is why it is paramount, we be as Holy as He is holy, especially on that certain day, the Holy Sabbath, set apart for the benefit of man, not GOD.


Truth about the identity of the last three angels who are yet to sound.  The same three men who are mentioned in Daniel with the lion’s pit and reinforced by Ezekiel in 14:14-20.  The only disciple that was not killed was John.  This is one strong inclination that John will be one, of the Two Witnesses.  John is possibly Job.  Moses will be the other witness, who is also known as Michael or Mahalaleh.  If the so-called extra terrestrials do arrive and go public,  they are a trick.  They are not from another galaxy, nor are they from another planet.  They are the third of the kingdom that was cast out of heaven, the fourth kind, the devils angels or the fallen ones. All of the angels who were also men who decided to follow Solomon, their king who is now known as the prince of the air.



Bathsheba lied to David about Solomon even being his son.  Bathsheba was a Hittite and Uzziah, her husband before David had him killed was an Ammorite.  Uzziah was Bathsheba’s first husband.  Solomon admits he is an Amorite and Hittite.  Solomon was not even half Israelite.  Bathsheba lied about everything.  Then, she persuaded David to promise her using a vow to the Lord God of Israel.  What a catch-22; she was crafty.  As soon as Solomon/Lucifer took the throne, he sentenced mankind to death.  He was crowned king of Israel by his mother.  Read Song of Solomon.  Lucifer said “I will be like the most high.”  This means Lucifer will not spare one detail n matter how minor it may be or appear to be.  God has His Son, Our High Priest, Jesus Christ.


How could Lucifer be like the Most High without a son?  Nebuchadnezzar was Lucifer and his punishment was having seven periods of time, 7,000 years with the heart of a beast, eating grass.  Lucifer’s son is Satan.  Satan is being loyal to his dad Lucifer, desperately attempting to be like the Most High and please his father.  After the 7,000 years when Lucifer realizes God establishes whom He chooses.  However, Nebuchadnezzar’s son, Azzazzel/or Jerobium, who laid bones before the alter has not humbled himself and he faces death without the possibility of salvation because his father Lucifer taught him the ways of death rather then feeding him with manna from heaven, so he might turn from his ways and choose life and live forever. Just as GOD has chosen to teach His Son, Jesus Christ, whom ultimately will teach us all. Imagine the grief that will set in to Lucifer’s heart after he realizes his own son will die because of his influence and because of the fact that Lucifer will be a stump in the ground with band of iron around him means that he will witness the destruction of his own son and the rebuilding of the kingdom by Jesus Christ who will ultimately be fulfilling the very responsibility and role that Lucifer was given first. It is this type of severe action that is needed to impact and change an entity whom is of the eigth order of the celestial hierarchy. Extreme measures for extreme power.


The Sabbath is what allows for an individual’s sins to be covered by God’s shadow.  If you will remember how to keep God’s Sabbath properly, then He will not remember your sins.  The devil is restrained and restricted on GOD’S Holy day.


It is possible that Solomon slept with David’s wife Bathsheba, his biological mother.  She gave birth to Azzazel or the king to whom it is not conferred.  Jerobium who has been far more wicked than his father or any king that preceded him or came after him.


Solomon was an Amorite and a Hittite.  Not one drop of Israelite blood.  People constantly overlook and underestimate the profound and revealing curse that was place don Ham, Ishmael or all his descendants, for all time.

Truth about the large Pentecostal tongues speaking denominations that has recently surged like a tidal wave of deception through the false Christianity.


The reason these false churches, which is every church but one, and even the one left has recently turned away from the Supreme Creator. Anyways, because the times are so evil, lawlessness abounds, immorality, coveting, envy, and all manners of contentions.  Unfortunately, because of these latter days, with Satan still sitting on the throne of David, formally know as Satan’s throne, often the more evil something is, the more the people support it.  There are only two powers and only one True Power.  Everybody serves one or the other.  The more evil one of Satan’s mistresses becomes, ie Satans churches, which definitely include all the different denominations of Christianity. Satan has many mistresses and he sleeps with everyone.  This is made evident in the Song of Solomon.  When she explains that her lover was gone, attending the flocks.  The Pentecostal movement has been growing because of several key components; however, rest assured, it is evil. 


The precise reason Paul goes into so much details about the tongues is because God knew the result.  Let me explain.  Tongues is the least of all the gifts, and if the specific instructions are not adhered to in the church then it can even be harmful, turning someone away from the truth and becoming deteramental.  Now, because it is the least of all gifts, it is also the easiest to counterfeit or replicate.  Then, what Satan is doing is he is getting the demon inside most men and women to praise the devil in angelic language.  The entities usually reward its host by releasing endorphins and adrenaline; however, the person usually becomes convinced that when they are periodically possessed during their tongues display that they believe it is the Holy Spirit.


Satan always likes to make humanity look really dumb. If he can wave the truth right in front of our faces and we do not notice it, nor do we acknowledge his blatantly obvious deception then he takes much pleasure in this for he feel that it only captures the true ignorance and stupidity of GOD’S creations. Of course in many ways one would have to agree with that statement except here is the paramount difference. Those whom GOD has predestined from the foundation of the world, HIS chosen ones, the children to whom it has been given the blessing of becoming the firstfruits, it is those exact people to whom those blatant deceptions and even the subtle tricky ones are not hidden. If Satan can get people to progress in their stages of demonic possession, while they praise him, and turn people away because the rules about tongues are rarely enforced.  Satan has deceived all these people into such a mighty and destructive force, and the powerful but deadly irony lies in the fact that the deceived think they are serving Christ.  This is exactly why the Pentecostal movement has done so well, and it also shows the true power of the first horseman of the Apocalypse.  The only horseman that is here,  “religious deception.”  The devil has the ability to prioritize, and you can believe he designates and rations his time out, accordingly.  The two places a person is most likely to encounter Satan is when someone is behind a pulpit, teaching from the Holy Bible or in a typical college or university classroom.

There is only one thing that Satan devotes more time to, and that is politics.  It strikes at the very core of mankind’s rebellion.  The desire to exalt ourselves above over GOD’S government, the 10 Commandments, and the 7 Holy Days and to create our own social structure, our own rules for governing.  We have different names for it:  Communism; Socialist, Democracy, Republican; Zao, etc.  Politics is the Devil’s forte. Humanities undying need to exalt themselves above the simplicity of GODS government and create their own rules for order and governing the people seems to be a thirst that will never be quenched until we learn the hard way. With GOD’S loving correction.

Scripture Steel & Iron Proving Lucifer will Learn and Live

Daniel 4:25 “That you be driven away from mankind, and your dwelling place will be with the beast of the field and you be given grass to eat like cattle and be drenched with the dew from heaven.  And seven periods of time will pass over you until you recognize that he Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind, and bestows it upon whomever He wishes.  And it was commanded to leave the stump with the roots of the tree, your kingdom bill be assured to you after you recognize it is heaven that rules.”  The Holy Scriptures clearly define what grass is metaphorically, symbolically, and allegorically.  In many different locations, I shall use only one example to define grass. 


Revelation 9:4 “And they were told that they were not to hurt the grass of the earth, or any green thing, nor any tree, but only the men who do not have the seal of God in their forehead.”  We know that trees are defined as angels, in human form.  This is made clear by the tree of good and evil which were Solomon or Lucifer and all the other trees in the garden.  Also, Nebuchadnezzar or Satan as the uprooted tree, and before his rebellion he is described as a Mighty Oak in which the lords of heaven dwelt under the branches.  Then, there are the scriptures “You will become trees of righteousness.”  This scripture is talking to the grass, which represents the spirits of human men being made perfect by the blood of the Lamb.  Revelations concludes this statement with “or any green thing.”  This covers the third possible family or house, also known as the third level of the celestial hierarchy.


The MYSTERY OF THE INCARNATION, as the true dispensation, the government in heaven, which has been duplicated by His chosen ones on earth.  However, only the first three levels are manifested on earth – grass, which are human spirits being made perfect by Christ and trees which are also called prophets, holy ones, nature of angels, just men are the second order of the angelic hierarchy or the dispensation also called archangels.  Then there are principalities, also called apostles or valiant men, or bondservants.  Principalities are the third rank of celestial might and power.  With each level your might and your power which are defined by the Holy Scriptures as intellect and abilities increase expedient ally enabling your frontal lobe to be supercharges with wisdom and God’s understanding.


The reason God says or any green thing is because the only one that would be considered and apostle would be Job or John who wrote Revelations and will be one of the two witnesses.  But, the rest such as Moses who is Michael the Archangel as well others will be hopefully be granted apostleship by the everlasting mercies of the One Who Lives Forever.  The Lord God Almighty is His name.  By God addressing it as or any green thing, He is able to open up the possibility of green things that are in the middle of becoming trees or prophets who are about to become apostles, such as John and Moses who will both be martyred when they are overcome and slain by the best, lying in the streets for 3 ½ days without being buried.  Ascending the level of apostle as it is called on earth and principality as it is called in Heaven.  The angelic celestial dispensation or hierarchy, God’s true and all encompassing government which includes all nine orders of the celestial hierarchy as opposed to this earthly dwelling which allows one to advance to the third level of God’s divine society.


It appears that being martyred is always an essential piece of criteria in order for a prophet to graduate to the third order of the celestial hierarchy known as Powers. Here on earth we refer to them as apostles.  In fact, the only disciple that was not killed violently for his convictions, for his love was John, who wrote the book of Revelations.  And, this is also another one of the reinforcing facts that give credence to John testifying as one of the Two Witnesses.  So, the trees are the angels or reapers and the grass in the spirits of human men also called the seed of Abraham and Nebuchadnezzar or Satan was given an beast heart, meaning God actually created and formed his ravenous appetite for destruction, falsehood and death, turning him completely over to his heart and desires by giving Satan or Nebuchadnezzar the heart or mind as the Holy Scriptures define, heart of a beast.


Now, we know the human hear or mind is deceitfully wicked, who can know it, but the mind of a wild beast truly encapsulates Satan.  God gave him this mind as a form of love, taking drastic but effective measures to repair an extremely fractured vessel.  A powerful free-willed entity that has drifted way off course. but, in the end, God will have perfected everyone, expect for maybe Satan’s son, Azzazel or Jeroboam, however God does say that He wishes none to perish, not one.  I’m beginning to believe that what the Living Great God wants is more than likely going to occur.  In fact, I cannot give you one example so far where he has not always performed His will.  And we know He is perfect, so He performs perfection with hard work for His pleasure, which is ultimately our pleasure.  For, a perfect father delights in happy children.


Lucifer or Satan will be Redeemed

This beast who will be driven away from mankind is Satan who is no longer Solomon or Nebuchadnezzar, but now he is the prince of the air, the god of this world.  Satan is a cherubim which is the eighth and second to the last order of angels.  The ninth order is Seraphim.  They literally cover the throne of God as well as God Himself.  Satan was given the mind of a beast and he was put with all of the other beasts that he was responsible for inciting and influencing, although ultimately everyone is responsible for their own choices.  Solomon spent seven years building the Lord’s temple so God has deemed his sentence to seven periods of time. This of course translates as the 7,000 years of mankind’s existence, not the physical body of man but the human spirit of man.


The human body was first created to accommodate angels long before God made the spirit or man, or a human spirit.  In fact, it is possible that Lucifer’s rebellion resulted in God realizing that in order to create a free-willed family of morally free entities, one must start molding that spirit from infancy, allowing them to learn, grow, suffer, love, and earn their abilities and their intellect from you and inexperienced spirit with very little power and might or intellect and ability, allowing them to know what it is like to be without God’s gifts and how they must earn their positions by learning to love and obey of wonderful Father of Lights.  Then the scripture says, “Shall cut the great tree down, leaving the stump in the ground with bands of iron around it.”  This is obviously describing the Millennial Sabbath, God’s Holy Sabbath.  Remember, “one day is as 1,00 years to the Lords, and 1,000 years is as one day.” 


God will cease to work physically making sure Satan is always eating out of His hand because Satan will be restrained or put into solitary confinement for a period of time.  The bands of iron indicate that Satan will be like a human spirit or an angel with no glory, or even worse one that had glory but was stripped of it and he will be stuck in the ground like a stump, restrained by the Holy Sabbath or Millennium, or bands or iron.  Yet, he will still be in the ground so he will watch his old kingdom be rebuilt and administered properly with justice, by Jesus Christ who achieved what Satan was originally offered.  Perhaps Satan will be witnessing all of this while he is also grieving the death of this son, this I do not know.  Nebuchadnezzar’s son called Belshazzar, according to the source of all truth.  Belshazzar has not humbled himself.


The final verse describing Nebuchadnezzar in the book of Daniel is “Until his hair has grown as eagle feathers and is nails like bird claws.”  This appears to be a metaphor of the dragon who took a third of the stars and swept them from the sky, meaning Nebuchadnezzar or Lucifer caused a third of the angels under this rule to follow him and he also tainted a third of the waters, meaning destroying people’s belief in Noah’s Ark which is paramount to salvation.  One cannot disbelieve the first time God saved us and choose to believe in the second time God saved humanity, which was by blood and spirit, instead of water.  This is why when they pierced Jesus’ side; blood and water were discharged from the puncture wound of the spear.  The blood, water, and spirit all agree as one.  This is because they all played an intricate part in the salvation of mankind.


Theory or Truth About the Four Demons Bound at the Euphrates

I always like to say when my beliefs are solid, undeniable truth, which I can prove with my eyes and His Righteous Book.  Even when I am 97% sure, such as I am about the four demons theory.  I believe the four demons are not bound underneath the Euphrates or chained up.  The plain truth is I believe it si that the demons are allowed to exercise their authority on the east side of the Euphrates, China, the Orient, and India.  This is why there are so many idols, and even to this day it is dangerous to have a Holy Bible in China.  I also believe this would account for the massive birthrate, due to the plain truth that the demons are mating with humans as in the days of Noah.  One of the blessings and advantages God imparted to Israel was that He always kept these four powerful demons on the east side of the Euphrates.  The river Euphrates in the boundary line, they cannot cross that boundary.


Theory or truth regarding Paul and the thorn in his side?  I have to introduce this as a theory also, however I do personally believe this.  Satan has two main weapons he uses to destroy people.  One is women and this was made evident with Adam.  The other vise I believe to be even more destructive in almost every possible way.  Addiction is a cancer that has ripped through humanity like a tornado.  It not only allows for progression to occur, and it can damage your body, but it’s most cherished purpose is how it affects a man’s character.  This is the very heart and core of being self-consumed.  This is exactly where the Latin root and word “narcissus” comes from.  Narcissus is defined in the Bible dictionary as narcotic.


Nine out of ten times a person becomes totally self-oriented and self-consumed if they become addicted.  Selfishness is the opposite of everything God’s law commands.  When a stranger is born, an angel, either a prophet or an apostle, the devil is right there from the beginning and he has done it enough times to know what the most successful methods are for attempting to limit or corrupt a holy one.  I will refer to them as the chosen.  Satan has certain restrictions when it comes to the chosen.  Just as God told Satan he could do everything he wanted to Job, but he was not allowed to touch him.  Eve added the comment about touch because it was revealing her sexual desire for Solomon and the devil is usually not allowed to rape or molest the chosen. 


Remember, when Lot gave his daughters to protect the angels.  The reason angels are not allowed to be raped is, number one because they are holy, and number two is sexual intercourse, especially sodomy.  These are all gateways that the demons depend on heavily.  Anyways, Paul had a thorn in his flesh.  We know he had it for a while, and as you read his books you can witness him at different stages of his addiction or alcoholism.  In Romans, Paul goes on to say, “Oh Lord, the things that I want to do, those are the things I cannot do and what I don’t want to do, those are the things I do.  Oh Lord, who will save me from this wretched body.  Thank God I have Jesus Christ.”


Now due to the fact that Satan is somewhat limited in how he can attack the chose, due to the fact that Satan cannot molest or rape them, which leaves him with only woman and addictions.  I have lived long enough to know that women are no match for addiction; eventually the desire for the drug and once the narcissm reaches a climax.  With this simple strategy one can come to the conclusion that when a stranger is born the devil is going to be ever so diligent in making sure his permeable route of attack is successful.  It is almost as though he has put all his chips in one basket for a prophet.  This is why people are so deceived about the very likelihood and possibility that a man of God could be battling addiction.


I have hard many alcoholics and addicts describe their addiction as a thorn on their side.  “The thing I don’t want to do, those things are the things I do.”  Paul is definitely struggling with pretty strong desires and we know that Paul did not take a woman, so what else could it have been?  Paul also had a best friend, that is how it is described and his best friend was Narcissus.  The Bible defines Narcissus as narcotic.  Imagine how much hope these addicts would have, if they knew a man of God have battled with the very same things.


Most people are just shocked, if they consider Paul struggling with opiates.  Don’t you see the very reason it has so many negative connotations and character assassination potentials is precisely why Satan is depending upon mankind’s premature judgment about addiction or alcoholism.  There is one more important reason why the human angels can be prone to addiction.  Due to the fact that they are indwelled with a spirit that is greater in power and might, it allows a stranger to manage more control over their desires.  Also most people immediately progressing in their possessions as soon as they alter their mind, their defenses come down and in comes an entity or demon.  Then, every time they indulge in this pleasure or emotional stimulation, the entity eats up more of their free will and the person gives up a little more of themselves, until eventually, it is not your body anymore.  I refer to it as, the demonic lease to own plan and the human body is the going commoditee.  Right now, the victim is being leased, however later they will be owned.


One of the distinct advantages of a stranger or a pilgrim is they cannot be possessed.  “What fellowship hath light with darkness.”  It is like oil and water; the two cannot abide in the same tabernacle or body.  There is another reason addiction is a plausible vice for an angel wrapped in human skin.  They are not progressing, and turning into someone else.  They still remain who they are, then in an altered state, unlike anybody else.   The advantages of an angelic nature are many.  The spirit is what governs the physical and the spirit manifests itself in everything from physical coordination, to facial features, tone of voice, mannerism, the ability to separate your emotions from your logic, the cognitive thought process, and arrive at objective unbiased conclusions.  It overpowers the carnal mind, creating a hunger for the truth rather than being naturally against it, or at enmity with it.  Satan utilized Eve to entice Adam, but that was only because he did not have all the time to cultivate, nor did Satan have the experience with humanity that he now has.

Holy Scriptures proving that Angels can be Human


Angels or Wind are defined by the Greek dictionary #4151 as mental disposition, super human.  “The Law was ordained by Angels.”  The word ordained means spoken through.  We know who spoke the law; it was Moses and Aaron.  “Behold when they saw the baby face of Moses, they knew he was no ordinary child.”  In Hebrew, ordained means spoken through the disposition of angels, or as the book of Hebrews calls it, the nature of angels.  The Bible uses the phrase “men of old.”  According to the Greek dictionary, men of old is translated as “members of the celestial council.”  This is why the bible calls prophets holy.  “He revealeth His secrets unto His Holy prophets whom never die.”


The reason the Bible says they never die is because they are angels.   Hebrews 13:2 – “Entertain strangers, for by doing so some have entertained angels without knowing it.”  A stranger will be a human.  Here is scripture from Job describing the birth and origin of angels and also the fact that God must decide the gender of the angel.  “For out of the hoary frost of heaven, out of her icy womb came forth the dew from heaven.  Who hath gendered it?”  Lamentations 3:39 “Why should any living mortal, or any man offer complaint in view of his sins?”  The Bible clearly and obviously defines stars as angels.


The devil took a third of the kingdom of stars with him.  The woman with the man-child and the 12 stars or 12 disciples.  Jesus has the seven stars in his right hand.  The seven angels of the churches or church eras.  “Wandering stars twice dead” – these are the false prophets who somehow slipped in after the flood.  In the book of Daniel in 6:3, Daniel is referred to as having an extraordinary spirit.  This scripture coincides with Moses not being an ordinary child.  When Paul discusses “they mystery of the incarnation,” he is describing the dispensation of celestial hierarchy of the government in heaven which is manifested on earth.  However, there are different words used for the identifying of positions or ranks held by the angels, also called prophets and apostles which are the second or third order of angels, Archangels and Powers.


The Lexical aids call it Oikonomia. “ Administration of the house of property ones own or another’s spiritual dispensation, management, or economy, a hierarchy.  The dispensation of God means the administration of divine grace.  The administration or activity of the owner or the steward.  The ultimate administration or ordering of the house, the proper arrangement or positions of authority in the administration or hierarchy.  The spiritual dispensation and or the proper management and knowledge of the celestial hierarchy,” Otherwise known as GOD’S government within the heavens which is similar to that of the earths,  only there are more levels and more room for improvement, graduation and growth in heaven.


The angel, Michael is seen here as heavenly prince of Israel, as he is in Daniel 12:1.  Persia also had its own prince, as did Greece.  These princes engaged in heavenly combat and the implication that was happening to these nations on earth was affected by this struggle.  During the intertestimental period the Jews greatly expanded the Old Testament teaching on angels into a full-blown hierarchy of both good and evil angels.  In the New Testament, Paul uses different terminology, taught that a Christian’s real struggle is with these beings.  They battle against spiritual beings rather than with physical ones.  This was a commentary taken from one of the best Bibles to ever touch this earth, the Key Word Study Bible/American Standard Version.  What I am here to tell you is that the spiritual beings are also physical beings.  Apostles, prophets, an in their designated order, at their appointed times.


The evil or fallen angels are no exception to this rule as they are always seeking a body that they may control and call their own.  Read this scripture carefully and slowly and may God’s will always be done.  Hebrews 2:14 “Since then the children share in flesh and blood, He Himself likewise, also partook of the same, that through death He might render powerless him who had the power over death, that is Solomon or the devil and might deliver those who through fear of death were subject to slavery all of their lives.  For assuredly He does not give help to angels but He gives help to the descendents of Abraham.”  This scripture begins with since the children of God share in flesh and blood.  The scripture following this statement actually clarifies the two different types of children that share in flesh and blood.


One of the types of children, Jesus came to set free from the fear of death and the other type of children, the angels or the chosen or valient men, or great men or mighty men or holy men or just men or blameless men or strangers or pilgrims of whom Jesus did not come to give aid to the angels because they already have bodies of spirit.  For assuredly, He did not come to help angels but He gives help to the descendents of Abraham, His children with a human spirit.


Here is a scripture from Revelation 9:4 describing metaphorically not to hurt any of the grass which would be the spirits of Abraham’s descendents, with a human spirit.  And, of course, the trees, ever since the garden of Eden have been used to identify angels or prophets, or foxes, or strangers.  Then the scripture concludes by saying, or any green thing.  This covers and accounts for any other entity or human on any level of the celestial hierarchy.  “From theVessels of  cups to the vessels of flagons.”  Rev. 9:4 “And they were told that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, or any green thing, nor any tree, but only the men who do not have the seal of God on their forehead.”  Read pg. 1774, 7223.  The word Rishawn or rishon.  Pages are from the Hebrew/Greek Study Bible American Standard Version, pages 1781, 1779, 7585, 7673.



The First Shall be Last and the Last Shall be First

Holy Scriptures are written in a way that hardly can be defined by the words of language.  It is so unique and brilliantly independent that the Holy Bible is actually going to finish at the beginning.  This includes using the same people, each representing the appointed epoch or the identical person pertaining to the specific generation-except this time it is from the last to the first. Or as one might better understand the generations are going backwards, from the last to the first, believe it or not, even the physical story of the Holy Bible is reading backwards from the end, only to accurately finish at the beginning.  The Holy scriptures begin by describing the chronological events on a physical level, perfectly accurate and without error.  Now, since the last will be first, the Holy Bible is accurately describing the future and all of its chronological events by reading the story backwards and using the physical past to accurately describe and predict the future on a spiritual level, instead of a physical, incarnate, temporal level. 

Remember, the three levels of the Arc.  The beginning of the Holy Bible explains the first part of the story on a physical level.  Then, the fist story of the Holy Bible is also the last story of the Holy Bible, explaining the end of the story at the beginning except the story has been quickened to describe the spiritual view or God’s view as opposed to they physical, inanimate and often carnal. 





The Little Book -The Beginning of the Little Book

Summary, Main Contents and Purpose


The Little Book described in Revelation Chapter Ten is now before you.  The contents and objective of this Little Book were made possible by the redeeming sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the ever-present majesty of His Father, the Lord God Almighty.  This Little Book will serve as a desperate warning to God’s Church, the Philadelphia Church of God, as well as a warning to the world about the floods of God’s fire that is to come.  Unless you are inside the Ark, you will not be safe from the fire that is to come.  Enter the Ark of His covenant and you will not perish.  The Ark is not that of physical substance but rather these things of spiritual substance.


This Little Book, written in the true and persistent attempt to understand God’s word, guided by the Holy Spirit.  But, do not mistaken the indwelling of God’s Holy Spirit is directly proportionate to a man’s or woman’s obedience to the 10 commandments and seven holy days.  My obedience has been shameful and lukewarm; therefore, judgment doth never proceedeth.  However, more importantly it is not just a man’s obedience to the 10 commandments and the seven holy days, but rather the type of obedience and diligence and seriousness at which one pursues his obedience to each commandment.


Is there any commandement that we could be obeying better?  Perhaps we do not understand one of the most important commandments.  Even God’s Church, the Philadelphia Church of God understands elements about the Holy Sabbath that have been kept from the majority of the world.  Yet, even God’s church has failed to understand the real secrets and power behind the reason for the Sabbath Day.  Just as God has sworn in His wrath, He has kept the Sabbath Day a secret, even to His own church because their hearts have been hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. 


Instead of supporting this Little Book, God’s church is suppressing the Little Book.  If this Little Book is read in its entirety, it will demonstrate by guidance from His Holy Spirit and the Holy Bible as its main sole source of reference.  The Little Book shall prove beyond any doubt to be a warning to God’s church that they are rejecting God’s revelation as well as a warning to all the inhabitants of the whole world that if a person chooses to enter the Ark which is accomplished by spiritually discerning the truth from the lies by believing that this is the genuine Little Book and all you refuse to believe and implement the instructions found within will not be safe from the flood of fire, destruction, famine, and desolations that are in our immediate future.


Please, oh House of Israel, why will you die?  Choose life and turn from your traditions taught by men and choose life by heeding the words found in this Little Book.  This Little Book will also prove beyond any and all doubt to the be conclusion to the book called, Mystery of the Ages, written by the end time apostle, Elijah.  His early name was Herbert W. Armstrong.  And as the Holy scriptures stipulate, this Little Book will begin to conclude that the mysteries of God will soon be finished and all who do not read this Little Book, or all who refuse to be believe God’s revelation and most importantly, all who refuse to implement and physically demonstrate and manifest their beliefs in this Little book by following its instructions and removing the slackness from the law of the feebleness and futility at which one pursue their obedience to God’s Royal Law will ultimately be thrown head first into he greatest time of suffering this world has ever known.


To all the members of the Philadelphia Church of God, I have been attempting to get this Little Book into the hands of the congregation rather than into the hands of its leader or leaders since before February of 2006.  Although the Little Book has grown and been strengthened by God’s Holy Spirit since 2006, nonetheless I have been relentless in my postage copies sent to the church and my countless e-mails, some e-mails containing more of God’s precious truth than others.  I still believe to this day that the genuine Little Book has not been witnessed or shared with the congregation.  Please read this entire Little Book and I assure you by the power of God and the strength of His Chris you will not be able to refute the fact outlines in this Little Book. 


Most importantly, the Holy Scriptures used to reinforce and prove with absolute surety and rock solid biblical support that this is without a doubt the genuine Little Book that will serve as the measuring line for determining whom of God’s church will believe this Little Book and obey its contents, allowing an individual to become a Child of God and enter into the inner courts of the Lord’s Temple.  There is a level of intense intimacy with the powerful creator of the universe who one does what is expected of them and finds themselves dwelling in the innermost sanctuary of God’s chambers. This is where the fiery coals are as well as the Ark of the Covenant.

                                                                                                                        Two Central Messages of the Little Book


Number One:  Warning to God’s Church and to the world that everyone is in grave danger.  There are desolations and sufferings determined in our immediate future, maybe 2012 or 2013, perhaps during the next elections, at most seven years from now.  But, I fear it will be more like four years from 2013, and it will occur rapidly.  If you heed this Little Book and believe and turn from your ways and obey the Sabbath properly by humbling yourself a day of affliction, a Holy Day when you do nothing of your own pleasure, absolutely no works of the flesh.  This includes eating and drinking but rather, giving all your attention and gratification to God’s Holy Spirit, by crucifying the flesh on the Holy Sabbath and by recognizing this Little Book is God’s revelation, if you do these things found in this Little Book, then you will enter the Ark, which was created by Jesus Christ and prepared by Noah. “As it was in the days of Noah so shall it be when the SON of Man returns” My name is Noah and this is the Ark.  All who believe and obey will enter a spiritual Ark this spiritual manna will protect you from the flood of the fire to come.


Number Two:  Finish what Elijah started, by finishing the mysteries of God.  Herbert W. Armstrong wrote a book called Mystery of the Ages, and this Little Book’s second commission is to finish they mysteries of God by picking up where Elijah, or Herbert W. Armstrong left off by concluding with the mysteries that have been hidden since the beginning of the world.  The Little Book is mystery of the ages, part two.


Friday, December 18, 2009

A portion of the little book

There is one thing I wish to make clear first. It seems as though the Ark or Bride think azzazzel and satan are the same entity. Well, first of all if satan is truly going to be like the most high and very few people, if any, really ponder that statement. Understand this, if he were to overlook the smallest detail then it would make him look foolish and it would damage his pride and believe me if it is in his control which it is because he still sits on the throne of this earth then you can rest assured he won’t miss a single detail except for the truth. We know that in the beginning was the Word and God, two who perform together in unison, one is the Master and the other is the servant, although they fulfill both of those offices. One is the leader, the Supreme Ultimate Majestic Eternal and His loyal Son or skokesman or the flawless representative with out spot nor blemish, Jesus Christ. When satan said he would be like the most High please understand that he meant it, and he would not even be close to imitating the The ETERNAL unless he also had his loyal sumbmissive partner whom he had known from the beginning, someone who would represent as much power to satan as Christ has to GOD, perhaps azzazels satans son. We know there are three of them for this is positively confirmed in Revelations ch 9: 20. Satan, the false prophet and the beast or the whore of Babylon satans bride and his corrupt version of Jerusalem.Is Azzazzel the false prophet? What is even more revealing about the false prophet and that scripture is that the bad Prophet has to be made of Spirit if it is going to be cast into the lake of fire and this only secures my foundational truths regarding the fact that prophets are angels. Perhaps Azzazzel was the serpent whom begiuled Eve to consider sleeping with Lucifer. Of this I am unsure but what I have been thinking about lately is the Song Of Solomon and as I read it over and over I am starting to wonder if it is not a lliteral description Satan seducing Eve or the sexual union between satan and his whore, the harlot, who was originally Eve, the very first harlot. I will continue to seek and when I receive truth about this issue so shall I give.
        Now back to the seventh angel, I have known ever since it was revealed to me that I am Noah and that the spirit in me is angelic rather then human or of the seed of Abraham but what I have terried or doubted even though it has always been there in fact, I was convinced for a while and then I was no longer 100% sure but now I am more sure, then I have ever been. My angelic name is also the name of a man who can fly, God reveals who Moses is in several subtle ways, one is Michael is the over seerer of Israel, Moses led them to Israel and then they became Israel. Michael the Arch is also know for his military strategy and leadership qualities as the leader of heavenly army, and the name Moses in Hbr or GRK means military then of course the most revealing scripture is when Michael is disputing with the devil about the body of Moses. The only reference in the whole bible where in angel take a personal interest in a dead body enough to challenge a powerful advesary, so it obviously meant a lot to Michael I presume he was sentimental and wanted the body to be handled properly so as to give GOD His Glory or maybe he really felt like it was part of him especially after spending 120 years in it. One thing I have learned is many of the false churches especially some of the larger ones often have some deep truth for the devil uses these profound truths to lure people into church and when the victim realizes how much sence and clarity the deep truth brings them and then they see that know other churchs says this then they are usually hooked like large a mouth bass, An example would be the Mormons they believe Noah is Gabriel the announcing angel and they are correct, Noah has always fulfilled the office of announcing both in the flesh and in the Spirit along with one more office that GOD uses him for and that is strengthening or nourishing or explaining which is what I have been doing for the last 67,000 words. Now in Ezekial ch 14:14-20 it talks about three angels or prophets who will be here Noah, Daniel, and Job who could also be named John just as noah is noe.I am unsure about that specific, I will patiently wait. However I am fairly convinced that Daniel and Job will be the two witnesses and Noah is the seventh angel you completes the little book and just as it says in the book of Revelation the seventh angel has one foot on the water and one on land which is symbolic for Noah or Gabriel because Noah lived through the flood which is the foot on the water and the fire which is the foot on the land. It also states that the seventh angel has a rainbow on his head and we are not ignorant of who GOD made that covenant with. It also reveals the angel as a man who flies in the book of Daniel. Then just as it says in Revelations the seventh angel will be the voice that finishes the mystery of GOD which is what I have been stating this entire Little Book. That I am putting the icing on Elijahs’ cake, revealing the deeper threads and snapping the last few pieces of the puzzle together. Then when the seventh angel gives his little book to  Daniel and Job who very well may be John, which will be soon and they probably will come in contact with it through the Bride although it maybe another way. Now one can understand why the book was sweat to taste but bitter in their stomachs because the two witness have to be killed and lie in the street for 3 days. The identity of the seventh angel is confirmed in the book of Daniel when Gabriel is the man described in Daniel but we also know is the angel who explains to Daniel and also strengthens him with his touch and explain things to him which would be symbolic of the seventh angel giving the little book to two witnesses as reinforced by revelations right when the seventh angel also finishes the mysteries of GOD. If you look up my name the way it is spelled in the N.T. Noe or Noea. If you look in a lexicon and the GRK and HBR dictionaries it means to complete to finish the puzzle is one definition and that was a direct quote of Elijahs’ “The Bible is like a puzzle and you have to get all the pieces in the write ortder” Then according to revelations the wings of a giant eagle will take the remnant to a place of safety where I will be with you nourishing you and comforting you and preparing the Ark for the flood that is coming even though it will be swallowed up by the earth. It says in Revelations that at that time the remnant will be nourished one of the definitions of my name is nourisher which also reinforces Gabriell announcing new truths and strengthening as he often does and Noah is why Gabriel is referred to as a man in Danilel which rienforces the fact that Noah will be preparing the Ark for a flood, the flood that will come out of the Beasts mouth when it comes to make war with the remnant. Wow I am being revealed new things as I write. GOD is the most awesome unbelievable heart warming, loving FATHER any one could ever even imagine. In fact He is far beyond even that. There are no words that describe His love. Words are Futile in comparison to what He really is. Words just do not do Him justice. He is beyond words. He has been so Good to me and I love Him so very very much. More than anything in this universe, nothing can even be compared, for He truly stands alone. ALL PRAISE AND GLORY TO ELOHIM PRAISE ELOHIM!!! PRAISE ELOHIM!!!
        Now, back to the scripture, I will be like the most high. Every single aspect of GODS kingdom and methods in which He chooses to express Himself, ranging from His First born Son who has been His companion forever to the numbers He uses, the architecture in which He designs, the intracit methods chosen to lay His foundations and all aspects and detailed methods in which The Great GOD of Israel and His loyal Son express themselves by way of the power that sustains them, their Holy Spirit will be copied exactly, leaving no detail small or great, left un attended. Why does the devil want to copy GOD because he knows there is nothing better. For GOD is the Supreme Flawless Creator of all and satan knows it. So, just as GOD has His close companion who was begotten by the FATHER and became the Son, and GOD also has the Bride that will be without spot for His Son.  Satan will also have his close companion, this is without a doubt the false prophet, who very well may be azzazzel, his son and his bride, who was Eve and is now spiritually referred to as the whore of Babylon, the beast and satans counterfit for GODS Holy City Jerusalem. There is definitely three of them for this is confirmed at the end of revelations when it reveals that the false prophet, the dragon, who is satan and the beast, who is that great city and the original harlot Eve, satans city and bride, the whore of Babylon who has committed fornication with all kings of the earth. GOD has three, HIMSELF, the Son, and the Holy Bride which is also known as His new Jerusalem in which the Bridegroom, Jesus will marry and the Bride will give birth to the new born Sons of GOD. Satan has his three, himself, the false prophet azzazel and perhaps his son, and his bride, the whore of Babylon who has drank the blood of the Saints, Apostles, Prophets, and the brethren which are the spirits of human men made perfect by the Blood of the Lamb. What is truly fascinating and extremely revealing in the utter most detailed fashion describing from the very beginning when Eve was seduced by satan and the cunning words of flattery he used to create the infatuation of her lusts for satan and how she felt about him then showing with utter precision how Eve fornicated with him and how she matured into a whore worthy of being selected as his bride and how they so enjoyed their sweet cups of wine and pomagranite juice being the blood of GODS choosen and it descriptevly describes both points of view. Both of the bride, who started out as Eve and then matures into the whore of Babylon a bride worthy for azzazel who is the bridegroom, satan son or close companion. It even describes his teath as those of sheeps symbolic of all the sheeps eaten by bridegreoom. He is described as black for he is darkness and he has the eyes of a dove, black eyes. The Bride who has matured into a worthy whore is describe by satan or azzazel in the exact manner almost verbatim to the description of the great city who has fallen, Babylon or Tyre, satan counterfit for Jerusalem talked about in Revelations. It even talkes about when the whore searched for her wounded lover but she could not find him, for he was underground and the naziz have been, but when the beast emerges from the bottomless pit then she finds him and she, the whore of Babylon who was originally Eve the first harlot, takes him into her mother house into the womb she was conceived in and lies underneath his shadow and eats of his fruit, this is when the abominations of desolations will be set up and oh how they enjoy the sweet taste of the blood of the matrys, saints, and prophets but then they notice something coming out of the wilderness that smells of mryye and frankisence which is the Holy remant, the Bride of Christ then they go to make war with it. The book of The Song of Solomon describes in chronological order with total precision starting from the very beginning in the garden with Eve and it entails with pin point accuracy both points of view of how the one feals about the other and the methods used to seduce Eve and how she evolved into a worthy whore who prepared herself for her true love which in the end of the Song of Solomon, love is described as envious and a power that will utterly destroy any mans house which adds mortar to my testimony revealed earlier in this little book, how satans’ greatest tool is love, for he uses it draw you away from the only True Love there is, ELOHIM. This is why a mans’ enemies are those of his own household. The devil will use the people you love the most to create an idol for his victims that will destroy them. The Song of Solomon is a descriptive account of the relationship including both physical, temporal, and spiritual analogies, and metaphors about the lust filled relationship and its evolution of their lovemaking and indulgences in the blood of all of GODS chosen, between satan and the false prophet and his bride who was Eve and is now the whore of Babylon. Thankyou GOD, for the Truth. The Sabbath is ending, until next time, Goodbye Friends and my loyal friends who are the Bride of Christ and the Ark of His covenant. Giving all Glory to ELOHIM! Love, noah dibble Thankyou FATHER JEHOVAH and glory to the One Whom Sits at the right of GOD, Jesus Christ. Praise dominion, principalities, powers , virtues thrones, cherbum, and Seraphins all the host of Heaven, giving praises to the GOD who creates all!!         
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the little book
Here is small peice of interesting truth scientist have found traces of plutonioum in all granite, however they have yet to find a single trace of uranium. As usuall science is perplexed because the only way you can get plutonium is from uranium it is a byproduct. Once again the scientist find themselves working so hard only to contradict and disprove there own understanding leaving them more confused only to consistently reinforce the truth of the exsistence of GOD. So I sat down and I asked God how a why the plutonioum was in the granite. I was curious, He does everything for a reason even the smallest thing so why did he take the time to make sure it was strictly plutoniuom with out any traces of uranium. His first asnwer was quiet simple to show the scientist that their medthods for finding the truth are inneffective and vain and his second answer was prophetic scripture that answered my qeustions "and even the rocks shall melt" When the uranium from the nuclear bombs comes in contact with the plutonium in the granite, guess what will happen. The rocks will melt. If all those hard working scientist knew that they only need ask and seek.. This is Noah Dibble and I am the dew from heaven. I have so much to share and teach to my new family please keep in mind i never even saw a bible until I was 12 nobody in my blood family ever even mentioned GOD, although they told me as a child, I constantly asked questions about God and the devil. MY life has been very unique, by the time I was 20, I had lived in 9 different countries. At the age of 22, I wrote the word sabbath in red letters on my wall I did not know what it ment but it resinated with power. After having an experience on a dirt road at 11:47pm at night, I was introduced for the first time, to a new form of communication something I had never known. I was no longer alone and I felt precious. I developed a hunger for the bible, that could not be quenched. I read it eight times, I spent 7 months on the fourth commandment alone, until I was rested on the truth. the problem was as I increased in my understanding, I went to old pastors, men who are always learning but never understading. Everybody was telling me that, what I was learning was wrong. Finally I had scowered the the earth and studied many denominations, but all had deviations in them, some more than others but "what fellowship hath llight with darkness I was either crazy and alone. Then at the age of 30, I found a trumpet magazine. I read every book GODS church, offers. My cup had truley runneth over so many times i would find qoutes written by flurry that i would say verbatim all the time before seeing his quote. Our minds were clearly running on the same Spirit. All I have learned has come from the bible or hebew and greek dictionaries and lexicons uncovered vast amounts of truth. He who dwelleth in the secret place do you know where the secret place is.I do, GOD showed me I look forward to strenghtining my relationship with the bride and and devoting my self to her nourishment. Praise Elohim and i would like to say a prayer for mr, Tacht. I pray that GODS will is fulfilled, using pastor tachtks,’ like a carpenter uses a hammer. goodnight mr. Flurry noah

 I have a message for Gerald Flurry from the God of Isreal.Please don't ignore. It is to risky. A man  in your position with your responsibility must heed His call. My first and last name alone is enough to call for an inquiry. Just so you know Herbert W Armstrong was Elijah and I have read and agree with all of the Brides doctrine. For She is that holy remnant raising her voice like a trumpet and being the watchman. Philadelphia church of God is doing a mighty work and I personally want to thank GOD for His church Love, Noah Dibble
Hello Mr. Flurry this is noah dibble and I humbly request from my Father the GOD of Israel,my true love His precious son the living Christ, Jesus. Please Elohim allow this email to find it way to the seal that binds Mr. Flurrys frontal lobe and allow the minor circumcision to separate soul from spirit and to please prepare his intellect for these secrets. "He revealeth his secrets unto his holy prophets whom never die." What happen to all the old prophets abraham,mosses,noah,daniel etc. They all died before Jesus came and we know the only way to the Father is through obedience to his son or family if you will. ARE all these men sleeping, did they inherit salvation, and if the Holy spirit had not entered the world how was the Word able to communicate with these men. We know that sin would separate all mortal men from Him thus making it impossible for GOD to have contact with normal ordinary men because of the separation from sin. There is no getting around that, That is why Jesus came so he could establish his character with in us, not by power nor by might but by my spirit. Once the Holy spirit ascended God could now have contact with ordinary mortal men. However prior to Jesus God used his angels and arch angels to prepare and pave the way for the coming of the messiah. We know the bible is written in a spectacularly fully self contained perfect way. If Gods prophets are holy and they never die that means they are already granted,their salvation is not at stake. However they may also not have the same incredible Human potential because jesus and humans were made lower than the angels. Therefore he received far more glory. It is easier for an angel or a prophet to achieve perfection because they have a distinct advantage. They are greater in power and might, might refers directly to the intellect. The trumpet is always saying that the spirit with in the man or nephesh,body is what imparts power to the intellect. If a human being was born GOD can put any spirit into that body he desires, including the nature of an angel who would eventually be a man of great potential an extraordinary man. "Behold when they saw the baby face of mosses they knew he was no ordinary child" Then he must have been extra ordinary greater in power and might. God told him to take off his shoes for be was on holy ground, even the sin on his shoes was not allowed but he must have been holy allowing God to commune with him. Mosses was a prophet and we know that prophets never die. If they never die then they already have bodies of spirit which is why GOD was not separated by the sin because the angelic spirit has a different set of criteria. "Jesus did not come to give aid to the nature of angels but to the seed of abraham" That scripture alone reveals that man has the possibility of having the nature of an angel, Otherwise the scripture would have just said jesus did not come to give aid the the angels."aren't all spirits messengers sent forth to minister to those who will inherit salvation" the key word that reveals this obvious truth is sent forth. being sent forth is to be sent from heaven to earth, not temporarily but for a life span. Its starts to become so clear of course God has used his angels to perform certain tasks that could not be preformed unless they were men of greatness. Greater in power and might. Abraham Lincoln was called the father of nations, the exact same title as abraham in the bible, a coincidence, I do not think so? The only president to ever declare a national day of fasting, honest abe was able to free the black man and he convinced the white man to elect him then he cleary embarked on his GOD given mission. Clearly an extra ordinary man. If the prophets never die, then are they all sleeping. I know the answer, it is in the book of Hebrews. Hebrews was written by the angels for the angels about the angels. I can prove to you with the bible, the book of hebrews, and the book of job. Hebrews is by far the most compelling, read it right now and think of it as the book that describes the differences between angels and Jesus, then it tells you about many of the angels, mosses,noah,abraham and it tells you that these men were tortured and wandered the earth as strangers, living in caves" men of whom the world was not worthy" Then it says, these men were strangers and pilgrims on earth, who cleary wanted a place of thier own. It even says if they were mindful of the country in which they left they might have opportunity to return. Possibly reincarnation, for the prophets who never die. Talk about an obvious code but no one sees it, just one chapter later it says"entertain strangers for by doing so some have entertained angels un aware." One chapter back all the prophets are named and declared they were strangers here on earth. Strangers are angels. Then it finally says, all of these men recieved a good record for their faith but they did not recieve eternal salvation because GOD "had planned something better, that only together with us would they be made perfect" here is the revealing key, the next scripture says, "Therefore since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every sin that may entagle us. Do you realize what that is saying. BY reading this letter you are literally being surrounded by one of these witness and we are both beng made perfect together. It's brilliant, God has enabled the prophets to continue to return and offer sevices to GOD while God uses his angels as wind and his sevants as flames of fire. GOD has designed a system where both man and angel are being perfected simultanously. Do you believe your bible. The last time i was here noah GOD helped me to design the most concise dictionary in the world noah Webster. YOU see that was a task in need of an angel who could excecise his intellect by being obediant and the result was a tremendous book of good true  definitions. GOD knew he had to have one of his angels behind the webster dictionary because it would be used to define his word and if the definitions were innacurate then many would be misled. The dictionary was a key component in bringing understanding and truth into many peoples lives. Let me tell you just briefly about me. I am 35 I had read the bible 8 times cover to cover. I have read every piece of literature from GODS church, with the exception of maybe 1or 2 of the new ones. For years I searched for a church that had no corruption and understood the bible the way i did. When I found the PCG, I scowered it's doctrine for the smallest flaw for 9 month straight. In Zecharihiah 8:12 "seed shall be prosperous,vine shall yeild it's fruit and the ground shall give the increase, and the heavens shall give thier dew and the remnant shall possess all of these things" the dew is plural so that throws away one of your therios that dew is increased amount of the Holy Spirit. The seed is the Holy spirit and the vine is Jesus,the fruit is the is the wife,church,or new born sons of GOD and the ground which clearly supports everything is the Father. But the dew is very different,lets examine the differences the dew is the only thing that is not directly attached to the plant. It is something separate and they are more than one and they come from heaven. Well lets turn to our bible to find the answer. IN JOB "out of the hoary frost of heaven came forth the dew from heaven,.who hath gendered it. The dew comes from heaven and GOD is who decides it's gender. Angels are genderless. I have so much more to share my true gift and area of expertise has of course to do with my first name noah which means rest.. I have things GOD wants you to know about the sabbath. Perhaps the more deeper truths should not be shared with the church I leave that up to the government. If you saw me andgive you a sermon on the sabbath I can garantee you would learn new porwerful truths. Also the 2 trees  do you know who the tree of good and evil was and what excalty happened i can show you leaving no doubt and using the bible to reveal excatly what happened. WE know it had to be physical,now since Jesus has already come, everything is spiritul, but then it had to be physical, and indeed it was. It was more than just choosing to reject GODS way. Once you hear me give a sermon and perform what i was desinged to do. The sabbath alone can only truley be understood with several weeks with 7 hours a day I could elaborateon on the sabbath and  it would nourish the church like dew feeds fruit.I know secrets that the church needs. I agree with everything Armstrong has written, except for some minors errors in his chapter about angels. I knew a lot about mystery of the ages from just reading the bible 8 times. However, there were certain things that were crucial peices of truth, that i had not put together, such as the identity of isreal, the united states and britain in prophecy. Everybody has there strenghts. I have truth that I am obligated to share with you face to face, no matter how long it takes. I also have a message that i believe will possibly be delivered on the key of david. MY name is noah and my message is to all the tribes of isreal the message is very powerful most of it comes out of leviticus and deuteronomy. I have a warning for the world there is a flood coming and unless you are inside the ark you will not be safe. This is not a flood of water but a flood of GODS wrath upon the children of isreal for their disobedience and transgression. If you will not hearken unto to the lord thy GOD and keep all of his statuets and his commandment, cursed will thy be when thy goest out and cursed will thou be when thy comest in,cursed will be the fruit of the land and cursed will be the fruit of thy whom.Turn from your wickedness and enter the ark of the covenant,in the ark you will find arrons rod 10 commandments and the manna.The suffering that is come can not be fathomed with the human mind. Their has never been suffering like it before and there never will be again. Please choose to enter the ark of the covenant and escape the wrath to come for blood will be up to the horses bridle and mother will eat her daughter and father will eat his son. Men will search and seek death and will not be granted death.please choose life and obey the GOD of Israel statuets and his commandment revear his holy days and enter the ark where you will be hidden under the shadow of the almighty. Noah gave warning about the flood of water. "AS it was in the days of noah so shall it be when the son of man returns" what if it is totally litteral, entertain this concept was noah in the days of noah yes as it was in those days I gave warning to the world and now noah is about to see Jesus return and I have a message of warning. The prophets never die it says the 7th angel will blow the tumpet the angel will be a man and a prophet. Please Gerald there are other things I can share with you, that will undoubtably be un refutible. I have been trying to contact you for 1year and a half I have written you many letters marked confidential, private gerald flurry so many times and I know you have the holy spirit so I can only assume the devil intercepts. I had so much truth at one point I had notebooks upon binder upon etc all has been destroyed it seems to just go the last time i put this much truth on a computer, the computer was gone the next day. I realize there may be a certain method used in the goverment of GOD not allowing me to go the pastor in general. God is very clear we must meet and spend time together you can bring whomever you like or shall i go to the church. ITS on my birth certificate noah dibble born feb 1 1973 look up the definition of my last name. I need to know where to send my tithe and I desire to become a full member willing to donate all of my time,go any where and do anything providing i am obeying ELOHIM and fullfilling my destiny. A little mystery to leave you with in ezekial two chapters that are talking about these times suddenly out of no where it says if noah job and daniel all prophets/angels whom never die. It makes it clear that their rightiousness can only save themselves not thier children. I have no children. I live in a world that hates me. I have never been liked by most evrybody ironically most people call me strange. I ussually reply with i am a stranger to this world seeking a heavenly homeland of my own. Mosses is micheal noah is the announcing messenger.  Mr. Flurry i feal that all the truth that peertains to me and what the dew excactly is. I would rather not focus myself. I have so much that i can teach it just flows unlike anything anything you have heard. GOD helps me to be very intense and animated even the sound of my voice some people actually cover their ear and tell me that itactually hurts their ears. It can be lonely being different but i praise God for all my differences and I pray this email finds you my friend and brother. Wait until I show you excacly what happened in the garden perhaps you already know. santa claws is really satan claws 12 raindeers are a mochery of the 12 disciplews all the children write letters unto satan cause he knows wether you been naughty or nice satan even tries to give GOD a beer beelly and rosy cheeks like he is an alcoholic.Its satan attempt to make a mochery of GOD and when the children find out they been lied to by the people they trusted the most. satan spends most of his time on the children,behind the pulpitt and in the universities inundating the human mind with so many lies one can't even sift through them. I have messages for you mr flurry from the king of kings. please contact me my address is 47N. Knoll rd 114 mill valley ca 94941 and my phone number is 415 419 7083. It been just me and the lord for so long I would love a fellowship I couldn't even imagine it I live alone I have no friends. I just work on my obedience but ineed fellowship. oh Lord hear my  cry and feel my grattitude for this opportunity. Good bye Mr. Flurry.
It is important we understand that the fruit is not only nutured by the dew but also adds growth and a certain amount of protection against the elements. Zachariah 8:12. the seed is the holy spirit,the vine is Jesus ,the fruit is the Bride or the new born sons of GOD in embryo and the ground which clearly sustains everthing is the Father, however what makes the dew so interesting is that it is not direcltly connected to the plant. It is something entirely different. I realize Mr. Flurry is a busy man however please inform him that I must deliver a message to him from the King of Kings. The message must be delivered in person,you may bring your top ministers,whom ever you choose,for this is pleasing to the Lord.The Lord would like us to meet on the Sabbath.I don't think that will bother you. Jesus did a majority of his teachings and healings on the sabbath for a reason. This example should be followed.I need at least 3-4 hours of your time "here a little there a little line upon line precept upon pecept" to properly prove and biblically reinforce these new truths that will deepin your uderstanding,reveal mysteries and even test your humility. Very similar to how dew from heaven might nurture fruit. My name Noah is on my birth certificate it should be evidence enough. I will have my birth certificate and passport. Please Look up the definition of my last name in any dictionary. I live in If I need to, I can get to pasadena.If you will just oblidge the Lord and figure out on what sabbath and where you would like to meet or what is the most convenient place and time for you.It must be on a sabbath and their is a reason for this, just one of many new truths that await you. Will you be as a babe. In many respects this will be a blessing and a test. If heeded it will fortify the Bride or nuture her as dew does. Please make sure Gerald Flurry recieves this message. You may email or send me a  Noah  has a message for Gerald Flurry from the God of Isreal.Please don't ignore. It is to risky. A man  in your position with your responsibility must heed His call. My first and last name alone is enough to call for an inquiry. Just so you know Herbert W Armstrong was elijah and I have read and agree with all of the Brides doctrine. For She is that holy remnant raising her voice like a trumpet and being the watchman. Philadelphia church of God is doing a mighty work and I personally want to thank GOD for His church Love, Noah Dibble
The latest edition of THE LITTLE BOOK that will finish the mystery of GOD

The deepest Truth yet concerning Daniel and Noah, the book of revelations , the book of Daniel, the seventh angel who has one leg on the sea and one leg on the land who gives Daniel the little book which gives him understanding, sweat to thy mouth, bitter to thy stomach. The identity of the angel is made plain in the book of Daniel although in the book of revelations the angel is referred to as the seventh angel. That same angel also gives the book to John. The angel has a rainbow over his head which clearly reveals his identity. We know who GOD made the convenant with regarding the rainbow, Noah has always announced things to the world, the announcing angel. I believe JOB may have been John. It plainly states in Revelations that John ate the book and it was sweet but bitter to his stomach because it reveals right after that scripture that John will have to prophecy again as one of the two witnesses this is why the little book which GOD is leading me to complete will reveal to him that he must die and lie in the streets for three days. The other witness will be Daniel and Noah also known as nourisher will be with the Bride preparing her for the flood that will come forth out of the beasts mouth. Noah will be nourishing her. The women, who had 12 stars on her head who gave birth to the man child, Jesus Christ. We know that stars represent angels for the bible defines this when revealing how many angels the devil took with him. The women came with Jesus Christ and the twelve apostles, who are also known as Bond Servants. Why do you think Jesus addressed the masses in parables yet revealed the deep thinks onto the Apostles.  All one really needs to do is truly examine the scriptures that were written by these 12  angels to understand that these were not ordinary men. It was as if they were direct conduits for the Holy Spirit. Why do we not see men like that today? If they were just average men with a human spirit then everyone who is in the Bride or the Ark should be able to write and demonstrate similar intellects. Yet, in all honesty, we know these men were not just ordinary men for if they had been then Jesus would have spoken to them in parables. The stark reality is this: Mr. Flurry I heard you say one thing that surprised me the most. It went something like this: GOD first plan with the angels failed. Are you calling GOD a failure? My heart begins to beat and I feel a righteous burning in the center of my soul. Then my FATHER says to me he desires mercy and I am reminded that you are doing a good job, fighting for lives, if you can turn one man to Christ in your entire lifetime you have pariticipated in a Holy service that will ultimately bring glory unto GOD but only because Jesus Christ did it first. Without Him you are nothing. One of the devils oldest tricks, a trick that has caught me several times. When a man continues to win his battles which can only be done performed through your steadfast obedience thus resulting in GOD as your protector who will fight your battles for you and after enough battles are won and demonstrated in front of others, often so many victories will subtly and very carefully stroke the ego. This is done in a very delicate fashion and it takes time, a position of power, and the other key ingredient is the people around you will often be used in a very crafty way, unbenounced to the person, they may look up to you more then they realize rather then looking to Christ. With all three of these variables after enough time, it is easy to forget what it feels like to lose a battle and to become that earger student who is just so eager to learn and fearful of offending GOD. Then before we know it things are coming out of our mouths that when looked back upon in proper perspective and pondered intensely we realize how patient the Devil can be and how we have forgotten the power of the tongue, full of deadly poison, set on hell fire itself. Words are prescious and in your position they can be fatal. Meaning there are lives at stake. To even imply that GOD has ever miscalculated in even the smallest way is blasphemy and can destroy a beginners faith leading him to death. Do not forget your position. I would be fearful if I was in our position. Every week representing the Living GOD. Please do not forget or underestimate the power of words, for by the word we were given life. I pray and hope you are learning a valuable lesson, unless your vanity has become more pronounced then I can perceive. One of the lesson is that GOD never fails. What happened was you failed and demonstrated a weekness in your faith which came from a lack of understanding which lead to underestimating the Living GOD, which resulted in you no longer carrying the attitude that there may be things you do not know. This inevitably leads to outward manifestations such as judging GOD and whether he succeeds or fails. Then to share such an influencial statement with thousands and not even noticing it. Now you are coming to realize that GOD never fails and He figured out in His Supreme Godly ways how to mold both angels and men into the image of His Son. He has been multiltaneously molding and shaping more then just angels and men but all the Host of Heaven whom are watching a learning on their own level. Remember you have been given a fearful position, I beg of you and I pray to The GOD of Israel that you heed that fear. The devil took a 3rd of the stars from heaven: stars are angels and angels are apostles , and prophets. The twelve stars who came down with the woman who had the man child, Jesus Christ. The twelve stars are obviously the twelve disciples, angels wrapped in human flesh, men amongst us whom are greater in power might displaying what Spirit leadeth it..Bond servants are Apostles,,who are the 3rd  rank of angels, prophets are Arch angels the second order of angels and saints are the brethren or spirits o human men made perfect, by Christ.  I have a huge seven tatood on my right arm that I was compelled to get when I was younger and totally, unaware, but yet even though I did not believe, there was something very profound about it.

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Talking about Talking about Talking about Noah's space's Blog - Windows Live
world tommorow in fact Genesis ch 2 to ch 2:3 have not even occured for GOD yet. His Sabbath will be during the millenium when satan is cast out into outer darkness and His Son takes over with the new born Sons of GOD under Him. This is why it says 1 day is as a thousand years to the Lord and a thousand years is as one day in fact it also allows us to realize that the Sabbath was truly made for man it is a Gift in which satan is bound or cast into outer darkness on mans sabbath this is why there are so many examples of people escaping right under the devils nose during the sabbath because satan is blinded to all who are obedient because they are hidden underneath the wing of the almighty which is the same as being cast into outer darkness Jesus knew this alll to well this is why He did almost all of His healings and teachings on the sabbath day. This is why it says let us labor to enter that rest. Spiritual labor. The Key of David television show should do all it can to follow after our example Jesus and utilize the awesome gift of the Sabbath. This is one of the very reason GOD gave us this gift. This is  why Jesus says first you bind the strong man then you plunder his house. If anyone jnew how to utilize the Sabbath it was Jesus for He labored intensly on every sabbath always going to the synogagues and healing and Teaching when He knew satan was bound. This also gives a whole new understanding to the scripture and noah shall give them rest. Please Lord open the Brides eyes to your truth for they are in need of maturing and strong meat for they thing that all mysteries have been revealed yet it clearly states that someone will finish the Elijahs work. Elijjah said it was not all of the Bible just the main thread and he stated clearly that it was not infallible and who to us by GOD better then Elijah whom you have fought tooth and nail for to persrve GODS Truths to teach you the scripture which not only have you been accused of ARMSTRoNGism but to have always confirmed with your own mouth cursed is the man whom trusteth in man. Don;t you see GOD wants to make sure you were fighting for Him in those court battles and not for the affection and love of Mr. Armstr/Elijah I shall always follow Jesus before men and Jesus always called him Elijah because that is who he is. This will also give you a chance to proe to all your advesaries that their claims of armstongism is totally false because he was not without error. just like Elijah said and now you may fully start to understand it is harder to un learn one false truth than a thousand new ones. ARE you as BABES now the time has come for you to demonstrate all of those thing that you state so passionatley on the Key of David which should be aired when satan can not see it. All glory to ELOHIM love noah   OLD LETTERS OR EMAILS SENT TO THE PHILADELPHIA CHURCH OF GOD. THE VERY BRIDE OF CHRIST , JESUS WHO SITS AT THE RIGHT HAND OF HIS MAJESTY ON HIGH..

Mr. Flurry,  I write you as a stranger and an alien of whom this world is not worthy, not in vanity as to claim the identity of myself but for the sake of the elect, the brethren in whom GOD the FATHER calls the church. I would long for you to understand the meat which the FATHER JEHOVAH by and through His Son Jesus Christ is longing for you to receive for it is the season and the elect must surly mature for it is time for strong meat unto your faith and the deliverance of your souls.. There is a distinct difference between the Holy prophets who are regarded as the strangers and aliens whom you are not my brethren. You are the very elect of GOD to the Spirit of just men made perfect, whom are referred to also as the Church, the brethren, and the elect. READ the 3rd epistle of John ch 1 :5-6 and there are many other example that clearly separate the Holy prophets whom can not die, for they are the dew from heaven, Angels wrapped in human flesh. I shall give you another example of strong meat that proves my testimony is not of me but of my FATHER by and through His Son Jesus Christ. First I shall remind you that no act of prophecy from the days of old was ever done by the act of a human will but rather by Holy men moved by the Holy Spirit, now you know the Holy Spirit had not descended yet so the Holy Spirit was born with these Holy men the prophets whom never die because they already have bodies of Spirit and they have never even been serving themselves for their salvation is not in question this is proved in Hebrews when Jesus said He came not to give aid to the nature of angels but to the seed of Abraham. Now here is a scripture that you must read and pray on during the Sabbath for it proves that my words are true and that the prophets were not serving themselves but rather you the Church. The scripture I am about to give you also testifies to the fact that the angels are the prophets which is reinforced and made plain by Hebrews also. Read the 1st epistle of Peter ch 1: 10-12 "As to this salvation, the prophets who prophesied of the grace that would come unto you made careful search and inquiry" this last statement is directly revealing the last statement in verse 12. "seeking to know what person or time the Spirit of Christ within them was indicating as He predicted the suffering of Christ and the glories to follow. Pay close attention to this next statement " It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves, but you, the church, in these things which have now been announced to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven things to which angels long to look.  You see the angels are the ones making careful search and inquiries and they are not serving themselves because their salvation is not in question for the prophets never die for they are the angels also referred to as the dew from heaven in which the remnant will possess in these final days. Please Gerald read my small book that I have sent you many times and will continue adding to it as the FATHER gives me inclination by and through Jesus Christ. Giving all glory to GOD the FATHER and His Son Jesus Christ your loving servant noah   To Gerald Flurry:
       Have you noticed the distinct difference betweem Peters two Epistles? The first Epistles of Peter is to those who are already chosen according to the foreknowledge of GOD the FATHER. 1st Peter Ch.1:1 and then notice in Peters 2nd Epistle it is addressing those who are called and those who He is choosing. 2nd Peter ch 1:10. There is a reason Peter wrote two Epistles and they clearly are addressing two different groups. Remember many are called but few are chosen. Please read my small book for more understanding in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. I will continue adding meat to my book as the Spirit leadeth me. Your faithful prophet giving all glory to GOD the FATHER by way of His Son Jesus Christ.   Love, noah dibble

P.S. You must really meditate asking the FATHER for insight especially 2nd Peter 3:4 starting with the word forever after the first question. Very few really understand what that scripture is revealing. For more insight on that scripture read my small book which I have much work still to do with it, for it is far from finished, however it contains plenty of strong meat if not to much for the Bride or the Ark which I must prepare. 2nd peter 3:4 reveals this. love noah dibble  

To the ARK of His Covenant,
Oh Lord, when will you reveal the depths of Thy Holy Bible unto Thy Holy remnant for they are without knowledge and they do not understand. For they have wisdom above that of all other churches and Thy Bride has the Key of David and they have been given due understanding above all other women of the feild yet they lack much in wisdom and understanding. I pray oh Lord that you will give to them the faith needed to heed thy messages for they write their booklets and though they struggle to percieve they see not. Though they see more then their contemporaries they do not understand that all continues just as it was from the beginning. The reason Peter used Sodom and Gommorah is because he knew much more then you do being the Philadelphia Church of GOD. Peter knew that in the end everthing would continue just as it was in the begginning meaning GOD will destroy a city or two as an example before He layes the world to waste and Lot will be delivered from these cities and they will serve as an example to the world urging people to turn from their ways and noah will be working feverishly to prepare the Ark which is what I have been doing although because thy lacks in faith thou wilt not believe my words nor will thou come and reason with me.  The Bible is broken into two main parts this is why there are often two books with the same name. One set of instructions is for human men with human spirits that are members of the twelve tribes of Israel to the spirits of rightous men made perfect. The other set of instructions is for the strangers also known as the Holy prophets whom never die, this includes Apostles for they are of a higher order of the celestial hierarchy. The twelve apostles were angels this is why Jesus only addressed the masses in parables and then revealed the deeper things to His Apostles for the Spirit in then imparted more power to their intellect thus they were able to be fed what humans couldn't recieve until the Holy Spirit descended and then made it possiblefor men with human spirits to grow in the nowledge of Jesus Christ. GOD never failed with the angels He figured out a way to moold both angel and man into the image of His Son. He depended onn the prophets and A[ostles who were greater in power and might now  we know it is the Spirit within man that imparts power to the intellect and you know spirit is invisible yet you seem to think that if an arch angel was inside a man that he would be radiating. When they saw the baby face of Moses they knew he was no ordinary child. In many ways it does to those who know what to look for. This is why it says the law was ordained by angels, the prophets whom never die. Elijah came three times following after His masters example Jesus will ultimately come three times and GOD is not a respector of Persons. All the prophets whom never die will fulffill thier same offices daniel will see his vision for real this time in the flesh Job will be here for this is made clear in their books and in Ezekial. Noah will fullfill the same office preparing the ark before the flood of GODS wrath come and when the Bride finally recognizes my words as Truth then I will enter the ARK and this is a very revealing piece of prophecy. This is all clearly explained throughout the Bible and the Apostles knew that they were not of a human Spirit this is why Peter says in his 2nd epistles "Those who received the faith as the same kind as ours the same kind but they were not of the same type or family this is why there are two of many books some addressing the Sons of GOD which are the angels however they are under Jesus because although they have bodies of Spirit and are angels they always had a distinct advantage being greater in power and might which means that enough power is given to their spirits that is dominates the carnal mind making the mind at peace with GOD instead of at emnity with GOD. He makes His Angels as Wind and His servants as flames of fire.. Wind stregthens fire as I am attempting by His Holy Spirit to Strengthen You. This is why Jesus revealed that Elijah came three times following His example Peter knew this all to well he also knew that everything would repeat itself in the spiritual just like it did with Elijah. Peter knew that GOD who does not change would use the same people and the exact same methods. As it was litterally in the days of noah so shall it be when the Son of Man returns. Peter knew this and I have been sending the ARK revealation which would serve as putting the icing on Elijahs Cake and preparing the Ark. This is why my name is spelled noe in one book look up the definition for noea in the lexicons and you may find something interesting. Please read my small book that I have been emailing you. It is time for the Bride to grow in Her knowledge of Christ. Ths is all for now lest you choke look up the definition of my last name Praise ELOHIM love noah

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Talking about the little book
the mysteries that must be revealed. I struggled with this concept because I have learned to fear the subtly of vanity, this is why I have been hesitant, but perhaps I should fear only GOD, not giving such credence, to vanity, knowing that all things work for the glory of GOD, to those who love Him. Meaning, the very account of my life, providing that I am obedient to GOD, this book will demonstrate His ways and methods, no matter what course I take. 
 GOD, is so good, there is none, no not one, like Him, for who can hide from Him, or who can escape His judgments, and who can really picture, what it is like, to be held in the very bosom of GOD, the FATHER, being cradled, in His arms, like an infant absorbing the adoration and love, of His perfect, FATHER. I tell you this: I can, I have, I will, and yet, I have already, as if it is to come, yet it was already performed, and knowing this, I am presently accomplishing this, as we speak. What was done, has not been undone and what has not been done is done and what is made to be undone, is that which is done, there is nothing new under the sun, which has not been done, forever and ever, be glory, archs, power, principalities, dominions, thrones, virtues, cherubims, seraphims, and all of the host of the heavens, even the seventh heaven, by which the New City of Gold sits, already prepared for the world tomorrow, emphasis mine. Well, it has been a wonderful Holy day of atonement, I am truly grateful, to have lived through it, by which I might by way of His generousity, be the pencil in His hand, even if it is, for only one word, my dream will be complete, for then, I will know that I have been of service to the Most High, my dream of all dreams, I just want to serve Him, for He is continueously, without fail, been serving me, since the day I was fashioned from Spirit, and called my heavenly name, which I shall not utter, lest I distract you by means of disbelief. Making one thing clear, that should be understood with clarity and judgmemt. My service is not of my own works, lest I boast, for I am filthy, rotten, and a sinner, in whom there is no good, except for that which was fashioned a created by GOD, which dwelleth inside this rotten body of sin, now we know, there is only one man, who is worthy of all glory, more then any foot that has ever stepped forth, on earthy soil, so that He might save the world and give glory, unto the Perfect ONE, JEHOVAH, THE ALMIGHTY. Now, I wish to clear one thing up so that there is no confusion which can lead to a destruction of faith and as we well know, faith must be displayed, by our works or in some cases such as Abrahams it was accounted to him for his belief, but even his belief was backed up and solidified by his works, when he raised the knife and intended, to slew his son. This is the issue that I wish to address for I know that these thoughts have arisen with- in some of you, for which there might not have been an answer that truly satisfied your human spirits. NOW, knowing that Jesus Christ, the Nazarene was not born of the union between a sinful man or even a just man, being an angel and a undefiled women, but rather by the immaculate conception, which was spawned by the Holy Spirit, with in the very whomb of Mary, whom He made quite clear, was not His mother, but the Bride, being the church and the fellowship of believers is our mother, in whom we must honour which brings us to whom we give all praise through Christ to the FATHER, THE HOLY ONE of Israel. Now, the reason His conception, had to be immaculate, is because the Son of GOD, could not dwell in a earthly tent of sin, for the two, cannot mix, for how can the darkness be light and how can the light be darkness, for they cannot, for the one, is contrary to the other. Knowing this fact, perhaps, it has caused disbelief in some of my brothers, whom think it so, that Jesus did not have sin running through His flesh thus, not making His body the carnal enemy, it is for us. We know, that the body is wretched and we our born into sin, for it dwells within our flesh, desiring all things, that are contrary to the Spirit and many of you might have thought that since Jesus did not have sin running through His flesh, that this gave Him a great advantage and thus, He was never fully human and never truly understood, the human dilemma, which is overcoming our sinful nature in which He was without, meaning He was not wrapped in sinful flesh, for the Son of GOD could never be clothed with sin, it is just impossible, surly you can understand, why. This is precisely, why his conception, was immaculate. However, brethren let me make one thing crystal clear, lest any of you fall away from the truth, being waxed cold by the deceitfulness of sin, which in turn hardens the heart, leading to a evil heart disbelief, which brings destruction to the gift of faith and the promise of entering His rest will be hidden, as a secret to all who journey down this path. Yes, it is true, Jesus had no sin in His flesh, however, GOD in His Flawless Ways, compensated for this advantage, by making Jesus’ temptations 40 times greater then that which is common to man. None, of us have fasted, for forty days and been offered the world by satan and the old vanity trick, If thou be the Son of GOD? This allowed, for Him to experience, suffer and be tempted, just as we are which is precisely why, it is written, He was tempted in all ways such as common to man, and he took one HIM the human spirit and achieved perfect obedience which led to His sacrifice, emphasis mine. His sacrifice did not lead to perfect obedience which is why it is written: obedience is greater then sacrifice. So, do not be deceived He truly experienced being human, with a human spirit and succeeded triumphantly. I just thought of something and perhaps I have already mentioned it, but I would rather repeat something then leave something out. Here is another scripture which strengthens my testimony or I should say the Bible testimony, about satan being bound or blind or cast into outer darkness on our Sabbath, which he will also be for GODS Sabbath which has not occurred yet, it is this scripture, said by Jesus’ himself in regards to the Sabbath: If you are going to enter and plunder a strong mans house, first you bind the strong man, then you plunder his house reinforcing and giving validity to what is already truth. That satan is bound on the sabbath day, and we as believers, need to utilize, the gift, GOD, has given us, increasing our spiritual labor on the day that was made for man, for our benefit and survival, we need to follow Jesus’ example. Oh yes, one more thing, if you are still having trouble with accepting that satan is also a man who physically seduced Eve causing her commit adultery and the father of Cain, who was of that wicked one, then read Issiah chapter fourteen verse sixteen, where it clearly calls Lucifer the son of morning, a man who had to look up and say I will ascend into the heavens. Is this the man that made the nations tremble? That is why GOD, uses the king and prince of Trye interchangeably, so we would realize they were, and are, one in the same. We know satan, was in the garden. The Bible uses trees as metaphors, for mighty people or angels, we know that he knew good and evil and we know that touch, refers to something sexual, along with desires and most importantly, it clearly defines, the sexual union between two people, as the fruit being sweet to the taste, in the Song of Solomon. Solomons’ wisdom was so great, that he was part of the infallible word of GOD, discreetly revealing the truth, as Issiah, so wonderfully relays. Here a little, there a little, line upon line, and precept upon precept. Now, for a very interesting question, if GOD the FATHER is looking for a wife for His Son, then does the FATHER have a wife, if He does, is Her name Wisdom? Something to think about, now is it not? It just occurred to me, that the second wisest man on this earth, speaks of wisdom, as a her and if the FATHER wants a wife for His Son, why would He expect His Son to have, what He does not Have. Well I shant speculate, to much, on such a heavy topic I shall let that go, unless otherwise, told not to. The Bible calls Lucifer, a man directly, I do not know, how Elijah missed that, but GOD reveals what and when He chooses, in His time, as to give everybody a piece of the pie. I tell you the truth… There is none like Him!! He is worthy of all PRAISE!! I thank him with all of my might: Thankyou, GOD of Israel.         
       I was born in San Francisco ca at the age of approximately nine months old. My mother says, she has no idea why she married my dad, she said it was as though she was in a trance, as if the only reason, for their temporary union was to be utilized as vessels, to give birth to me. My mother said she had no doubt in her mind that my name would be Noah, it was not even questioned, nor was their any doubt or waivering. I was born in the second month on the first day of nineteen seventy three. My mother said she worried about me as infant and even inquired about the fact, that I very rarely cried which was not, the standard for babies. Almost, every picture that was taken of me as an infant, I was smiling, in fact I think there are only two out of dozens and dozens of photos, where I am not gleaming with joy. I was truly a happy and resilient baby. At the age of two years, my mother left me to pursue her career in the media field as a news caster, for channel seven, KGO. She said, she left because my dad had convinced her she was not fit, or worthy to raise me which knowing what I do now, my dad was most likely correct. Not about the worthy part but about not being properly prepared, for it is very possible she would have caused irreparable emotional damage, that despite my resilient nature, I may have never healed or possibly it would have had a severe affect on the phychology, of my cognitive process and or emotional well being. Who knows, but GOD, that is enough speculation and I do not intend to criticize my mother, it just that, the facts are the facts and her being, the weaker vessel, she might have been led astray more than my dad. My dad had a habitt, of picking wounded sheep, girls that had been victimized in some way or another, it was my dads’ way of ensuring, he would not be rejected and this was also how my dad was able to secure his identity, as a man. He was the last child, of three children and his older siblings, were both girls, so his dad really applied the preasure on him and expected him, to be what he could never really live up to, so he then sought, to secure his manhood, by getting women, this was the next best thing, to being the man, that his dad had wanted him to be. When an individual bases their whole identity on whether or not, they can get, young beautiful women, well I am sure you can imagine, there was never any hope of fidelity with my dad, I am sad to say, left a lot of people hurt and a lot of damaged people, due to his selfish pursuit, to secure his own identity. My mother whom was his second wife and one of the furious victims, that my dad had left behind in his wake of self serving pleasure and the need to constantly affirm his masculinity. All, my mom could do, to sooth her rage was to thoroughly express to me, every weekend that she had custody of me, she would inundate me with all the facts, details and characteristics that made my dad such an animal or monster as was my picture of him, once I had been thoroughly verbally raped, by my mothers vengeance. My mother being very articulate a quite persuasive, in her own way would usually have me thoroughly convinced, by the time the weekend was over that my dad, must be some kind of monster, yet every time I would return, unto my dads house, by Sunday night, I would be waiting and watching for this beast, it would never appear primarley, because there were no women between us, and I was to young to be a threat, by inter fearing with his sexual addiction, this addiction created and rienforced his entire identity and self esteem. This was very confusing for me, as a child because I kept trying to figure out who was the bad guy or the villain, so to speak. My dad was smart enough, to never say anything about my mother and my dad had an unpredictable, explosive, temper which was never physically demonstrated however, it was just as scary and unpredictable. The most damaging and affective part of my dads abuse was that you never knew when it was going to happen thus, rendering me somewhat, skittish. I was so incredibly bullet proof and resilient, because of the sheer joy, that GOD had placed in my heart. The other very real and ackward, aspect of my mom and dad relationship towards me, which started to manifest itself, more and more as I became closer to GOD, was this weird sort of competition, that I was not aware of, until I had became older and was able to look back, but it was as though they knew, I did not really belong to them, that I was from somewhere else, and because both of my parents had insecurity issues and my perceptions, ability to acquire knowledge, and differences, started to draw attention at school, and even at home, where even from a young age, I was already becoming the teacher, in many ways, and my parents were witnessing my blessings first hand, which quickly, although un benounced to me, developed into envy and competition, on every level, imaginable. This jealousy, that I was first experiencing, from my own parents, was soon to manifest itself, in almost every arena, of my life. Now, as I was growing up, there was no logical explanation, for such envy from schoolmates, cousins, family members, etc. I was very skinny, I was not very handsome, like many of the popular boys, yet there was something I had, that could almost bring out the covetous aspects of a persons personality, no matter how secure, they were with themselves, the more secure they were, the longer it took for these defects, to manifest themselves. Eventually, especially amongst males, I began to expect it, as I become perceptive enough to see the warning signs or triggers, then at that point I would end it, by usually GOD interveaning, and I would have a geographical move. I did not fully understand at the time what was driving this powerful force in which nobody seemed exempt, even my own parents. Then, when a boy who was clearly better looking, and was much more popular then me, would manifest these envious defects, I was really perturbed. Now, this is the kind of subject you just can not speak to anyone about because believe me I tried many times, in order to gain some ones understanding, which would then bring me comfort and force the feelings of confusion and pain to subside, but it would only make thing worst. The human spirit would already be feeling inadequate, this usually causes humans to challenge or damean you, and people always felt inferior in my presence, not everybody, however many, and at the time I was completely unaware of all of this. At that time I had know idea. After countless of unexplained examples I finally was told by GOD who I was however at that time I did not know I was an angel wrapped in human flesh but every one I came in contact with at some point or another felt, or perceived my greater in power and might which was made manifest in everything from aptitude, to sports, the tone of my voice, my facial features,my disposition, my nature, everything that makes a person who they are is derived from the ingenious Supreme Creators ability to create the dynamics of an individuals character which is the spirit inside the body which inevitably imparts power to the intellect and defines who you are. In many respects I feal the envy that I have received my share of from humanity comes from a very subconscious  and spiritually based center which causes man to envy me because I have what every man wants more then anything in the world whether they will admit it or not, which is immortality. However let me make one thing clear the only reason I have life at all is because of Christ, Jesus and HIS mighty FATHER The GOD of Israel. Having this different nature with in me, which is not common to man also makes me inferior to the world. This is why I am strange to many people because I am not of this world, so how can I fit in with this world. I don’t, I separate myself from it and stick out like a soar thumb. I cleave unto the FATHER and His Son. However, my spirit it also made me the central target for all demonic outburst from everything to my own parents, to teacher, friends and many of bizarre moments of uncontrolled anger or momentary possession in which the individual would have no rememberance. They would just know that something had transpired between us and the conclusion they would draw would vary based upon how much control the demon already had of their mind, body, and whether or not their free will had been breached. Imagine I was an angel in a world full of people who were possessed with fallen angels so as soon as someone would see me for the first time depending on their level of progression they would feal fealings of anger or dislike when ever they saw me and although it was illogical their fealing were real because the demon would recognize me as one of there same family only I haven’t fallen and nor to I despise the Law for The GOD of Israel, is all I have or have ever, really had. As I started to grow up my nature became more and more pronounced always moving back and forth between my dad and mom depending how out of control the present situation I was in was. I remember when I was 13 yrs old at a school called Hanna boys center, this was a beautiful boarding school, for troubled teens, by that time I had already lived in Santa Monica, in three different apartments and two different schools, then moving back with my mom, who had moved to culver city in which I attended another school, being inundated with gangs and having to fight, a lot of the time. No matter how kind, quite, and hopefully unnoticed, I attempted to be, I always made enemies, primarely because they perceived something in me, that threaten them or made them feal inferior and they would remedy this by all different types of responses however, the most common responses from males, when they do not really understand something, but they know something is different and if frightens them, is to make premature judgments about my character, judgments that always left me inferior, in their mind that would allow them to quench, their feelings of insecurities and at the same time attempt to rob me of my very gift, by assassinating my character and one of the most common accusations, was that I was gay. There are certain aspect that when a person is indwelled with the nature of an angel as opposed to a human spirit there is element of what many people of this world from a worldly and evil perspective would consider my mannerism somewhat femmanine which is far from the truth. It depends on the angel. Some angels are definitely men although they may not actually have the gender organ that distinguishes them gut their gender is made manifest in their physical features, stature, and so forth. However because there is this difference GOD had to actually gender many of the prophets and this angelic spirit within them was just different that to most people. Think about it 99% of all people they come in contact with have a human spirit and then they come in contact with someone who has the spirit of and angel and right away they notice a difference but they often can not put their finger on it leading to a more inquisitive state of mind but depending on how far they have progressed with their own demonic internal battle their inquiry can quickly turn to a threatened or inferior fealing pushing them to classify or categorize me as something that other people would find convenient in solving their own dilemma of confusion regarding fealings of inadequacy when in my presence, so my strangeness and feminine characteristics or so they perceived by their worldly interpretation. It could have either been the very nature that lies with in me or possibly just a manafistaion of my natural joy and confidence which I am now sure were far more pronounced then I knew. Anyways when I was at this boarding school the entire school turned against me. I mean everyone they all called me stick man and I had not one friend, and the teachers and faculty must have been aware although it was never even acknowledged. This lasted for over a year and I was already starting to manifest the nature that had them so angry and jellous. I never once called anyone a name back, not once did I retaliate in any way or fashion. In fact when I would see a boy in the bathroom alone without all his friends. I often felt sorry for them because they would express their own vulnerability like I had never seen before. There was no anger or resentment I was able to perceive their very shallow characters but it was more than that I developed compassion for them by truly understanding their inferior attitude, I didn’t understand what created it then but I did see that many of these children were just longing to be accepted by their maliscious peers and part of the criteria for this acceptance was to serve there master otherwise they dared to risk being on the other side which motivated by fear they would believe the illusion that they would not survive alone which was what I had grown accustomed to and it created and instilled my dependence upon GOD and taught me very early that men, given sufficient time would soon fall into envy and covetness not only is it what comes natural to the humans but I probably although unaware of it and definitely strange I still manifested something that seem to be every mans desire, even if they did not know it at the time, it was usually only a matter of time until the demon overpowered them and they gave into the fealings of envy and hatred despite the fact that in many respect they had fallen in love with me or rather the spirit of Kindness and GODS Spirit.. The absolutely fascinating dichotomy was than there was also a natural lure or pull that I had which spawned curiosity within the hearts of these children that eventually killed the cat. What I mean by that is quite often their desire to understand and get closer to me became more powerful then their envy and hatred. Then when I would treat them with gentleness and kindness that came from my FATHER in heaven. It was often so nourishing and rewarding to them and especially surprising because any normal kid with a human spirit would have been hurt over and over by the sheer isolation, continual name calling, and it would have eventually created resentment, which if left unaddressed will fester until it grows into a boil on your heart and when that boil pops it leaves scare tissue which after enough unresolved boils soon the scar tissue hardens causing the heart to become calliced resulting in the solidification of the heart by the deceitfulness of sin. The single greatest advantage that I had was the ability to understand why people did the things they did and this was given to me by GOD which caused all maliscious attacks and pain to be quickly absolved. Pain and resentment come from confusion and a lack of understanding if you understand why someone is doing something I have often found that it only reveals their own sadness and misery which was obviously taught to them by some one, namely their parents, then they suddenly become victims rather then perpetrators which turned my pain into compassion. In fact at 13 yrs of age I was able to spot the kids whom were really just being controlled by their desire for acceptance and I would  identify who were the real the dominant and perhaps most progressed in the demonic stages of possession which I will elaborate on later, anyways I naturally desired to show the kids that were the meanest the most kindness and this was sort of how I began my first premeditated act of prioritization in the attempt to do what naturally felt good to me which was to conquer evil with good. No one had ever taught me this and my surroundings and present environment was constantly reinforcing just the opposite. This complete and genuine perception filled my heart with compassion for them and I started to see them, as victims being led and deceived by some force of which I knew nothing about except for the obvious fact that my nature could not deny: There was definitely a force that represented mankinds destruction. A force that was not friendly toward man and it seemed to use men at will to further its purpose, but that’s all that I knew and I was not even 100% sure about that. So, I would naturally attempt to show kindness to the boys whom were the most aggressive, this came naturally for me which is just not a common response from a thirteen year old boy. Also not identifying this major issue until later in my life many people whether it was boy or girl would fall in love with me, whether it was spawned from a sensual point of view, being homosexual just as Ham could not even resist the beauty of his own dad Noah who like Mosses was a beautiful man and one must remember that demons are attracted to their own species so that would make many men whom have demons in them uncontrollably attracted to one of their own kind especially if they could get them to fall from grace with them. This is why the whole town wanted to rape the two angels when Lot gave up his daughter. I know it sounds arrogant but I am only attempting to explain what an individual whom had the spirit of an arch angel with- in his soul or body would encounter in this wicked demon filled world into which I have been sent forth. My only objective is to describe the world we live in and how various types of both men and females reacted to me and of course, there are so many variables it is practically impossible to even graze the surface however, I will be brave in my attempt to describe the most common types of responses, as well as explaining these common scenerios, objectively and honesltly, including my reactions, perceptions, and over all feelings at the time. Which if done in the proper order, by yielding myself to GODS Spirit, perhaps He can help me to manifest, even my own process of maturing and coming to grips with the very fact that, I was a stranger to this world, I lacked the very core a what makes men bond, on a common level, they both have a human spirits they know their own and this allows them to recognize it in others, thus bonding and understanding, one another. This is the primary and fundamental source, almost all men, share in common. Something that I can not fake or pretend to have, even if I wanted to try to be like all the other guys. One can not give, what one does not have. Taking another perspective, I hope to be able to convey to my reader, how by lacking the human spirit, even though the spirit with in the nephesh or body, may be able to allow the frontel lobe of the brain to perceive and understand, that which is not common to man, however, on the other side of the coin, they literally lack the fundamental elements of intelligence that the human spirit is known for, this almost make them inferior when one considers the fact that this entire world is run and controlled by human spirits for the most part, whom have been modeled after their father, the devil. please I am hoping that the reader has noticed now that I have loosened up and my statements may not be, technically accurate, but sometimes in a worldly way, in hopes to properly introduce my point, and to seal my messages, with a conclusive finality, that not only fortifies the truth from above, but also allows the reader to absorb my intended meaning in their language, which from time to time I run a miss, only because, it is not my native language. The very message I am attempting to articulate and convey to the reader and the way I see and think, inside my head, is rarely how I will end up relaying it to the listener, or intended reader. For I have learned through trial and error, that if I do not break it down into a worldly form, without compromising the truth, in fact when done perfectly, a questioned can be answered in such a way, as to reinforce GODS truth while simultaneously expressing it in a higher spiritual level, for those to whom have ears to here, so they may hear indeed. Jesus, was the master at this, although He even recognized, that at a certain point, it is one or the other, depending on the spiritual perspective of the one listening . I realize my repetition but I am thoroughly convinced when dealing with subjects that really try the human spirit as these subjects do, then repetition is your ally. In a certain, yet clearly evident way, my nature renders me, inferior to this world, even though my angelic spirit is greater in power and might, which I have learned is defined in everything I do, however, the might is directly related to the intellect. The angelic spirit imparts more power to the brain then that of a human spirit and some of the distinct advantages of this greater understanding are instead of the carnal mind dominating the spirit and rendering the mind and enmity with GOD it works just the other way. The Spirit which is greater in power and might dominates over the carnal mind thus rendering it submissive and open to GODS Nature and His Holy Spirit. Resulting in a longing for Him rather that not wanting Him to intrude into your life, as many humans often express. They just don’t want anything to do with Him which ultimately stems from ignorance and a lack of knowledge which is driven by their enemy their own mind which can only be brought into the understanding of the divine which in turn brings clarity resulting in less confusion which alleviates pain, anger, blame and guilt, which without further a do the final conclusive result in that of comfort, joy, compassion, and love. Ever since I even entertained the concept of GOD I made it quite clear that if you do exist please come sup with me for I long to know and understand GOD, for nothing fascinated me more and it was completely natural to me but I quickly found out that this perception was not shared by the rest of the world.  Many would make believe it was so but it was always just a matter of time until either the envy spawned in their heart or their fear of being held accountable by the Law ran them off. Very often the people that were my friends at first would usually turn out to be my worst enemies because they had the most exposure to my nature which I had no idea what or why these things were happening. It started to become obvious to me that peoples ability to follow a logical plain of thought was hindered or stopped at the very point where true understanding starts to take root. Another advantage of the nature of an angel, is the Spirit, not only dominates over the carnal mind, it also dominates over the carnal and fleshly, emotions. One of the first major differences I began to notice between me and other individuals, is they could not control their emotions, by acknowledging them and separating them from their cognitive thought process resulting in an unbiased logical conclusion, that is not tainted or distorted by the influence or dominating effect of carnal emotions, especailly when dealing with subjects, that literally, are going to determine and have a profound affect on the individuals, very survival.  Well, I am sure, one can understand the paramount ability to keep your emotions at bay when processing such bone piercing truth, as that which is able to preserve and destroy, both soul and spirit. Plus, when you consider that the human mind in naturally against GOD, then there is the flesh and all of its’ wicked desires, and then there is satan, who works relentlessly to organizes this world, so it caters, to all a human body may desire, never tiring, of providing all your wicked body can possibly, muster. Oh yes of course, let us not forget about satans’ ability, to bombard your thought process, with his own thoughts, including the ability to affect an individuals emotional state, as well as there physical sensations, such as pleasure, irrections, arousal etc. Now, when he combines all three of those variables simultaneously, it can be very difficult for a person to even consider the fact, that what they are thinking, may not be there own thoughts and what they are feeling may not be their own feelings. Then, there are those double minded men, meaning possessed with an entity which gives them two mind however in the end it is usually only one mind.  One of the greatest misconceptions which drives me crazy and satan uses it to suppress the whole world into believing that they sin so much that it is just impossible and that is hoe satan has twisted what sin is and most importantly when it becomes sin. 98% of the people believe that when the thought enters their mind then they have sinned. Thus satan causes millions of people to have guilt and shame along with the fealing and obvious realization if you believe this lie that it is impossible not to sin. Satan puts thoughts into mens minds all the time and the thought is not sin. The thought is the inception of sin not the conception. The thoughts are going to come when we live in his world in which he sits on his throne and mediates his twisted anarchical government by permiating mens thoughts by the spirit of the air and once the thought enter the mind of his victim then they quickly go to the next step as though it was natural protocol. That second step is guilt and shame why they plead for mercy and feal even more overwhelmed and hopeless knowing this happen to them all day. I really wish you would do just one show on exactly what sin is. The thought come how that girl has a nice bottom is it sin? No it is not!! As long as you acknowledge it for what it is which is an attempt to get you to sin. It only becomes sin when you think the thought and once you realize that satan or the thought is from the prince of the air or is evil, then you discard it by praising GOD with your mouth. It only becomes sin when you entertain the thoughts that the devil puts into your head. When you choose to ponder it and began to envoke pleasure from the thought by nuturing it and entertaining it, then sin is first conceived and when fully entertained it is no longer sin in embryo, now because you entertained the thought, the inception, has brought forth the conception which has given birth to sin and when sin is fully developed it bringd forth death. No wonder people feel as though it is a hopeless and impossible request; to conquer sin, they are all deceived about when sin actually becomes sin. Satan has the whole world overwhelmed and pleading for mercy for his thought for his action and they are convinced they are sinning oh I can feel the righteous indignation welling up inside of me, it is very different from fleshly anger and often seven times more powerful, but clean and pure anger, is not wrong, if it come from the SPIRIT.. .     ALL PRAISE AND GLORY TO THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL, JESUS CHRIST  BY WHICH WE KNOW HAVE AUTHORITY TO PRAISE THE  MOST HIGH, THE ALMIGHTY ONE, JEHOVAH BY WHICH ALL HONOR IS DUE, FOR HE IS WORTHY AND THERE IS NONE LIKE HIM, NO NOT ONE. FOR IN HIM WE MOVE,,BREATH, BLINK, HAVE OUR OWN SPECIAL INDIVIDUAL TRAITS THAT ALL WORK TOGETHER TO BRING JEHOVAH PLEASURE FOR THAT IS WHY WE WERE CREATED, TO BRING ELOHIM PLEASURE AND IN HIS INFINITE WAYS HE HAS ARRANGED IT TO BE SO THAT WHEN WE DO GOOD AND FOLLOW HIM WE ARE REWARDED WITH PLEASURE BEYOND WORDS WHICH IN TURNS BRINGS HIM PLEASURE. WHAT A GIFT HE HAS GIVEN US FOR WE CERTAINLY DIDN’T EARN IT OR HAVE IT COMING OR EVEN DESERVE IT, BUT EVEN STILL HE GIVETH FREELY, EVEN TO THOSE, WHOM JUST TAKE. FOR HE CREATED GOOD AND EVIL AND HE TAKES THE EVIL AND TRAMSFORMS IT INTO G. Surly, my repetition is anchoring the truth to your frontal lobes and the parallels, similarities, and proof from GODS word is soaking into the marrow of your bones. Look at Hebrews ch 4: 3-4 it says, For we who have believed, enter that rest, just as He has said, “AS I SWORE IN MY WRATH , THEY SHALL NOT ENTER MY REST”, although His works were finished from the foundation of the world. For He has thus said somewhere concerning the seventh day “AND GOD RESTED ON THE SEVENTH DAY FROM ALL OF HIS WORKS” Notice from the foundation of the world His works were finished meaning the work of physically creating but not all of His work was finished, because then it makes a direct distinction, between His physical work of creating, then He also acknowledges the different type of work that He has been involved in since the foundation of the world. Which is the work of using His holy angels or prophets whom never die to establish and prepare the way for the coming of His Firstborn member of the human family Jesus, while also perfecting and teaching and molding His angels. Now, GOD does not have a need for His Holy prophets like He did before Jesus when they were the only mediators between GOD and man. However, He has decided, in His infinite wisdom, that the ones that are amongst us today, will be doing primarily the same things  they have always done. Except for preparing the way for a physical Jesus they will be preparing, nourishing, or fortifying Eve the mother of us all, GODS Church, by preparing the way for a spiritual Jesus. Not to mention, the work of always making sure satan is eating right out of His hand. However, take notice of the distinctions or in the three different types of work, or for GOD, it may only be two. I am not sure, if GOD will completely rest for the 1,000 years and turn over all work to His new born Sons, or if He with just no longer labor with the physical or temporal, thus all of His work, will be with the Spirit, precisely as ours should be on the Sabbath Day. Anyways, the crucial distinction is the last sentence, it says all of His work where in the previous statement it said although his works were finished from the foundations of the world, not all of His works because it makes a direct distinction between the two. Please I pray that you can see that. I believe it is GOD, accurately and profoundly, with all brilliance and gentleness, describing the three types of labor while reinforcing the sanctification of the Sabbath and showing us the difference between mans’ time and GODS time. Yet, at the same time, He is also conveying, even though the proportions of time are different, the same Holy principals, blessing, expectations, restrictions and limits still apply for man as they will for GOD during His Sabbath. O.k. I believe GOD is desiring me to move on. There may be other mysteries revealed that you find much more rewarding and entertaining to your over all understanding of the bible. However Obedience is greater then sacrifice. There are very few things on this earth, in fact nothing, except for maybe mercy, that is greater than showing your faith towards The GOD of the living, ELOHIM. The next time you read Hebrews try to take the whole meaning, of what the book is trying to convey. The book was written to the angels or prophets by an angel or a prophet or a apostle or ambassador, all of them being some type of nine orders of Holy angels and the book was also written about the angels and that Jesus is superior to them because he was made lower than the prophets or angels meaning less power and might. He took on Him a human spirit, the seed of Abraham instead of the nature of an angel. This is why it says Moses was faithful in all his house but the builder of house gets more glory because Jesus is the creator or the Spokes Person for Mosses, and all the angels. Then, once Hebrews has made it clear, that Jesus is greater than all the angels, then it goes into detail about many of the angels, of whom the world was not worthy. Then, very close to the end it reveals something spectacular. Everyone wants to know what happened to these prophets or angels. It says although, they received a good record for their faith they did not receive the promise of sitting at the right hand of GOD and ruling with Jesus. Emphisis mine. Here is another example, of a chapter split, write where it is absolutely crucial, if one is to swallow this piece of meat, they need the statements to flow one after the other. They did not receive what was promised because Hebrews ch 11:39 to ch 12:1 their should be no chapter break!!!!! Did not receive what was promised because GOD had provided something better for us, so that only together with us should these strangers or prophets be made perfect. Mr. Flurry, are you in the process of being made perfect? Yes I believe you are and so am I. You see, GOD had decided something even grander and more excellent, that we would both be made perfect, together with one strenghthening the other, as a witness or as wind does to fire. Listen to the next statement, this will blow you away. Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every sin that ensnares us. The word Also, is a key word in this scripture because it directly implies these witnesses will also be laying aside every sin obviously at the same time or it would not say also. Mr. Flurry, do you believe your Bible? Do you believe that this small book is a direct piece of proof that you are surrounded by one of those witnesses and we are both being made perfect together, not apart from one another, but together, one as a witness and the other one whom the promise has been granted or will be. Then at the end of Hebrews after all the prophets clearly described themselves as strangers to this world, it says, just so you do not miss the entire purpose of the book. Entertain strangers, for by doing so some have entertained angels without knowing it. Then, only one chapter away the bible defines, who these strangers are in Hebrews 13:2. They claimed to be strangers and exiles to this world of whom the world was not worthy. Look up the word exiles in your Hebrew dictionary and it is defined as: belonging to GOD The book of Hebrews is clearly written to the angels about the angels for the angels and to allow for a tremendous amount of light to break through the darkness by clarifying who the Holy prophets were, this answers many questions and clears up many scriptures, whether you admit it to yourself, or simply pushed it to the back of your mind. There were and are many discrepancies in the bible if you do not know that the Holy prophets, already had bodies of spirit and were angels not governed by a human spirit, but rather by the nature of an angel which imparts enough power to the mind to or intellect, thus rendering the mind to be in harmony with GOD or at least not at enmity with GOD such as the human spirit that is governed by the fleshly mind. Rather than, the Spirit governing the fleshly mind as is the case with the nature of angels being greater in power and might It reveals who the prophets were and how come they never die. Do you know what the greek definition is, for the men of old? The definition is: Members of the celestial council. The book of Hebrews reveals how Jesus was able to work with these men, before the Holy Spirit descended. He makes His angel as wind. One of the Hebrew definitions for wind is, mental disposition, superhuman. It explains why there are men in history whom clearly, were men of greatness. Superior in their mental facilities, vocally, and their innate ability to understand who GOD is, unless GOD withheld things about Himself and used their superior intellect for a specific purpose. Yes, GOD would often use these men with angelic natures to perform essential tasks, without revealing everything about Himself. Everything in GODS order, and in His time. It also, explains many of the great men that have live since Jesus came and many of those men had their same original names Abraham Lincoln, Noah Webster and many more who are all a great cloud of witnesses. God truly did arrange something better for us. Once you see Hebrews for what it is, you wonder how you could have ever missed it. What about all those unanswered question that you have about certain discrepancies, that you are so afraid to analyze because of the innate fear of believing, if you tackle all of those, but what about this, and what about that, your greatest fear is that you may not find an answer. This is what the human spirit is famous for. Instead of challenging your questions and searching for an answer the human spirit pushes it to the back of your mind a pretends it is not there, even though it is always staring you in the face and eventually it leads to a lack of Bible knowledge which becomes a symptom of a greater problem, A Lack of Faith and belief in your Creator and His Infinite Mysterious Ways. It is very similar to how people handle the trinity. They don’t really get it because, it is either false, such as the trinity or in is not all there or there are certain discrepancies, contradiction, or just plain old inconsistency. For example, how did you deal with the phrase, that He reveleath His secrets unto His Holy prophets whom never die. What would have been your explanation, before you truly came to understand Hebrews. How would you answer the question of Moses and Elijah and Abraham all be seen in spirit several times even with Jesus. The student would ask but I thought it says right here that no man has ascended to the father, except for the Son of man. Please the student would ask, How did Elijah and Moses get their bodies of spirit if the scripture says, that the only human spirit or human to get there new body, has been Jesus. Now you have a problem do you not. You are now facing what appears to be a direct contradiction. These are all differnet types of questions you must have been running from. How was  GOD allowed to work with some men, before the comforter came, when GOD and sin cannot mix. There is no compromise there. Mans mind, which is governed by the human spirit is at enmity with GOD and until the Comforter came there is no getting around that one. He could not work, instruct and teach vessels to obey him, and do great things, when they are naturally and totally against Him. This is one of the main reason, Jesus died and now lives. Yet, knowing this simple fact. How would you have answered a question such as How come GOD was able to work with some men before the Comforter came? When it clearly states in many scriptures, that it would have been impossible for GOD, He cannot commune with sin. Now, thanks to ELOHIM, you will know how to answer such a question. You will say, well, Jesus is the only man with a human spirit to have ever reached perfection and been glorified with His body of Spirit. This is why it says Mosses was faithful in all his House which means family, the family of the arch angels or patriarchs. The Holy prophets were men whom did not have a human spirit, they had the disposition of an angel or the nature of an angel, this is why they never die. This is precisely why it says, Jesus did not come to give aid to the nature of angels. These strangers, prophets, or arch angels are also referred to as the dew from heaven. Read JOB ch 38:28-29. the angels had do be gendered. For who hath gendered them? Zechariah 8:12 and the remnant will possess all these things. Now what function does dew provide? It nourishes and feeds the fruit. Yet it is separate from the plant.  Oh, now I am starting to see. Since these prophets of old did not have a human spirit which imparts power to the intellect but a spirit that was greater in power and might, then that explains why their minds were not at enmity with GOD. This explains how GOD was able to work with them and commune with them, because they were not naturally and carnally against GOD. There angelic nature dominates over there carnal mind, thus making it in harmony with GOD, well actually that takes time and lots of love and patients from GOD, but at least the mind of a holy prophet is never against or opposed to His maker, not naturally anyways such as the human spirit, because the deeper intellect and intelligence really applies to the spiritual. It is not an intelligence of this world, so GOD is clearly evident to a prophet based completely on his logic alone, the ability to separate your deductive logic and reasoning from your emotions, the carnal fleshly ones, is much easier for a prophet. The Spirit really does manifest itself physically, ranging from coordination to the ability to heal, physically, dealing with viruses, and the capacity for over all increased awareness, which comes from the ability to concentrate and stack knowledge on top of knowledge, thus affecting a prophets previous conclusions. It is just natural for a human, with the nature of an angel ,to manifest the things of their natural power and might, just as the human spirit always manifests its natural abilities like being at enmity with GOD, consistently and naturally. This is why it says and at 120 years right before Moses died his eye was not dim and his natural force or power and might had not abated. It says his natural power meaning he was born that way. We know this, for behold when they saw the baby face of Moses they knew he was no ordinary child. The spirit of Micheal the arch angel with in him and it was evident, even as a baby!!  You can imagine my life. How does one discuss this topic without seeming arrogant. You simply do not!! However, my concern is serving GOD, not man. It is so obvious and once you become like a babe, and accept that the holy prophets are arch angels, that is where the word patriarch comes from, the second order of angels, called arch angels where as Elijah may have been a power, the third order of angels because he is an apostle and an ambassadors. The prophets who reach perfection will not received the glory that a human spirit will receive, but on the other hand many of the prophets continued to come back to earth, even after Jesus came to offer services to GOD that would utilize there power and might to strengthen His Church and help to lead the brethren or saints to the author an finisher of their fate, Jesus Christ. Now maybe, you will fully understand, that before Jesus the Lords will, was carried out by those who were greater in power and might, His angels, but now, the only way a human spirit or a man will find salvation is by His Holy Spirit, which descended on the day of Pentacost. My intention is not to imply that the Prophets and Apostles are not governed by the Holy Spirit, for they most certainly are, however they were born with the nature of an angel, thus having the Holy Spirit reside inside their souls is natural, this is why they are referred to as “Holy Prophets or Holy Apostles. Now, for the first time, you may understand the scripture, Not by power, nor by might, but by my Spirit saith the Lord. I will finish this topic with one of the most obvious and revealing scriptures that reinforce what I am being led to tell you, is the Truth. Hebrews ch 2:2-4 pretty much puts it all in a box, with a nice little wrapper on it. For if the word spoken through angels proved un alterable and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompence, how shall we escape, if we neglect so great a salvation. Etc. That clears it write up, you probabley wondering how you could have ever overlooked it. Who spoke the Word before salvation came. We know it was His prophets, and who are His prophets? The previous scripture just plainly told you. Now when you stack that truth with what you already know and you take the rest of Hebrews into account, such as the fact that,: once it makes clear that Jesus is greater then the angels, then is goes into detail about the angels even naming them and explaining things about them from milk to meat. For example after Jesus came, GOD did not have to use His prophets anymore He could have relied totally on the comforter, but He had provided something better for everyone and in doing so GOD, is able to add characteristics, reinforce attributes and shape their angelic characters while strengthening His servants the flames of fire. Very similar to how wind affects fire!!! He figured out a way to simultaneously mold man and angels into the image of His Son, while the ones who have distinct advantages only fortify the works of the comforter, thus making His angels as wind and His servants as flames of fire. You are the fire and this little book is the wind. I have been thinking, and as much as I long for the fellowship, I would rather remain anonymous when it comes to all of this newly revealed truth, that will complete the puzzle, that was mostly put together by Elijah. I want to officially become a member, but the reason I do not think all or any of the members need to know that I was the messenger led by the FATHER in which I give all glory and praise and credit. Who has bought conclusions to many of the deeper mysteriesOOD, UTILIZING THE DARK TO FASHION AND           New Chronological Timeline
  The end time Elijah whom was sent to restore all things pertaining to the government of the church, he correctly determined the positions of each member in the Body of Christ depending on their GOD given gifts, authority rendered, and their rank or order in the government of God, otherwise referred to as GODS" Celestialr Hierarchy. The third order known by several names is apostle or bondservant or powers is the heavenly title for these magnificent examples of GODS creativity. Then there is thebsecond order known as prophets, and servant, and in heaven they are called arch angels. Many people are under the false belief that arch angels are the most powerful and they also believe the devil was an arch. Ussually,an individual can only attain the first three levels of heavenly hierarchy while on earth or in earthly tabernacles or bodies. However, in heaven there is room for continual advancemt in athority which is demonstrated by love which is perfected by faith. All of this is made possible because of the GREAT GOD OF ISRAEL whom gives all and takes all.. Mr Armstrong also rightly divided the ten commandments andthe seven Holy days. Mr. Armstrongs was given to assingments. 1To restore all things Rotherham church which consisted of rightly dividing the ten commandments and the seven Holy days 2 Elijah"s second commision to reveal mysteries that had been hidden since the foundation of the world. Many people incorrectly assume that Elijah revealed all mysteries because he was sent to restore all things. He was to restore the government of GOD thus teach and show the entire world how to worship GOD but he was not asked nor did he fullfil
the assingment of revealing all mysterires. His statement wasthat mystery ofthe ages was the main thread of the Holy Bible, not the entire Holy Bible. Me. Armstrong knew more than anybody else That after John finally went to sleep on the island of patmos. The Philadelphia church of was GODS true churcheft behind by Heebert W Armstrong until they began to manifest the very clues left behind by mr Armstrong also known as the end time Elijah. The two clues that would prove to shine light on the very specific and exact detaile and description of the two sins that caused GOD"S CHURCH to become gods church. One was a personal proverb created by Elijah and the other clue was a certain scripture that GOD utilized a lead pole with a sharp diamond tipped point to engrave on the hearts of all of Mr . Armstrongs  students. The bitter yet profound irony lies in the fact that the very statments and a certain scripture that the Philadelphia church of god is constantly reaffirming are the very scriptures that they are failing to understand on a deep nutritional GODLY plain. The scripture is "Cursed is the man that tusteth in man" and his personal statments is "It is harder to un learn one false truth than it is to learn a thousand new ones" This will prove to be the two main reasons GOD closed the door on the Philadelphia church of GOD.  The pcg originally became GODS church because they remained loyal to what Elijah had taught them  and to the government that he restored and they being Mr. Gerlad Flurry and the other man was mr . John Amos. They did not reject him as all the others did. However, they made one crucial mistake, a mistake that could have been made by anybody. In there defending him and their emotional loyalty they gradually but surly exalted him to a position of almost perfection. They fogot that Mr 
. Armstrong was still just a man no doubt he was an apostle and there has been no man Born on this earth greaterthan Elijah, of natural birth. They caught caught up in their emotional loyalty and forgot that he was just a man capable of errors and most assuredly he was going to make errors. They forgot this type of a mind set. They no longer spent time searching his worksn for mis judgements and false truths. Due these two obvious sins they ended up trusting the works of man and theynforgot to locate the errors. Ask gerlad Flirry to point out all the false truths that he has been vigilrously supporting. GOD tried to tell mr Flurry that he was drifting off course when he willingly choose to participate in the courts of this world come out of the world and be ye seperate do not dive head first into the world with laywers and the ninth circuit talk about wicked balances. They took their eyes off of Jesus and ultimately off of the FAHTER. They were suppose to pick up where Hebert left off  by restoring the  church, creating a new thing and continuing to reveal mysteries that have been hidden. This continuing to drift off course began to slowly harden the heart of their passtor. The final blow was when Mr . Flurry recieved a rough copy of the Little Book and he entertained it and decided to keep it from the hands of tha flock
He knew there was things that needed to be addressed but he decided instead of letting the member look for themselves he made extra effort to ensure that this book would not make it into the hands of the majority. Why would he do that because this Little Book is the real Little Book and it shakes every piece of earth under Geralds foundation and the last thing Mr . flurry need is anyone testing his foundation. The crazy thing is that the organization of arrons rod the government of which is a direct manifestation of GODS SUPREME RULE or goverment, must be correctly dispersed because the flock is now manifesting the exact same sins as their very own pastor. Just as Mr Flurry trusted to much in mr Armstrong and forgot to find his errors so is the flock now putting to much trust into Gerald Flurry and their forgetting to search and finds his errors in judgment. I know that I cannot be trusted and I am begging the reader ti find my errors I  judgement because I know they are there because GOD says we are all worthless. There is not one who has answered when HE called including me and it was my responsibility too and my assingment but because of my indulgences in pharmakia, pain medication I have become worthless and my judgements are not all accurate, remember I cannot be trusted, only GOD and HIS EVERLASTING Son can be trusted, but the prophet Gerald errs through strong drink and he wears thick clay, this i know because the Bible tells me so, perhaps this reference to clay refers to make-up for his television program.s  I have errs in judgement due to strong drink but not that of wine. pain medication that has been an idol and I have become worthless and I plead for HIS MERCY FOR ONLY HIS COMPASSION WILL SAVE US. we are to wicked, too corrupt. Now, back to the main subject; new revelation pertaining to the actual timeline of the story in which the Holy Bible is generally believed to be told is innacurate. This is the new thing that adds one many prieces of criteria to the identity of the lukewarm angel.  CRMysteries Revealing a Whole new time line "The New Thing"
    Let us imagine for a brief moment In time, a entirely new timeline regarding the story to the Holy Scripturese and a new approach to understanding the chronological events that seperated the epochs and ultimately discerned the first from the last and the last from the first. For centuries and even milleniums man and woman have labored to understand the correct historical order of chronological events that describe and outline one of the only sources of truth this world has ever known , The Holy Bible. Scholars,prophets, and apostles have all endeavored to rightly divide the Worde of Truth and thanks be to the revealer of mysteries Whom dwelleth in the innermost sanctuary, the ONE Whom Lives Forever and Ever we have come very far in unraveling the greatest mystery to ever touch this world. However, let us entertain the concept that one of these large foundational truths that in which it is so massive and so obvious that it eludes humanity,not just because it seems so rational to think that after all this time the general timeline of the Holy Bible and the manner in which the story is told would be one of the first things one would put under their Holy Spirit filled microscope and question or at least rearrange. Surprisingly to my utter grattitude the old proverb left behind by the end time Elijah (Herbert W Armstrong) would prove to cast peircing amounts of light into the dark future that that quickly brought the Philadelphia era to it"s end and introduced the Ladicean era, the seventh era. Each era was guided by one of the sons of Judah, each manifesting their own strengths and weaknesses, just as the physical churches that were located along a famous old Roman highway in which the apostles would expedite their letters written to the seven churches. The very temporal and physical elements that each church manifested are now being made abundantly clear in a spiritual context and on a spiritual unseen symbolic plain rather than a physical plain of substance and temporal matter. Let me give you an example, just as the seventh physical church  of Ladacia had some people whom were rightly dividing the Word of Truth and living righteously there were also half of the congragation that was unwilling to properly obey or rightly judge the word of truth. Therfore the church became lukewarm meaning that as a whole body or physical congragation they were not all willing to properly honour the FATHER by their obedience which will often lead to the sacrafice of ones own physical life. Now, in all of GODS SUPREME GLORY HE has chosen to manifest each physical temporal church by an era of time. Each seperate and distinct era would ultimately display the same spiritual characteristics   That each seperate and distinct church displayed on a physical level. Now, each church had it strengths and it weaknesses, and they were not proportionatly manifested equally. Some had more weaknesses than others while others such as the Philadelphia era had more strengths than others. Well it appears as though GOD has decided to manifest in His seventh era which is GODS number for completion a culmination of all era"s together, resulting in a spiritual leader who is manifesting all of the spiritual attributes and defects durings his era of leadership that each one of the physical churches manifested during their physical time of leadership. Imagine these seven churches that were on this heavily traveled highway of commerce. If one of the apostels like Paul were to write a letter to to the churches the letter would travel on this highway eventually reaching the church for which it was intented. However we can well assume that if one church recieved a letter adresses to them the other churches were eager to learn from the kernals of truth, even if it was not specifically pertaining to their particualr church. Now,imagine the benefit of the last church on the route as well as the disadvantes. One would assume that the advantages would out way the disadvantages. None the less, the seventh church of Laodicea had the advantage of learning what all the other churches had already acquired whether it be of the truth or that which had been incorrectly rienforced from the very fist church which brings us to are proverb written by the end time Elijah. "It is harder to unlearn one false truth than it is to learn a thousand new truths" Just as the seventh physical church seemed to have the distinct advantage of gaining the insight of the churches that came before them , they also had the burden of discovering erronious truths that slipped on by way of mans intervention and self exaltation, otherwise known as vanity!!! Now, consider the seventh church era with it"s leader just as the physical churches had thier leader who was ultimately under the High Priest Jesus, who follows the GOD of gods, THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY!! Now, we have a spiritual leader who will be physically manifesting all of the spiritual conditions that the seventh church being the last church on the heavily traveled road. It is a metaphor. Think of the road as time and the seventh church leader will have the advantage of learning all the things that the other churches have already learned, however just like their are so many rewritten translations and variations of editions and versions creating many types of Holy Bibles. There is the advantage of having all the information that all the other churches or era"s had accumulated, however on the other hand this seventh leader or seventh church had to sort through the lies depending on the HOLY SPIRIT to discern between the light and the dark. We also must take into consideration the fact that it is an individuals obedience to GODS ROYAL LAW that defines how much of the HOLY SPIRIT will dwell within them. This is where I have fallen short and therefore I have made bad judgements and passed up many of blessings because I was blinded by my harlotry. I  am so sorry FATHER please hear my cry and render your protective righteous judgement. This seventh leader has the responsibility of seperating the lies from the truth. Granted he has the distinct advantage of learning from the six churches that were before him but that is assuming that all they learned was true and that it was not just more time for the truth to be watered down and the devil to accert his influence. Have you ever played the game telephone, if so I believe my point will become evident. If not the last church of Laodicea had the benefit of gathering lessons that other churches had already learned,processed and matured in the knowledge of the Truth but it also had to Wade through all of the interventions of vanity as well as plain old lies that had been given time to perfect and thoroughrly rienforce such as the genral timeline of events and the order in which the books are generally interpretated. I remember when GOD gave me one of HIS thoughts. I have never forgot it " All great lies are built on pillars of Truth" Another factor that drastically affected the church of "Laodicea was that they often had to wait so long for thier spiritual manna that during their idle time of dispair they fell into the works of the flesh while waiting for the letters from the SPIRIT. In some cases by the time they did recieved the letters of the SPIRIT they were unwilling to believe because the letters had tarried for so long and many had already indulged into much sin allowing the heart to become hardened by the decietfulness of sin. Now. To describe it on yet another level, a level of epochs and large spaces of time and generalites, accurate generalities or a percise summerized perspective. The first man David/Adam fell into sin and turned from GOD but realized by the Hand of GOD and repented, thus he will bring glory to GOD and he came before the perfect one and David will not recieved the glory that Christ will but just as Christ came from the loines of David yet David walked the earth before Christ and will rule with Christ,even though David /Adam turned by idolatry he was still led by GOD to repent. GODS first chosen Son Lucifer/Solomon/Cain was given great power and beacame proud so God decided to more than equal the balances by allowing Jesus to come to earth as His second Son with very little power and he displayed uparalled obedience demonstrating total humility. Jesus was given the lowest rank and totally dishonered for a short amount of time yet extremely severe and He went from having all power in heaven to having none. Now, Solomon/Cain/Lucifer went from having all power on earth for a long time to having no power for the milennium a long time again yet much less extreme measures. GOD is perfecting everybody each on their own manner for HIS glory depending on the million upon million variables that each complex and diverse entity requires .  We have Adam who sinned and had an kingly life but suffers much as well. Then we have Noah who excersised faith in GOD and lived so everone else could live and he became the father of humanity and then just like Adam/David and Solomon/Cain/Lucifer and Jesus Christ were all first they will also be manifested in Noah who was the first to make acovenant with GOD and live for the people and become their father but ended up idolizing Strong drink but not that of wine but because of GODS enduring mercy he will be saved just like David/Adam number one it is almost as though David was Adam 1 ans Solomon was Adam 2 and Noah was Adam 3 and Jesus was the perfect Adam 4 bit since the last will be first Jesus is really number one.the seventh angel who is the lukewarm angel is manifesting all of the traits and characteristics of those who came before him as well as those who came after him if you can follow the SPIRIT for I know this is strong meat. The very reasoTalking about Noah's space's Blog - Windows Live
scripture if he tends to the birds and to the lilies of the fields then how much more, that is an extremely rough and not even close to what the real scripture says but I believe I have conveyed my meaning, regarding the identity, of the scripture, this being, my primary concern, being understood, and to clarify and to articulate ones meaning. This is what the majority of life boils down to, once a person achieves there obedience a large portion of a persons life boils down to how well they learn to communicate with others, after all, the main goal, is to lead people to rightiousness and to teach them, this is accomplished by your actions but, it is the Word that instills the action and brings signifigance and truth to all we know. Therefore, the ability to convey what one is attempting to convey or communicate becomes incredibly important. In many ways at times I feel as though I am not only processing the knowledge I have gained in this life but the Spirit leads me to gather information from collective generations of compiled knowledge and the ability to shuffle this knowledge accurately which is constantly being updated and re=shuffled, and to arrive at new conclusions, which spark new ideas, that give birth to a fire of knowledge and understanding, thus allowing, a man to form and shape His habbits, personal convictions, integrity and if so offered, the very character, of GOD. The truly difficult and challenging aspect, is not the suffleling, organization, and proper order of learned material. It is the ability to hand the pieces of shuffled knowledge back to someone else, in an order that is suitable for them, and where they are in their learning process. In many cases, your shuffled knowledge, is based on where you are personally, in your own learning curve, or process and it may be completely foreign, to someone else, and often is. Then the teacher must quickly discern this, and attempt to re-shuffle his learned knowledge, but not to such an extant, that compromises the truth, but rather makes it palatable, for your hungery student, or students, which classifies everyone. This is all made possible by yielding to the Holy Spirit, this is challenging and it can be, a difficult element. Now, regarding the knowledge being shuffled, so it is palatable, for the learner, the truth must often be shuffled into a way that is by and large foriengn to you, the teacher, while simultainiously, still acquiring and stacking more knowledge for yourself, re-shuffling it, and always gaining, in truth, and understanding, while you may very well be teaching in a way that directly contradicts your process of growth and what you may need to gain more revealed insight and knowledge. This is where the fine line between intellectual vanity and revealed Truth are drawn. The true servant of GOD is more than willing to compromise or sacrifice their own pursuit of truth in order that they might lead someone else to rightiousness. Even if it means milk continues teaching of milk. The way of give, rather than get. Then, for the final and true test of a skilled teacher, whom is not skilled by their own power but by that Power, which comes from GOD; The Holy Spirit, is when you are teaching to more than one individual and each person is at their own unique place, in their understanding of the divine, as well as their understanding of the physical knowledge of the world. Then, if a teacher can yield, allowing the Spirit to govern, he will be able to shuffle the cards and each student will receive them in the proper order meant for that particular vessel while the teacher is also learning from his own manifestation of the Spirit and any manifestation of the Spirit that may pop up in any one of his students. This is exactly, what GOD does with billions every second. NO wait, I am sorry FATHER for my hastyness and lack of patients. I take that statement back. It is not exactly what GOD does, it fact it is not even closed and I am sorry for such a statement. Please accept my apologies to the readers as well but most importantly I am sorry to GOD for my Hastiness.  What I should have said, is it points out a small fraction of the total magnitude of GODS’ Supreme Ways. Here are two quotes from Noah Webster. No government or society shall ever flourish with peace, happiness, prosperity and love, without law. A law and government based on the order and teaching of the Christian doctrine; the bible, which allows for a flawless theocracy in which GOD is the master, His Son is our example. He also said That education was completely useless without the Bible, and that if we remove or reject the Christian doctrine from the class room, we will have turned our back on GOD, and the source of all Truth. Even though the true gospel was still hidden from Noah Webster, because everything is done in GODS time and His way Mr. Webster still expressed some pretty riveting truths, whether or not He fully understood them or not, He was a man that would appear to be greater in power and might, which is usually measured by ones impact or influence on the world in which I dare to say Noah Webster, Webster the word is defined by means to weave, this is what he was commissioned to do, weave the lexical roots using latin and Hebrew, into words which would be sowed and later announced as the physical American language, to a physical world, the second time Noah was here, following in His Master Footsteps, Jesus Christ by way of JEHOVAH as Elijah has already completed, however, I must fulfill my third commission which would be to prepare the spiritual Ark of His convenant for the coming of a spiritual and physical flood which will ultimately be fire instead of water but it will begin with war, and the Beast will spew water out of it’s mouth at the remnant. Even Genesis, is prophecy for today, and Noah will give them rest. Abraham came either his second or third time as Abraham Lincoln, which also was the fulfilling of GODS promise to Abraham, I will make thee a father of many nations. Abraham was coincidently or is it just coincidence, called the father of nations and even though the true gospel was still hidden to the world and obviously certain truths were not revealed to Abraham because GOD had deemed Elijah for that commission and a later time, he was still a man that had a profound affect on shaping and influencing the world. Clearly manifesting superior power and might, which were made evident by his fruits and all of the men that I have mentioned demonstrated the seven laws of success. The very people that elected Abraham were for slavery, yet he abolished it, which I believe show you his position did not come from the people, nor was it governed by the people. Honest Abe, they called him. Here is something close to what he once said, after declaring the national day of prayer and fasting. Have we become so arrogant and so mis-lead that we actually believe all of our blessings, natural resources, plentiful soil, bounty of land, fair weather and our supreme wealth as a nation has all been acquired because of the devising, planning and the pre-meditated act of creating the blessings ourselves with our ingenious farming techniques and our superb technology which we, by means of our own intelligence have created and made. Have we forgotten that all are wealth, prosperity, and strength comes from The GOD of Isaac, Jacob, and Job. Many people believe because of Abrahams concern, for the people just as he was the first time he came as a patriach, or arch angel, that his day of prayer and fasting has lead to many more to becoming firstfruits. GOD, honored his plea, other wise it is very possible the world tomorrow might already be here. What is exciting is, what if that was Abrahams second commission then he may be amongst us, representing the dew from heaven. Perhaps, it will only be the three mentioned in Ezekial ch. 14:14-20 Anyways, Just like Elijah was proclaiming the coming of the physical Messiah in the physical wilderness the second time he was here and Noah Webster the second time brought light and understanding to millions and still does today by announcing the American language. GOD does not show partiality whether to men or angels. Elijah, having already completed his third commission, which not only reinforces the set of threes, for prophets in order for GOD to fully develop, certain key aspects of their nature, or to perfect His convenats. I believe He uses each life a prophet has lived form many, many, reason, but one of the reasons is each life teaches that angel, either new things that he may have never known or they work to reinforce what they already knew and are: servants of the most High. I believe the obvious pattern of men, whom already have bodies of spirit, whom cannot die and whom seem to be following our example: the author and finisher of our fate, Jesus Christ by conforming to His pattern of threes, is worth mentioning and definitely deserves our attention. Then when, Noah entered the Ark the flood came, could be one of the most revealing prophecies!!! If you analyze history, in an attempt to identify the prophets of old, by their fruits, and by their names, I am quite confident they would become apparent.  Now, for the garden, what really happened? Well the sun has set. I give all glory to where it belongs to the Great life Giver, the Creator, the Giver of everything and the Teacher who is so patient and merciful and His teachings are endless. One last interesting kernel of truth. Did you know that they have found traces of plutonium in almost all granite, yet not a single trace of uranium. Once again, science is stumped, by their own vanity. Science knows the only way you can get plutonium, is from uranium, but there is no traces of uranium in the granite. How can that be? GOD has made it be, that is how. Now we begin, to fully understand the scripture, even the rocks will melt. The uranium or plutonium from the nuclear bombs will trigger the traces of plutonium found throughout granite and cause the rocks to melt. Without the Bible we truly are blind men in a sand storm with dirty rags rapped around our eyes. All praise and glory to ELOHIM. He never ever ever ever ever ever ceases to amaze me. Until next week, goodbye friends..   Love, noah dibble  P.S. I just did a quick search on the words rested and Fixes which both appear in the book of Hebrews. I realize that it appears as though I am being repetitive and in some cases I am and for good reason for repetition might break down the lack of faith, but I found something new that I had missed. We know in Greek fixes is to bound or to limit, to appoint,decree, specify-declare, determine, limit, ordain, a boundary line and in Hebrew it means to cover as covered in. Now for the lexical aids says boundary. To bound, put limits to. That one word reinforces abiding under the shadow with to cover and that is satan is boundary,  the shadow he can not go under the Wings, this is why he is limited, in fact he might as well be in outer darkness. Now for the word rested lexical aids first To make cease, to restrain then it also says to use as a dwelling. He who dwelleth in the secret place of the lord shall abide under the shadow of His Wings. More conformation. Then, it tells me to go to 3973 in the lexicon which says more things like to cause to cease, to give rest, and once again it says a dwelling. Well how about that!! Then it gives one more 2596 which says a lot but the last sentence says To render inoperative. And to them of those who formally had the goodnews preached to them they failed to enter into His rest because of disobedience. That scripture does not just mean, they refused to obey, it defines much earlier, that if you keep turning from GOD, your heart will start to harden and because of your disobedience, a mans heart will harden to the point of and evil heart of unbelief, a heart that is in capable of faith because of the sin that the individual continued to commit, resulting in a hardening of the heart to such an extant that it eventually causes, dis-belief and evil. Now for the Hebrew definition for rested 2664 to conceal oneself, to disguise or to hide. This is just another element of proof that fortifies, my testimony to conceal, means it is a secret and it mean you are hidden under the shadow of His Wings, and it also supports that satan might as well be in outer darkness, for the people who are truly entering that rest. Now, if you are hidden from the enemy for twenty four hours one day a week would that not be the day you would attempt to find others and send messages and heal and proclaim your prophecy and your warning messages. You nor your messages or anything you do on the Sabbath can be seen by the enemy. If he can not even see you then he does not know who is getting your messages so he can not bombard their thoughts, interrupt or distract them. He can not trip someone up who is about to turn on the Key of David show. Normally, if it is Sunday, or any other day he would cause a distraction and that person would get side tracked, long enough to miss the program. On the Sabbath he is clueless. The Sabbath was truly made for man sake. It is time we start to utilize this awesome gift the way Jesus did. Besides, it is about time that His Bride starts to manifest the sign that identifies who their Master is. It should be manifested in all that you do. Another unique aspect which sets the Sabbath in a class of its own. No commandment claims to be a sign, of course you know what the sign is to GOD. It is the sign of true FAITH!! In fact, in the English version the definition for Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the sign that those things unseen are true. Remember the Sabbath is a sign between GOD and His people so that they will know Who makes them Holy.                                                                  
     Greetings!!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             All power and glory to the righteous family whom dwelleth where death has no sting and life flows like running water!!! Thankyou Elohim.. Be as wise as serpants and as harmless as doves.. Again He limiteth a certain day. Limited, to bound to conceal oneself, to cover, a dwelling place, to make Holy, sanctified, to be set a part from other days and in so many ways. He who dwelleth in the secret place of the Lord shall abide under the shadow of the ALMIGHTY!! He swore in His wrath many would not enter into His rest. For those people the Sabbath is a secret. Plus, it is two fold, and for the people who are entering into that rest, they are secretly concealed from satan because, as far as the true believers are concerned, satan is in outer darkness.  Let us labor to enter that rest. Spiritual labor as Christ continually demonstrated, time, and time, again even, going as far as telling us numerous times in the New Testament that it was the Sabbath day when he healed or went to the synogague or even when He was crucified. In fact, it becomes almost difficult to find an example in the new testament where Jesus did premeditated miracles, teachings, signs and wonders on a day that was not the Sabbath and the very fact, that He was always informing us that it was the Sabbath day, is a message within itself. Now, think about this: It just so happens that a lot of these wonders and miracles that Jesus did perform all required a lot of faith and the pure brilliance of GOD is that these miracles and wonders requiring great faith just so happend to be exemplified on the very day GOD has chosen for man to physically and assertively demonstrate his faith. Do you not see the amount of spiritual labor that a man accomplishes on His Holy day is directly proportioniate, and a direct indication of a mans true faith, and belief in what the Sabbath truly is, and Who really has all the Power, and Who really is, the real, GOD. Even though you cannot see His Wings and there is not a shadow, you are still having the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen. You see!!! Jesus knew they were not grasping the true meaning of the Sabbath, that is why he said. You can not do these things, because your lacking faith. If you had faith the size of a mustard seed. They still were not getting it, even though He plainly told them, listen the Sabbath was made for man. It was made for us, by GOD. Now GOD would not make something for us that was not good, beneficial, advantageous, and essential, for our well being. It is a gift, a day of reprieve, reminding you and everyone that believes, Who really is in control and Who the real, GOD is. Jesus knew they just did not and could not seem to put the pieces together so He did what the great teacher would do. He told them with words, that were seemingly not affective, so he lived His words and led by example. He should be imitated a closely as possible. If he addressed the masses on the Sabbath, so should we, if he healed and labored to enter into that rest, than so should we. If He spoke the word by announcing the exact location with a numeric system then so should we. If he washed people feet, other mens feet, then so should we, and we should make a habbit, out of it.  Jesus is our example!!!  Another living scripture that supports the fact that GOD rested from His works of creating physical matter but not from all of His works, until satan will be cast into outer darkness, for GODs’ day of rest the 1,000 years, then the Father will embark on a different kind of labor. The labor of the spirit. He will be transforming everything into spirit and then he will have the spirit rule and have dominion over the whole earth just as it does on mans Sabbath, if you believe
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attempting to organize this book into one subject thoroughly explained at a time, but GOD is doing it His way. The most compelling proof of scripture in Hebrews, that the holy prophets can return, and some are amongst us today, will be revealed later. I am now going to tell you exactly what happened in the garden of eden on a temporal level which will satisfy much confusion and bring light into the darkness. Oh, I just remembered seeing a show that Mr. Flurry did about the scholars releasing public statements about noahs’ ark being a myth. There is one huge point that I felt you may have overlooked. In fact many do not truly understand the simplistic meaning behind baptism. Jesus could not even start His ministry until He acknowledged the first time GOD saved humanity which was by water, an antitype of the salvation that was to come, His Blood and Spirit. This is why the Blood, Water, and Spirit agree as one and when they pierced Jesus side blood and water came out. This is because they all played an intricit part in mankinds salvation. Each in their own order at their designated times. A individual cannot begin to thank Christ for saving them, with His Blood and Spirit, unless you thank Christ who was the Word then, and  JEHOVAH for saving mankind the first time, which was by or through water. This is why you go under and are brought safely up through the water, to life. This is one of the reasons it says, it is an act of good conscious toward GOD meaning, your conscious of the first time he saved us and thankful, for the depths and riches of His mercy, for saving humanity, from themselves, the first time, now you can prepare to accept and appreciate, that GOD has done it again with his Son, by Blood and Spirit. This simplistic yet largely unknown piece of truth is paramount in accepting Christ and understanding the simplicity behind the true meaning of what baptism represents. This is the main reason why the press wants to refute the validity of Noahs’ ark. It is an anti type for denying Christ. If you do not acknowledge the first time GOD saved us, then you will deny everything, after that. For after one, follows the other. All in GODS timing and planning for mankinds perfect process of salvation. Let us remember earlier in this small book, the Bible proved GODS time, is different than mans time, for one day is as a thousand years to the Lord. I will start with the garden soon, I just was propmpted to make a few more points about the scripture: the law was ordainded through angels. Look up ordained in a good lexicon and hebrew/greek dict. Ordained means, or one of the definitions in the lexicon, is spoken through the disposition of angels. Well we know who spoke it Mosses and Arron helped, not to mention the twelve disciples, also known as the twelve stars. Many Churches, all being satans’ mistresses’ such as Jehovah witnesses, and seventh day adventist. Who beliveve Micheal the arch angel, is Jesus. There is a scripture that addresses those churches and others, Beware, lest any of you be puffed up,  in the vain and false humility, in the worshiping of angels. That is not exactly the scripture, but hopefully, my message has been conveyed. Michael, is the overseerer of Israel, Mosses led the Hebrews out of bondage, into Isreal. Why do you think GOD decided to put the scripture in the book of Jude, about Michael the arch angel, disputing over what was to be done with the body of Mosses. There is not, one other example, where an angel, takes a personal interest in a human body, especially after it is dead. Why did Michael care so much about the carcass, or dead tent and more importantly, why did GOD choose to reveal Michaels’ personal concern. Michael, was obviously concerned because he was sentimentally attached to that body, after all, Michael did spend a hundred and twenty years in that tabernacle. The Bible is like a jig saw puzzle, no single scripture explains any single subject matter completely, rather it is as the prophet Issiah said, here a little there a little, line upon line precept upon precept. ALL praise and glory to GOD the FATHER and His devoted loyal perfect Son Jesus Christ. There are so many scriptures that clearly prove beyond all doubt that there is a difference between a man and a Holy prophet. Look at Mathew ch 10:41 Another, one of so many scriptures, that give credence to the fact that prophets are angels, especially given to the fact that the scriptures reveal that the Holy prophets, also known as “just men” never die.  Then read Luke ch 20:34-38  this scripture, among others, directly proves, that there is a clear distinction between the two, but do not worry there is far more compelling scriptures than just those. I will briefly name some scripture that will hopefully, at least jar, your previous conceptions and start the human spirit, or at least point, it in the direction towards the road of unlearning one false truth which is clearly proving to be  harder than learning a thousand new ones. Do not fret though, I shall save the big one until perhaps, I see you face to face. Look at Galations 3:19, the law was ordained, this word ordained is defined as, spoken through the disposition of angels, who used to be our mediators, between GOD, and man, until Jesus came and the Holy Spirit descended. If the prophets of old were just regular men, with a human spirit, then God would have had no need for Christ, He would have just continued to use His prophets to communicate his messages, but as you can see, GOD, cannot associate, with sin, especially when it is totally dominate, humans really do not have a human spirit, well they did, but ever since the garden it has been satans, spirit and satans reasoning. Now a days, there is really no such thing as human reasoning, it is satans’ reasoning and you can see how the prophets, having the nature of an angel, would be free from having their mind, naturally at enmity with GODS, due to the fact, their spirit imparts more power to the frontal lobe or in the forehead, also considered the conciousness of man, the front of the brain. The very seat and location of a vessels intellect where the Spirit imparts its’ power, thus enabling the Apostles or Prophets mind, not to be dominated by its’ carnal nature, as is the case with a vessel filled with a human spirit, this is precisely why they are referred to as “just men” they are naturally born with a spirit, that renders the mind, submissive towards GOD, rather than at enmity, with GOD. Therefore, He can utilize them in such a way as He has, such as preparing the way for the Messiah to come, physically to this earth and ordaining the Law, and the twelve stars who were the twelve Apostles or Powers, the third order of angels, who served as Bond Servants, every word, that would be described to a human spirit, has its own code, strictly for purpose of allowing the human spirit to digest the spiritual contents of the message. GOD is still using His angels today, in the same manner He has always used them, except for the distinct and clear difference, of no longer are the angels, strangers, apostles, aliens, prophets, bond servants, servants, Powers and Arch angels the sole mediators between GOD, and man such as they were before the Perfect Sacrificial Lamb came and the Holy Spirit descended. Now, since there is a new mediator and High Priest Jesus Christ, the Dew from Heaven simply serves as wind would serve fire or as Dew would serve fruit, to strengthen, nourish, and fortify, teaching the Church and preparing them for the coming of the spiritual Bridegroom, Jesus Christ. There have been three Arks, the first Ark everyone inside was preserved, and everything outside was destroyed, except for the creatures that could swim that is why you see pre historic animals alive today that are dinasoars, humpback whale, crockadile, etc. The second Ark, of the covenant, was very similar, it was also physical, and everything inside the ark, was preserved, the Ten commandments, The seven Holy Days, and Arrons Rod, representing the government, and of course the Manna. This Manna, without a doubt, you are receiving right at this very moment as well as when you came to understand Mystery of the Ages now. Regarding, The book of Mosses, full of all the rituals, such as, the washing of hands, the sprinkling of blood, burning of incense and the constant need for a sacrifice, which Jesus more then payed, in full, with His Blood and Life, now, being our permanent sacrifice and our, High Priest. This is exactly why the book of Moses did not go into the inside of the Ark. The book of Mosses was placed in a shelf on the outside of the Ark, thus it was abolished, just like everything on the outside of the first Ark, Noahs Ark, was abolished, so was everything on the outside of the Ark of the Covenant, the second Ark, when Jesus came in physical form. This is precisely why the book of Mosses, did not go inside the Ark. When Jesus came, He abolished everything on that was outside the Ark, just as the first time, and He preserved everything, that was on the inside of the Ark, just as the first time. As you well know, many of todays’ modern churches like to believe the Ten commandments and the book of Moses, were in the same location, thus nullifying the Ten commandments, or nailing them to the cross, as they often say. Now the third Ark is spiritual, it will also contain the Ten commandments, Arron Rod, and the Manna. Anyone found to be inside the Ark of His convenant, will be safe from the flood of destruction that is to come. You can rest assured everything will be abolished that is found to be outside the Ark of His convenant. With swiftness and fiery, He will righteously recompense, the wicked, with what they enjoy the most; violence and death. I believe and hope the whole world will hear the message, concerning the tribes of Israel. A warning about the flood of GODS wrath that is about to come. There really are no words that can adequately describe the suffering that is about to come. Put it this way, death would be a joyous occasion. O.K. There is a interesting set of parallels with many of GODS examples and style, in which He does things, which seem to be done in sets of three.  Elijah, John the Baptist Elijah, Herbert W. Armstrong Elijah. The three Arks, that I just mentioned. Melchesldic Jesus, Jesus in the physical form, and very soon Jesus in Spirit, having come to earth three times before everything is complete, It is very possible, that our Great Creator, in His infant wisdom, has chosen, increments of three, for the, perfecting of His covenants. There are just to many examples, to ignore, and especially Jesus, who is our example and to whom we look to imitate and whom we will all follow whether we know it or not. Is it possible that GOD chose the same method for His prophets and perhaps His Apostles, I do not see why He would chose a method for His Son Jesus, from the seed of Abraham, who will soon have come, three times, before complete perfection and the World Tommorrow, and His Ruling Authority is established throughout, the nations and universe. The three arks, before heaven and earth and all of their hosts, will be completed. Elijah came three times, also following the example of the One whom is seated at the Right Hand of His Majesty on High. Is it possible that GOD, who is the same today as He was yesterday and He will be the same tomorrow. GOD does not change, and He does not compromise, and He is definitely not inconsistent. He also shows, no partiality, this brings us to the conclusion that the Apostles and the Prophets are following the exact same pattern. The completion for perfection, in sets of threes, the three Arks, Jesus coming three times, Elijah following the same example, Noah, the flood, Noah Webster, and now Noah with one leg on the land. Job who was John the second time and the third time John will be one of the Witnesses. Abraham, who was also Abraham Linconln etc.. GOD, does things in threes, Just as Elijah, was here three times, perhaps, this same method of perfecting is also applied to the prophets. Noah announced to everyone the coming of a physical flood. Then Noah announced to all of tribes and the whole world really, the American language, Noah Webster, now, I am fully aware that while Noah Webster was alive the true church and doctrine were still hidden, so it is hard to imagine that a prophet would not have discerned the truth from the bible, but if it was not GODS will, and GOD does work in mysterious ways, then perhaps he kept certain things hidden from Noah Webster, while allowing His deeper intellect and greater in power and might to manifest itself in his arduous and disciplined workmanship. The sheer influence he had over the tribes, and really the world, and especially, the interpretation of the Bible. For many people still go straight to a websters dictionary, when attempting to understand scripture or anything for that matter, in fact,  Elijah the third time he came, cited the Webster dictionary several times. However, I believe he also used it to site an error, this would correspond to the fact that GOD, does things in His time, and it was not Noah, who would restore all things. It was Elijah, so perhaps GOD utilized, His prophets, strengths, to guide people toward the author and finisher of their fate, while also instilling and shaping Noahs character with more attributes from Christ, even though a large portion of the Bible, may have been a mystery to Noah or even misunderstood. However, you slice it, the over all impact that Noah Webster had on humanity, was not inspired, by satan. Satan is the author of confusion, and one of the worst things you can do to an individual, as far a satan is concerned, is teach them, how to read. If they learn how to read, then perhaps they have will be called, and if they produce much fruit then we know they have been chosen. You will know them by their fruits. It was called the blue back speller. This spelling book that taught thousands and thousands of Abrahams seeds; children of the tribes, how to read, In fact his first edition starts out with the
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First you have to be chosen, then a man must deal with his human reasoning, when He may not fully understand why or even if it is necessary, will he still obey. This is an example of the kind of attitude that GOD desires and it is so hard to find now a days. I’ll pretend I am one of the many men that I have encountered, who just really do not know if the Sabbath should be kept or not, because God, does deal with it very carefully, in the Bible, which only gives credence to the fact that it is a secret. If a man were just to say well you know I have looked into the Sabbath and I really do not know for sure, plus I get paid double on Saturdays, but you know what, I would rather risk keeping the Sabbath and going the extra mile and then if it turns out I didn’t have to keep it, well then at least the Lord will know that I gave up double pay and I obeyed the Sabbath even when I didn’t fully understand why it had to be a certain day. This type of loyal submission is exactly what Elijah manifested, when it came to the seven Holy Days. Perhaps concerning the human spirit that is what definitively shows GOD, the man who obeys and honors, even when he does not fully understand, is assurance to GOD, that once that specific man is let into the kingdom and given his body of spirit, he will not rebel and turn into another Lucifer, turned satan senerio.  One thing is for certain, the Sabbath is unique in many ways, but the most profound difference which truly sets it a part, is that it is the only commandment that is boldly stated to be directly attached to faith, no other command makes such bold statements, directly related to life and death, all depending on faith, which is demonstrated only in one way, that is by entering into His rest. . It says it right there in Hebrews ch 4:2  when directly referring to the Sabbath, being directly tied to faith. No other commandments make such claims, or anything remotely similar. It says, For indeed we have had the good news preached to us, just as they also; but the word they heard did not profit them, because it was not united by faith, in those who heard it. That clearly proves my testimony is consistent with the Word.  ie: the other 8 commandments which brings us to a truly brilliant example of The GOD of Israel unlimited creativity!! the 5th commandment which a lot of people say, the first four deal with loving GOD and the last six commandments deal with loving your fellow man which is true, depending how you look at the 5th commandment, physically or spiritually. I personally feel more like the commandments are five for five .To honor you mother is to respect the government of GOD and tithe, fellowship, and turn people towards your mother which is the Church, that is truly how you honor your mother, for she will give birth to the new born Sons of GOD and if you join with her and honor the FATHER by obedience through Christ than you shall become one with the MOTHER and FATHER  as Christ and the FATHER are also one. The fifth commandment is beautifully split in half to make it flawlessly even, and perfect. A persons obedience to GODS law of liberty, and His seven Holy days, is directly proportionate to the indwelling of His Holy Spirit. However, GOD always, seems to leave room for improvement and for the opportunity to please Him even more and with these deeper secrets about GODS secret dwelling place, comes blessing which truly would cause any mans cup to overflow. The example I am referring to is Issiah ch 58. Think of it as a secret recipe for all forms of bondage, illness, possession by the fallen angels, plus a myriad of other unique and major promises and blessings. For the people that choose to go the extra mile, this is not a requirement for salvation, for it is not in the fourth commandment but it is a opportunity, that GOD gives anyone whom He chooses, the opportunity of becoming, but only if the person really wants it because one must fight for it. The promise that is unique and the advantages you get from becoming a repairer of the breach. This is its own highly ranked position. Regarding Issiah chapter 58, I am speaking from personal experience.  About 7 years ago, I read issiah ch 58, for probably the seventh time and it happened to be on a Sabbath. I understood the chapter as I believe GOD, intends for it to be understood. The entire chapter, is in regards to becoming a repairer of the breach and I put it to the test by first yielding and showing my faith and every promise that He garanteed, came true. The scripture must be taken literally, it means exactly what it says, if you want your health to restore speedily and your light to break forth as the noonday and to ride on the heights of the earth where satan cannot find you all seven days of the week and you will be capable of healings and your knowledge will increase in fact, many of the deeper pieces of meat that have been revealed to me, many of which are still untold, were revealed to me when I followed the instructions in Issiah ch 58, for approximately six to six in a half months in a row. Never have I been as close to ELOHIM, as I was then, I would call and He would answer immediately, we communicated all day long. Towards the end of the 7 months He begin to manifest signs of proof to the people that were coming to the scripture reading on the Sabbath. I long to be that close to Him again and with His love and more importantly my love I will be. This is what is required if you want to be a repairer of the breach. You must do absolutely nothing of you own pleasure, just like the Bible says. Only it means nothing!!! Which includes food and water, those are pleasures are they not? Food is of the flesh. The only way a person can fast, is if they have faith, so it is a double whammy, of showing your belief and faith in ELOHIM and you are also not allowed to speak anything, but scripture. Not one word, unless it comes straight from the Bible, just as Jesus did, although He did not fast every Sabbath, perhaps the hardest scripture to believe, in the bible becomes feesable. Greater things will you do than I. The only way I could see that scripture being true and it is true, is if a person yields himself through Christ and reaches perfection in Him and becomes a repairer of the breach, and maintain both levels of obedience, through Christ, for decades. Very similar to what Elijah did, regarding the seven Holy Days, he remained obedient for years even though he did not fully understand the meaning or the signifigance of the seven Holy days. You also cannot tell anyone you are fasting, in fact, it even somewhat implies that you are to conceal the pains of fasting, lest it be done for the wrong reasons. Let us recapitulate. If you do nothing of your own pleasure, which includes food and water, not even speaking your own words, but only sound doctrine and you call the Sabbath a delight, which is truly, the difficult part, than you will become a repairer of the Breach. Think of it also as a recipe for escaping anything negative. I am speaking from personal experience, I lived the instructions in Issaih ch 58, for almost seven months and it was as though more of His Spirit came inside of me and the big sins that would normally distract me enough to tempt me were not even the slightest threat anymore. Think about it, Its is a day that GOD Hallowed in which satan is restrained, if you show GOD, by your actions that you will not be governed by this body of flesh and all of its desires. Instead, with your own freedom of choice you choose to completely deny the flesh and totally and completely give yourself of your own volition to the Spirit, then imagine the insight one would be given. Not only are you yielding to GOD as never before, but your doing it when satans blined or at a disadvantage. You are physically proving to GOD that you will not be dominated by this sinfull tabernacle, instead you will choose to yield to the Spirit, instead of to the body and all of its fleshly desires, which all amount to pleasure, like we do the other six days of the week. For the things of the Spirit are contrary to the things of the flesh, for they are at war. If you can do all this and still call the Sabbath a delight, then you shall become a repairer of the breach. It must be maintained consistently, the longer you go, the closer you get. Unfortunately, I had a radical change in my living environment, which was a direct result of the masses of blessings I began to receive and instead of using the blessing to reinforce my obedience, I became immersed in my new liberties and stopped following the difficult but ever so rewarding role of trying to become a repairer of the breach. Much of the large pieces meat that I know today are a result of when I tried for six and a half months approximately, to become a repairer of the breach. Please remember this is not part of the fourth commandment and is not necessary for salvation. It is for those who want to go the extra mile so to speak. GOD always seems to leave room for improvement and advancement and secret solutions that provide remedies for all of satans’ devices. Mr. Flurry are you aware of the fact that there is a difference between a Holy prophet whom never dies according to the scriptures and the gift of prophecy, given by the Holy Spirit. When satan said he would be like the Most High, he meant it, in his own distorted way, my point is, you can be sure that if GOD has done something, satan will have his counterfit for it. GOD, has His Sabbath the seventh day of the week Saturday, well satan has his Sabbath also, Sunday. The whole world gets together on satans Sabbath, to worship the beast on Sunday, the mark. GOD has His Holy symbol the six pointed star of david, and satan has his symbol which is on almost every soda can, tons of clothing, the majority of all merchandise, even the pentagon is modeled after satan star, the five pointed pentagram. Several years ago, the post office, changed their official logo, to a five pointed star. Have you ever seen the metal of honor? It is an inverted pentagram with a circle around, it if you kill enough people in the military, you will be honored by man but often far from GOD. GOD, has His seven Holy days, so satan has his holidays, a perfect example would be santa claus. This is typical of satan, he tries to kind of make it obvious, so he can humiliate man and his lack of awareness. Santa, take the n in santa and move it two places to the right. Satans claws the 12 raindeer are an attempt to mock the 12 disciples, his elves with their pointy ears, represent his demons, then he has a lot of the children writing letters unto satan because he knows whether you have been naughty or nice. The north pole is because Jesus came from the northern heavens, satan even attempts to put GOD in a Clowns suit, tries to give him a beer belly, as though he is a glutton and the red cheacks, to imply alcoholism. It is satans attempt, to make a mockery of the FATHER, and then when the children find out they have be lied to from the very start by the people they trusted the most, who is ever gong to assume they will believe in a man that live and died and now lives. Satans deception is always multi- layered and he loves to attack the children, If he can maime them spiritually, when they are young, then they will limp for the rest of their life, and guess who they end up blaming? GOD, has His perfect Church, that he is preparing for his Son. Satan has his perfect whore, but if GOD is creating a family and satan said I will be like the Most High, then is Satan creating his family? Satan is a man and an angel, he is capable of being both. This the bible proves this and you can rest assure satan has an image, he has been slowly molding man into his image over the centuries. There are two things that never stop growing on the face, nose and ears. Satan sends calcium deposit to the ears, depending how far someone has progressed, with their demonic possession, and the ears and nose began to take on the countenance of their father, the devil ears morph and point, look closely a obamas ears, on the outside, there are ridges that come to a point. You can rest assured that when the devil said he would be like the Most High, he is not going to leave out one detail, except for the truth ironically, but to over look a single aspect would only humiliate him even more. This is precisely why he modeled his main whore the roman catholic church after the heavens. Heaven, has nine orders of angels Seraphins, cherubs which is the same house the devil is from to give you an idea of his power. The devil is a cherub not an arch angel. After cherubs come virtues,thunders,dominions, principalities, powers,arch angels, and then angels. With out the help of the Lord, Gabrial and Micheal who are arch angels, are no match for the superior cherub. No where in the Bible, does it call satan an arch angel, anyway, when he, being satan, designed his main whore, he even copied the heavens, by creating nine orders in his whore, pope, bishop, pontiff, cardinal etc. Now satan has many mistresses, Jehovah witness, seventh day Adventists who actually used to be the same church, mormans etc.. These are some of his many mistresses, but his main whore who will ride the beast and who drinks the blood of the saints, is satanically replicated after the heavens. I will be like the most High. GOD made man in his image, you can rest assured, satan is trying to mold man into his image. I just deleted a huge section by accident and now I must start over. I am now questioning whether it was satan fearing the exposure or GOD wanting me to stop pray and re write. I have decided to pray I shall be back when prompted. All glory and honor to The GOD of Israel who is the most High and there is no other like Him!! Who can exscape His judgments, and who can hide from His sight? We know that satan can be both man and angel, once fully accepted, this opens up many other doors. I just realized I have strayed from my first subject, well I will continue to add moisture about the Sabbath as it cometh from the Spirit. Now, we will discuss the Garden and what really happened in that garden of eden. Everytime I have heard the Bride talk about the garden or the two trees I always here the Church taking about what the Trees represent now, spiritually. However, one quickly concludes people, need to know what actually took place, so the mystery can be revealed. Perhaps, the bride already knows and chooses not to focus on the past, but to focus on the present and what the trees represent now. I suspect this may be new truth to the Bride, even though this topic is clearly proved in the Bible. Well, just as Elijah, which is how he should always be reffered to, Elijah said in the garden, it had to be physical, temporal, who was the tree, what was the fruit? I believe using the principals of Issiah, here a little there a little, line upon line, precept upon precept. We know that the devil can be both man and angel we have seen him many times throughout history Hitler ghengis khan,stalin, chralamange. We know that it is the spirit in man which imparts power to the intellect and we know angels are greater in power and might, the might directly realates to the intellect. This is why, when you have a destructive being, such as a cherub, the 8th order of all angels, imagine how much power a person would manifest and now imagine how much power would be imparted to the intellect, imagine the cunning, destructive genius, of this man, whom is indwelled, with santas spirit. Ha ha I will call what he wants. Then you have a single man, who is capable of gaining control of the weaker vessel, who lack the power and might He can lead millions to the slaughter. We Know santa can be a man and and an angel or an angel wrapped in human flesh. Now, we know the devil has an image. believe me, it definitely has an image, it is not just a round blob. Now if we truly accept that the angel, satan, can be both angel and man, then that undeniably opens up many more doors. This is why the prince of trye and the king of tyre are used interchangeably because they are the same thing satan. Trye was satan counterfit for GODS Jerusalem. Jesus did not come to give aid to the nature of angels. The very fact that the word nature is used, which is a persons disposition, reinforces that not just the human spirit can dwell within mans tabernacle, otherwise He would have just said, Jesus came not to give aid to angels. Which will start to open up many doors, such as, how did GOD communicate with the holy prophets, whom never die, which is another major hint before the Holy Spirit had descended?  How were Mosses, Elijah, and Abraham all seen in their spiritual bodies of spirit? IT clearly states that no man with a human spirit, or the seed of Abraham, ascended to the FATHER, but Jesus. Behold, when they saw the baby face of Mosses, they realized he was no ordinary child. If he was not ordinary then, he must have been extra ordinary, or as the Bible puts it, Greater in power and might. In fact, it clearly states, the law was ordained by angels. Who ordained the law? Mosses and arron and the twelve stars or the twelve disciples. In fact, if you carefully analyze, I believe it was the second time mosses face had to be covered with a veil. The first time it was from being in the glory of the Lords presence, but I think you will find the second time, there was a different cause and the reason he had to cover his face was because his angelic nature was shining through. GOD, has created a flawless system, in that angels and human are simultaneously being molded into the image of JesusChrist. When it says faithfull in all his house, a house refers to your family, and there are nine different orders, actually 10 if you count man angel, arch angels, powers, principalities, dominions, virtues, thrones or thunders, cherubim, and then seraphins. Satan is not an arch angel, it is a cherub, which gives you and idea of the power that would be imparted to a mans intellect. A man manifesting such power and might, would simply feed on the weaker vessels or have them worshiping him, such as Hitler charlamagne etc. However, the holy prophets are arch angel, the 2nd order such as gabrial and micheal. Did you know one of the definition for moses in Hebrew is military leader just like micheals the arch angels positions. Who was micheal angelo really!! I don’t know I just considered that for the first time write now!! Are not all spirits sent forth to minister to those who will receive salvation. GOD asked Mosses to take of his shoes off, because he was on holy ground, this could only mean, he was Holy. How could that be, if the Holy Spirit had not descended yet? GOD and sin can never commune, so how was GOD able to work with these holy prophets whom GOD reveals His secrets to and whom never die? That is what your Bible says. GOD has giving me so much revealed new truth about this subject for the last six years, I hardly know where to begin. Oh yes, the garden of Eden is where I shall begin. GOD is so Good when I was feeling over whelmed because I cant get it out fast enough typing it, so when I didn’t know where to begin, He whispered to my spirit. Perhaps the beginning. GOD is so good.He always has the perfect answers. I want to take this opportunity to give all glory and all credit to the only one that deserves it ELOHIM. Thankyou for this opportunity to serve you FATHER. He is allowing all my dreams to come true. Well I can perceive already that this paper or little book  which is largely a completion to Mystery of the Ages, although perhaps of less signifigance, since as Elijah once said Mystery of the Ages was not he infallible word of GOD and Elijah seemed fairly adamant when he expressed that he would make no such claim, rather that it was the main thread of the Bible, however it was not all of the Bible. Perfectly said and so very very true. I would like to clarify one  critical point that I believe is imperative to ones understanding and the acknowledgement of the very fact that Elijah did restore all things. Meaning the commandments the seven Holy days, many of the main mysteries and all of the government. His commission was to make straight the paths to GOD which he completely fulfilled. Which are all things concerning the restoration of the church and the salvation and redemption of mankind. However, he did not reveal all mysteries, and his works are not flawless, and neither do I make such a claim for the works that are being performed, as the Spirit leadeth. In my persistent and relentless attempt to yield to the GOD of Israel, vanity is always waiting, speaking of intellectual vanity, and I need and long to be corrected, using sound doctrine, for reproof and correction. I am not comparing myself with Elijahs’ glory, works or majesty. I feel Elijah is the greatest after the FATHER and Jesus of course. Besides Elijah, was an ambassador/apostle where as my house is that of a prophet. My point is that all glory and all works and majesty belong to the Father and His Son. I do not believe that Elijah revealed everything in the Bible, just as he stated and I don’t believe that mystery of the ages is infallible just as he said, which the Bible will prove later in this little book that GOD has ordained me to write. This book will conclude the deeper threads and mysteries of the Bible, rather than the main thread of the Bible and in that sense I feel it cannot be compared to Mystery of the Ages. Mystery of the Ages is the second most important book on this planet with noah websters dictionary pulling a close third. Just my humor mixed with truth. The prophets never die and many continue to return and offer services which point people to the author and finisher of their fate, Jesus Christ. Many believe it is the most accurate and concise dictionary on the face of this earth. GOD had to use one of His prophets whom never die to create the dictionary, because he knew it would be largely used to define His word, therefore He utilized, His wind even though a man may have the nature of an angel rather than the spirit of a man the spirit, is still invisible. Many people believe if a human was indwelled with the disposition of an arch angel that they would be glowing in majesty. Was Hitler glowing? He was indwelled by the eight order, a cherub. The scriptures main point, when it says, He makes His angels as wind and his servants as flames of fire. What does wind do to fire? It  strengthens it. This is what the holy prophets or angels or strangers or pilgrims of whom the world is not worthy, also known as the dew from heaven, for who hath genered it? Job accomplish in their house which means family. They offer services to GOD that strengthen the human spirit and always aid it the revealing of Truth Their life accomplishes things that allow the human spirit to be nourished or strengthened. Like Abraham Lincoln, who was clearly greater in power and might, have you read how he could poetically express himself, and here was a man that was elected by the white man and freed the black man when almost all of his white supporters were adamantly opposed to it. Only a holy prophet, with more power imparted to the intellect could have accomplished such a feet. Even the last time Elijah was with us, he often used quotes from the Webster dictionary. Noah Webster created a tool that would basically be defined as wind to strengthen his sevants whom were or are searching for the truth.  Just as wind would do for fire or Mosses for the people, or Abraham etc, many of them are discussed in Hebrews. One of , if not the most misunderstood book of the Bible. The services rendered by these angels, perhaps I should say arch angels for I know the identity of two Holy prophets and their angelic names, this the Bible discreetly reveals, the services of these men is almost always associated with greatness. We know, and the Bible also reveals, that all men were not created equal. GOD had to have one of His angels write the dictionary because the disposition or nature of an angels as Hebrews states imparts more power to the intellect allowing these humans to fulfill certain tasks for GOD in which the greater intelligence and power imparted to their mind via the spirit that is within them allows for often great offices to be fulfilled such as Jacob, Abraham, Mosses, Abraham Lincoln. Who which was no coincidence called the father of nations and also was the only president to declare a national day of prayer and fasting. He knew GOD, and GOD, was also fulfilling His promise, literally by making him a father of many nations. You see the prophets never die because they already have bodies of spirit. This is why Mosses and Elijah and Abraham have already been witnessed in their bodies of spirit, yet the scripture clearly states that no man has ascended to the FATHER, except the son of man, which is exactly correct. You see many of the prophets of old continue to return, to offer services with pleasure and all glory to ELOHIM. If Elijah came three or times, why not some of the other prophets, think about it GOD is using those who are greater in power and might to strengthen the human spirits as wind would do for fire, but in the mean time both angels and men are being molded into the image of Jesus Christ. This is why it say Jesus did not come to give aid to the nature of angels, because He knew they already have bodies of spirit because they never die. Then the book of Hebrews goes into detail about why Jesus is greater than the angels because He actually took on Himself a human spirit, the seed of Abraham, rather than having the distinct advantage of having the nature of an angel, which imparts more power to the intellect, namely one of the greatest advantages an angel has or a prophet, which will clarify how GOD established His kingdom before the Holy Spirit descended, without a doubt, we know it is mans spirit that makes him smarter that the animals and imparts power to the intellect. However, mans’ mind is still at enmity with GOD, well, when a prophet or man has the spirit of an angel rather than a man, then their mind is no longer at enmity with GOD. Which is a huge advantage, this is why although Mosses may have obtained perfection, he did not do it with a human spirit, which is why even though he was faithfull in all his house, or angelic family, he cannot be compared to the Majesty of Jesus Christ. The book of Hebrews, after it makes clear that Jesus was made lower than the angels, meaning he had less power and might and was weaker then the prophets and still reached perfection and is worth much more glory, then the book of Hebrews goes into detail about the different prophets or angels, saying these men wandered in the dessert, sleeping in caves, escaping the sword, being sawn in two, these men confessed they were strangers to this world, of whom the world was not worthy. Then it says two chapters away, entertain strangers for by doing so some have entertained angels unaware. Cleary reinforcing the fact, that these strangers were angels of whom the world was not worthy. However, the most compelling truth revealed about this subject in Hebrews, GOD, is yet to have me deliver. In GODS time. Now, you can see GOD never failed with the angels, He figured out a way to perfect both man and angel simultaneously. Oh the riches and glory of HIS way who can know them? We can if we are as babes. This explains how GOD was able to interact with all the prophets of old without having the Comforter in the world. He told Mosses to take off his shoes because he was on Holy ground, which means that Moses, was Holy. The reason John the babtist, did not know he was Elijah, is because each time a prophet like Elijah, or Abraham or Noah comes forth; Arent all ministering spirits sent forth to help those who will inherit salvation? They do nor remember their former lives, however, GOD, uses each lifetime they have lived to teach them different things and to mold them into the image of His son. When they lay aside their present tabernacle and rely only on their original bodies of spirit then GOD calls to their memory everything they have ever experienced in all their lives, thus making them the sum of total knowledge and teaching and experiences extremely great. GOD takes every experience and all they, the holy prophets or arch angels have learned in all their life times and combines all of their memories, lifetimes, experiences, trials, learned attributes and skills, thus restoring their entire memory and by the restoration of ones memories GOD is able to gather all knowledge that was collected in each life, that they may have lived and He puts it all together collectively into one spirit being or arch angel. Why didn’t any of the holy prophets know this profound truth that came before me, no pun intended. Perhaps many of them did, but they knew the Church was not ready for this type of meat then. She would have choked and still may. This is why the first shall be last and the last shall be first.  That is why I do not know why you say Elijah type, that is not what the Bible says and it almost appears to be a lack of faith, because the carnal mind which really dominates the human spirit un like that of an angelic spirit, doubts the very fact that it could be the same Elijah. Do you believe it will be a type of Christ that returns or will it be Christ. I pray unto The GOD of Isreal that He will allow this dew to feed the fruit and the Bride will humble herself, and be nourished and fortified. Also mr. Flurry there is a distinct difference between the gift of prophecy, given by the Holy Spirit and being a Holy prophet, whom never dies. The reason GOD only revealed so much to Elijah, is because He knew His bride was not ready for that kind of meat and that she would choke on it, doing more damage than good. There are revealing passages all through Mystery of the Ages that show Elijah did not have an average human spirit. One phrase I remember, he said “that probably just never occurred to the average mind” than his mind must have been above average and we know what imparts power to the mind. I often question whether The Ark is ready for them now. According to scripture, that prophet who completes Elijahs work by revealing the rest of the mysteries that have been hidden from the ages will be rejected by the Bride. I must study this issue more before coming to a conclusion. DID you ever wonder why, in one book, of the Bible my name was spelled incorrectly Noe, believe me, everything is done for a reason and I mean everything, right down to the smallest detail. Look up in a good lexicon Noeo you may be surprised at the meaning. I knew I would wonder off track, in terms of attem
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PRO-LOGUE  In this Little Book, I am going to make some very bold statements and The Spirit that fashioned me from the days of old, the One whom lives forever and ever WHO CREATED THE HEAVEN AND THE THINGS IN IT AND THE EARTH AND THE THINGS IN IT AND THE SEA AND THE THINGS THAT ARE IN IT that there should be delay no longer, but in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he is about to sound that the mystery of GOD is finished, as a He preached to His servants the prophets. The ALMIGHTY JEHOVAH and His Loyal Son Jesus Christ have given me authority to write this Little Book for I am the voice of the  seventh angel. The book of Revelations chapter ten describes the seventh angel as having a rainbow above his head, the rainbow was the symbol GOD made with Noah, the scripture in the book of Revelation chapter Ten describes the angel as having one foot on the land and one foot in the sea adding mortar and re-bar to the angels true identity, for Noah lived through the wrath of GOD, when He flooded the earth and Noah will live through wrath of GOD, when He pours out His vials of wrath upon all inhabitants of the earth and of the sea. This explains the two legs of the angel and in the days of the voice of the seventh angel. The scriptures’ declare, it is a voice coming from a man, the identity of the seventh angel is made clear, it must be Noah, of who I am. I am what I am, nothing more and nothing less. My last name or surname, which I shall not reveal, only  dramatically reinforces my testimony, adding to the structural integrity of the Foundation of Truth. The identity of the seventh angel, being Noah according to His mighty Spirit does not reveal who the angels’ identity is, we can conclude and I shall prove, amongst a vast majority of other deep spiritual truths, that the seventh angel in human form is Noah and using the book of Daniel to place a piece, of the most mysterious puzzle, ever set forth, in the presence of man, The Holy Bible, as the piece fits together with the book of Daniel, securing the identity of the seventh angel who is also called a man in the book of Daniel
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December 09
Noah's space's Blog - Windows Live
PRO-LOGUE Elijahs, main commission was to reveal mysteries, thus restoring all things, necessary for salvation, the seventh angel, the man Gabriel or Noah must also reveal unknown mysteries of the Holy Bible in order to accurately follow in Elijah footsteps whom I myself know Elijah follows those of Jesus Christ, The Nazarene footsteps the seventh angel must reveal hidden mysteries, not just prophecy pertaining to the future, as Mr. Flurry has been given the gift of prophesy by the same Spirit. However, the gift of prophesy given by the Spirit is very different then being born a Holy prophet whom never dies. In this Little Book, I am going to make some very bold statements. The Spirit that fashioned me from the days of old, the One whom lives forever and ever WHO CREATED THE HEAVEN AND THE THINGS IN IT AND THE

EARTH AND THE THINGS IN IT AND THE SEA AND THE THINGS THAT ARE IN IT that there should be delay no longer, but in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he is about to sound that the mystery of GOD is finished, as a He preached to His servants the prophets. The ALMIGHTY JEHOVAH and His Loyal Son Jesus Christ have given me authority to write this Little Book for I am the voice of the seventh angel. The book of Revelations chapter ten describes the seventh angel as having a rainbow above his head, the rainbow was the symbol GOD made with Noah, the scripture in the book of Revelation chapter Ten describes the angel as having one foot on the land and one foot in the sea adding mortar and re-bar to the angels true identity, for Noah lived through the wrath of GOD, when He flooded the earth and Noah will live through wrath of GOD, when He pours out His vials of wrath upon all inhabitants of the earth and of the sea. This explains the two legs of the angel and in the days of the voice of the seventh angel. The scriptures’ declare, it is a voice coming from a man, the identity of the seventh angel is made clear, it must be Noah, of who I am. I am a servant of the GOD of Israel ,The ALMIGHTY GOD!!! I am what I am, nothing more and nothing less. My last name or surname, which I shall not reveal, only dramatically reinforces my testimony, adding to the structural integrity of the Foundation of all, Truth; THE SUPREME MAJESTIC HOLY GOD OF ISRAEL, TO THE ONE WHO WAS AND YET IS AND WILL BE BLESSED BE HIS PRECIOUS LAMB, UNSPOTTED AND UNBLEMISHED, SPRINKLED BY THE BLOOD OF HIS MAJESTY,WASHED CLEAN BY HIS INNOCENTS AND SACRAFICE, WHICH LEADS TO PERFECT OBEDIENCE, ALTHOUGH SLAINED BY THE ONES HE CAME TO SAVE.PREPARE HE COMETH QUICKLY!!! The identity of the seventh angel, being Noah according to His mighty Spirit does not reveal who the angels’ identity is, we can conclude and I shall prove, amongst a vast majority of other deep spiritual truths, that the seventh angel in human form is Noah and using the book of Daniel to place a piece, of the most mysterious puzzle, ever set forth, in the presence of man, The Holy Bible, as the piece fits together with the book of Daniel, securing the identity of the seventh angel who is also called a man in the book of Daniel. The angel who is called a man in the book of Daniel, Gabriel, the announcing angel who provides strength for Daniel and John, the two witnesses who are strengthened by this Little Book that the seventh angel Noah, who is fulfilling his office, as the announcing angel by concluding in this little book, that the mysteries of GOD are finished. The reason this book taste like honey is because the two witnesses who WILL RISE. When angels are sent forth they are born into bodies just as a human spirit but notice both witnesses will rise ch 11 Rev to Job or John , this is revealed to Daniel by the book of Daniel that that he must rise. When they eat this little book, they shall be strengthened, knowing ELOHIM HATH GIVETH THEM GREAT AUTHORITY, they are proven and fortified by the reinforcement of the scriptures in Ezekial, chapter fourteen versus fourteen to twenty. “ And even though these three men Noah, Daniel, and Job were in its’; midst, by their own righteousness they could only deliver themselves declares the Lord GOD.” The three men, whom are also angels according to The Spirit and the book of Revelations chapter eight verse thirteen”And look I heard an eagle flying in midheaven, saying with a loud voice Woe, Woe, Woe to those who dwell on earth, because of the remaining blasts of the trumpet of the three angels who are about to sound.” The three angels are Noah, Daniel, and Job. This is proven by the book of Revelations, the book of Daniel adds credence and mortar to this mind blowing truth and the book of Ezekial adds, the re-bar to the structure of Truth, substantiated and proven by The Holy Bible. I am the man Gabriel, clarified by the book of Daniel, Revelations, and Ezekial. Gabriel or Noah and when I am occupying a Tabernacle or nephesh,also defined by the Bible as being sent forth as dew from Heaven into thy mothers chosen womb. However our true womb out of the hoary frost of heaven came forth the dew from heaven. According to that which the father has chosen I have always gone by noah, this is the custom or has been in the past but now it appears that my FATHER is giving me permission to use my heavenly name. The scriptures say: Noah will give the people rest, this is prophecied in the book of Genesis, yes even the book of Genesis, is prophecy for Today. After this Little Book, the mysteries of GOD will be finished. Noah or Gabriel also means, comfort, and nourishment and this Little Book will be responsible for strengthening the two witnesses, Daniel and Job, as made abundantly clear, in both of the books of Revelation and Daniel. The very reason the Little Book is as sweet as Honey to their mouths but bitter to their stomachs because they have been given authority to deliver GODS wrath, with fire pouring out of their mouths, and they are given much authority and they give their testimony, every last word.. but then they must be slained by the beast, and lie in the streets three and a half days, this is why the Little Book is bitter to their stomachs. Now, we know the human and angelic identity of Noah, who is also known, by the human name of Noe, . Just as Daniel who is Moses and his name in the heavens is Michael . Now, for the identity of Job, who is also known, by the human name John, who was responsible for relaying the book of Revelations. This would account for Johns’ unexplained, intimate relationship with the FATHER, for they bonded such as never before when Job was much younger, as you can well imagine. We know the human identity of Job or John and we know he will be one of the witnesses because the Holy Bible confirms this, in the book of Revelations, that John will have to prophesy, again. Notice in the book of Revelations, chapter eleven verse one, after it reveals John, will have to be one of the witnesses, and prophesy again. GOD says, “Rise and measure the temple of GOD and the alter. This scripture concludes John who is Job will rise from the dead, as one of the witnesses rather then being sent forth into the world such as I have been. For this is proven when Gabriel or Noah says “I am going forth and behold the prince of Greece is about to come” Book of Daniel chapter ten verse twenty, which adds mortar to the scripture,”are not all Spirits sent forth to help those who will inherit salvation” Also in Revelation it says many will go back and forth and knowledge will increase. The tenth chapter in Daniel goes with the tenth chapter in Revelations. Daniel, I believe is Moses who is Michael the Arch angel who stands guard over Israel. This is why Daniel, is to arise and this corresponds to when Micheal, the great prince will take his stand. Also Daniel refers to Israel as his people,similar context as Michael convictions regarding Israel. The angelic identity of Daniel or Moses is made conclusively clear by the twelveth chapter verse one, of the book of Daniel”Now at that time Michael, the great prince who stands guard over the sons of your people, will arise” this directly corresponds to the book of Daniel, when God tells Daniel chapter twelve verse thirteen “Rest and rise again at your allotted portion at the end of the age” Daniel must be Michael, this is shown by the Book of Daniel chapter twelve,“Now at that time Michael, the great prince who stands guard over the sons of your people will arise And there will be a time of distress as never occurred since their was a nation, until that time, and at that time your people, everyone who is found written in the book, will be rescued. This gives us conclusive proof that Daniel, who I believe is Moses, whos’, angelic identity, I believe, is known as Michael, the arch angel. Moses, Daniel and then he will rise for a third time, this also tightly fits with GOD ALMIGHTYS’ pattern of Threes. The three Arks, Jesus comes thrice, Elijah thrice, Noah thrice, GOD is not partial, He does not compromise, and He is not a respector of persons. Now, Job who is also known as John, will be one of the two witnesses, also thrice times, this is made clear by the book of Revelation, when it tells John or Job that he must prophesy again which also corresponds to the book of Job chapter nineteen versus twenty five to twenty seven, “ And as for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last He will take His stand on the earth. Even after my skin is destroyed. Yet from my flesh I shall see GOD; whom I myself shall behold. And whom my eyes shall see and not another”This is also supported by the foundational scripture in Ezekial ch 14:14-20. The book of Revelations, also adds mortar to the testimony about Moses, who is also Daniel and for his third commission he will arise and take his stand as Moses, Daniel, or Michael, one of the two witnesses, reinforcing GODS’ sets of threes which I will elaborate on later. Gabriel, who is Noah, will be with the Bride, nourishing her and preparing for the flood that is to come out of the beasts mouth. This is supported and proved because the two witnesses, who will be let loose to pour GODS wrath out, as instructed by the Lord thy GOD and as they wish. This may help the reader to better understand scriptures such as Daniel, chapter twelve verse four ”But as for you Daniel, conceal these words and set up the book until the end time: many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase” The scripture revealing that many will go back and forth is pertaining to Noah, Elijah, John, Abraham, the twelve stars who are the twelve angels, and the twelve disciples. The Apostles are Powers, the third order of angels in the heavens and Holy Prophets are the second order of angels, Arch Angels. Many, if not all or most of them, have been to earth, a total of three times, following after their example, Jesus Christ, who came first as Mechelsidic, then as Jesus Christ, and very soon He will come to govern the nations, for all eternity. Elijah, also followed this example, by coming to earth three times, until his office was complete, Job, then John, and soon to be, one of the witnesses. This also confirms the evident pattern of threes. Noah, in the flood, then Noah Webster, now I am here to represent The GOD of Israel and to be found faithful in all of my house and to fulfill my destiny by writing this Little Book and then nourishing the Bride. This Little Book will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the dew from heaven are angles wrapped in human flesh. The Holy Apostles and Holy Prophets whom never die, are the third and second order of angels, this is how God, was able to communicate with men before Jesus Christ came and the Holy Spirit descended. This is why it says, “the law was ordained by angels” and this Little Book will also prove the deep mysterious truths about the Sabbath which corresponds to the scripture in the book of Genesis “and Noah shall give them rest.” This little book will also prove and clarify what actually took place on a physical and temporal level, in the Garden of Eden. This Little Book will also prove to be the conclusion to the book Mystery of the Ages, written by the end time Elijah, he who has ears let him hear. This Little Book will prove to be the icing on the cake that Elijah so wonderfully baked, mixing all the ingredients, into almost the perfect order, after all, he was just a man, even though he was an angel wrapped in human flesh, he was still just a man, as I am a man, and I do not claim, this Little Book, to be the infallible words of God. Just as Elijah emphasized in regards, to his book, Mystery of the Ages, the second most important book ever written, after the Holy Bible. I can not be trusted and I sincerely pray that you search for discrepancies, prove all things by and through His word. The Philadelphia Church of GOD, seems to be the Bride of Christ, although She will reject this Little Book, ironically, She will project the very sin , She is constantly re-affirming, to the world. “ Cursed is the man that trusteth in man” Gerald Flurry, hit a stumbling block when he came to the belief that Mystery of the Ages was without error, which he may deny, but then he must also be able to identify and articulate the various aspects of M.O.A, that he believes are misconceptions, or mistakes. Elijah, was revealed, precisely what The FATHER chose to reveal to him, and if GOD, in His infinite ways, that need not be mysterious any longer, saw an opportunity to humble a man, whom GOD loves, Gerald Flurry and strengthen and fortify His Bride, then you can be certain GOD, will always do the things, that our in our best interest. Then, quite naturally the Church, being GODS’ Church, followed behind the footsteps of their pastor in General, Gerald Flurry, as this is how the Church, is supposed to work, regarding the government, except for the minor error of Gerald Flurry, trusting to much, in Elijah, and not questioning more, thus, the Church, is now manifesting the same sins, as Her pastor in General, Gerald Flurry. The same way Gerald, trusted Elijah, to be with out error, is the exact same way, the Church of GOD, is trusting Gerald Flurry, to be without error, instead of questioning more and searching from the FATHER, the Church is now falling into the same trap, that Gerald has fallen into, with Elijah. It, is all summed up in the scripture: “Cursed is the man that trusteth in man” However, be not deceived, although Gerald and the Church will soon find out the error of their ways and they will repent. Do not be deceived. The Philadelphia Church of GOD, is GODS’ chosen Bride for Christ, GOD, commands you to tithe, a tenth of you spoils, lest you be found guilty of robbing GOD. This Little Book, will also clarify “The Song of Solomon” as it never has been before, removing all mysteries. It will also explain how God was able to commune and work with Holy men before the Holy Spirit descended. It will also clarify how Elijah, Moses, and many more have been seen, in their new bodies of Spirit. The Holy Bible makes it very clear that no human has ascended to GOD and received their new spiritual bodies, except for Jesus Christ, who is now seated at the right hand of The GOD of Israel. This Little Book, will remove many of the very detailed discrepancies, that if analyzed closely enough, will either bring about contradictions or simply questions, for which the Church, does not have the answer. This book will remedy those types of questions and your cup shall overflow with light and understanding. This small book will prove that everything GOD does or has, satan has his counterfit, his version, remember, he said I will be like the Most High, so to leave one detail out, no matter how minor it may seem, would only make him look, even more foolish, I can guarantee, his pride would not like that. Another interesting point is he never said that he would be GOD, but rather be like GOD. GOD, has His Holy symbol, the only real symbol to ever be associated with the Living GOD, the six pointed star of David, so satan has his star, the five pointed star, the pentagram or pentagon, our entire political system is governed from a large building displaying the star of their GOD. The metal of honor, even goes as far as to invert the five pointed star and put a circle around it. The reason the American military is such a perfect example or model, for how satan would rule the universe , if given the chance. This example, of no accountability, then brainwashing the soilder into thinking they must always follow orders and never question them, so the trusting soldier, puts his entire fate into the hands of men, whom you can not trust, never does anyone, really have to except, direct responsibility for anything, after all, they were just following orders. Many of them do not even know what they are doing or who they are doing it for. God has His Holy Sabbath, so satan has to have his sabbath, Sunday. Yes, the whole world goes to church on the devils’ Sabbath, “for they love me with their lips, but their hearts are from me”. Once I have completed this Little Book that will strengthen the two witnesses who must arise as well as nourish the Bride, when she is in the wilderness, before the beast comes to make war with the remnant. Do not be deceived, The Philadelphia Church of GOD is GODS’ true bride and she needs meat in her storehouses and grain in Her silos. A Tenth of your spoils goes to the Bride, lest you be found guilty of robbing GOD. To the Bride, do not fear, speak the Truth with boldness, but do this when you are hidden under the shadow of His Wings, which I shall discuss in detail in this Little Book. Please stop putting satans star all over GODS’ TRUMPET MAGAZINE, the pentagram, the five pointed, if you want to put stars use GODS’ star, the six pointed star of David. Thankyou, your servant noah. One last thing, regarding profanity among the youth and todays’ evil generation, people seem not to be aware of the total combined damages that profanity inflicts upon. those whom become dependent on it. Profanity is a stealer, a robber of one of the most precious gifts ever given to mankind, the ability to communicate, we spend the majority of our lives attempting to convey in both words and deeds the very meaning by satan, but it is a subtle and dangerous foe. Once its’ victim, or the child becomes dependant upon these malicious words when he or she is attempting to explain themselves, express emotions, solve problems among other individuals, or even to conveying, the most simple of concepts, their brains will no longer search for better adjatives, or descriptive pro-nouns and various nouns to improve their vocabulary and ability to articulate. Instead, their minds will resort back to that from which it is familiar with, the profanity, and as you can well imagine, this leads to litany of problems and strongholds in which the devil does not ignore. Everything from their self-confidence, which never really develops, emotionally or at all, for that matter, especially if they never feel comfortable communicating and this lack of comfort, is derived from the inability to communicate, even very simple concepts. If you add fleshly emotions as a catalyst, then the victim or child is rendered hostage, by their own inability to communicate their dilemma, thus fueling their anger and destroying their self-confidence. Todays’ younger generation is infested with this satanic cancer..


Do you think that I have come to bring peace? No I have come to bring a sword, to create division, a mans’ enemies are those of His own household. This book will create the division and all who believe; This is The Little Book, doeth well.. Noah prepared the first ark and measured it as well. This Little Book is the spiritual manifestation of the physical implement used to measure the two Arks that have preceeded the present Ark, His True Bride. As it was in the days of noe, so shall it be when the Son of Man returns. IF one truly desires to dwell in the Inner Court of His Holy temple, one must follow the office of Repairer of The Breach, precisely. This, the Spirit shall expound on and the details there of, further hence forth as thy goest, may your find nourishment for thy souls and protection from the elements to come.. BEHOLD, I COMMETH QUICKLY!!!!


 A LACK OF UNDERSTANDING. BY THE WAY, TELL ME, WHY COULD IT NOT BE ELIJAH? JESUS CHRIST STATES VERY PLAINLY, WHEN HE SAYS, I TELL YOU THE TRUTH, THERE IS NO ONE BETTER THAN ELIJAH, AND HE IS LEAST IN THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. THEREFORE, I PRESUME YOU THINK THAT THE GREAT ELIJAH IS JUST AN ELIJAH TYPE. THIS ISSUE IS MADE CLEAR AND PLAINLY STATED WHEN JESUS SAID: VERILY, I TELL YOU THIS: THAT UNTIL JOHN THE BABTIST, AND IF YOU CARE TO ACCEPT IT, HE HIMSELF, IS ELIJAH WHO WAS AND IS TO COME. HE WHO HAS EARS TO HEAR, LET HIM HEAR. JESUS IS SPECIFICALLY ADDRESSING WHAT YOU ARE PROJECTING. FOR THOSE WHO HAVE FAITH AND A DEEP UNDERSTANDING OF BIBLE KNOWLEDGE WILL KNOW HAVE THE EARS, JESUS, IS DESCRIBING. THE HOLY APOSTLES AND PROPHETS WHOM NEVER DIE.HAVE YOU READ THIS SCRPITURE’ He revealeth His secrets unto His Holy Prophets whom never die” BEFORE THE HOLY SPIRIT DESCENDED, ONLY APOSTLES,AND PROPHETS,, THE THIRD, AND SECOND ORDER, OF ANGELS WOULD HAVE EARS TO UNDERSTAND, SUCH DEEP MYSTERIES BECAUSE THEY ARE GREATER IN POWER AND MIGHT, RESULTING IN THE PLAIN TRUTH THAT THEIR BODIES DO NOT HAVE HUMAN SPIRITS. INSTEAD, THEIR BODIES POSSESS THE NATURE OF AN ANGEL WHICH IMPARTS MORE POWER TO THE INTELLECT GIVING THEM THE EARS TO HEAR. THE VERY EARS JESUS WAS REFERRING TO. HOWEVER, NOW THE TIME HAS COME FOR HIS ARK TO MATURE AND FOR THE MYSTERY OF GOD TO BE FINISHED. WHEN ELIJAH, APPEARED IN SPIRIT, HOW WAS HE ABLE TO DO THAT? WHEN THE BIBLE MAKES CLEAR, ONLY JESUS HAS BEEN TRANSFORMED? WHEN ELIJAH, APPEARED WITH MOSES, TELL ME MR FLURRY , WHAT TYPE OF ELIJAH WAS THAT ELIJAH? TYPE 1 OR ELIJAH TYPE 2? DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT THERE ARE THREE DIFFERENT TYPES OF ELIJAHS? TYPE 1 AND TYPE 2 MUST BE THERE SURNAMES. FORGIVE ME, FOR WHAT MAY APPEAR TO BE SARCASM, IN ALL MEEKNESS I AM ONLY TRYING TO SHOW YOU THE ABSURDITY OF THIS TYPE THEORY. IT IS NOT DONE OUT OF SPIGHT BUT WITH LOVE AND HOPE, THAT IT MIGHT DRIVE HOME HOW CONFUSING AND RIDICULOUS THAT THEORY IS. THE MAN YOU KNEW, ONE OF GODS HOLY APOSTLES AND I KNOW, YOU LOVE HIM, VERY MUCH. HOW COULD ONE NOT , WHEN I WATCH VIDEOS OF HIM, I CRY BECAUSE I CAN FEEL THE SPIRIT POURING OUT OF HIM, ESPECIALLY THE ONES ABOUT AND PERTAINING TO HIS LAST SEVEN YEARS. HE IS ELIJAH AND HE WAS JOHN THE BAPTIST, ONLY WHEN THE ANGELS, APOSTLES OR PROPHETS RETURN BACK TO THEIR BODIES OF SPIRIT DO THEY RETAIN ALL OF THEIR COLLECTIVE MEMORIES, FROM EACH LIFE AS WELL AS THEIR MEMORIES FROM THE DAY THEY WERE CREATED IN THE HEAVENS. THINK OF IT THIS WAY, JUST AS YOU STACK ACQUIRED KNOWLEDGE THROUGHOUT YOUR LIFE TIME, WELL, GOD IS ABLE TO STACK AND COLLECT ALL OF OUR ACQUIRED MEMORIES AND EXPERIENCES, AND ONCE THE ANGEL, APOSTLE, OR PROPHETS RETURN BACK TO THE SPIRIT, THEN GOD RESTORES ALL OF THEIR MEMORIES. THIS ENTAILS EVERYTHING THAT THEY HAVE KNOWN AND EXPERIENCED, SINCE THE DAY THEY WERE BORN, WHICH MAY INCLUDE SEVERAL LIFETIMES AND COUNTLESS ENVIRONMENTAL EXPERIENCES WHICH IN TURN RESULTS INTO A MASSIVE AMOUNT OF STORED KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM. OF COURSE, IT IS GOD WHO ULTIMATELY DECIDES WHAT THEY REMEMBER, OFTEN HE WILL WIPE AWAY THINGS THAT ARE SO PAINFUL, BUT FOR THE MOST PART GOD, JUST ADDS THE LIFETIME OF AN ANGELS EXPERIENCES, INTO ITS COLLECTIVE MEMORY, THIS MAY INCLUDE SEVERAL LIFETIMES ON EARTH, AS WELL AS THEIR BIRTH IN HEAVEN. OUT OF THE HOARY FROST OF HEAVEN CAME FORTH THE DEW FROM HEAVEN. THIS IS A VERY LARGE PART OF WHO THEY ARE, FOR IN THEIR COLLECTIVE MEMORIES LIES MUCH OF WHAT THEY HAVE LEARNED AND THAT DIRECTLY AFFECT WHO THEY ARE. THIS INCLUDES ATTRIBUTES THAT ARE FORMED BY EXPERIENCE RATHER THEN INNATELY FORMED WHEN CREATED. EITHER WAY, BOTH ARE GIVEN AND SUPREMELY ORCHASTRATED BY THE GOD OF ISRAEL AND HIS WONDEROUS SON. GOD CREATED US TO GROW AND MATURE IN KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING AND EVEN IN OUR PHYSICAL BODIES WHEN THE REMNANT WILL METAMORPHIS INTO SPIRIT, BY HIS POWER. IN FACT, I PRAY THAT YOU ARE GROWING, LEARNING AND MATURING AS THE HOLY SPIRIT LEADETH US NOW. HOWEVER, THIS GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENTS IS NOT BY OUR OWN EVOLUTION OR OUR OWN GROWTH BUT RATHER BY THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. THAT STATEMENT MADE BY JESUS ADDRESSES PRECISELY WHAT THE HUMAN SPIRIT STRUGGLES WITH. IT INCAPSULATES THE VERY CORE OF THE HUMAN DILEMNA. THE SYMPTOMS ARE A LACK OF BIBLE KINOWLEDGE BUT THE HEART OF THE ISSUE, LIES IN A LACK OF FAITH. IN FACT, IT IS INDICATIVE OF YOUR STRUGGLE WITH FAITH, LACKING TRUE AND DEEP KNOWLEDGE OF YOUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. Jesus knew the human spirit would have problems excepting these deeper truths because it challenges the very core of the human spirit, faith. This is naturally contrary to man spirit, and it is this type of deep meat, that the human spirit always bucks at. The very proof that the human spirit has trouble with these deeper truths, lies in the very fact that Jesus said “he who has ear to hear”. He knew many would not understand because of their human spirits, which lack the deeper intellect but the core of the problem is faith. This is why He has waited until the very end to reveal these deeper truths. Jesus knew the human spirit would have to be as mature as ripe fruit can get before She is ready for meat of this density. The other critical and somewhat obvious piece of evidence is the very fact that you added words to the Bible and spoke these added words to thousands upon thousands of people whom are depending on you, for the truth. I realize you are just a man, but GOD the FATHER will except nothing but perfection for His first-born Son. The Bride must be perfect. I have thoroughly searched the scriptures FOR the word type, or Elijah type is nowhere, to be found. I have watched many of the Key of David shows and many of the archive editions and you never add words to the book. You almost, always tell it as it is. You will often replace words, with other words, to clarify there meaning, similar to a thesaurus, but you rarely add words. Did Jesus call him an Elijah type? No, He did not, and He is our example to follow What, is so hard about imitation, if He addressed someone in a certain fashion then we imitate that fashion. It is, really quite simple. The very fact that you personally spent time with Elijah, and now you are being corrected by the King of Kings, not by me. I am just a voice, the messenger, but unknowingly you are robbing Elijah of his very identity and much of his glory, for he has truly earned that glory, especially when he suffered being beheaded, not to mention the various services, he rendered, throughout his different lifetimes, or his three tabernacles, tents, souls, nepheshs, veils, or bodies. You must correct you error publicly. If you do not, GOD may no longer pardon you, for your ignorance. If Herbert did not call himself Elijah, it was probably because GOD knew he would not have had such a profound affect, there would have been so much disbelief. The exact same kind of disbelief that you are manifesting when you call him a type and I am unsure, if he would have told you he was Elijah as I am Noah. You would have thought he was crazy, as you perhaps think I am. My point is, you might have never chosen to follow Christ in Him. This is why GOD is revealing this deep knowledge of Christ at this very end time. When His Bride or Ark is capable of making these faith required leaps in understanding and not doubting what GOD is capable of, then and only then, will I have served my purpose as the dew from heaven which nourishes and fortifies the Fruit which is you Mr. Flurry and the rest of the remnant flock. One very important thought that must be deeply considered. Mr. Flurry: I ask you, who do you say that I am? Am I the prophet that the Church of GOD rejects and then later comes to realize? This I leave to you. One thing I do know for sure I am Noah and my Spirit is not a human spirit and I am not an apostles and my favorite number has always been without a doubt seven, so with that said, I firmly believe that my office has been made clear, by the very words in this litte book. However, my spirit which was also fashioned by GOD HAS THE EARS TO HEAR AND THE UNDERSTANDING THAT JESUS IS TALKING ABOUT AND NOW IT IS TIME FOR THE ARK OF HIS COVENANT TO HAVE THESE EARS AND THESE UNDERSTANDINGS. PLEASE DO NOT DOUBT WHEN JESUS SAYS IT IS ELIJAH. IT WAS AND IS ELIJAH, HE WHO WAS AND IS TO COME, AND THAT IS WHAT HE SHOULD BE CALLED, NOT HIS WORLDLY NAME!! REMEMBER, WE DO NOT FOLLOW THE WAY OF THE WORLD BUT WE FOLLOW THE WAY OF JESUS. HE IS OUR EXAMPLE AND IS TO BE IMITATED AS CLOSELY AS POSSIBLE, BOTH IN SPEACH AND ACTION, ATTEMPTING TO ALLEVIATE ALL DEVIATIONS AND IMITATE AS CLOSELY AS POSSIBLE. IF JESUS CALLED HIM ELJAH THEN THAT IS WHAT WE SHOULD CALL HIM. MR. FLURRY, YOU HAVE SOME CHALLENGING TESTS, COMING UP AND I BELIEVE, AFTER BEING FIRED AND STANDING ALONE AND BEING, THE ONLY ONE TO REALLY HOLD FAST TO THE TRUTH WHICH HAS RESULTED IN YOU BECOMING THE PASTOR AND GENERAL OF GODS CHURCH. I BELIEVE IT IS TIME, FOR YOU TO BE HUMBLED AND TO BECOME THE STUDENT, ONCE AGAIN. YOU MUST BE ACCOUNTABLE. DID YOU THINK THAT YOU WOULD NOT BE TESTED? I DO NOT BELIEVE THE COURT BATTLE DEMANDED VERY MUCH OF YOU. DID YOU FREQUENTLY ADMIT, TO MAKING MISTAKES OR DID THE CRAFTY SATAN USE THE TRIAL, IN ALL ITS’ SATANIC SPLENDER”THE NINTHE CIRCUIT ETC..” TO ALLOW YOU TO BECOME ACCUSTOMED TO VEIWING THINGS ON A WINNING AND LOSING LEVEL, THE REVEALING APECT IS THE FINAL RESULT OF ALL THE COURT BATTLES WAS THE SAME. YOU WERE RIGHT AND THEY WERE WRONG, YOU NEVER HAD TO ADMIT YOU WERE WRONG. IN FACT, YOU PROVED YOU WERE RIGHT WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN DOING EVER SINCE YOU WERE FIRED, STANDING ON THE VICTORIES THAT GOD HAS WON BY FIGHTING FOR THE TRUTH AND HAVING THE FAITH TO FIGHT FOR IT. WHAT CAN BE DANGEROUS IS WHEN A MAN GETS ACCUSTOMED TO ALWAYS BEING RIGHT OR AN EVEN MORE DEADLY VIEW WHICH THE COULT BATTLE, THAT WAS ACTUALLY, AN ACCIDENT BUT I AM GOING TO LEAVE IT. I MEANT COURT BATTLE, WOULD HAVE HELPED TO NUTURE IS THE VIEW OF WINNING. THE HUMAN SPIRIT CAN BECOME ACCUSTOMED TO BEING RIGHT VERY QUICKLY AND THEN IF IT STARTS TO VEIW THINGS IN THE CONTEXT OF WINNING AND LOSING, THIS CAN BECOME A THREAT OR A STRONG HOLD, THE DEVIL WILL USE TO STROKE AND CARESS THE EGO OR VANITY OF A MAN. YOU HAVE BEEN SHOWING THEM, WITH THE TRUTH, BY GODS’ POWER AND NOT YOUR OWN POWER, HOWEVER, NOW YOU MUST SHOW THEM AND THE WORLD AND THE CHURCH THAT YOU HAVE MADE SOME MINOR MISTAKES AND AFTER NOTHING BUT CONTINUING TO PROVE THE WCG WRONG AND ALL THE TIMES YOU HAVE SAID, “YOU MUST BE AS A BABE.” DO YOU KNOW GODS VOICE WHEN YOU HEAR IT, ARE YOU TRULY AS A BABE? I BELIEVE YOU HAVE BEEN CONSISTENTLY PROVING PEOPLE WRONG WITH THE WORD FOR SOME TIME NOW AND THIS PATTERN HAS BEEN VERY CONSISTENT AND ALSO DANGEROUS. The pattern has been going like this for some time now and it is possible that you have not been on the receiving or correcting end, for a long time, perhaps not since Elijah was here. What ever type, that one was? The devil has a way of subtly caressing the ego and you have been right for some time now and GOD is going to see if you are AS a babe and if you know His voice. HAVE YOU EVER ADMITTED, YOU WERE WRONG ABOUT ANYTHING, YOU HAVE SAID ON T.V.. LET ME REPHRASE THAT, HAVE YOU MADE ANY VERBAL MISTAKES , I DO NOT MEAN BLUNDERS, BUT ACCIDENTLY SAID SOMETHING THAT WAS INNACURATE? ANYWAYS, YOUR TIME HAS SURLY COME AND I PRAY YOU REALLY PONDER THIS MR FLURRY. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE LOOK AT THE DYNAMICS OF THIS TEST OF HUMILITY AND LOYALTY AND HOW GOD IS USING THE VERY MAN THAT YOU HAVE MAYBE AT TIMES TEATERED ON IDOLITRY, WHO WOULD NOT, AFTER ALL, YOU WERE HIS STUDENT AND YOU LOVED HIM, SO MUCH AND THEN YOU FOUGHT FOR HIM, AND GODS SACRED TRUTHS. THERE ARE REAL EMOTIONS INVOLVED SUCH AS LOVE FOR ELIJAH, SATANS GREATEST WEAPON, FOR THIS IS MADE ABUNDANTLY CLEAR AT THE END OF THE SONG OF SOLOMON, LOVE, YOUR FLESHLY LOVE FOR HIM, HAS CLOUDED YOUR OBJECTIVITY AND INSTEAD OF QUESTIONING SOME THINGS DEEPER, AND LOOKING INTO THEM, FOR YOURSELF, I BELIEVE, YOU JUST TOOK ELIJAHS’ WORD FOR IT AND BY DOING SO, ONE TO MANY TIMES, YOU HAVE HAVE MISSED LARGE AMOUNTS OF SPIRITUAL TRUTHS. JUST AS ELIJAH STATED “IT IS HARDER TO UNLEARN ONE FALSE TRUTH THEN IT IS TO LEARN A THOUSAND NEW ONES. BY ADMITTING THERE ARE SOME MISTAKES IN THE MYSTERY OF THE Ages and also some mistakes that you have made, that you need to publicly straighten out and show your humility, lead the flock by example, humble yourself before them and GOD, everyone makes mistakes. So many many people are looking to you, when they need to be looking at Christ. Show them, that even you can not be trusted, nor can Elijah nor can I, but only GOD the FATHER and His Son Jesus Christ are without sin. Most importantly, you must now be starting to realize who GOD would use, to really ensure, that you really understand, the scripture: cursed is the man whom trusted in man. Who did you think GOD was going to use to teach you that scripture? THE SLIGHT ERRORS IN M.O.A WERE PUT THERE FOR YOU. DO YOU NOT SEE THAT? GOD WANTS TO MAKE SURE YOU WERE FIGHTING FOR HIM IN ALL THOSE COURT BATTLES AND NOT FOR YOUR FLESHLY AND SPIRITUAL LOVE OF ONE OF GODS GREATEST TEACHERS. HE MADE IT VERY CLEAR THAT HE MADE NO CLAIMS THAT M.O.A WAS THE INFALLIBLE WORD OF GOD BUT DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE IT. HAVE YOU UNKNOWLINGLY PUT HIM ON A PEDESTAL OF PERFECTION? EVEN ELIJAH SAID IT WAS NOT PERFECT. GOD INTENTIONALLY ONLY REVEALED SO MUCH AND THUS ELIJAH MADE SOME VERY SMALL AND MINOR ERRORS WHICH GODS WILL USE TO HUMBLE AND STRENGTHEN HIS BRIDE IF SHE IS WILLING. YOU MUST BE ABLE TO SEE THE BRILLIANCE BEHIND THIS LESSON IN WHICH AFTER FIGHTING FOR THESE TRUTHS FOR SO LONG, NOW YOU WILL TRULY UNDERSTAND THE SCRIPTURE, CURSED IS THE MAN WHOM TUSTETH IN MAN. IF YOU DO NOT ULTIMATELY COME TO THE CONCLUSION THAT M.O.A IS NOT THE INFALLIBLE WORD OF GOD, THEN NOT ONLY ARE YOU REBELLING AGAINST GOD, BUT YOU WOULD ALSO BE IRONICALLY REBELLING AGAINST GODS ELIJAH OR THE TYPE OF ELIJAH. THIS TYPE THEORY IS ABOUT AS CONFUSING AS THE TRINITY AND BEARS MANY SIMILARITIES WHEN ANALYZED OBJECTIVELY AND CLOSELY. ARE THEIR 3 ELIJAHS? OR DOES 1+2 ELIJAHS MAKE AN ELIJAH TYPE? I GUESS WHEN ELIJAH SPEAKS ABOUT YOU, HE WILL SAY, OH MY DEER FRIEND THE GERALD FLURRY TYPE. DO YOU NOT SEE HOW THAT LEAVES A HUGE GAP OF CONFUSION, AND ONE THING IS FOR SURE, THE DEVIL WILL SURLY, UTILIZE IT. ELIJAH EARNED THAT NAME, AND WITH IT GOES HONOR AND GLORY. DO NOT TAKE ONE OF YOUR BEST FRIENDS IDENDITYS’, BECAUSE YOU LACK FAITH. Please do not use the vulgate to add the word type, MR FLURRY I WOULD BE TREMBLING IF I WAS IN YOUR POSITION. YOU HAD BETTER START CHECKING YOU PRIDE AND START ALLOWING HIM TO HUMBLE YOU WHICH CAN ONLY BE DONE IF YOU IRONICALLY FOLLOW ELIJAH ADVICE: IT IS HARDER TO UNLEARN ONE FALSE TRUTH THEN A 1,000 NEW ONES. APPROACH, THIS LITTLE BOOK WITH AND OPEN YOURSELF TO HIS SPIRIT, THIS IS BEST DONE BY READING THIS LITTLE BOOK ON THE SABBATH DAY WHILE YOU FAST FOR THE SABBATH NO WATER, NO FOOD. THIS WILL HELP YOU IMMENSLY AND I HAPE THAT YOU CHOOSE TO READ THIS LITTLE BOOK FOLLOWING DURING THE SABBATH, WHEN SATAN IS BOUND, BY THE SHADOW OF HIS WINGS. I JUST WATCHED THE LAST KEY OF DAVID SHOW AND I WAS AS LITTLE HURT AND I AM PRAYING TO GOD THAT HE WILL HUMBLE YOU WHICH IS WHY YOU SHOULD READ THIS WHOLE STORY ON THE SABBATH WHILE YOU ARE FASTING, AS I AM BEGGINNING TO WONDER. GOD IS USING ME!! DO YOU NOT SEE THAT, MY VERY NAME ALONE IS REASON TO INVESTIGATE? WHY ARE YOU BALKING? I SENT TRUTH, TWO WEEKS AGO. THE PROOF ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED IN THE GARDEN AND IT CAN NOT BE REFUTED, COME LET US REASON TOGETHER, AND I WILL SHOW YOU HOW THE BIBLE DIRECTLY DEFINES WHAT OCCURRED BETWEEN ADAM AND EVE. DID YOU KNOW WHEN WE BECOME RIGHTIOUS, THROUGH CHRIST, GOD WILL Call us, trees of rightiousness. That was sent to you by GOD, before you did your show on marriage, for a reason and you took not advantage of it. Why is marriage so important, because it is directly tied to what led to the fall of mankind, when Eve committed adultery against Adam, thus breaking the sacred union between man and women. This is why she gave birth to Cain, who was of that wicked one. Eve ate of the fruit of satans loins. Read the Song of Solomon and you will have your definition of the fruit. Elijah said it had to be temporal and you were given this powerful truth before your show. This revealing truth is more powerful than almost any point that would have preceded it. Every precious stone was his covering. Do you cover spirit? In Isaiah: is this Lucifer, the man that caused the nations to tremble. We know he is a man, as much as I am a man. The very loyalty and bond that a women and man share is so important that it is precisely what satan destroyed first, knowing if you put a crack in the family, the unit will shatter, leaving sharp pieces of glass that will end up cutting and hurting everyone involved.. What happened to Noah after the Ark landed? What was the first major sin? Slightly different variation, same theme, and same objective. This being sexual which is how you shatter that union of family. It is also how demons pass from one to another. Satan impregnated eve and then he entered her by way of her vaginal Orpheus because of her disobedience, this is also why GOD warns against sodomy, these are all gateways and methods in which demons depend on heavily, to gain access to human souls. Every time GOD gives us a rule, such as: do not commit adultery. It is for our own protection, in more ways that one. The two most important points here are, we cannot put our wife, no matter how much we love her, before GOD. GOD must be chosen first, and if the wife is not in agreement, then we learn from Adam and say bye bye, I will choose GOD. You see satan uses love as his greatest weapon with something like 80% accuracy, he takes someone you love like Mr Armstrong or Elijah. Wow, I did not plan that, and that should open your eyes as confirmation. He uses the love and loyalty for that person, like your love for Elijah, to compromise your loyalty to GOD, this is exactly what you are facing with Elijah. Only not quite as challenging as sacrificing the love and intimacy of a mans only wife. I need not mention the abominations of homosexuality for what sets this sin apart is the pride and arrogance of the ones indulging in it. They have absolutely no fear of GOD. In fact it appears, that they are trying to rub it in His face, with no success of course. For soon His judgment will come and it will not be patient any longer as it was in the days of Noah, wishing more would turn from their evil ways and chose life. The second crucial point, and this is absolutely paramount for an individual to have in their bag of knowledge or perhaps I should say wisdom. When you sleep out side of a marriage, you open yourself up to becoming one flesh, with who ever you slept with, not to mention giving demons a welcoming sign to come in and abide until a person willingly sacrifices themselves and the demon reigns superior in thought, body, and emotions, eventually governing the entire free will of that individual. This, eventually results in a very old, smart and dangerous vessel. Pray and ask GOD, if I represent him, why are you balking? Perhaps my messages are never making it to you. No, I can understand what a challenge this is for you, perhaps you have unknowingly put Elijah where he would not even put himself, in fact, he was emphatic about the very point that M.O.A. was not infallible. All of the words that you have said with such confidence on T>V> and you say them as though you are one who understands exactly what it means to be as a babe, are my things smooth, is there any other voice? Cursed is the man that trusteth in man. Who did you think GOD would use to test you on that which you consistently affirm to your public viewers. Do you not see, this is your opportunity to be as a babe and acquire more of some of the very strongest meat, coming directly from the cosmos, The FATHER of LIGHTS. Do you think GOD would use me, He sure is, and the messages and deep revelation requiring faith to conquer the very opposition of the rebellious human spirit is now being offered to you. The little book is here. Tell me, why do you think Noah is mentioned so many times in the New Testament? There is a reason. Do you think GOD changes? He does not. He is flawlessly consistent and if He used a certain method one time, in a particular type of situation, then he will do the same thing when that situation repeats itself, including using the same people. GOD does not change, and all history repeats itself just like the first time GOD destroyed the world, Noah was there and he prepared the ark. This is precisely what this little book will do, if believed through faith. If you are having trouble understanding it, then come, and let us reason together, and I will use scripture to back up everything that I have laid on paper, and I assure you GODS Truth will prevail. This is why Peter said all things continue just as they were from the beginning of creation. If the church wants to be prepared for ruling the world, then you must understand the very deepest threads of the Holy Bible. All you need to do, is sit down with some Greek and Hebrew dictionaries and a good lexicon and attempt to disprove what the Spirit says. I do not believe you will have any success. Then there is the final and biggest test to your pride. Did you jump the gun with,” that prophet”? You have the gift of prophesy which is better then being a prophet, the prophets never die, read the Holy book, it is in there, and they are Holy, this is what enabled GOD to work with them, prior to the comforter descending. You must really ponder the scripter: He revealeth His secrets unto His Holy prophets whom never die. They are archangels and believe me, providing you make it over this lesson of humility, you will grow immensely in the knowledge of our Lord and saviour, Jesus Christ, whom has washed us in His blood. For it is exactly what your spirit needs right now. Jesus will have come to earth three times, now He is our example, this is why Elijah came three times, GOD is not partial. He is not a respector of persons. Just to stop and admit you have made some minor mistakes, some pre-mature judgements. This will serve as a powerful example to others, but most importantly it will remind you of your own vulnerability. Every word you speak to thousands of thousands of people, matters, so very very much. I admire your courage and fortitude, for it has been given unto you by the Living GOD. You are a courageous man, just like peter, he kept clinging to the head because he wanted to make sure he had it right. Do you have it right? Is GOD using me? I tell you, I am Noah. I am what I am, nothing more and nothing less. There is a prophets reward and a righteous mans reward. The mans reward if far greater, which is what I believe you are. I would be able to see the angelic aspects in your features and mannerisms and voice, take heed my friend in whom I care deeply for, be exceedingly joyful for a man mad perfect by Christ is nothing short of a miracle. As you can see there are some rather painful or challenging rewards, that will inevitably lead many more to righteousness. Do you really think it was just coincidence that you received my information about Eve committing adultery against Adam before you did your show on marriage? People are longing for a palatable explanation of what went on in the Garden, because it reveals the very fall of mankind and how all the fallen angels copied their master, satan by mating with humans, after their master succeeded mating with Eve and impregnating her with Cain. We know it had to be physical and temporal. This is why Jesus says you are children of your father, the devil. The devils attempt, was to taint the entire human race, with a demonic strain, but Noah being an angel, also translated as a “just man” could not have any demon in his soul. For what fellowship hath light with darkness? How could a man with a human spirit be just and obey GOD and BE Holy and never die if he has a mind that is at enmity with GOD? Explain that to me? I do not believe you are able, not without contradicting yourself. Remember, the comforter had not descended yet. No act of prophecy was every committed by the act of a human will, but by Holy men moved by the Spirit. How could they be Holy, when the human spirit is against GOD. They were Holy, because they had not a human spirit, but the nature of an angel, the book of Hebrews clears this subject up, with precise accuracy. However, it is strong meat to digest for those with a human spirit. In fact, one must first be humbled, then apply faith and entertain it as truth, then try to disprove it. Seek GOD, ask HIM if represent His message. I realize there is a precise time element involved, because when Noah enters the ark, then the flood cometh, so for GODS perfect timing he may be testing you, to see if you will believe this message without Him directly intervening. 1 day is as a 1000 years, I just read your thoughts on that subject, in either James or Peters a living hope. Please read Genesis ch 1 to Genesis ch 2, which is a synopsis of are first 6,000 years. Genesis ch 2 to Genesis ch2:3, have not occurred for GOD yet, it says, the heaven and earth were completed. GOD has not even entered His Sabbath yet. He will enter it when He know longer has to keep His eye on satan, then He will rest while the remnant take over with Christ leading and taking over His Fathers position, not literally but symbolically. Christ will rule with the remnant and satan will be in outer darkness, as He is on mans Sabbath, so GOD the FATHER will be able to rest during His Sabbath which is the millennium because satan will be in outer darkness. This is why one day is as a thousand years to the GOD and a thousand years is as one day. Surly, you can see this, for it is not a big piece of meat, it is more like shredded beef, easy to chew and easy to digest. Oh yes, and a double minded man is just what is says, two minds. The mans’ human spirit, is its’ own mind and the entity or demon that dwells within them, is the second mind. Thus, a double minded man, who is possessed or who has two minds, his mind and the demons mind. This applies to about seven out of ten men, all at their own levels of possession and some progressing faster then others. This is why they are unpredictable and unstable because you never know when the demon is going to assert itself and take control of the mans mind, emotions, and actions. This is what makes them so unstable and always wavering. I often wonder if the four demons who are bound at the Euphrates river, meaning that is their boundary, they cannot cross over into the west which is why there is so much idolatry in the east and the birthrate on that side of the Euphrates is phenomenal. Perhaps the 4 demons have been producing offspring leading to the population explosion in china India and this would also create enough people for then the seventh angel is Luke warm is because he is manifesting 4 parts humanity and three part the little book
mankinds rebellion, Politics. Once again, mankinds clear and poor attempt, to exalt themselves, above GOD Laws and make themselves, like the most high. Always manifesting the characteristics of their father, satan, both in behaviour and the more they conform to the will of their father, the more they take on his physical image. Two things never stop growing on the human body, Ears and nose. GOD made man in His image. I will be like the most high. I realize my repetition, but it must be needed. Look up the word earmarked in the Webster dictionary. Designated for a particular purpose. Displaying distinguishing characteristics of ones own family or identity. To be indentified. Many of satans’ children, such as Bush, bare the likeness of satans image. He does not look like most people think. I guess that I sort of expect light and truth to just be flowing, from His Bride, and it is, but major lies should be exposed or if not exposed at least not reinforced like when you made it seem like Bin Laddin junior, was the main person behind the world trade center. I know GOD, would not be reinforcing the wrong stigma about anything. He would put the blame right were it belongs, and does not a lot of the blame belong, with the very political system, we have created and founded, through satan. People do not seem to understand the truth, so show them in the language they know so well, show them the lies, and they will be able to see the lies, for they are used to the language of the world, and then showing them the lies, which they will understand, because that is all they know, it may give them pause to consider the truth. It is like using the very tools of devil, against himself, which is GODS specialty, He is the only one that can do this. He can turn darkness into light, He can use evil to create good, to reinforce good, and even to nurture His very own Character. Anyways that is enough of my suggestions and observations. I am learning and developing with the rest of the remnant, and I would rather have spoken to much, than said to little. It just seemed that when Mr. Flurry said, that about Osama bin laddin, that he believed the same thing the world believes, that the trade center was bombed by laddin, the terrorist, but we know the whole world is deceived so even that is a lie. I thought to myself, surly the Bride has been revealed the truth, about 9/11 and if she was not and is professing the same basic story, that the world is professing, which is what concerned me about your comment, it was a typical worldly statement, that everybody believes. .Well right there, you know something, is a miss. If you agree with the rest of the world, that bin laddin is a terrorist and his fascist regime is hiding in Afganastan which it definitely sounded as though you were going write along with those awefull, lies. The Bride is supposed to manifest the truth in every area, especially, the area of government, since GODS Church follows, His government, then the very works and existence of your government or GODS government, should expose the false Government, Israel has created, and all of the hidden lies and deceit with-in the American government, should be brought to the light and exposed by the true government, thus showing, that Israel has gone astray and the very core of her rebellion, the Law, which is manifested by politics. Then the Bride is not only teaching and living and showing, a new way, but She is also exposing satans’ government, for what it is, this might, allow people to first come to the conclusion that our government is corrupt, and it only does the works of its’ father, which is to kill, steal, lie, and devise all sorts of evil, for the gain of a few, who know nothing, but their own appetites. Start exposing satan and His government for what it is and bring understanding where there are lies, and light where there is darkness. Many people will not even open their mind, to what you are presenting, because they do not believe there is anything wrong with democracy, in fact, most think that the reason we are in this mess, is because of the lack, of democracy. Show them what democracy is, and expose it, with all its’ wicked plots and lies, by proving with crucial pieces of truth, that GOD will give you, so you can factually stun, America, blowing them out of the water, with revealing insights and facts, that force a person to see satans’ government for what it is. Then, once thousands and thousands of people see our government stripped naked and bare, leaving no veil to project false images, it would just stand their naked, frail, sickly, weak, with no pride. Then, when they look even closer, they will realize, that its’ not a government built on freedom, with individual rights, it is a governments that is in bongage, thrashing and imprisoning all who live under it. Then, after they come to the realization that this two faced government, is a living breathing, giant monster that depends on its followers for food and sustinence. We empower it by sacrificing our very souls to this great dragon, so that it may not starve and wither away. Then, hopefully people will be  taught correctly using the Holy Spirit with salt and seasoning, in due season, with GODS consent, the people actually have a epiphany, and they realize that not only is their whole structural belief for society wrong, but the real kicker, is the very fact, that one cannot deny they supported, strengthened, and nourished with the blood of their own children and sacrificed there own freedom, just so they might have the opportunity to help this monster, our governments need to feed on the blood of so many that, they themselves are found to have blood on their lips.. Then, with the systematic breakdown and factual proof, that our president, congress, and the senate, are all murders, liars, and thiefs’, serving a corrupt and counterfit government, which creates a new perception, along with the individuals awareness, that he helped create and sustain this monster. The very realization that our whole government is a lie, is tramatizing enough, but if you compound that with personal guilt, and responsibility, for supporting, sustaining and even feasting, with this monster, it shakes the very core of a man, to such an extent, giving him an array of motivated fury, for they become angry at the monster and then the guilt sets in, and this ever so key emotion, which is only feeding the anger which in turn reinforces the guilt causes the individual to feel as though they need to work just as hard to expose, destroy, and rob the monster of what it needs to survive, the people, for with out the people, the monster, has nothing to eat and would grow weak, thus robbing it, of its stature and strength as a monster. Then, it would become just a weak notion of a concept, that used to exist in the minds of men, but now that it has lost its illusion, the very concept is also lost and people just stand around realizing, they are way out of their leque, and perhaps they better listening, to this man, Gerald Flurry, and try it, GODS way. People are not nearly as ready to accept a new way, unless you can first show to them and prove to them, that their present government, only knows how to kill, cheat, lie, steal, covet, and destroy. This is not a hard task, and GOD would give you all you need to strip our democracy down to what it really is: Satan. Then once a person, is introduced to evidence that cannot be refuted or denied, even by a carnal mind. Then their present belief system, pertaining to their very own creation, along with the fact that they helped and supported this government, or at least they were willing participants, or a loyal friend of this monster, then, they virtually have no choice, but to acknowledge the truth. Even, if you must start this process, with worldly truth, which is my main point, this is what they knows and understands, and by acknowledging the worldly truth, as opposed to the lie. This seemingly insignifigant victory, is actually quite the contrary. It is the first critical step, that the individual takes, in choosing truth, over deception, and in order, to accomplish that objective, often one must speak in a worldly language of truth, thus preparing them, for a whole new perspective of a spiritual truth. Jesus used this method quite frequently, He often used worldly examples, in His parables or when rebuking someone. Jesus knew this all to well, I believe that if a person can discern between the truth and a lie, in the world, a person must first speak to a worldly audience in a worldly way, then once they see the lies and their loyalty for their corrupt system diminshes, then you begin to introduce a whole new type of system and thinking, GODS way. How would you reach them any other way, unless be it by divine intervention? If the person chooses the truth, then it often is the beginning, of a foundation of truth, if this knew behavior becomes a habit or a pattern and usually the feelings left over, after such an acknowledgement, are guilt and anger which hopefully dominate, their consciousness, with a persuasive and influential authority hopefully dominating, their cognitive thought process, resulting in a energetic, passioniate, determined, and genuine witness, who could be used by the Lord and even developed into His very likeness. Which reminds me of Paul, who spent his pre converted days, slaying all who confessed the name of Jesus. However, when The GOD of Israel was done with him or rather had just started, he became, a mighty cluster of fruit, ever so dependant upon that vine for nourishment and survival in fact, if it had not been for that Strong, Thick, Healthy Vine, which cannot wither. Paul, would have never even bared fruit. Now, that precious, Vine, so Strong, and full of life, was anchored to the Ground, where in lies, His strength and His perfect combination, of minerals, acid, alkallies’, sunlight, water, in due season, and the perfect balance of vitamins and consistency of soil. Without, the Ground, I am afraid there would be no seed, plant, or fruit, which was passing on everything, that made Him strong and able to flourish, as a mighty Vine, He performed, exactly what had been done to Him, not by greedily holding on to all the strength, food, and nourishment, that He freely and generously received, but rather, He gave it unto the fruit, precisely as it was given to Him. The perfect Teacher, the Ground, being the FATHER and the perfect student, the Vine and our High Priest after the order of Mechelsidic. Now, the Seed, is the Holy Spirit,  it gives birth, to the sprouting Vine, or Jesus, it became strong and was then able, to act as, a conduit, to the ground, by giving to the fruit, precisely as He had been given, by His superior. The Ground, sustaines everything, for in it, the plant feeds, grows, matures, and is totally dependant for nutrients and life. The very interesting and extremely tantalizing, piece of meat, is the Dew from Heaven. For out of the icy womb, came forth the dew from Heaven, for who hath gendered it? The Father decided the gender, of the angels, when He would send them forth, this is why He says to Job, who hath genderd it? That is very close to the scripture, it is GOD, talking to Job, who happened to be dew, from heaven , a Holy prophet, or Holy apostle. This was the medium, GOD used, to communicate with humanity, prior to Jesus coming, remember, mans’ mind, or human spirit, is at enmity, with GOD. GOD, in His awesome brilliance and creativity, beyond anything, I dare even trying to comprehend, was again manifested, by His descision to utilize the angels or rather the prophets who are arch angels and Apostles are Powers, the third order, of celestial beings. He used His holy angles or holy prophets, whom never die, to establish and prepare the way, for the coming of the Messiah, while objectively, enstilling, His character, in both men and angels. One, as the teacher or having authority by having more power imparted to the intellect, via their angelic spirit. The Dew, is the only substance of physical matter that is not directly attached to the plant, yet it cleaves to the plant and offers it a certain measure of protection and nourishment, but it is clearly, not part of the plant, but it works in harmony, with the plant, and it is definitely not against the plant. This allows the scripture, for Jesus did not come to give aid to the angels but to the seed of Abraham. The Dew is not directly attatched to the plant, therefore it is not dependant on the vine for survival, but in another respect it is, and do not confuse this point. All angels cannot be compared to that of the King of Kings, and we serve Him. For without Him, we would not be fulfilling roles and being shaped and molded by the FATHER and being found faithful in all of our houses or families, whether it be Archs or Powers or Principalities etc. Hebrew clears all that right up. Who hath gendered it? Many of the arch angels, did not have a gender, until they came and dwelt in earthly tabernacles, of whom the world was not worthy. And if they would have been mindful of that country or of earth from which they came, they might have opportunity to return. Micheal, Gabrial, Rapheal, they long to serve the FATHER more than they desire their own comfort, for it is by their service, that they gain their comfort and piece of mind. In the Bible almost everytime, it says he was a “just man” it is referring to an angel. Men are deceitfully wicked, so how could there be  “just men” that all demonstrate unwaivering faith, superior intellects, and fill great offices. Like Joseph, who was a “just man” and one of GODS holy angels. Do you really think He would turn over His bestest friend, to a human spirit that was at enmity or against, GOD. Of course not, this is why when he told Joseph to leave for Egypt, there was no hesitation just like Abraham, Elijah, Noah etc. In fact, here is one single scripture which proves conclusively, that man and prophet cannot be the same thing, other then the external shell, but even that manifest its differences. The scripture is: Mathew ch 10:41 He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophets reward and he who receives a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous mans reward. You see, they cannot be the same, GOD is not a respector of persons. However, He is, of families or of orgins. A righteous man, will of course receive the greater reward, which is why it says, that even the angels will not be put in subjection of which we speak. The prophets have an advantage, that is why Jesus did not take on the nature of an angel, such as the prophets and apostles, He took on Him, a human spirit, the seed of Abraham, making it much more difficult to overcome the flesh because the mind is naturally against GOD, which is not the case with His holy prophets or Apostles. The reason it talks about Noah, Job, and Daniel, in Ezekial, which we know is an end time book. Job, Daniel, Noah, are angels,prophets,strangers or they are also called the Dew from heaven. Do you really think GOD, would allow or have Daniel see this unbelievable and misunderstood vision, and not allow Daniel to understand it, and watch it happen, personally from his own flesh. Read the end of Daniel, at the very end of the book you must compare several version, but it says to me go your way until you rest and then you will rise again, in the ladder days, to not only understand your dream, but as a witness, while you are simultaneously coming to grips, with who you are. The GOD of Israel, is a GOD of the Living, and He is also a GOD of understanding, it would almost be cruel, to have Daniel, see that vision and never get to figure out, what it meant, that is not how GOD works. There is even more proof regarding the fact that Job, will be here, in the last days. Plus, it says right there in Hebrews: Therefore since you are surrounded by such a great cloud of witness. Anyways, here is absolute proof that Job is amongst us. Look an Job ch 19:25 -27 And as for me I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last, he will take His stand on the earth. Even after my skin is destroyed. Yet from my flesh, I shall see GOD. Whom I myself shall behold and whom my eyes shall see and not another. Well how about that!!!. Job, Noah, and Daniel are amongst us, are you as a babe Mr. Flurry? Can you tell if this is the voice of GOD? Do you hear anyone else with this message? Is what I am led to talk about, smooth things, Mr. Flurry? It is the greatest challenge your faith has ever known, I pray to GOD the FATHER that you will humble thyself and receive this blessing, even though, your human spirit fights it, with all of it’s might. My name alone, and the meaning of my surname, should have already spawned immediate contact, on your part, to pursue the truth, unless you have become very accustomed to doing things, your way, which is mainly just addressing prophecy, with out any real new deep truths, since Elijah was here. Take heed my brother for I do serve the GOD of Israel, but I believe according to the scriptures you will reject this truth, and learn shortly there after, that it was His voice. Please do not reject this truth, for it is a gift from the GOD of Israel.
Oh yes, one more thing. I found another compelling scripture with gives credence and structural support to the truth about satan being bound or restricted on the Sabbath day. Mathew ch12:29 Or how can anyone enter a strongmans house and carry off his property, unless he first binds the strong man? And then he will plunder his house. That entire chapter was Jesus talking about the Sabbath. Please read Mathew ch. 12 the entire chapter if you will and I believe you will, find out Jesus, is talking about the Sabbath, this only proves, yet again, that I have a message from the GOD of Israel, not by my own power or intelligence, but rather by His revealing, all these things, unto me, so I may put the remainder of the puzzle together and make it complete, allowing the Bible to be fully understood as never before, with no slight discrepancies, no hidden questions, just pain old solid, TRUTH. I give all glory to the Holy One of Israel, ELOHIM by which we all live and breath and smell, the yellow roses, even when running through tall yellow mustard grass and seeing the yellow pollen, lightly spread across your childs’ eye lashes. Thank you GOD, for allowing and creating and making my dreams come true. Well, until later, Good bye friends, love noah dibble.  
I would greatly rejoice in prayer and supplication if the Ark of His covenant, that unblemished Bride, who is being tried by the fire, would with all understanding and power of His might or which is made manifest to His children of the seed of Abraham, with a human spirit by way of their intellect and ability to understand the deep things of GOD, that they may understand this scripture as it was intended to be understood, for we know that no scripture is of private interpretation. The scriptures in first peter chapter 1 :10-12 dilligently, without  reservation proves, what I have been telling you, about the prophets being arch angels/apostles are powers, and preaching a gospel that does not apply to them, in the same way it applies to men, of the seed of Abraham, or with a human spirit. The holy prophets can never die, they are angels in which salvation is not being offered, because it is not needed, they already have their bodies of spirit, which also means, they long to have the opportunity to come down, in the flesh, as a prophet or Apostle, and help serve their Master, by aiding Him in His plan of redemption and perfection of the human spirit and these are the things, that angels desire to look into, and why the prophets also inquire to know, because they are one in the same, and prophets are not being offered salvation, so they are serving you, not themselves, these scriptures completely, totally, and without reservation, testify to this truth, the truth by which I speak of: Of which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that would come to you made careful search and inquiry. Because it is not grace pertaining to them emphaisis mine searching what, or what manner the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it did testify beforehand of the sufferings of Christ, and the glory which should follow. Now, this next scripture proves what I have been saying, read it carefully emphasis mine, To whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but to unto us, speaking of the seed of Abraham, they did minister these things, which are reported unto them, that preached the Gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost, sent down from heaven, which things the angels desire to look into. It just told you two scriptures back that the prophets like to inquire into these things, and then it defines who the prophets are, by telling you, that the angels, like to inquire, which is how the bible defines things, by itself. Then it also said, that the prophets preached a gospel not for themselves but for you, the seed of Abraham, the spirits of righteous or human men made perfect, not for themselves whom havd the nature of angels, they already have their bodies of Spirit. who will not receive the glory that a vessel with a human spirit will receive. However, depending on how many times during their multiple lives, they turned people to rightiousness, which can add cubits, unto the angels stature. Well, the Sabbath is over. Giving all glory and credit and ability to understand to the Great GOD of Israel, may He ever guide your thoughts until next week Good bye friends. Noah dibble. Keep up the strength in Christ Jesus, Gerald for I am in dismay about your obedience, and your works, for please continue, to bring GOD His Glory. Thankyou my wonderful FATHER JEHOVAH THE ALMIGHTY!!  Oh, one more quick scripture that reveals the Holy prophets and aliens or Holy Apostles are angels, whom are already chosen, not called, and there is a distinct difference between the two. This is precisely why Peter wrote two books, as well as many other Apostles, one addressing the choosen, the angels and the other book addresses, the Church and the called, who may be choosen, the spirits of human men, being made perfect, by His Holy Spirit.  It is evidently clear that Peter first epistle is addressing those who are choosen and his second epistle is addressing those who are called. One book is for the angels and one book is for the spirits of human men, being made, perfect. Peter first epistle chapter two verse ten “for you were once not a people, but now you are the people of GOD, you had not received mercy, but now, you have received mercy. If they were not a people then who were they? They are the strangers/aliens or pilgrims of whom the world is not worthy, who are not being called, but are already chosen and if you examine the book of Hebrews it defines who strangers are in the book of Hebrews chapter thirteen verse two: “Entertain strangers for by doing so many have entertained angels without knowing it”Well, that pretty much clears up why they are chosen and not called as well as, why the Holy Prophets and Apostles never die and it also explains how Moses, Elijah and many others have been seen in Spirit, it also clarifies with total precision, how GOD was able to commune and work with various men, whom were often referred to as “just men” before the Holy Spirit, descended. These men were just because their minds were not at enmity with GODS, this instantly clarifies how GOD was able to make certain exceptions and how certain men of old, displayed such righteous characteristics and lead as an example of Faith, now, we know why Hebrews says: “ of whom the world was not worthy” However, do not forget all angels, strangers, alien, Apostles, Pilgrims, arch angels, Powers or Principalities, are all under the authority of, the King of Kings, who was made lower than the angels and took on him the full essence of a human spirit, the seed of Abraham. This is our faithful and High Priest Who sits at the right hand of His Majesty on High, Jesus Christ be glory forever and ever Amen!!!
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like Carl Sagan, he enjoys making it obvious, because he thinks it reflects mankinds stupidity and in many ways, it does. The roman catholic church, is his main whore, but he has many mistresses, but none of them are as loyal as his main whore. The catholic church goes out of its way to break, all of the 10 cammandments, right in front of your face and then they all gather together, on satans’ Sabbath and say, we break them all, because we love you GOD. It is so evil and so incredibly fearless. For they, know not what they affirm nor Whom they offend. The roman catholic church is laden with iniquity, the walls are dripping with graven images, they even usually, have a shops located outside the church selling the graven images, the profit from these abominations are only used to create more abominations and lead many down the wide road, that leadeth to destruction. For there is a way which seemeth right to a man, but the ends thereof are the ways of death. Then, there is the crucifix, the one moment in all time, that the Lord said, He despiseth, when He was put to open shame, on the cross. The one thing they hold up and the pope caries his giant crucifix metal that is implying it represents or is at least associated with the Living GOD and nothing could be farther from the truth. His suffering is over, must we be reminded of it , I am just glad its over. Many people say well, I where this cross because it symbolizes what I believe in. I dare to say GOD, would say your beliefs should be symbolized by the fruit you bare, not by a trincket you where around you neck. Other people claim, it reminds them of GOD. Do they really believe that the great majestic GOD would be associated with some little metal trincket. It would be an insult to even attempt to classify Him, it is as though they are trying to put The Great GOD, into a box. It will never happen!! Then of course, the devil figured out a long time ago, that if you appealed to people by way of their natural love for their mothers, perhaps they would start to direct that affinity toward Jesus’ mother, who was a chosen women, but she was only a vessel. She played no other role than to bring Him into this world which I am not downplaying, nor am I assassinating her character, but the devil is feircly, using the mother Mary, as an idol, to pull people away from Jesus. In fact, the devil is making a lot of personal appearances, all throughout south America, Russia, Germany and other places and guess what form he is taking. The mother mary, he is utilizing it, to strengthen his whore, before she starts to drinks the cup of her fornication and the her blood stained lips from all of the prophets she has slain. Did you know it is written in catholic doctrine, that one minute before Jesus died, he yelled over to His mother, I give you all power and authority over heaven. Can you believe that one. This is why, at all catholic services/baptisms etc, you must pledge allegiance to mother Mary queen of Heaven, before you give you allegiance to Jesus. There is a doctrine called the “Doctrine of Infallibility”. It is the 9 points of infallibility about the pope 1. he is blameless and flawless in all his ways 2. he is the vicar of Christ which is latin for Christ again. He claims to be GOD. Also the catholic church was responsible for actually altering GODS LAW, that’s what allows satan, to believe, it is his law, that is his major mark, the attempt to alter GODS LAW, by changing the Sabbath from Saterday to Sunday, the worship of the sun god, I would say its’ name but I believe a person, is not even to mention the names of such false or other gods. Now, I know, being the Bride of Christ that you are well aware of everything I just mentioned. GOD, has His only symbol, the six pointed star of David, so satan has his symbol, the five pointed star, the pentagram or pentagon, no pun intended. The five pointed star is by far the most used symbol in the world by 20 to 1. The five pointed inverted star is the medal of honor, if you kill enough people, in the military, you will be honored by the devil and this world, but often far from the True GOD. The five pointed star is now on almost every soda can, all packaging items, handkerchiefs that are sown by women and used to hunt for the souls of men.  I believe that the four demons that are bound at the Euphraties, I think many people believe they are under the Euphraties tied up, or something. However, after studying it for a while I am not sure so I will introduce it as a theory, but I believe the 4 demons boundary, is the Euphraties river they cannot go on the west side, they can only excercise their dominion, east of the Euphrates, this is why you can still die for having a bible in China, and anyone that has been there says, there is just something in the air a notable oppressive force. I figured I would just let some milk pour out for a little while. I believe in the bible when they are referring to spiritual curcumsicion, that means, if a person has been spiritually circumcised, then they are already in the full understanding that you must obey the 10 commandment and 7 holy days, but also knowing that by your obedience, it is not you that does it, but Christ within you , thus rendering all glory where it is due, Jesus Christ. A person who is not circumcised and very few, are truly curcumsized, however this is the first thing a mature teacher will find out when attempting to teach a new student. This is ever so crucial when teaching because as one can well surmise, the teacher must use a completely different method depending on whether the student is curcumsized. This, is why the apostles, always wanted to know if they were circumcised, as I would as well. Both require, that you start your teaching, from totally different foundations. In these end times the light will be unknown and forienge to the majority and what is evil will be accepted and what is good will be feared and slaughtered. This is the greatest time to ever be alive, as I know the Ark, is well aware of, the fact, that history repeats itself and GOD does not change. If GOD used a certain method for a particular situation, he will do it again, including using the same people, just as He exemplified, with Jesus Christ and Elijah and Noah and Job and Daniel and many, many more.
One of the books that satan, has used for years, to help reinforce his mistresses’, the false Christianity, his gospel about Christ rather than, the gospel of Christ. The first horseman of the apocalypse is made quite evident in the very fact that there are so many denominations, once again it appears as satan has been up to his old tricks again by just re-arranging a few letters ie: demoninations as apposed to denominations. All of these mistresses of his, some containing more truth than others, this is often, how he lures you into these false churches. He will mix or season, the lies with certain evident truths, this is what he relies upon, to hook many unto worshipping the doctrine about Christ, rather than the doctrine, of Jesus Christ. Every Church thinks they have the cornerstone of truth. Out of the thousands and thousands of different denominations, each one of them, is adamant in their belief, that they have rightly divided the word of truth and they are in fact the true Church. One of the books in the New Testament that has become one the books the devil absolutely depends one to create his doctrine about Christ, is the book of Galations. Few people understand the history behind who the Galations were and with out that essential knowledge, the book of Galations, can appear to be reinforcing the fact, that Jesus did away with the ten commandments. They love to use the scripture, the law is a curse to those that are under it. They fail to realize that the Galations, were Jews, who still today, for the most part understand the law, being the Ten Commandments, on a physical level, but not on a spiritual level. The Galations, of today are still going strong, believing that through their own obedience to the 10 commandments or the Torah, that they will indeed receive eternal salvation. They believe this salvation will be acquired by means of their own diligence and there own human spirit. They deny that the Christ has come and they believe through, their own fundamental obedience to the Law or Torah, that the kingdom will soon be theirs. Which allows one to quickly conclude, that they will be going to heaven, based upon the works of their own spirit, thus giving each Jew or Galation, their own credit, equal to that of the Son of God. This is preposterous and virtually insane when considered and compared to sound doctrine. It is rather odd, the people that keep the ten commandments do not acknowledge the Son of GOD, Jesus Christ, and the people that acknowledge the Son of GOD, do not keep the ten commandments or the seven Holy days or submit to the order in which GOD runs His Church, and soon the world, by His Government. Do they not see, it is obviously a combination of both, lest you grow arrogant and believe salvation comes by way of your own works. There are hundreds and hundreds of false preachers out there, who literally depend on the book of Galations to refute the need to keep the law. The truth is, if you do not know who the Galations were and what there mind set was, then the book can almost seem to give credence to their twisted beliefs. However, once a person realizes exactly who the Galations were and what they represented, then the very book they use to destroy what was put on the inside of the ARK of the Covenant and protected, unlike the book of Mosses which was in a shelf on the outside of the Ark and abolished with all its ordinances and perpetual sacrifices, sprinkling of blood, burning of insense, and hand washing rituals, that were to burdensome for mankind to practice, day after day. Not to mention the fact that it would not bring anyone to perfection, by which they may become members of the very family of GOD. The very book of Galations, that is used by so many deceived mistresses, when understood in the correct context, it actually reinforces what they use it to try and abolish. I am so tired of hearing how much GOD loves me. This is so grossly abused. It is more than evident, that GOD loves us. After all, He gave us the gift of life, we did not earn it or have that gift coming. It was simply just, given to us, out of the Great Kindness of His Nature. I believe the question that we should be asking is: Our we loving Him? This is my concern, His love has already been proved by the sole fact that He gave us life and created us, without Him and His generous ways we would cease to exist, not to mention the myriad of other direct proofs that His love for us, is greater then the human mind can grasp, and what about the sacrifice of His precious and loyal companion, the Word, who is now known as the Son, King of Kings, Jesus Christ, The Prince of Peace. I believe it is more then evident, that He loves us. I believe, the proper and more relevant question, the question you never hear asked and ironically it happens to be the purpose of our life and mankinds sole duty to perform. There is nothing that means more to GOD then obedience, it is by our obedience to the Ten Commandments and the seven Holy Days that we express our outward affection and Love for our Great Majestic Creator. Many people love to praise Him with their mouth but when it comes to the Law of Love, GODS character, then the soul and spirit are quickly divided and the vessel stands before you naked as a new born baby. It is by a person obedience, that will enable them to bear fruit and bring forth bountiful grain for His storage, thus stacking up for ourselves, treasures that are are stored in our own personal mansion, each already assembled and awaiting the Glorious Time, which draweth nigh, as we speek. If God gives you the gift of understanding His commandments then you will have the enormous pleasure of knowing who GOD is and what He is like. If a person chooses to obey the Ten Commandments then a person will actually sup and commune with GOD which far supercedes only knowing who He is and what He is like. When you obey GODS Law of Liberty then you become intimately aware of His Divine nature and He shares with you the full sum of Love as you learn to reciprocate His love by obeying the Ten Commandments. The more obedient a person is to the Ten Comandments, the more His Holy Spirit will come into to you and abide, any deviations in the individuals obedience is directly proportianiate to the absence or departing of His Holy Spirit. The more you submit your body and thoughts to the Law of GOD, the more of Him you will receive. The indwelling of His Holy Spirit is directly proportianiate to a person obedience to the Ten Commandments and the seven Holy days. This is why obedience is greater then sacrifice. It was not Jesus Christ sacrifice that saved mankind, it was His obedience that led to His sacrifice, not visa versa for the one is greater then the other. This is also why Psalms 119 is by far the longest Psalm in the Bible, in fact nothing even comes close to being even remotely similar in length, this is because it deals with the most important topic and precisely defines the strategy and method needed to please GOD, live forever and with abundant happiness and joy, providing the person is aware of the New Testament which describes in that GOD sacrificed His very best Friend, they had been together from the very beginning, and He sacrificed His perfect, unblemished Lamb, to account for mankinds terrible sins of disobedience and transgressions. We quickly come to the conclusion that, only because Jesus Christ, did it first, are we now able, to depend on Him as our mediator, closing the life threatening gap of death, that we brought upon ourselves. So, as we are made into the glorious image of Jesus Christ, it is absolutely imperative, that one never forgets, Who carved the way and Who is enabling us to be molded into His image. This is why we give all glory unto the FATHER JEHOVAH Who sacrificed His Loyal Companion and Son, Who now lives and reings, sitting at the right hand of GOD the FATHER, Jesus Christ, our High Priest forever, after the order of Mechelsedic. Now, perhaps the reader has a better understanding of why I believe, the question we should be asking is: Do we love Him and are we showing Him our love? The way He understands it and the only real way a person can demonstrate their love, towards Him? A person must first be called and then if they, are so blessed, to have been chosen, they obviously believed with all their might in His redeeming Son Jesus Christ and then allowed Him to dwell within their very soul, by conforming to His character, keeping the Ten commandments and seven Holy days, thus manifesting the very nature of Jesus Christ, through all of their actions. The question is, that so many people seem to lack the answer to: What is the nature of Jesus Christ. Well, when He came to this earth he lived and breathed the Ten commandments and seven Holy days, in fact He was, the Ten Commandments and the seven Holy days and GODS government, wrapped in human flesh, or rather, divine flesh. To thoroughly, understand the Ten Commandments, is to know and understand, the very nature of Jesus Christ. There is no difference. If you know the son then you know the FATHER, for they are one in understanding, convictions, beliefs, and character. I am now ready and longing to return back, to some stronger meat. For I have been pouring milk, from the Spirit, for some time now, and I am being prompted to return back to some deeper threads of the most awesome, fully self contained, living, breathing, Word of GOD
We shall discuss the book of Job, the oldest book in the Bible and Daniel and I shall give scriptural support reinforcing and stabilizing the scripture in Ezekial 14:14-20. My hopes and the Spirits desires, is to bring understanding, to these marvelous scriptures as never has been before, this will not only add re-bar, mortar, and steel, to the Brides foundation, but will also, lead Her to other drops of dew, such as, Daniel and Job, whom have their own gifts, from The ALL WISE AND LOVING CREATOR, that has given us everything, we have ever known. The sun is now setting and it has been a glorious Sabbath. I thank ELOHIM, with all my might, for His Works are Wonderous. Not by power, nor by might, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord. Selah. Until next week, goodbye friends.. Love your friend and fellow worker in Christ, noah dibble. P.S. I have added small and large sections throughout. Please read from beginning to the number seven 7        Is it possible that the king of the south when it pushes at the king of the north it will do so by detonating a nuclear bomb in England, thus allowing it to become a attraction to the whole world and serving as a catalyst to Germany and the Vatican, launching all the countries into a quick and speedy development of the Un holy roman empire. Then, after receiving permission from the U.S.A to strike back, which would involve the U.S.A turning over its nuclear weapons to Germany and perhaps the man possessed by satan, will emerge at this chaotic point, ensuring not to draw undo attention. Then with skillful accuracy, the king of the north comes against the king of the south. However, in doing this severe act of retaliation, the ever so crafty Germans, are careful not do destroy the main sources of oil, this would put all of the major oil reserves in the world, in two peoples hands, Russia and Germany. Perhaps, they have already agreed to stop all oil destined for the U.S.A, this would literally, put our entire military at a stand still, unable to function, without petroleum they will call for everyone to go to war, but none will go. Lets back up a few steps, just after the E.U or Germany gains control of the middle East and the rest of the crude oil, we being America, extend our hand to congratulate our lovers and it is then, that without reservation, the E.U. launches many of our nukes and some more of their own from south America, or perhaps the Balkans and we being totally caught off guard, do not have enough gas for our own military because Russia stopped most of its oil destined for U.S.A, after the caucuses or perhaps once Britain is bomb. My point being, they will have methodically forced us to use up all, or most of all, our oil reserves, by carefully, not to draw, undo attention, slowly cutting off, all of our access to oil. This is completely and totally speculative, and there are many reasons why, I question this theory. There is no doubt that, Americas economic Holocaust will be a crucial catalyst, for Germany and their comprised nations, to form with quickness the dreadful beast. One major hole in this theory, is that the Bible clearly indicates, that it will be the Assyrians or the king of the north, also referred to as, the rod of His anger. German means, man of war and Bible calls them, the fist of the wicked. The king of the norths’ primary role, has always been to inflict, the punishment on GODS, nations of Israel, which would be contrary to the theory I expressed earlier. However, the only difficulty I am having with a certain topic that I have not studied personally but I remember hearing it from Gerald Flurry. I may be wrong but I thought Mr. Flurry said, that Britain would become a tourist attraction and everyone would wonder and stand in awe, over how GOD, could let this happen, obviously meaning a nuclear disaster. Now, the problem with that is how could it become an attraction, if the whole world knew Germany had done the bombing. Perhaps, my memory is inaccurate and Mr. Flurry, never said those things, pertaining to the throne and England. In this particular instant my memory is not for certain, for I could have heard it, while was falling a sleep because I listen to them before bed and througout the day. So, if Britain is not going to become a tourist attraction, then forgive me, for my fuzzy memory, which would put all the pieces back, without confusion, unless it is true, then one must entertain my original question. Well, that is enough theories for now, let us get back to GODS Bible and the truth, lest I be dragged away by my own theories, which may or may not, be associated with the truth. Time will tell us. Oh yes, one more quick thing. If you have ever driven a Porchea, I am speaking of the new 911 Turbo, made in Germany, this car is only using a flat six cylinder engine and it is blowing away Lamborginis, with V-12 and V-8 Ferrarris’. The older turbo cars, used to have only top end power, until Germany created hydrollic lifters, that are located on the slates or fan blades, that blow wind into the turbo, these slates or blades, automatically adjust, to the variable engine R.P.M, enabling the engine, to develop and maintain torque and power, throughout the entire power band, allowing the car to excelerate, from 0-60 mph, in 3.6 seconds. This type, of superior craftsmanship, is what makes those five satellites that Germany launched, from Russia, so very, very, underestimated. Who really knows, what those satellites are capable of performing, especially, when taking into account, the Germans ability, for craftsmanship. Craftsmanship, is the ability to meld the engineering aspects with the technological components to create harmony or superior craftsmanship, this will unfortunately be used by Germany, to do everything, but create harmony. What if these satellites, can emit an electronic signal, that scrambles all frequencies of communication. All air bound signals, that utilize the the spirit, of the air, be it radio waves or digital waves or any wave, that is dependant on traveling through the air. This type of technology, would not be far fetched when one sits in the seat and drives a new Porchea 911 Turbo. It would also add mortar to the scripture: They will call for all to go to war and none will go. Ok, that is enough theories, for now.  Ok, so now, back to the Bible, the only thing in this world that we can count on for the truth, in a world laden with iniquity, a seed of evil doers and concerning Israel who may be the worst of all. Israel, is a stiff necked generation, of immoral, fornicating, sensual, perverse, and full of idolatry, and yet with all of this so evident, we refuse to hearken to the Word of our GOD. We have forsaken Him and desecrated his new moons and His Sabbath and His Spirit grows weary, of our new moons and our appointed times, of which He hateth. Oh, why will we not hearken to our Creator and turn from our evil, violent, and covetous ways, choose life? Obey, the Living Word and Hallow His Sabbaths and honor His commandments and keep His Holy days, for this is how one Loves, GOD. Those, who love Me, will obey Me. Many of the false mistresses, depend on the scripture, when Jesus summed up the whole law, with the two greatest commandments. That you love your GOD with all your heart, strength, mind, and soul and that you love your neighbor as yourself. However, they fail to realize, that if they were to look a deutronomy chapter six, they would find the definition for how you love thy GOD with all your heart, strength, mind, and soul and your neighbor as yourself. It says, and it starts with, the first commandment and goes through all Ten commandments. Then at the end of the Ten Commandments, it summarizes all Ten commandments, by saying if you do all of these things, then and only then, will you be loving the Lord your GOD, with all your heart, strength, mind, and soul and your neighbor as yourself. No single scripture explains, any subject matter, completely. One scripture will clarify another scripture, which will bring light, unto a third scripture, then when all these pieces are brought together and by His Spirit, then it will clarify, the full meaning or instructions on a particular subject or meaning. The Bible, truly is, a jig saw puzzle, all the pieces can only be put together in one way, this is not left to private interpretation, but to the indwelling of GODS Holy Spirit, this enables an individual to correctly put the pieces together, so they perfectly fit, each one fortifying the next and giving structural support to the entire puzzle, once completed, and once laminated, like all other jig saw puzzles, then the entire structure supports itself, each piece being the next pieces support, thus creating a detailed internal dependent structure, that creates a large external independent structure, thus reinforcing its’ entire structural integrity, as a whole, rather then parts of a whole.   This is in regards to something Mr. Flurry said on the Key of David show, since I have watched, so many of the trumpet shows on archive, and this is the only t.v. I watch, I am bound to feel moved, when a fellow believer and worker, whom I love in Christ, although we have never met, I feel as though I know you and believe that, for the most part, I do know you. You do not need to, personally meet a man, to learn about who he is, all you need to do, is watch him. For the person will always manifest the truth, through their behaviours, body language, verbally, or emotionally. If one is using the Spirit, it makes clear all things and will leaves no question unanswered. The Spirit will bring all darkness to the light and all the lies, will show you the truth. I heard you say, give Bin Laddin some nukes, and see what he will do with them, then you said, look what he did to the world trade center. He is a strong leader you said, as though he was responsible for what happened on 9/11 as though he was the main one to blame. Have you asked GOD to reveal to you what happened on 9-11, the detailed truth. Mr. Flurry, perhaps you have and you may even know, but then why put all the blame on Osama. I asked GOD for insight, He flooded me with the truth, about the real facts. In fact, shortly after it had started to trouble me because I knew there were things that did not match up. My biggest source of factual truth, that I witnesses with my own eyes, if you can find this C.D. It mysteriously, just arrived in my apartment, one day. I do not have guests, rarely. I am celebate, I have witnessed many miracles in my life. Since, my first true encounter of truth, regarding 9/11, I have regarded the finding of a cd, in which I do not no how it got there, but I knew what it was and that was the important thing. I knew and know it was a gift from the Great Teacher, who always brings clarity, to my confusion. It was a cd, that I recommend to you Mr. Flurry, that you try and get a copy of it. It was written and produced by the smartest man, out of all the men, who have been on 60 minutes. He is no longer on 60 minutes, I do not believe he has been on the air for years, in fact ever since he came out with this cd, he kind of just disappeared, maybe you could pick up on the fresh track of this story, after he made the cd, I have never saw him again. It is called the Conspiracy Theory and believe me after you see his thorough proof proving documentary, he is meek, to use the word theory. He obviously did not think it was a theory or else he would have never called  The Bushs’, and his family and elite members in the pentagon, all the major political figures, that owned large shares in oil companies, and voted yes for the war. If they met those two pieces of criteria, then most likely, they were involved, at some level. This man was smart and was clearly being used by GOD, to tell the truth, and he was thorough. He had the courage, to call Bushs’ and the elite, sociopathic, mass murders’, driven by their greed. Does that sound like a man who believes in a theory, perhaps, he feared for his life, so he introduced it, as a theory. Which is why, I would like you to find out what happened to him. There is evidence, that cannot be refuted. There is this one taping, showing Bush, asking how he could get the American people to support him, in going into Iraq. One of his associates said, the only way you could get the American people to support you, is if you created another pearl harbor and you can see his wheels turning. Did you know that laddin senior was the first major arab oil man, to invest into Bushs’ seniors, oil company, in Texas. Thus, catapaulting the Bushs’ into wealth and soon to be, political influence, for the two, go hand in hand. Bush junior, was born to do what he is doing, he has been an oil man, from the beginning. Just using logic, one can see, that part of the deal, was that if laden jr, took care of the dirty work, then he would get to serve his religion and profit financially, the very fact that the u.s.a. no longer, even actively pursues him, and never really did, ever. The Bushs’ and laddins’, go way back, there is no way bush, is going to kill laddin seniors son, after what laddin senior did for his father, which basically brought them to where they are today, this is why, they were indebted and also driven by their own greed. Bush knew all he needed was Americas support, to get his hand on that oil. Somewhere, in their deceived minds, they probably believe they were sacrificing a few, for the great many. These, are the types of sins, that are enraging GOD. The one most obvious and most revealing pieces of truth, that the whole world witnessed, it just seemed to fly by everyone, is the very fact, that we were originally after bin laden jr. and then we made a different turn, Bush constantly, tried to associate Laddin jr, with iraq, but just to show you how long it takes the u.s military, to find some one, if they really want to, such as Saddam hussien hiding in a cave with a picture of noahs’ ark. Now, back to the obvious fact, as soon as the u.s.a gained control of the oil in Iraq, the price of gas went from $1.49 to $4.00 in a matter of weeks. Now that is extremely revealing, in fact it reveal so much, when one really ponders it. It shows motive and then, if the motive is question, you have to question everything that was created to encourage America into getting to that oil. The reason it is so revealing, is because plain old logical Truth, will tell you that before America gained control of the oil in Iraq, we were buying it from Iraq and the people who were selling it to us, were making a profit at a 1.49 a gallon, so then how come as soon as we gained control of what was left, logic would tell you that now since we are not buying and we own it, then the arabs who were making a profit were taken out of the equation so the price should have dropped but it did not, in fact, they were not even gradual about it, pertaining to the rate in which the gas went up in value, is directly proportioniate with their greed and guilt. They did not even need to be gradual, no one, even noticed America GODS Israel are blind men, in a sand storm, with dirty rags wrapped around and around their heads. Did you know that just by coincidence or was it just coincidence, that there were four assimilated hi-jack missions, going on simultanousy, at the exact same time, the airplanes were hi- jacked, each one of the four missions, required two F-15 aircrafts. Their were eight, F-15 aircrafts, in the air, performing fake hi-jack training missions, at the exact same time. All four missions were being conducted on the west coast, and this was the first training mission of its kind, ironically attempting, to deal with the exact scenario, that was actually taking place, When the four fake senerios, were being preformed, which I also believe, is very revealing, to those who have understanding. They were already manifesting, their own guilt, before the incident even took place, by preparing for it. Bush, wanted to make sure the F-15, that we have on hand, were busy, and even if they had found out, they would not have been able to get there, in time. Even though, the four fake missions, were done on the west, since it was such a large operation and the first of its’ kind, thus being a multiple hi-jack training scenario, all air traffic control towers were told to be tuned into that frequency, to listen and learn. It had, the actual recordings, from the air controllers, in New York, who thought they were all, on a training exercise. It is the most ridiculous thing you have ever heard, by the time they hade convinced the controllers that this was real, well then, all of the fake hi-jack missions started to call in their distresses and emergencies, it was utter, chaos. The only reason the pentagon was damaged, was so the people would not put the pieces together and to help Bush reinforce that this was a matter of national security. I really hope you take the time to find this cd, titled The Conspiracy Theory, done by the smartest man they had for years on 60 minutes and what happened to him. I believe that men, that stand for the truth in such away, where as to even endanger their career, and even their life, should be acknowledged by the Bride, after all, that is one of Her main roles. To bring sins to the light. It says in the last days all sins will be brought to the light. That is what GOD does, He brings truth where there are lies and light into the darkness. He exposes the works of darkness by the brightness of His majesty, should His Sons Wife, not do the same. Are we not learning to be more like Him.  It is just that I cannot help but to wonder if the bride should not take a more active role in exposing satans’ government. Deomcracy at the pentagram, satans pentagon, the five pointed star, satan counterfit for GODS star of David. I will be like the Most High. If Gods Church is representing GODS Government which is a theocracy, why not address the very core of the problem, by exposing our government for what it is: satan government, designed to kill,steal lie and confuse. Maybe some of your time on air should be exposing our government, for what it is and in doing so you will be reinforcing GODS government, by showing how fraudulent and corrupt, all who attempt to exalt themselves, above and beyond GODs Laws, really are, which really do, define the very essence, of politics. It truly is, the devil fortey. I used to say and still do, that sure the devil is in the prisons and crack houses, but where he spends most of his time is behind the pulpit, with a bible in his hand preaching the Gospel about Christ. He is in all the great universities, that inundate the mind with so many lies that the human mind becomes overwhelmed with knowledge, which in turns caresses the ego and separates you from the weaker religious types and uneducated peasants, pulling a person farther and father, from the simplicity that is in Christ. However, only after they evolve, through this evil metamorphis, are they ready for the true essence of
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the little book
Eve ate of the fruit of satans’ loins, thus committing adultery against Adam and becoming the first and original harlot. This is why, Jesus says, you are children of your father, the devil. Eve might have fornicated and eaten of the fruit of his loins, before she even had intercourse with Adam. I would imagine that satan, then used one of his oldest tricks, he will use the love you have for a family member of wife to get you to compromise your relationship with the FATHER. Then, Eve returned to Adam and he could see the difference in her behaviour and countenance and he knew she had eaten from the tree, but the subtle and crafty satan inside her, seduced him, just like satan seduced Eve, only Adam was not deceived such as Eve was, thus proving women are the weaker vessels, being easier to deceive. Adam could see the pronounced change in her disposition and knew he was going to sin, but at that point, he thought he loved Eve, and with her now being greater in power and might, she was quite good at seduction, so Adam, slept with her after she had become defiled and was full of satans loins, this is why she gave birth to cain first, and this caused Adam eat of Eves fruit or in essence, satans fruit. For Eve was no longer herself, it was satan, inside her because she was full of his spirit, after fornicating with satan, and giving him entry into her soul, from what she ate, thus Adam partook in the fruit as well. If Adam, would have said no to Eve. GOD would have probably giving him a new Eve, but he could not stand the thought of losing her and he desired her so very much or at least he thought he did. This is precisely, why GOD, takes marriage, so seriously and fornication, because it was a large part of satans’ strategy and tempting scenario, to have his own family. A family that would be in his image, and loyal to his character, and a family that would portray his character, another conclusive piece of evidence that satan, is trying extremely hard to be “like the Most High”  Another scripture, solidifying the truth of this history, is that Eve gave birth to Cain first, and the Bible says: That Cain, was of that wicked one. Cain was the offspring of the devil and he went east into the land of nod, this would have been muslim territory, and started the Koran, with the family of Korah. Cain was, the devils’ child, so he was smart enough to know, he had to create a religion that acknowledged Jesus, but as a prophet instead of His true position. When john talks about he who sins is of his father the devil, that is the spiritual definition, after Jesus came in the flesh and the Holy Spirit descended. However, we know that what ever is spiritual now must have been physical or temporal then. This truth opens up many more doors of understanding, because after all, the other fallen angels or demons, saw their leader mate first, with a human, then they quickly followed in satans’ footsteps and started mating with the daughters of men, whom they found fair and created the Nephilum, violent, giant men, such as Goliath who were half human and half demon. This was the devil grand scheme to try and thwart GODS, plan for human redemption, by tainting the human spirit with a demonic seed or strain. This is where the Nephilum came from, half man half demons. Men of great size and strength. This is precisely what Goliath was and there were many more of them that emerged and they multiplied quickly until GOD saw that they had gotten to everyone, except Noah and remember, what I told you about the advantages of being a Holy prophet, one is, that the spirit of an angel imparts enough power to the intellect so the mind is not at enmity with GOD and another one of the distinct advantages, is there can be no demon that gets inside your tabernacle, no co-habitation if you will, because it would be like oil and water. What fellowship hath light with darkness? So, this extreme advantage, allowed GOD to use Noahs’ Holy angelic nature to create Shem who was white, Ham who was black and Japeth who was oriental and God knew, there would be no demon in Noah because of his nature. This is why it uses the phrase “a just man” because their mind is not at enmity with GODS. This is also, why it says Jesus, came not to give aid to the nature of angel but to the seed of Abraham. Now, this allows an individual to logically understand what physically took place in the garden and we know the bible defines itself, so look for the definition of eating ones fruit or eating fruit period, this is without a doubt conclusively defined in the Song of Solomon, plus Eves’ revealing statement which is defined as: to lay with a women, but even more compelling than that, is how GOD, defines touch, in the chapters ahead. Do not touch her, lest you will surly die He says, He even uses the word surly, which is a massive hint because I can not think of to many examples, in the entire Holy Bible of that word. This physical explanation, only fortifies and falls right in line, with why GOD, is looking for the perfect Bride, for His Son. In the beginning, satan got the imperfect bride of Adam and Jesus is referred to as the second Adam and Christ is going to have His wife, the Church give birth to the new born spiritual Sons of GOD. This only gives more credence to the fact, that when, it was temporal, satan must have taken Adams’ imperfect bride and Adam settled for satan, as his wife, where Jesus, the second Adam, will have nothing but a loyal perfect Bride, this is why, if you sup with other churches, you are committing adultery against Christ. No wonder GOD, takes sexual sins so seriously, it is a method or gateway, that demons use to enter peoples soul, as well as being the very sin, that caused humanity to fall. I also believe, this is why GOD, warns against sodomy, because He knows it gives the demons a window into the soul, that is why homosexuals, all seem to have that same spirit, as if they all got together and practiced or rehearsed, but the truth is, they all acquired the demon, in the same way, via the rectum, one of many gateways to the human soul or body. This is why molestation is so prevalent, now a days, because if the devil can infect them with a demon, when they are young, then that demon will mature, eventually gaining access to that person free will and will do what it was taught, exactly what was done to them. The demons see it as a form of their pro-death, rather than pro-creation. This is why, seven out ten people who are molested, will molest someone else. You would think that it would be just the opposite, unless there is another entity on the inside of them, slowly gaining control of their free will, every time the individual conforms to its desires, the demons gains another small section of the individuals free will. The demon, once inside the tabernacle, has the ability to affect the thoughts, feelings, emotions, and physical sensations, such as arousal. To be affective, they often, affect all three at the same time and the innocent victim, just assumes that they are his own thoughts and feelings. When demons are inside people, their biggest advantage is anonymity.  If you do not know, who you are fighting or where, your enemy is, then you are a blind man in a sand storm. Of course, the fact, that history repeats itself, is so evident, if one cannot see this evident and obvious truth, then may the GOD of Israel open their eyes: He will have mercy on whom He will have mercy. He is my Master, His name is JEHOVAH or the ALMIGHTY and giving all glory to whom, all things on heaven and on earth are under His Power, sitting at the right hand of the FATHER, Jesus Christ. ALL credit and honor belong to ELOHIM, for I am simply the messenger. Showing you what He has shown me. It is a gift for all of us, whom believe. If history repeats itself, than other paramount piece of the puzzle, adding mortar and re-bar to the temporal truth about what occurred in the garden. The first major sin, after the ark landed and the family began to dwelt among the land, was when Noah drank from his newly planted vineyard and became quite annebriated and Ham the Black man, saw his father nakedness and we know what the bible defines as seeing the nakedness, this is sexual intercourse, or some indication of a serious sexual violation. The very fact, that Noah, is the announcing, arch angel, a prophet, usually the beauty, of the angelic disposition manifests itself, in physical features. After all, the Spirit does govern the physical, does it not? So, this means Noah, would have been a beautiful man, just like when the two men or angels whom went into, was it Sodom, they were such handsome men, that the whole town showed up to have sex with them, but His servant Lot, bless his sacrifice, gave up his daughter instead. Anyways, my point is, Ham had known what it was like before the flood and the demon seed was probably brought through him, that is not to say anything bad about black people, it is simply what the scriptures say. I just believe the Bible and I am not ashamed to say what it means. Hams’ sin was the first major act of defiance and demonic possession, it was also homosexuality, probably, one the the very worst aspects of satans’, thwarted, mutilated, pitiful, twisted character. Not all sins are abominations, A abomination is a sin that leads to death. Homosexuality, falls into the abomination category. I almost forgot my original point, what happened after the ark landed and the first major sin was mimicking, what happened in the garden, they were both sexual deviations. History re=peating itself, is something I know, the Bride or Ark, is well informed about, especially given to the fact, that we are presently watching it elapse in front of our eyes, with the earnest expectation that Jesus is coming soon!!!!. Look at sex, it has to be the most destructive element on this earth, for out of it springs the passing of demons into your soul and once they find a body which happens to be the comoditee they are interested in, especially, since a body is what they are lacking. This is why demonic possession is so dominant today, because the demons are not just doing what their told, however, they do serve their master with fear, they serve him out of fear, where as we serve our FATHER, out of Love and Reverance. The Demons covet possession so much, because they get to actually have and control what they do not have and what they want the most, a body..Do you know, the supposedly, extra terrestrial are hiding with their spaceships, that I believe, harness the polar and southern magnetic poles as their form of propulsion. Their crafts are under the sea, this is why it says to the inhabitants of the land and of the sea. They will soon emerge publicly and claim they made us. They are really a third of the angels that were cast out. Have you heard aprox 400,000 witnesses during the Pheonix, lights phenomenon, it was the night Haleys’ commit was suppose to manifest itself, so everybody in Arizona was outside and this giant craft that made not one sound, electric magnetic propulsion using the norther and southern polarities and harnessing that power flew over head, it flew right down the main airspace, they were making a statement. The craft was so big it blocked out the stars for approximately forty five, minutes. Do you know who and what they really are? The two always come together, if you understand deep things of GOD, then you will also understand the deep things of evil. For knowing and understanding the truth exposes the dark but knowing and understanding the dark does not expose the Truth. As a matter of fact, just the contrary, it will bring you farther away from understanding it. Regarding the so called E.T. I have found that there is truth that pertains to the rightiousness of GOD and then there is Truth that exposes the devil. One appeals more to your carnal vanity rather than trying to focus on the FATHER and guess what one that is. The devil is very subtle, with how he attacks the intellectual aspect of ones vanity, at times he will even expose or reveal some of his schemes, just so the person, will run around and tell people about them and each time, as people are amazed, the devil, is there, to stroke their ego. In fact, I am in close danger of actually manifesting, my very own point. On to another subject. More about the devils angels and how they have made suits out of bio-organic material, plant life, because they can not possess inanimate objects, the suits must be alive, so they have created living suits out of plant life, thus enabling them to possess the suits and give the appearance of a three dimensional being, such as a Extra Terrestrial. They are responsible for giving the U.S military, all of it advanced weaponery. Now, they have sided with the beast of the North and they will claim, they made us, and give Germany, the technology needed to dominate. They will convince the world that they are from another realm or galaxy and that their intelligence is far superior to ours and then they will make a human being right before our eyes and they will give life unto it, and all will worship them, who receive the mark, for people will believe they made us. Their real identity is that of the fallen angels who have created ships that live under the ocean. I do not know if this is 100% true for I did not receive it from the Bible. Please understand that I am not claiming this, to be truth, such as I am concerning, the other subjects of this little book. It is just something that I seem to understand and I am not sure, if it is Prophecy or the devils Trickery, so I shall lay it down on paper and call it a theory and time, shall tell. More about the so called Extra Terrestrials later.  All nations will come under the spell of sorcery. The GREEK definition for sorcery is: pharmakia, pharmacia, and pharmacy. The bowl, with the stone grinder, sticking out of the bowl, that symbolizes a pharmacy, is for mixing the alchemy or somehow attaching the spiritual to the physical substance, similar to how they put Spirits into the Alcohol, which is not what occurs, it just affects the body is a way that make a person more vulnerable and more suceptable to being possess, rather then oppressed. Now, sorcery, which is really pharmakia, is only one word, of many, that is a fine example, of how satan, has gotten to the word of GOD and twisted it. It was translated from Hebrew, to Greek, to English and he definitely took full advantage of the translations. However, now a days, he is really concentrating his energy on all of the revised editions of the Bible. Soon, there will be, H.S.V., the homosexual standard Version. All nations will come under the spell of parmacies, whether it is Viagra, prozac, tylonol, heroin, cocaine, antibiotics, cough medicine, thorozine, or anti physcotics, with transgender hormones. What ever it may be, truly, the scripture is profoundly true when understood using the correct word. This is one example, of so many, that shows a person what the power of a good Hebrew and Greek dictionary can do with regards to bringing light and clarity into the darkness. The world really has come under the spell of pharmakia, in fact, I believe addiction, may be more usefull to satan, now than even women. I believe GOD and the Word, is infallible and flawless, in its original text. However, since the translations, from one language to the next, so many revised editions, it is imperative, that one has certain tools, when searching for the truth. However, before an individual should even start to utilize grk/hbr/lexs’dicts etc.. They need to read the Holy Bible, cover to cover, at least seven times, in order to increase your receptiveness to putting the pieces where they go, instead of, or where it, seems like, they might go. This is not accomplished through an individuals choice, for only those the FATHER draws whom He chooses unto the Son, Jesus Christ. A person can not chose GOD, He choses YOU!!  Satans, twisting and all his hard work trying to change the scriptures, was just GOD, using santa, as his personal security system, ensuring that His pearls would never be cast in front of swine. Some of the key versus, that seem to be more of a priority to satan, for he seems to be more concerned with some, more then others, especially if it has to do with specifics, pertaining to the latter days, which is now at hand. For the lion is stalking and she is preparing to pounce, seeking whom she may devour. Anyways, such scriptures that exemplify, my very point, which only proves again and again that I represent the Most High, such a scripture, is really, milk, but I will try to sprinkle both, throughout this small book, giving it the correct seasoning in due time and all for the glory, of ELOHIM as the Holy Spirit leadeth me. Such a scripture, is the scripture that explains, the giving, as the mark of the beast or the seal of GOD, which many of todays’ modern version are claiming, that the mark will be either a stamped image on the hand or on the forehead. The original King James versions say, the seal of GOD will be, in the forehead and in the hand, this is drastically different and far more revealing, as GODS Word, is intended to be. I believe the mark, is metaphoric and science, has recently claimed, that they have found out where the conciousness of man is stored, and they believe it is firmly anchored in the frontal lobe, which just so happens to be directly behind a mans’ forehead. Well, what do you know about that? This is where you either have the Holy Spirit, which is causing areas of your frontal lobe to spring to life. For this is where a man either rejects or accepts the law of GOD. This area, is also referred to as, a mans’ heart. The very heart of where the Spirit imparts power to the core of your identity and characteristics. The highest functioning office of where Spirit meats intellect and the essence of all a mans’ cognitive thoughts, convictions, and everything, that makes a man, who he is. From how, GOD designed their intrackit and unique personalities, to whether or not, they will be called or even chosen. . The seal of GOD, that is in the right hand, is describing the test commandment , the only commandment that allows a man to demonstrate his faith by his works and without faith, it is impossible to please GOD. With this critical evidence, I believe we can be pretty sure, the seal of GOD, will be in how you think and what you do. If you acknowledge the Law of Love, the government and you live in submission to His ordinances, being slaves to obedience and if you keep your hand from doing any physical labor, not to be confused with spiritual labor, on His Holy day, then you will have the seal inside your forehead and in your hand. Of course, with satans’ deceptive system, it will be using three different variables, some will have the mark, others will be worshipping his image and then there is his number. Satans’ main whore, whom he modeled after the heavens, in his satanic way, old ST. NIC what do you know about that, he really is santa claus or satans claws,
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. Surly, my repetition is anchoring the truth to your frontal lobes and the parallels, similarities, and proof from GODS word is soaking into the marrow of your bones. Look at Hebrews ch 4: 3-4 it says, For we who have believed, enter that rest, just as He has said, “AS I SWORE IN MY WRATH , THEY SHALL NOT ENTER MY REST”, although His works were finished from the foundation of the world. For He has thus said somewhere concerning the seventh day “AND GOD RESTED ON THE SEVENTH DAY FROM ALL OF HIS WORKS” Notice from the foundation of the world His works were finished meaning the work of physically creating but not all of His work was finished, because then it makes a direct distinction, between His physical work of creating, then He also acknowledges the different type of work that He has been involved in since the foundation of the world. Which is the work of using His holy angels or prophets whom never die to establish and prepare the way for the coming of His Firstborn member of the human family Jesus, while also perfecting and teaching and molding His angels. Now, GOD does not have a need for His Holy prophets like He did before Jesus when they were the only mediators between GOD and man. However, He has decided, in His infinite wisdom, that the ones that are amongst us today, will be doing primarily the same things  they have always done. Except for preparing the way for a physical Jesus they will be preparing, nourishing, or fortifying Eve the mother of us all, GODS Church, by preparing the way for a spiritual Jesus. Not to mention, the work of always making sure satan is eating right out of His hand. However, take notice of the distinctions or in the three different types of work, or for GOD, it may only be two. I am not sure, if GOD will completely rest for the 1,000 years and turn over all work to His new born Sons, or if He with just no longer labor with the physical or temporal, thus all of His work, will be with the Spirit, precisely as ours should be on the Sabbath Day. Anyways, the crucial distinction is the last sentence, it says all of His work where in the previous statement it said although his works were finished from the foundations of the world, not all of His works because it makes a direct distinction between the two. Please I pray that you can see that. I believe it is GOD, accurately and profoundly, with all brilliance and gentleness, describing the three types of labor while reinforcing the sanctification of the Sabbath and showing us the difference between mans’ time and GODS time. Yet, at the same time, He is also conveying, even though the proportions of time are different, the same Holy principals, blessing, expectations, restrictions and limits still apply for man as they will for GOD during His Sabbath. O.k. I believe GOD is desiring me to move on. There may be other mysteries revealed that you find much more rewarding and entertaining to your over all understanding of the bible. However Obedience is greater then sacrifice. There are very few things on this earth, in fact nothing, except for maybe mercy, that is greater than showing your faith towards The GOD of the living, ELOHIM. The next time you read Hebrews try to take the whole meaning, of what the book is trying to convey. The book was written to the angels or prophets by an angel or a prophet or a apostle or ambassador, all of them being some type of nine orders of Holy angels and the book was also written about the angels and that Jesus is superior to them because he was made lower than the prophets or angels meaning less power and might. He took on Him a human spirit, the seed of Abraham instead of the nature of an angel. This is why it says Moses was faithful in all his house but the builder of house gets more glory because Jesus is the creator or the Spokes Person for Mosses, and all the angels. Then, once Hebrews has made it clear, that Jesus is greater than all the angels, then it goes into detail about many of the angels, of whom the world was not worthy. Then, very close to the end it reveals something spectacular. Everyone wants to know what happened to these prophets or angels. It says although, they received a good record for their faith they did not receive the promise of sitting at the right hand of GOD and ruling with Jesus. Emphisis mine. Here is another example, of a chapter split, write where it is absolutely crucial, if one is to swallow this piece of meat, they need the statements to flow one after the other. They did not receive what was promised because Hebrews ch 11:39 to ch 12:1 their should be no chapter break!!!!! Did not receive what was promised because GOD had provided something better for us, so that only together with us should these strangers or prophets be made perfect. Mr. Flurry, are you in the process of being made perfect? Yes I believe you are and so am I. You see, GOD had decided something even grander and more excellent, that we would both be made perfect, together with one strenghthening the other, as a witness or as wind does to fire. Listen to the next statement, this will blow you away. Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every sin that ensnares us. The word Also, is a key word in this scripture because it directly implies these witnesses will also be laying aside every sin obviously at the same time or it would not say also. Mr. Flurry, do you believe your Bible? Do you believe that this small book is a direct piece of proof that you are surrounded by one of those witnesses and we are both being made perfect together, not apart from one another, but together, one as a witness and the other one whom the promise has been granted or will be. Then at the end of Hebrews after all the prophets clearly described themselves as strangers to this world, it says, just so you do not miss the entire purpose of the book. Entertain strangers, for by doing so some have entertained angels without knowing it. Then, only one chapter away the bible defines, who these strangers are in Hebrews 13:2. They claimed to be strangers and exiles to this world of whom the world was not worthy. Look up the word exiles in your Hebrew dictionary and it is defined as: belonging to GOD The book of Hebrews is clearly written to the angels about the angels for the angels and to allow for a tremendous amount of light to break through the darkness by clarifying who the Holy prophets were, this answers many questions and clears up many scriptures, whether you admit it to yourself, or simply pushed it to the back of your mind. There were and are many discrepancies in the bible if you do not know that the Holy prophets, already had bodies of spirit and were angels not governed by a human spirit, but rather by the nature of an angel which imparts enough power to the mind to or intellect, thus rendering the mind to be in harmony with GOD or at least not at enmity with GOD such as the human spirit that is governed by the fleshly mind. Rather than, the Spirit governing the fleshly mind as is the case with the nature of angels being greater in power and might It reveals who the prophets were and how come they never die. Do you know what the greek definition is, for the men of old? The definition is: Members of the celestial council. The book of Hebrews reveals how Jesus was able to work with these men, before the Holy Spirit descended. He makes His angel as wind. One of the Hebrew definitions for wind is, mental disposition, superhuman. It explains why there are men in history whom clearly, were men of greatness. Superior in their mental facilities, vocally, and their innate ability to understand who GOD is, unless GOD withheld things about Himself and used their superior intellect for a specific purpose. Yes, GOD would often use these men with angelic natures to perform essential tasks, without revealing everything about Himself. Everything in GODS order, and in His time. It also, explains many of the great men that have live since Jesus came and many of those men had their same original names Abraham Lincoln, Noah Webster and many more who are all a great cloud of witnesses. God truly did arrange something better for us. Once you see Hebrews for what it is, you wonder how you could have ever missed it. What about all those unanswered question that you have about certain discrepancies, that you are so afraid to analyze because of the innate fear of believing, if you tackle all of those, but what about this, and what about that, your greatest fear is that you may not find an answer. This is what the human spirit is famous for. Instead of challenging your questions and searching for an answer the human spirit pushes it to the back of your mind a pretends it is not there, even though it is always staring you in the face and eventually it leads to a lack of Bible knowledge which becomes a symptom of a greater problem, A Lack of Faith and belief in your Creator and His Infinite Mysterious Ways. It is very similar to how people handle the trinity. They don’t really get it because, it is either false, such as the trinity or in is not all there or there are certain discrepancies, contradiction, or just plain old inconsistency. For example, how did you deal with the phrase, that He reveleath His secrets unto His Holy prophets whom never die. What would have been your explanation, before you truly came to understand Hebrews. How would you answer the question of Moses and Elijah and Abraham all be seen in spirit several times even with Jesus. The student would ask but I thought it says right here that no man has ascended to the father, except for the Son of man. Please the student would ask, How did Elijah and Moses get their bodies of spirit if the scripture says, that the only human spirit or human to get there new body, has been Jesus. Now you have a problem do you not. You are now facing what appears to be a direct contradiction. These are all differnet types of questions you must have been running from. How was  GOD allowed to work with some men, before the comforter came, when GOD and sin cannot mix. There is no compromise there. Mans mind, which is governed by the human spirit is at enmity with GOD and until the Comforter came there is no getting around that one. He could not work, instruct and teach vessels to obey him, and do great things, when they are naturally and totally against Him. This is one of the main reason, Jesus died and now lives. Yet, knowing this simple fact. How would you have answered a question such as How come GOD was able to work with some men before the Comforter came? When it clearly states in many scriptures, that it would have been impossible for GOD, He cannot commune with sin. Now, thanks to ELOHIM, you will know how to answer such a question. You will say, well, Jesus is the only man with a human spirit to have ever reached perfection and been glorified with His body of Spirit. This is why it says Mosses was faithful in all his House which means family, the family of the arch angels or patriarchs. The Holy prophets were men whom did not have a human spirit, they had the disposition of an angel or the nature of an angel, this is why they never die. This is precisely why it says, Jesus did not come to give aid to the nature of angels. These strangers, prophets, or arch angels are also referred to as the dew from heaven. Read JOB ch 38:28-29. the angels had do be gendered. For who hath gendered them? Zechariah 8:12 and the remnant will possess all these things. Now what function does dew provide? It nourishes and feeds the fruit. Yet it is separate from the plant.  Oh, now I am starting to see. Since these prophets of old did not have a human spirit which imparts power to the intellect but a spirit that was greater in power and might, then that explains why their minds were not at enmity with GOD. This explains how GOD was able to work with them and commune with them, because they were not naturally and carnally against GOD. There angelic nature dominates over there carnal mind, thus making it in harmony with GOD, well actually that takes time and lots of love and patients from GOD, but at least the mind of a holy prophet is never against or opposed to His maker, not naturally anyways such as the human spirit, because the deeper intellect and intelligence really applies to the spiritual. It is not an intelligence of this world, so GOD is clearly evident to a prophet based completely on his logic alone, the ability to separate your deductive logic and reasoning from your emotions, the carnal fleshly ones, is much easier for a prophet. The Spirit really does manifest itself physically, ranging from coordination to the ability to heal, physically, dealing with viruses, and the capacity for over all increased awareness, which comes from the ability to concentrate and stack knowledge on top of knowledge, thus affecting a prophets previous conclusions. It is just natural for a human, with the nature of an angel ,to manifest the things of their natural power and might, just as the human spirit always manifests its natural abilities like being at enmity with GOD, consistently and naturally. This is why it says and at 120 years right before Moses died his eye was not dim and his natural force or power and might had not abated. It says his natural power meaning he was born that way. We know this, for behold when they saw the baby face of Moses they knew he was no ordinary child. The spirit of Micheal the arch angel with in him and it was evident, even as a baby!!  You can imagine my life. How does one discuss this topic without seeming arrogant. You simply do not!! However, my concern is serving GOD, not man. It is so obvious and once you become like a babe, and accept that the holy prophets are arch angels, that is where the word patriarch comes from, the second order of angels, called arch angels where as Elijah may have been a power, the third order of angels because he is an apostle and an ambassadors. The prophets who reach perfection will not received the glory that a human spirit will receive, but on the other hand many of the prophets continued to come back to earth, even after Jesus came to offer services to GOD that would utilize there power and might to strengthen His Church and help to lead the brethren or saints to the author an finisher of their fate, Jesus Christ. Now maybe, you will fully understand, that before Jesus the Lords will, was carried out by those who were greater in power and might, His angels, but now, the only way a human spirit or a man will find salvation is by His Holy Spirit, which descended on the day of Pentacost. My intention is not to imply that the Prophets and Apostles are not governed by the Holy Spirit, for they most certainly are, however they were born with the nature of an angel, thus having the Holy Spirit reside inside their souls is natural, this is why they are referred to as “Holy Prophets or Holy Apostles. Now, for the first time, you may understand the scripture, Not by power, nor by might, but by my Spirit saith the Lord. I will finish this topic with one of the most obvious and revealing scriptures that reinforce what I am being led to tell you, is the Truth. Hebrews ch 2:2-4 pretty much puts it all in a box, with a nice little wrapper on it. For if the word spoken through angels proved un alterable and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompence, how shall we escape, if we neglect so great a salvation. Etc. That clears it write up, you probabley wondering how you could have ever overlooked it. Who spoke the Word before salvation came. We know it was His prophets, and who are His prophets? The previous scripture just plainly told you. Now when you stack that truth with what you already know and you take the rest of Hebrews into account, such as the fact that,: once it makes clear that Jesus is greater then the angels, then is goes into detail about the angels even naming them and explaining things about them from milk to meat. For example after Jesus came, GOD did not have to use His prophets anymore He could have relied totally on the comforter, but He had provided something better for everyone and in doing so GOD, is able to add characteristics, reinforce attributes and shape their angelic characters while strengthening His servants the flames of fire. Very similar to how wind affects fire!!! He figured out a way to simultaneously mold man and angels into the image of His Son, while the ones who have distinct advantages only fortify the works of the comforter, thus making His angels as wind and His servants as flames of fire. You are the fire and this little book is the wind. I have been thinking, and as much as I long for the fellowship, I would rather remain anonymous when it comes to all of this newly revealed truth, that will complete the puzzle, that was mostly put together by Elijah. I want to officially become a member, but the reason I do not think all or any of the members need to know that I was the messenger led by the FATHER in which I give all glory and praise and credit. Who has bought conclusions to many of the deeper mysteries
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scripture if he tends to the birds and to the lilies of the fields then how much more, that is an extremely rough and not even close to what the real scripture says but I believe I have conveyed my meaning, regarding the identity, of the scripture, this being, my primary concern, being understood, and to clarify and to articulate ones meaning. This is what the majority of life boils down to, once a person achieves there obedience a large portion of a persons life boils down to how well they learn to communicate with others, after all, the main goal, is to lead people to rightiousness and to teach them, this is accomplished by your actions but, it is the Word that instills the action and brings signifigance and truth to all we know. Therefore, the ability to convey what one is attempting to convey or communicate becomes incredibly important. In many ways at times I feel as though I am not only processing the knowledge I have gained in this life but the Spirit leads me to gather information from collective generations of compiled knowledge and the ability to shuffle this knowledge accurately which is constantly being updated and re=shuffled, and to arrive at new conclusions, which spark new ideas, that give birth to a fire of knowledge and understanding, thus allowing, a man to form and shape His habbits, personal convictions, integrity and if so offered, the very character, of GOD. The truly difficult and challenging aspect, is not the suffleling, organization, and proper order of learned material. It is the ability to hand the pieces of shuffled knowledge back to someone else, in an order that is suitable for them, and where they are in their learning process. In many cases, your shuffled knowledge, is based on where you are personally, in your own learning curve, or process and it may be completely foreign, to someone else, and often is. Then the teacher must quickly discern this, and attempt to re-shuffle his learned knowledge, but not to such an extant, that compromises the truth, but rather makes it palatable, for your hungery student, or students, which classifies everyone. This is all made possible by yielding to the Holy Spirit, this is challenging and it can be, a difficult element. Now, regarding the knowledge being shuffled, so it is palatable, for the learner, the truth must often be shuffled into a way that is by and large foriengn to you, the teacher, while simultainiously, still acquiring and stacking more knowledge for yourself, re-shuffling it, and always gaining, in truth, and understanding, while you may very well be teaching in a way that directly contradicts your process of growth and what you may need to gain more revealed insight and knowledge. This is where the fine line between intellectual vanity and revealed Truth are drawn. The true servant of GOD is more than willing to compromise or sacrifice their own pursuit of truth in order that they might lead someone else to rightiousness. Even if it means milk continues teaching of milk. The way of give, rather than get. Then, for the final and true test of a skilled teacher, whom is not skilled by their own power but by that Power, which comes from GOD; The Holy Spirit, is when you are teaching to more than one individual and each person is at their own unique place, in their understanding of the divine, as well as their understanding of the physical knowledge of the world. Then, if a teacher can yield, allowing the Spirit to govern, he will be able to shuffle the cards and each student will receive them in the proper order meant for that particular vessel while the teacher is also learning from his own manifestation of the Spirit and any manifestation of the Spirit that may pop up in any one of his students. This is exactly, what GOD does with billions every second. NO wait, I am sorry FATHER for my hastyness and lack of patients. I take that statement back. It is not exactly what GOD does, it fact it is not even closed and I am sorry for such a statement. Please accept my apologies to the readers as well but most importantly I am sorry to GOD for my Hastiness.  What I should have said, is it points out a small fraction of the total magnitude of GODS’ Supreme Ways. Here are two quotes from Noah Webster. No government or society shall ever flourish with peace, happiness, prosperity and love, without law. A law and government based on the order and teaching of the Christian doctrine; the bible, which allows for a flawless theocracy in which GOD is the master, His Son is our example. He also said That education was completely useless without the Bible, and that if we remove or reject the Christian doctrine from the class room, we will have turned our back on GOD, and the source of all Truth. Even though the true gospel was still hidden from Noah Webster, because everything is done in GODS time and His way Mr. Webster still expressed some pretty riveting truths, whether or not He fully understood them or not, He was a man that would appear to be greater in power and might, which is usually measured by ones impact or influence on the world in which I dare to say Noah Webster, Webster the word is defined by means to weave, this is what he was commissioned to do, weave the lexical roots using latin and Hebrew, into words which would be sowed and later announced as the physical American language, to a physical world, the second time Noah was here, following in His Master Footsteps, Jesus Christ by way of JEHOVAH as Elijah has already completed, however, I must fulfill my third commission which would be to prepare the spiritual Ark of His convenant for the coming of a spiritual and physical flood which will ultimately be fire instead of water but it will begin with war, and the Beast will spew water out of it’s mouth at the remnant. Even Genesis, is prophecy for today, and Noah will give them rest. Abraham came either his second or third time as Abraham Lincoln, which also was the fulfilling of GODS promise to Abraham, I will make thee a father of many nations. Abraham was coincidently or is it just coincidence, called the father of nations and even though the true gospel was still hidden to the world and obviously certain truths were not revealed to Abraham because GOD had deemed Elijah for that commission and a later time, he was still a man that had a profound affect on shaping and influencing the world. Clearly manifesting superior power and might, which were made evident by his fruits and all of the men that I have mentioned demonstrated the seven laws of success. The very people that elected Abraham were for slavery, yet he abolished it, which I believe show you his position did not come from the people, nor was it governed by the people. Honest Abe, they called him. Here is something close to what he once said, after declaring the national day of prayer and fasting. Have we become so arrogant and so mis-lead that we actually believe all of our blessings, natural resources, plentiful soil, bounty of land, fair weather and our supreme wealth as a nation has all been acquired because of the devising, planning and the pre-meditated act of creating the blessings ourselves with our ingenious farming techniques and our superb technology which we, by means of our own intelligence have created and made. Have we forgotten that all are wealth, prosperity, and strength comes from The GOD of Isaac, Jacob, and Job. Many people believe because of Abrahams concern, for the people just as he was the first time he came as a patriach, or arch angel, that his day of prayer and fasting has lead to many more to becoming firstfruits. GOD, honored his plea, other wise it is very possible the world tomorrow might already be here. What is exciting is, what if that was Abrahams second commission then he may be amongst us, representing the dew from heaven. Perhaps, it will only be the three mentioned in Ezekial ch. 14:14-20 Anyways, Just like Elijah was proclaiming the coming of the physical Messiah in the physical wilderness the second time he was here and Noah Webster the second time brought light and understanding to millions and still does today by announcing the American language. GOD does not show partiality whether to men or angels. Elijah, having already completed his third commission, which not only reinforces the set of threes, for prophets in order for GOD to fully develop, certain key aspects of their nature, or to perfect His convenats. I believe He uses each life a prophet has lived form many, many, reason, but one of the reasons is each life teaches that angel, either new things that he may have never known or they work to reinforce what they already knew and are: servants of the most High. I believe the obvious pattern of men, whom already have bodies of spirit, whom cannot die and whom seem to be following our example: the author and finisher of our fate, Jesus Christ by conforming to His pattern of threes, is worth mentioning and definitely deserves our attention. Then when, Noah entered the Ark the flood came, could be one of the most revealing prophecies!!! If you analyze history, in an attempt to identify the prophets of old, by their fruits, and by their names, I am quite confident they would become apparent.  Now, for the garden, what really happened? Well the sun has set. I give all glory to where it belongs to the Great life Giver, the Creator, the Giver of everything and the Teacher who is so patient and merciful and His teachings are endless. One last interesting kernel of truth. Did you know that they have found traces of plutonium in almost all granite, yet not a single trace of uranium. Once again, science is stumped, by their own vanity. Science knows the only way you can get plutonium, is from uranium, but there is no traces of uranium in the granite. How can that be? GOD has made it be, that is how. Now we begin, to fully understand the scripture, even the rocks will melt. The uranium or plutonium from the nuclear bombs will trigger the traces of plutonium found throughout granite and cause the rocks to melt. Without the Bible we truly are blind men in a sand storm with dirty rags rapped around our eyes. All praise and glory to ELOHIM. He never ever ever ever ever ever ceases to amaze me. Until next week, goodbye friends..   Love, noah dibble  P.S. I just did a quick search on the words rested and Fixes which both appear in the book of Hebrews. I realize that it appears as though I am being repetitive and in some cases I am and for good reason for repetition might break down the lack of faith, but I found something new that I had missed. We know in Greek fixes is to bound or to limit, to appoint,decree, specify-declare, determine, limit, ordain, a boundary line and in Hebrew it means to cover as covered in. Now for the lexical aids says boundary. To bound, put limits to. That one word reinforces abiding under the shadow with to cover and that is satan is boundary,  the shadow he can not go under the Wings, this is why he is limited, in fact he might as well be in outer darkness. Now for the word rested lexical aids first To make cease, to restrain then it also says to use as a dwelling. He who dwelleth in the secret place of the lord shall abide under the shadow of His Wings. More conformation. Then, it tells me to go to 3973 in the lexicon which says more things like to cause to cease, to give rest, and once again it says a dwelling. Well how about that!! Then it gives one more 2596 which says a lot but the last sentence says To render inoperative. And to them of those who formally had the goodnews preached to them they failed to enter into His rest because of disobedience. That scripture does not just mean, they refused to obey, it defines much earlier, that if you keep turning from GOD, your heart will start to harden and because of your disobedience, a mans heart will harden to the point of and evil heart of unbelief, a heart that is in capable of faith because of the sin that the individual continued to commit, resulting in a hardening of the heart to such an extant that it eventually causes, dis-belief and evil. Now for the Hebrew definition for rested 2664 to conceal oneself, to disguise or to hide. This is just another element of proof that fortifies, my testimony to conceal, means it is a secret and it mean you are hidden under the shadow of His Wings, and it also supports that satan might as well be in outer darkness, for the people who are truly entering that rest. Now, if you are hidden from the enemy for twenty four hours one day a week would that not be the day you would attempt to find others and send messages and heal and proclaim your prophecy and your warning messages. You nor your messages or anything you do on the Sabbath can be seen by the enemy. If he can not even see you then he does not know who is getting your messages so he can not bombard their thoughts, interrupt or distract them. He can not trip someone up who is about to turn on the Key of David show. Normally, if it is Sunday, or any other day he would cause a distraction and that person would get side tracked, long enough to miss the program. On the Sabbath he is clueless. The Sabbath was truly made for man sake. It is time we start to utilize this awesome gift the way Jesus did. Besides, it is about time that His Bride starts to manifest the sign that identifies who their Master is. It should be manifested in all that you do. Another unique aspect which sets the Sabbath in a class of its own. No commandment claims to be a sign, of course you know what the sign is to GOD. It is the sign of true FAITH!! In fact, in the English version the definition for Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the sign that those things unseen are true. Remember the Sabbath is a sign between GOD and His people so that they will know Who makes them Holy.                                                            Noah Dibble divinity.EATE THE LIGHT. FOR BY YOUR WEAKNESS YOU WILL BE MADE STRONG.